
Crucial Name Decision


08-03-2013, 02:18 AM
OKAY! SO! I am incredibly undecided about what I want to name my new pup adopted from Mercianne and Awakens Litter...I've compiled 4 names that I liked, and here's why:
1.Mute: Because she is Mute...duh.
2. Faye: Originally chosen by the parents in the adoption thread
3. Raven: Because I like Ravens and for some reason when I see this pup I think of Raven from Teen Titans(Old one not Teen Titans GO! That one sucks lol)
4.Soul: Because it's a cool name and in honor of Souleater(Awakens daddy lol)

I am welcome to other suggestions...but then I'd have a harder time choosing XD Mercianne likes nature based names apparently, I like Final Fantasy and other video game names, but I think for my choices are what's above. We could always just call her "Nameless" lol like "Toothless" XD

Her Info, to help you get a better Idea of what she is/will be like:

Personality: This girl is a very quiet soul. The reason being, because she's Mute. She was born without a voice, not knowing why. Though she's quiet on the outside, she is full of questions and curiosity on the inside. Her lack of voice has not deterred her from learning about the world, or even communicating with others. She finds different ways to communicate, though it is hard for her to convey what she is feeling. Many think that this poses a problem, and that she'll never amount to being a warrior of any kind. Though as a pup, she has plenty of time to develop before she decides what she wants to do. Shy, quiet, and extremely loyal to the bone, she won't ever let anyone down. Curiosity is instilled into her bones, and so she will often go off on exploration excursions to discover new things close to her home. Despite the fact that she is unable to speak, she lacks the nervous gene that seems to have been passed down to her brothers. She very much likes to be around her Father, as sometimes her brothers annoy her with their constant nervousness. That is obvious in the way she always rolls her eyes when she finds them to be ridiculous at times. However, this girl is very gentle at heart, thus helping those she encounters.

When it comes down to it, she will fight for her family, friends, and her pack. Never backing away if the intruder is threatening them. And though she can't speak, her bite is most definitely worse then her bark. She eventually learns extraordinary fighting and tracking skills, as a result of her other senses becoming more powerful with her lack of speech. This young girl is always the observant one, most times she is able to tell if a wolf is troubled, angry, upset, sad, or any other emotion. She uses her eyes to "speak" and communicate, as it is indeed a window to the soul that resides within each creature. Still, most misunderstand her and simply push her to the sidelines. She sometimes gets depressed as a result of being unheard...she dislikes to be ignored, and wishes one day to find someone who will understand her and take the patience to learn how to interpret what she is trying to say, someone who is understanding and wanting to be with her. She longs for someone like that, and can't wait for the day.

Even with all that, she is a bouncy ball of fur who is always excited to learn the next thing. Sometimes though, she will go off into the forest close to home and sit under the stars to think. Silently asking the stars why she was punished with no voice...she sometimes hates herself for it, and wishes that something would end her misery. Simply put, on the outside she's like the shining sun. On the inside, she feels alone.

RP Sample:
The girl followed her family into the den to sleep for the night. Tail hung half towards the ground as her siblings jumped around and chatted excitedly about this or the other about their day. She followed quietly, wishing she could tell her mother and father about what she had found while exploring behind their den. She had seen a blue morph butterfly, something that was not commonly seen in these parts. The beautiful blue of its wings intrigued her, and though she wanted to catch it and show her parents, she didn't want to kill it. So she had let it fly away to continue its life. She quietly sighed, following everyone inside and tucking next to her Father. She stared with Emerald green eyes at the dark shadows that stretched themselves across the ground. She listened to the quiet rumbles of her siblings and parents falling into a slumber. But she...she could not sleep. After a couple hours, she glanced around to ensure that her family was asleep before rising on silent paws, and left the den. She wandered outside, her dark pelt keeping to the shadows in case a warrior was up and about. She had decided to go to her secret spot, a small glade in the nearby woods where she often went to think.

Upon arriving, she walked to the center and sat down. Eyes and ears focused on the stars above. She looked up, wishing how she longed to be able to speak...but there was no herb, no ointment, nothing she knew of that could make her speak. Why was I cursed with this...why can't I be normal and talk? I want to tell my parents things the way my brothers can. I want to tell them how excited I am about the things I find, and ask them questions about hunting and fighting and herbs...why was I punished with this? It's not fair!!! She silently yelled to the sky as tears began to fall. She hated that she couldn't speak, hated that nobody could hear what she had to say except for the occasional moan or grunt that would escape from her mouth when she tried. She startled when she felt something brush against her. Her head whipped around, but nothing was there. But...she could feel someone...she stared into the darkness, and soon a swath of stars appeared to form the silhouette of a wolf. She stared in awe, and then it spoke; "Do not fret, child. You have a gift that is far beyond anyone in this land. You have a pure heart, and always will. Do not curse yourself, or the stars. You are one of a kind, and you will come to be rewarded in good time. You will grow to be someone great, and all of Alacritis will thank you for it. You will be a leader of leaders, one of the best there has ever been. Stay strong little one, and do not give up. You will see." Moments after it spoke, the form strode up to her. The small girl looked at it, its form sparkling in her eyes as it bent its beautiful head down to nuzzle her. She was not sure if it was real or not, but she could smell the warm scent coming off the star made she-wolf. She then watched as it touched her nose. And as soon as it pulled back, it gazed at her and vanished.
The girl was left alone in the clearing once more. She stared at the stars again, silently thanking them. Then returned back to the den and curled up with her Father, and slept. Dreams began to appear to her, ones she had never had before. And knew, that the starred wolf had given her a gift.



11 Years
Athena I
08-03-2013, 09:30 AM
Just a heads up, your girl and crow will be like bffs forever. Kay? Kay. :3


08-03-2013, 03:34 PM
Lol Shells, alright XD



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-10-2013, 12:17 AM
Okay, I decided...her name will be Kestrel lol I figure if Crow is gonna be the one that's with her the most (Helping her to communicate and such I assume) then I think a bird name would suit her better X)

Thanks for playing ;D


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