
Toothless Gumption



08-04-2013, 08:39 PM

i like to keep my issues drawn; its always darkest before the dawn

Something like a muffled groan drew itself from the she-wolf's lips. "Bored..." she muttered to herself. Old or not, she could only take so much time out of the action. Then again... the sun was nice and warm, and the sand did feel lovely against her fur; it was just that usually, when she wasn't able to help out she felt so guilty. Busted leg or no, it was against her grain. But it was true, this time she had a legitimate excuse. It hadn't been her fault she'd had to drag her eleven year old but across a volcano, a range of foothills and half a delta. Her mate Cifer had had an episode of post tramatic shock and at the thought of going through another volcanic eruption had shouted like a girl and taken off running straight out of a pack meeting. Well he was Crusade's to look after and she'd chased him down at least tried to calm him, but toward the end she'd taken a nasty tumble, and, well - hello bone fractures. It was always her dang right foreleg too.

The old she-wolf sighed into the sand. She didn't think she'd be recovering too quickly this time. Her body had stayed fit (and not to mention fertile) long past it's experation date, but she was still mortal like all the others. Her years were begining to catch up to her. Now, if one of the packmates wanted Crusade they didn't have to go out searching some lofty peak or godforsaken expanse of tundra, they just had to poke their head into the cave and call, or take a little stroll down to the sunniest part of the beach. Sometimes Crusade got really adventurous and went as far as the tide pools! Yeesh. It was kinda depressing when she thought about it. But that was just it, Crusade didn't think about it. She'd been through enough hell to know that self-pity, even in it's seedling forms was toxic. She could sit there and sigh away about how her youth was gone and she wasn't one tenth the able bodied warrior she was, or she could roll over on her back, yap at some sea gulls, and laugh because she'd done it. Despite all those black hearted rogues and despots and villains who'd threatened her with death and worse, she'd made it to a ripe old age. She'd even had kids! And grandkids! So there.

Of course, that enthusiasm got worn off when the hours dragged on and Crusade had nothing to do but sleep and stare and dream. Where were all those pups of hers? Sure they were big grown yearlings now, but it wouldn't kill them to visit an old crone? Crusade wasn't the sort to whine for attention, but she'd pamper herself today. With a lungful of salty air, she threw her head back. A long beckoning howl escaped her scarred lips.


the one eyed legend

who never knew when to quit


08-04-2013, 09:05 PM (This post was last modified: 08-04-2013, 09:09 PM by Thane.)


08-04-2013, 09:08 PM
It was nearing a certain time of the year....the time when Kairos Menapache became a yearling! Despite his sudden growth spurt recently he still acted quite like a pup. Pieces of his incoming yearling coat was already starting to come in! But then again what about his mind? Yes quite immature still by with a little secret and a battle going on inside. Kai didn't really like talking about it but now at least he knew who his father was. He was who he thought he was and turned out resemble him a lot. But sadly when he saw him he died... Shaking away his thoughts Kairos followed the paw prints in the sand his grandmother had made. Kai thought of himself as a gramma's boy. Yes he was getting older now but he wasn't afraid have one of grandma's kisses on his forehead! Flaunt it and strut baby! Flaunt it and strut! The boy's purple gaze then settled on a figure not to far from him. With a smile forming on his face the male went into a run and slowed as he got even closer. He knew she was hurt so he would go easy on her for now. But coming up behind her with a loud footfall the pup gently leapt up in the air and pushed his face into her fur.

As Kairos lifted up his head his purple gaze never left her face.

"Silver alert! Silver alert!" he yelled jokingly before batting at her with a white toed paw.

"Grandma Crusade! What are ya doing here? Relaxing? Well this party you're having now is missing!" he said enthusiastically while jumping up and down.

Kai smiled as he leaned in to nuzzle his gram gram. His tail wagged still as he did so. It has been a while since he had seen his favorite and only grandma!

With the never ceasing smile he waited for her to reply. Whether it be a quick and smart retort or a sarcastic threat or a plain old answer or a...or a...yeah whatever she would normally say.

OOC:ignore phone post errors



08-04-2013, 09:21 PM

i like to keep my issues drawn; its always darkest before the dawn

Looks like Crusade didn't have to wait long. Seemed she already had someone intending on paying her a visit. She coiled up her neck, turning about to see the black form of Kairos came heading in at a high run. He was one of Keki's litter, making him Crusade's grandson. No ifs, ands, or buts. It didn't matter that Keki wasn't blood related. It didn't matter that Kairo's conception had been a wronging. Not to Crusade anyway. She was the wolf who'd once thought herself cursed to have no mate and no children, but now she had the worlds most handsome Arctic soldier for a husband and more pups than she could shake a stick at. As she, Ocena and Keki had all had their litters around the same time, they'd looked out for one another, and babysat whenever it was needed. Crusade was basically another momma to all of them, or at least that was how she felt. Sure, some of them were growing up and going out, but they were all still special to her.

Of course that didn't stop her from intending to spank Kairos's rear end for that 'silver alert' jibe. It was funny how different they all were. Orica was little miss perfect, Galileo was his father in miniature, Crusade's boys were all the quiet, wanderering type, and then Kairos here couldn't contain himself. His questions all came out in a rush, and at the end of them the old she-wolf could only chuckle. "My mistake, come 'ere then darlin'." She rolled onto her right side a little, inviting the boy in for a grandma hug.

Sure enough, tail wagging, the bow leaned in for a nuzzle. But no sooner had he gotten within range than Crusade's muzzle was snapping at his scruff and her good leg was attempting to wrap around his shoulders. "Silver Alert my eye, yah vill-yun! I raised you better than that!-" She wasn't really intending on hurting him of course - she was too injured herself to do so even if she wanted to, but unless the boy was quick on his feet, he'd get brought down and have his head thrashed around- maybe a little sand even kicked up in those lovely purple eyes. Crusade had a naughty side just like any other wolf, but she only showed it to the ones she loved. Family trait perhaps.


the one eyed legend

who never knew when to quit