
s i g n s--o f--l i f e


08-09-2013, 02:39 AM

How did life get like this? Who was she now? Ebony head hung low, as she plodded slowly through the wood, her whole features downcast. She was a mistake. A disappointment. She wasn't needed. No one cared if she took another breath. Somewhere along the path to power, she had lost herself and had nothing to show for it. Had she really been foolish to think she'd be happy without friends, manipulating people rather than earning her titles?

Coming to rest, under a large oak tree the skinny and emaciated fea sank heavily to the ground, head coming immediately to rest on her tired paws. Tortuga had become the epitome of unstable, and she was homeless, finding herself wandering about trying to figure out what to do? Should she seek refuge in a different pack? While those thoughts milled around her head, she felt her eyes growing heavy. Dosing, she laid there, tail flicking idly to give hint to signs of life as she felt the day pass her by.



08-10-2013, 09:11 PM
The Northern region of Alacritis hadn't at all been his cup of tea. After running into that Snow Leopard there he had decided to leave the area alone. He definitely didn't want to come across her again. As for the Islands, where he had first arrived in Alacritis, he found them to be too warm for his liking. Too much like the area where Nylen had moved it's pack to. He still recalled the name of that territory -- The White Sand beach.

Kar shook his head to shake the memory from his mind. Even throughout his travels he still thought of his birthlands. He missed his family... the familiar wolves and creatures they had hunted. He even missed the tension that had been between his Clan and the Clan of the river. His aunt hadn't been fond of the alphess there... nor her mate. Yet she had accepted one of their sons into the lands because he didn't believe in what his parents were doing.

Kar walked slowly through the woods, listening to the sounds among the trees. The stroll was leisurely, though he knew after he had his fill of the area he was going to go and find Zanire once more. The bear had provided excellent company thus far. He appreciated her wisdom and how she soothed the ache loneliness had placed over his heart in his travels.

The brute came to a stop, lifting his muzzle towards the sky and scenting the wind. It brought different scents to him... but one in particular interested him. It was the scent of another wolf, female, who was alone. She was close by, he also noted, before he began to move once more through the woods, seeking the one whose scent he had caught.

Several minutes later rewarded him with the discovery of the she wolf he had been seeking. She was laying beneath a large oak tree. She was skinny... and didn't appear to be all that well off. She looked just... worn down.

Kar approached her, his voice calm and not too loud as he spoke. "Miss? Are you okay? Do you need some help?" He asked, coming to a stop just a few pawsteps from her.


08-19-2013, 04:23 AM

A voice roused her, from her doze, and her eyes would flicker open, showing the dull hues of green and blue, as she lifted her head. Taking in the appearance of the new wolf, who seemed better off that she, a sigh would escape her jaws as she contemplated an answer. Was she alright? The answer to that question seemed to escaped even her. Her head would lower, as her jaws would part, words nearly escaping her of their own volition.

"Define okay. I am breathing, I'm alive." She didn't mean her tone to be was waspish as it sounded, she was just exhausted, and the chirping of the birds in the nearby trees was too damn loud. God, she just wanted to sleep, and not feel this way anymore. Not feel anything anymore.



08-22-2013, 12:03 PM
Kar frowned deeply as the female responded. She sounded worn down... almost as if she had given up her hopes. The gray wolf sat down, taking no offense to the waspish tone the she-wolf had spoken to him in. What was her story? What had brought her to this point? Kar had never before met a wolf who was so down. The brute let a small, warm smile come across his face. He was sure that the she-wolf needed a friend... and probably a good rest.

"Well, yes, you are alive and breathing. But I see know that your state has more to it than that. As far as being okay... I don't know if you are. But that is alright." Kar perked his ears up, watching the other wolf with interest. "Should you choose to share your story with me I can offer some form of comfort, or at least what I would hope would be comforting to you. Maybe before that though... if you'd like... I could get you something to eat?" He hoped he wouldn't be seen as a pest. It was just in his nature to try and help others.


09-12-2013, 02:06 PM
This other wolf seemed so.. happy, the feeling was almost revolting. How could any living creature be so happy?! Letting out a sigh, she looked at him, debating on her response. She supposed she didn't have to be horribly rude, I mean, its not like this wolf was attempting to harm her, yet. Years of conditioning had told her, he had an agenda of some sorts, no one just cared without an agenda.

"I suppose there is no harm in us speaking, and sharing a meal." Slowly she'd push herself to unsteady paws, and look at him. "Let's catch something, and talk?" She asked her last question uncertainly. Her legs quivered with effort from standing, but she felt determination flow through her, she'd be damned if she'd show weakness in front of another.


09-28-2013, 10:03 AM

The she wolf didn't seem to thrilled with him... and Kar didn't mind that. She had gone through troubles -- any wolf with a bit of knowledge in his head knew that. Did she think he was up to something? Kar had to wonder about that. But his kindness to her was genuine. He wasn't a bad wolf, and was more the type to be that knight in shining armor type of guy. His parents had often wondered if he would find the strength of living on his own... but luckily he had... and his journey led him Alacritis. He practically beamed when she spoke.

Perfect! Thank you so much, miss... it is a wonderful day to have met you." Kar was definitely the enthusiastic one. He could sense determination flowing through her. He thought about saying she need not push herself with that, but thinking better of it he decided not to. She could possibly get angry at him for bringing up such a thing. So for now he would go along with her and pretend she was just fine. "That is indeed the plan. I hope you don't mind. I just... like meeting new people. After every meeting you carry a piece of that friend with you, you know?" Most wolves probably thought of him as naive or even stupid... but it was simply his nature.

Kar started moving forward, his body instinctively lowering towards the ground. His ears pricked forward and he scented the window. "Do you fancy some type of deer or elk, or would you like rabbit instead?"

Speech, Thought