
On A Magic Carpet Ride, A Whole New World



3 Years
10-03-2014, 09:29 AM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2014, 09:30 AM by Brynhildr.)

What the hell was wrong with this place? Not that she was really complaining, as she was raiding these tide pools, but honestly. A few weeks of storms and suddenly that land bridge just rises out of the fuckin' ocean? She sighed and chuckled. Whatever, right? It didn't really make a difference to her, it wasn't like she was tied down in one place versus another. It was just... odd. A crab scampered past the molten woman's paws and she lunged for it, deftly clamping down on it's rear in and crunching through the shell before it's claws could find any of her squishy bits. The meat was sweeter than usual, with a cloying salty aftertaste, but it wasn't bad. In fact, Bryn was very close to stuffing herself full with it. She settled into the sands, picking away the harder parts of the crustacean, seeking the goodies hidden underneath. The surf roared at her from afar, but it was a calming sort of thing, just as the setting sun inspired her to laze around and enjoy this strange new world. It was cold, and she knew autumn was beginning to creep in on them, so she'd enjoy the last minutes of sunlight while it lasted.




4 Years
10-05-2014, 04:53 AM

Perhaps it would have been far better for Chord to have checked in upon his family first, though he had not been involved in the storms he had certainly seen signs of them as he had travelled back South. Some thirst for adventure kept him travelling on and on though and when he reached the point that the land should have ended, the Destruction would find himself face to face with yet more land. The excitement surged through him as he eyed the bridge and though it perhaps could have been dangerous, no idea what lay ahead of him, he continued anyway.

Now in the Southern Alacritia, Chord found himself eager to explore all that these strange new lands had to offer. The thoughts of that storm had been completely cast aside and with it any inkling that perhaps his family had been caught in the awful weather and now he pressed onwards. Of course others were bound to notice the new land and he would come across one of those wolves now. Never before had Chord laid eyes upon her, the mess of colours that danced across her coat were certainly unusual and whilst his russet looked rather unique in comparison to the browns of his siblings, Chord found he probably looked rather dull in contrast to the woman before him now.

It wasn't her appearance that he concentrated upon too heavily however, instead a small smile would grace his lips as he watched her tucking into a crab, memory cast back to when he had met his cousin Lakota. That was something she ought to learn perhaps, how to successfully hunt crab rather than the other way around. So to not seem like an idiot, he would recall his mind to the present moment and venture forth. "Hello." He would greet. He could leave if she wanted, though given that they'd ended up in the same patch of land he might as well try strike up a conversation rather than ignoring her.