
If at first you don't succeed....try try again


08-01-2013, 11:22 AM
A thump rang throughout the forest as two front gray paws landed on nothing besides the top of a log. A crack followed up after as the log caved in. A grunt escaped the male's maw as he slowly took out his paws one by one. Thane sighed as he looked around for something else to try to catch. The mouse he had been chasing had gotten alway. But it was a miracle he had Ben caught up to it with his bum leg. Look forward to the day it fully healed did he do.

"Oh come on Master Thane! Tally ho! Goatee another one!" said a golden eagle, the Bruce's companion.

Only a grumble from the man answered the eagle's words. Aqua blue eyes looked around as the male lowered himself into a crouch. He gritted his teeth as pain shot up his hind left leg. This was stupid; if Erani saw him now she would have his ass in the healer's den faster than he could give a sorry exscuse. But Thane felt as if he had spent long enough laying around and snoozing off the pain. But no! He had to support himself again! He couldn't have his companion catching food fr him anymore. And Thane needed to strengthen his leg so he could eventually go out and look for his mate. Worry still embedded itself in his mind. She had been gone for almost an entire season. And then he also had to look after their three children as well. But they were growing, soon to he yearlings come Fall. White lines ears turned to the right as a small rustle was heard in the leaves. Slowly walking over to the place he had heard it the man then stood still. His aqua blue gaze never left the spot. Slowly and carefully he took his paw and hit it against a tree root. And soon enough a hare came bursting out of the bushes on the other side. Leaping over the bush Thane aimed for his paws to land in front of the hare. And as he did so the prey ran under him and he had it! Looking down he watched as the creature squirmed beneath his hold. With a claw unsheathed he pressed it into the neck and watched the movement leave the hare.

"Bravo Master Thane! See! I knew you could do it! How's the leg feeling?"

"And I hope you never doubted me Cyril." the brute said with a chuckle.

"It's holding up alright. Just throbbing a bit here and there.but the pain is worth the kill." he said.

The eagle then nodded before spreading his wings and flying off the tree branch.

"Enjoy that while I go get my own snack."

With a nod in reply the male took the hate by the scruff and carried it to the border. Thane knew he couldn't leave the parklands for now just yet. But when he was better he wanted to take his children with him on a little day out. Maybe explore a bit all together! Curiosity piqued the man's mind. He wondered if either of his children had even been out of the border's yet. They were a sneaky bunch though and he assumed at least one of them had. Could it be Ravine? Ryker? Resnera? With a shrug Thane bent down and took a bite out of the hare. He closed his eyes for a moment as he savored the coppery taste of the warm blood. He hasn't eaten a hare like this ages! Maybe prey did taste better when you're then or catching it

OOC:ignore phone post errors



08-01-2013, 11:52 AM

The woman trotted through the forest with a gentle smile upon her lovely lips. Her cream ears swerved and flicked about when she heard the sound of paw steps. The temptress padded delicately through the wooded area. Sun beamed through the canopy. She had no travelled so far from the north, it was odd to the vixen. The smell of the pack was very thick, though she kept going. She wanted to see whom this mystery man was. She heard a scrurry and a rustle. Then words were exchanged. The woman went wide eyed. Her pink orbs flicked about, she did not smell two Wolves. Only one. A tilt of her head would be seen as she lurked further into the forest.

As she got closer she saw a darker coloured male whom caught some prey. The temptress watched as an Eagle flew the scene. She wondered if that was the source of the other voice. Was the man antiquated with a .. bird? The woman shook her head for she did not understand. She moved to be in front of the dark man, her eyes traced his body. He did not apply much pressure to one of his legs, he must have been hurt. Arthfael opened her mouth and let forth gentle tones. "Greetings. I must have wondered a bit to far into this forest. Where am I?" She played the horrid damsel in distress. It was a nice act for men gobbled it up.

