
Just One Last Time


08-06-2013, 03:58 PM

((Liberty first, anyone to follow. Set just at the boarders of Valhalla, not long after the event thread, waters would be going down but still drizzling slightly. Anyone welcome))

His heart was heavy, that cold feeling of dread had spread to the rest of his body as soon as he and Liberty had reached high enough ground. He was shaking violently now, barely able to support his own weight but still he drug his wife's body behind him. Thank god for her petite form or else he would have had to leave her and he didn't think he could ever forgive himself if he had. The rain was beginning to let up and as it slowed the waters began to lower as well. he was done with floods, maybe he should move to a mountain so then he would never have to deal with a flood again. The higher ground wouldn't save him from fires or volcano eruptions but floods were what was slowly destroying the man. he had lost his first mate in the flood in Taiyae and he had sworn he would never love again because of that. And then there had been Aislyn, blowing him completely out of the water and making him question everything. It feels like yesterday that he had finally gotten up the courage to ask her to be his mate. He had gone hunting for them, been trying to spend more time with his daughter and had been trying to be a better husband. But it was gone now... All it was was suddenly ripped from his grasp and he was left with nothing... If not for Liberty he would have had nothing to stop him from simply allowing the water to fill his lungs when he had found Aislyn in their den.

He was shaking by the time he had stopped, releasing his grip on his wife's scruff and placing her head gently on the ground. He could barely see anything through the tears that were welling in his eyes. But he looked to his daughter, expression somber, and lifted his paw to motion for her to join him. Aislyn's normally white and luscious pelt was wet and matted with dirt. Thankfully the slow drizzle was was beginning to rinse off the dirt but her current state did her no justice. He leaned forward, noticing that her eyes were still open, and placed a gentle kiss on each side of her perfect face, tongue sweeping out to close her eyes. She looked peaceful now, unnaturally still but still beautiful none the less. But she was gone, the life filled being that he had fallen in love with was nothing more then an empty shell. Maybe one day they would be together again, he whole heatedly believed that. But it would be a while, he was all Liberty had now and he would never leave her.

He knew where he wasnted to bury her, in the same place he had proposed to her, but he couldn't tell where that was. Damn. he didn't even know where he was right now or if they were even still in pack lands. What were they going to do now? What could they do? He didn't want to wait until the water had gone down to bury his wife, he had dealt with enough dead bodies to know that rigor-mortise would be settling in soon enough and then it would be extremely hard to move her until it had passed. He began to nudge her limbs, rearranging them delicatly so she looked as though she had simply passed in her sleep. What was he going to do without her? He couldn't even begin to imagine life without her but here they were facing it now. At least he had Liberty, the one ray of light in his otherwise seemingly bleak life. A pack with no friends, a mate who had died protecting their daughter... Why had he been out? Why couldn't he have simply stayed with them. Then maybe Aislyn would still be alive. His chest was tightening as his mind carried on with the cartwheel of thoughts, spiraling downwards faster and faster.

"WHAT DO WE DO NOW?" His tone was heavy and somber as he gazed down at his daughter. he wanted to run, to leave Valhalla behind and to leave these memories here. But this was his daughter's home, it was all she had ever known. He couldn't take her away from her home, especially right after her mother death. Did she want to be here? Did she want to remain living where her mother had died? He didn't know if he could go back to their den and sleep where he had retrieved Aislyn. But for Liberty he would. "WE HAVE TO BURY HER SOON, I WISH WE COULD DO MORE BUT I'M EXHAUSTED AND I DON'T WANT TO ATTRACT SCAVENGERS WHILE WE REST." He was trying so hard to be strong for his daughter when all he wanted to do was break down and weep. He knew that he probably sounded cold but he couldn't help it, the only way he could stop himself from collapsing under the weight of the sorrow and fatigue was to let the numbness spread over him.

