



08-04-2013, 05:27 PM

It would be the first morning that would present itself as an opportune moment to slither from her den - unseen by her parents. Bi-colored eyes widened as the portal that she knew to be the exit to the den became visible to her. The world of Valhalla opened up to her - and it was hers for the taking (at least in her mind). Without hesitation, the firstborn child slipped from the den without a peep, entering Valhalla for the first time in her short life. Her green eye narrowed in on a creature that was just about half her size. It was long and narrow, and had stubby legs. It's tail was perhaps the most peculiar part of it, for it was bushy and consistently twitching. It seemed to be interested in a small object that was buried in the dirt. It was working feverishly to unearth the object it so desperately wanted - and so Solaine was fairly certain it wouldn't notice if she crept just a bit closer for a better view. Instantaneously, as if her body knew what to do, she felt herself lowering her center of gravity toward the earth. Her ears laid back, and her heart began to thud at a considerable rate within her tiny chest. Her tail tip twitched at every other beat her heart took, and her eyes narrowed to bi-colored slits. She crept close, so close she could smell the tantalizing aroma that drifted from the creature. Instinct told her to jump, to pounce on it and... what exactly came next? However, in that instant her paw drug across a pebble, causing just enough of a sound to excite the flighty creature and send it up a nearby tree. Solaine scampered after it, bucking upward to place her paws on the tree. She began to yip in frustration - she was only looking after all.



08-14-2013, 08:12 PM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2013, 02:57 PM by Gael.)

Little sisters. He never thought he would have more siblings. Soleon (wherever he was) and Azalea seemed like company enough, but now he had two more little siblings to take care of. And they were both girls. Aza was probably thrilled that she had more female siblings to hang around with now, as soon as they got older of course. Then again, she could be a bit jealous that she wasn't going to be the baby anymore. Regardless of how she felt, Gael was excited to have new siblings. He had been able to see them the other day, but in the company of the rest of the family. He wanted some quality time with his baby sisters, to get to know them better and this morning seemed like a good time as any.

As he padded towards the den his mother occupied with his sisters, he figured he would have to tip-toe in and wake them to get their attention, but they were a step ahead of him. Or at least one of them was, by the sound of her insistent barking. Silver brows furrowed together in confusion, the young Adravendi pushing faster towards the sound of the barking. Cerulean gaze came across the figure of the oldest of the two girls, Solaine standing up against a tree, barking at it for some reason unknown to him. Sol? Why are you barking at the tree? He called to her, bringing his significantly larger mass to sit beside her, haunches folding beneath him as he stared down at her tiny figure, trying to figure out why she was barking at the tree.

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08-21-2013, 09:26 PM

Perhaps she should have known that barking would only bring an adult over to boss her around, but Solaine had never been one to completely think things through. The squirrel - which she still didn't understand - scampered up and far enough into the bushier parts of the tree that she couldn't see it any longer. She barked a few more times for good measure until Gael's voice broke the noise. Immediately she bristled and turned, probably looking quite amusing given her size and aggressive stance. A smirk played across her lips as she noted that he didn't seem mad, just curious. Her matter-of-fact tone would ring out without hesitation. "Somethin' furry jus' ran up there. It was brown an' - 'an fluffy." Bi-colored eyes shifted as he settled at her side, looking down at her from his towering perspective. She returned her gaze to the treetops, noting the furry creature lingering on an outstretching branch. "There! See, up there!" Her tail began to frantically beat the earth, drumming out an excited rhythm. "Go an' get it Gael!" Of course that seemed the most logical way this situation would play out. Gael was her big brother, surely he knew how to catch the furry creature so she could get a better look at it?


08-21-2013, 09:55 PM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2013, 03:14 PM by Gael.)

He had forgotten how tiny pups could be. He could remember during his travels when he'd come across pups. Most of them were already a few months older than Solaine, but all pups were much smaller than him. Sol at the moment was just excessively so. But that take away from her cuteness. Especially when she turned around, bristling and trying to look ferocious. He could've keeled over from the laughter of how absolutely hilarious she looked, all puffed up like an angry furball. He kept his laughter in as much as he could, stifling it to a quiet chuckle at her matter of fact tone. Somethin' furry jus' ran up there. It was brown an' - 'an fluffy. He allowed his cerulean gems to raise up towards the tree, following his baby sister's bi-colored gaze, spotting the squirrel that had caught his sister's attention. There! See, up there! Go an' get it Gael! Gael looked from the squirrel down to his sister. Um Sol, I can't. He raised himself to his paws, throwing his forepaws against the trunk, stretching his tail frame height wise, demonstrating to the young babe that he really couldn't reach the squirrel.