Hear me out, Im a believe, let me consume you


08-01-2013, 12:23 PM
Aqua blue eyes swept over the surroundings of the brute. He looked at the tall sturdy trees, and the grass full of greens. Appealing did he find his surroundings as he licked his chops. Looking back down at the hare he took another bite and crunched down on the tiny bones. This hare was good but Thane proffered snow hare. He liked their white fur and the difficulty than came with catching them during winter. Aqua blue eyes settled on his paws as he remembered the conversation with his nephew. Thane truly did feel like he was done with his fun and all. By what piqued his interest was when the boy asked why he didn't do anything anymore....maybe he should. But what should he do? After he was all healed he would be the man he once was before. He used to follow wherever his paws took him! Admittedly the man longed for that certain sense of freedom again. He remembered all of the wolves he had met as well. And quite a few he handsome interesting conversations with. One he remembered was a run in with a dame called Sade. She talked business sort of and that made him wonder what would happen if he had taken different paths. There's were so many to choose from and still are! But the man got what he wanted. A family again and a happy life. But it felt as if he was done, that he had done everything in the book. No, he hadn't. Maybe that boy was right....maybe he just had to fall a few times and pick himself up before he could stay standing. And that's what he would soon as this bum leg was healed...he would.!

White lines ears perked up once more as he averted his aqua blue gaze towards a stranger. Swiftly standing up with only a slight falter from his leg he stood inside the border. A dame was what he saw. Yet eyes narrowed, for some reason he didn't feel like she was here for an acceptance. But why appear hostile without an entire reason? Thane had only made an assumption and so far he was wrong. She greeted him and asked him where she was after saying she must have wandered too far.

Standing in the same gallant pose he took a moment before replying.

"You are by the border of the pack Valhalla. Do you need directions?" he said in a kind tone.

Thane wondered where she was headed. In fact he felt small pang of jealousy since she was able to go somewhere. Too bad he couldn't wander as she could. With a small sigh he turned his attention back to the remnants of the hare and pushed it away. Looking back at the dame his aqua blue gaze settled on her once more.

"And what may your name be? mine is Thane Tsarev" he added while remembering his manners that had oddly gone astray for a moment

OOC: ignore phone post errors.



08-04-2013, 06:40 PM

She watched the man with a delicate gaze. Light pink orbs danced across the trees before they landed back on him. She admired his oddly place markings upon his back. She eyed him like meat, not hiding it one bit. Call her a harlot? Maybe she was one. Then again she just liked the attention. She had family issues as a pup. But, now she was just interested in mating. She wanted men to swoon over her. She wanted women to envy her. She was a typical girl, in that sorts. A very .. dramatic girl.

His voice came to her. The woman tilted her head and licked her fangs. "A pack's territory hm? I had no clue! I am so very sorry. I am not familiar with the claimed territories in these lands. Though, I did smell a peculiar stench." She smirked at giggled. She looked around some more, her eyes flicked tree from tree. They returned to the man then to the hare beneath his paws. The temptress sighed as her mouth watered but she ignored the hunger. Her pink specticals flew back to his. He asked for her name and gave his. She gasped. "Oh how rude of me! My name is Arthfael, sir Thane. Do excuse my lack of manners, ive not a clue what got into me." She snickered gently and batted her eyes. "Are you the leader of this pack? You seem to be fit enough."

Hear me out, Im a believe, let me consume you


08-04-2013, 08:19 PM
White lines ears remained perked up as the brute waited for thendane's reply. It was white exciting actually, meeting someone new. When was te last time he had stepped out of the territory? Before he broke his leg? With a small sigh at his thoughts Thane focused his aqua blue gaze back to the femme. A brow raised as he noticed her look at him in an odd manner. As if he was prey or something...maybe she is a cannibal... Despite the thought he didn't take a step backwards. Looking back down at the remnants of the hare the man had an idea. Picking up the small carcass with his jaws the male slowly hobbled across the border to drop the hare in front of the female. He hobbled back to his side of the border and sat back down.

"I'm finished with that; I figured you might be able to finish that. Depending on how far you traveled I know I would be hungry, or my companion would. In fact he just flew off to catch himself something as well. I'm just glad I managed to catch that with this bum leg." he said with a small smile and a chuckle.

Soon enough she ended up apologizing and saying she wasn't familiar with these lands. A simple nod was the man's reply. He understood that quite well. When he first stumbled upon these lands before the volcano eruption he hasn't known anything at all. But Thane had followed where his laws had taken him there and here at the new lands. That's how he knew where everything pretty much was.