"IT LOOKS LIKE IT MIGHT BE A NICE SPOT HERE WHEN IT DRIES UP AND THE SUN COMES OUT. DO YOU THINK SHE WOULD APPROVE OF HERE?" He asked softly, voice braking near the end but he tried to force out a chuckle even as the tears began to fall. Even in her death he wanted nothing more then for her to be happy... For some reason he found that funny, though he didn't entirely understand why. Would she haunt him if he didn't bury her where she would have liked? He was so tired but they needed to do this, it would be nice if they could call the rest of the pack but they couldn't wait until the waters were down. "SHOULD WE TRY AND CALL THE PACK?" He asked after a moment, looking to his daughter once more. He was probably putting way too much on his daughter but he couldn't do it, he just couldn't. Everything was piling up and he was waiting for it to come crashing down. He felt short of breath, cold and was still shaking. He would howl if needed but wasn't even too keen on seeing the rest of the pack. He didn't want to bury her then wait in the background while the pack said their goodbyes like he did at every pack meeting or social gathering.


08-14-2013, 03:00 PM

I'm sitting pretty on the throne,
there's nothing more I want,
except to be alone

She was completely lost. Everything felt numb inside and out, she was drenched to the bone, exhausted, and watching her father drag her mother through mud and debris only made things worse. She assumed her mother was asleep, and a few times she had studied her rib cadge, and even though she saw no movement she assumed she was knocked out. She had never been in a situation like this, so what else was she supposed to think? She was so young, not even a yearling yet, and she was watching her father drag her dead mother in the middle of a flood. Only she didn't know her mother was dead, at least not yet. She bounded after her father as they climbed to higher ground. A few times she almost slid back down and into the water, but she used her strength and claws to grip the earth and pull herself upward. She wanted to grab her mother and be dragged with her, but she knew her father would have a hard time with her weight too. Why didn't her mom just wake up already and climb herself?

The rain calmed to a drizzle, and she could see the tears that ran down her fathers cheeks. She had never seen her father cry, so something was seriously wrong. Her fathers voice boomed in her ears and rang throughout her head. He was asking her what to do!? Her ears folded and her eyes finally started swelling up. She felt numb inside, but nothing could stop the tears that dripped down her cheeks. "W-we can't gi-give up daddy. I-i can call Erani, sh-she can do something!" She didn't want to give up on her mother, and if her father couldn't save her, she knew Erani could. She was the best healer around, Liberty knew that much. She didn't want to accept the fact that her mother was gone. The longer her eyes lingered along Aislyn's vitals it became clear that she was gone, but she didn't want to believe it. At least not yet.

Then he said it; they have to bury her. She was gone if her father was ready to put her in the ground, Liberty knew he wouldn't do anything to her mother unless it needed to be done. "No! We can't! Not un-until she gets here!" She sobbed, her gaze never leaving her mother as she crawled toward her. Friction had released her, so she was laying limp on the ground. Liberty advanced forward, pressing herself forcefully against her mother as she always had when seeking warmth, but she felt nothing. She held no warmth and instead was ice cold and caked with mud and debris. She didn't look like her mother anymore, she looked like a rock with patches if white here and there. She needed closure, she needed to feel it for herself. Tears streamed heavily down her cheeks as she sobbed. She was weak from swimming and climbing, and the fatigue was setting in fast. Her eyes were heavy, and she felt like a boulder was in her throat every time she tried to swallow. "M-mom?" She whined as she pushed herself against her limp body. With a push she forced herself between her mothers front two limbs, and placed the side of her head against Aislyn's chest, and cuddled up to her as close as possible. A few seconds went by, and she didn't hear a sound. Not a thump, beat, or murmur came from her chest. Whines spilled out between her sobs as reality set in. Her mother really was gone.