A moment later he dropped back onto all fours, an idea occurring to him. But I have an idea. He dropped down towards the floor, allowing his limbs to fold beneath him until he was completely flat against the ground. Climb onto my back and maybe I can lift you high enough to scare the squirrel down. He smiled playfully at her, motioning to his shoulders, waiting to see if she would take his suggestion to try and capture her furry prey.

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08-21-2013, 10:09 PM

An eager smile pricked on her lips. Her brother was big, really big in fact.. and next to him the tree didn't look quite so huge. He was practically an adult, and probably knew just how to catch that furry little creature that ran way from her. She waited anxiously for him to spring into action. He could probably jump that high, or climb the tree like the squirrel did. Heck, he might could even fly for all she knew. This was her first time out alone, after all. An ear tipped back as he told her that he couldn't get the furry creature. But why not? She huffed and watched him show her that he couldn't reach. But why couldn't he climb the tree.. or jump? She huffed again before he finally said he had an idea. As he folded himself to the ground, she eagerly nodded her head and onto his back. Her front paws were placed firmly between his shoulder blades, realizing she was about to be extremely far from the ground - or so it would seem to her. "C'mon Gael it's gonna get away!" The child knew nothing of patience, and the half a second that had passed since she'd scaled his back had been entirely too long. Gaze shifted upward, noting that the squirrel had moved slightly, and it had come a bit closer to where they were! Was it trying to get to her too? Her tail beat happily, thinking that the creature was no longer afraid of her.


08-23-2013, 01:36 PM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2013, 03:01 PM by Gael.)

If it had been within his physical power, he would've simply scaled the tree and retrieved the little squirrel for his baby sister to play with, but since it was impossible for him to traverse the tree trunk, he needed to find an alternative way to aid Solaine in capturing the little squirrel. And giving her a boost seemed like the best idea. At least, just to give her the impression that she was going to capture it since she probably couldn't understand that the squirrel was well beyond his reach, as well as hers. She quickly agreed to his idea, wasting no time in climbing aboard, her tiny paws settled between his massive shoulder blades, encouraging him to hurry because it would get away. He chuckled, nodding his head in acknowledgement. I'm going, I'm going. He chided playfully, slowly raising himself to his full height once again, careful to take things slow lest his baby sister loose her footing and go tumbling to the ground. At this age she was tiny and being up on his back had to be the highest she would ever be from the ground and he wasn't sure she would come away completely unscathed if she were to fall.

Now you're going to have to climb over my head when I stand up against the tree okay Sol? Are you ready? He stood ready beside the tree, already seeing himself standing against the trunk, but waiting for Solaine's all clear signal for him to move. Raising himself onto his forepaws was going to be tricky business, especially when he had a tiny passenger on board. Hopefully this could be executed nicely and they would suffer no mishaps.

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08-23-2013, 02:00 PM

Despite the obvious amount of danger she was in by merely balancing upon her brother's back, Solaine was not worried in the slightest about that. Instead, her concerns were focused upon the furry creature and his ability to escape if her brother did not hurry up. Finally he commented and began to rise to his full height, and the smile grew upon her face. Her ears began to lay back as she shifted to adjust to the added height. He told her that she would have to stand up near his head when he raised up on the tree. It sounded simple enough. She nodded with a verbal answer. "Ready," came the determined cry. The child didn't know how futile these attempts were, nor how thickly the odds were stacked against her - all she knew was that this was rather fun. She hadn't interacted much with any other wolves save for her sister and parents, and being with Gael meant she could do more than she was used to. It was exciting, this Valhallan world, and she was confident that Gael could show her many more fun things to do as a young Adravendi.


08-24-2013, 01:27 PM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2013, 03:02 PM by Gael.)