She didn't want to pull herself away, because even though her mother was limp she found comfort being so close to her. Aislyn had always been the dominant parent since Friction often disappeared, so she was much more attached to her mother than father. Of course she still loved him dearly, but her mother had always been there, while her father had vanished. Now her mother was gone, and she was stuck with a man who was never around. Oh how fate hated her. Friction was talking again, and she barley heard him through her sobs and whines. Her head popped back up, and her blurred gaze tried to find her fathers. She was so weak, mentally and physically, that she didn't want to move. "S-she would want to be under a t-tree. That way in the s-spring when the tree grows, we will k-know she is still here." She remembered her mother saying this to her, at the time it was just a what if conversation, but now it was all too real. Her gaze left her father and she looked around for a tree that would be worthy of her mothers grave. There was one she really admired a good 12 feet away, and it was on high ground, so even if there was another flood her mother wouldn't be washed away again.

"T-that one. She would like that one." She kept her gaze on the tree for a moment so her father could see which one she was talking about. He could do the digging, but he would probably have to pry her from her mothers body first. She had no intentions of getting up yet. She wanted to feel her mother against her for as long as she could before she was put in the ground forever. "Y-yes, call them daddy. She would want everyone here." Her mother would take pride in knowing the whole pack came in her honor. She just knew it.




08-17-2013, 01:34 PM
The chaos of the flooding finally subsided, but the female's legs had not stopped shaking beneath her. She felt listless after all of the swimming, but the woman would force herself through it. It had taken little time for her to see that Aislyn had passed, surely her mate had made the same realization. It broke her heart to see that Liberty was not ready to let go, but there was little anyone could do. Her head would drop, and she would stand before the two, looking anywhere but at Aislyn. Perhaps it was out of a few moments of denial, but it was mainly because of the pain. It hurt to see her mentor with no life in her, only a body was left, no spirit or soul, nothing.

Aislyn was gone.

"I can call for the others." The ivory dame had loved this pack, she deserved to have them there to see her be buried. She was always supportive of Chrysanthe herself, and she struggled to swallow as she realized that never would she feel the woman's comforting presence again. Friction and Aislyn were currently experiencing something similar, but no doubt, it hurt them more than it did their alpha. Aislyn was a lover, a friend, a mother, to the two and unlike Chrysanthe, who had a pack to be strong for and a family that stretched over much of Alacritia... they only had each other to lean on.

With that in mind she would tilt her head back and call for the pack, because they had her too. Friction, she did not know very well, but Liberty was the daughter of her greatest teacher, and she would do whatever she could for the little dame because of that. This was more of a mourning than a meeting, and was for anyone that knew or respected Valhalla's beta, and even for those that did not know her personally and were strong enough to see her off. The call was strong, but undoubtedly sad.

Afterward she would force herself to stand beside the young female that had just lost her mother. She was curled beside Aislyn, and Chrysanthe would, for the first time since her arrival, actually look at the beta. It was then that she would whisper - whisper for the spirit's ears only. "You will be missed, and forever loved. Thank you for teaching me, and for supporting me. It meant more than I ever got the chance to show you."

"Liberty." She would then speak louder, her words for the girl. She was so sorry, that she hadn't been able to save her mother - but those words were her own personal doubts, and would not be given to the mourning child. "You are not alone." The alpha would tell her, with as much strength and commitment that she could put into words. With that, she would press against her, attempting to 'hug' the young lupine to show exactly what she meant. Chrysanthe would support her not only as an alpha, but as whatever she wanted and needed with the loss of her mother.

Once Friction started digging, Chrysanthe would leave the girl's side in order to help him. He would not dig that deep hole on his own, he would have her help at the very least - and perhaps others that responded to the call and he allowed to assist.



09-01-2013, 04:18 PM

His jaw had finally stopped hurting, and he had curled up as his alpha had left suddenly. He glanced up as a mourning howl hit the air, summoning all the pack members, for the burial of a pack member, Aislyn; he hadn't met her, but it still hurt. He stood up, his paws slashing the water as he thought of this wolf's family; it must hurt them so much, until their grief was as deep as the water during the floods. The male ran faster, and then stopped to a halt. A pup. One was a pup.