He probably should've dissuaded his baby sister from attempting something so dangerous, but he couldn't resist her little face. She was just to darn cute to say no to. Plus he wanted to be a cool older brother and what better way to do that than to help her catch a squirrel? It wasn't exactly the most practical thing to catch and she probably didn't understand that yet, but he was willing to play along with her for the sake of pleasing her. But once she got older, he would have to explain to her that some things were dangerous, especially if tackled alone. For now she wasn't too bad off with him. He could always kiss her booboos away if she ever got any. Hopefully his parents wouldn't be mad at him for trying to help Solaine catch a squirrel.

Ready. came her affirmative answer; she was ready to go. Hold on tight and climb when I tell you. He warned, muscles tensing in preparation. He waited a moment before raising his forepaw, pressing it against the trunk, sparing a glance at Solaine before lifting his left one, lifting himself slightly off the ground. He gave her a moment to adjust to the new height before he began moving his paws higher and higher until he was practically standing vertically, though angled enough where Solaine wouldn't slip off his back and go tumbling towards the ground. Climb Sol. Climb onto my head. Ears were tucked against his skull in preparation for her climb, not wanting them to get torn by her tiny claws. Hopefully this would prove to her that catching the squirrel was nearly impossible; unless of course it came down but only a stupid squirrel would come down with two wolves on the ground.

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09-07-2013, 06:48 PM

Perched atop her brother's strong shoulders, Solaine felt ten feet tall and bulletproof. A devilish smile crossed her features, for she was sure her parents would not approve of her behaving so recklessly. However, they were nowhere around and she was technically supervised by her big brother, so what could go wrong? She would shift her weight quickly as he raised upward and splayed his paws on the trunk of the tree, giving her a few more inches of room to climb. As he urged her to climb, there was only half a second of hesitation before the girl scrambled rather precariously onto the crown of his head, balancing on her back paws to splay her own paws on the trunk of the tree. Her tail flagged out behind her for added balance as she snorted and mustered a yelp in the direction of the squirrel - which quickly scampered from view. "Hmph," she pouted before placing her front paws back onto her brother's head. However, this mood soon passed as she retreated to Gael's shoulders once more and prepared to leap to the ground. Paws kissed the earth with a thud as she whirled around and began to giggle. "You got a big 'ol head bubba." Perhaps that was her way of thanking him, or perhaps she truly was amused by the size of his crown - whatever the reason, the girl could scarcely stop giggling.


09-11-2013, 10:58 PM

At his command the babe would clamber on top of his head, luckily her tiny paws finding an easy foothold on his massive head, avoiding stepping all over his ears as she raised herself to her hind paws, leaning her forepaws against the trunk of the tree, yelping at the squirrel up in tree. As he had expected, the tiny creature scampered out of sight and completely out of reach. He could hear the disappointed hmph from Solaine as she realized that she wasn't going to get the squirrel today, her tiny frame clambering down from his head back down to his shoulders. Solaine didn't even wait for him to lower himself back down to a more manageable height before she leapt from his shoulders back to the ground, seemingly unharmed as she turned to look at him with the audacity to say that his head was big. A mock frown creased his brows as he lowered himself back onto the ground, pushing his muzzle into his baby sister's face as a grin split his silver lips. I only have a big head because you're a teeny tiny baby that's why pipsqueak. He teased lightly.

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09-26-2013, 04:47 PM

Oh she was a pipsqueak? The girl feigned a frustrated expression, her ears laying back and her pearly white puppy-teeth shining through wrinkled lips. Hmph, she would utter in retort, unable to come up with anything that suited her mood any better. But this wasn't a day for quarreling, and so her mask flickered from her face - leaving a pleasant grin behind. Her tail wagged with abandon as she tilted her head at an angle. What else can you show me bubba? It wasn't as if she had anything better to do, and he certainly couldn't have anything more fun to do than spend time with his little sister, right? Her head would return to its normal angle as she began to think of fun things for them to do together. As he had so keenly pointed out, she was still rather small, but there were bound to be things he could show her how to do, or places in Valhalla they could explore. Did he have a den somewhere he could show her? Or was there a place where she could chase squirrels to her heart's desire? Did he know of a cool place to swim, or a nice place to play and frolic in the flowers? Her heart began to beat faster as she thought of all of the possibilities. The whole wide world was a new experience for her, and she couldn't wait to see every inch of it.