White lines ears straightened up even more as she finally introduced herself. Arthfael, what an interesting name. Yet every name is interesting in its own special way. He cocked his head tonthenside as she called him sir Thane and exscused her manners. Argh dark then asked if he was the leader of this pack and commented that he seemed for enough to be. With a small chuckle Thane couldn't hold it in. His aqua blue gaze met Arthfael's pink gaze. He didn't break their gaze but took the opportunity to get information across.

"Manners pardoned, I myself have some slips here and there. And no, I'm not the leader of this pack. Chrysanthe Adravendi is; I am the Delta. I thank you for your...compliment? But I'm afraid those days are long over." he said before thinking about the last part.

We're his days really over? What was he can supposed to do? Happy was he though...perfectly happy. Was change really necessary? No, not right now but he has the most perfect children he could ever ask for. And his beloved as well but he hasn't seen her all month. Brows furrowed as he even thought about it. It pained Thane that he couldn't go out and search for her now. Looking back down at his broken and healing leg he knew he would see her again soon....he had to.

Looking back up at Arthfael the man offered a friendly smile as he patiently waited for a reply.

"And ifnyoubare in bed of directions I can give you them to wherever you are going." he added.

OOC: ignore phone post errors



08-05-2013, 06:36 PM

Pink orbs followed the male with curiosity. He picked up the carcass and wobbled to the woman. He dropped the slab of fur and meat before he moved back over the border. The temptress tilted her head, she was hungry but she wasn't in dire need of a meal. She looked back to the male as he spoke. His baritone vocals filled her creamy ears. "Are you sure? I wouldn't dare take a meal from someone who may need it more then me." Her mouth did yearn to taste the meat within her jaws, but she would hesitate to take such an offer. She was not one to pity people, but she did not enjoy seeing a man cripple.

She listened as he pardoned her. She offered a sweet smile. Her subble lips were delicate as ever. The woman did know how to carry herself. She was a lady in every way, despite her loose habits. He told her he was delta of the pack whom called these lands their home. The woman nodded, she thought it would be nice to reside within such lush greenery but she chose the cold. Her home was lined in a thick blanket of snow at all times. It did not bother her much, but it is hard to be delicate when prancing about in a foot of snow. "I am but a brood of the new Glaciem." Her tones with soft, but she dramatized the word brood. She did not like the name of the rank but she was just glad to have one at all. She was meant to keep the King company and to provide him pups. She believed that was the meaning for woman, what else was there?

Hear me out, Im a believe, let me consume you


08-06-2013, 04:57 PM
Aqua blue eyes watched the dame as she looked at the carcass. And yet she did not eat it. White lines ears perked up as she spoke. She said she wouldn't dare take a meal from someone who may need it more than her. Was she referring to his broken leg? Looking back at it he felt his ears grow warm.

"No,'s absolutely fine. I can always catch another one later. Besides, I have my companion to look out for me if need be..."[/b] he said in a calm near whisper but audible.

A moment went by until she said she was a part of Glaciem. Thane didn't know why she had chosen the word brood but he did not question it. With a nod he waited and tried to think of something else to say. He thought about it and had a question at the back of his mind.

" you judge me by my broken limb? What do you think of it, honestly. Do you think I would last a day out of these borders?" he asked

His aqua blue orbs locked onto the dame and he met her own gaze. His eyes never ceased their stare as the calm aqua blues seemed to be like ice now. Ice like in his homeland; where he longed to be. Maybe one say he would go back to the Russian Tundra...maybe... Maybe he'll die trying or make it there. Maybe the Pack of Night will kill him off. But right now Thane would give anything just to be in the place where he was born, just for a day.

White lines ears flattened for a moment as he thought. Lost, he felt lost...very lost. Thane didn't hold in the pained expression on his face or the fidget he did with his front paws. Or the sway of his tail and the twitch of an ear. Closing his eyes for a moment he tried to take a breath...

Opening them he crimson red blood on the white snow. Looking around he saw bodies of his pack mates lying on the ground taken by death's paw. Thane breathed deep and fast and quickly closed his eyes and opened them. When he opened them all he saw was Arthfael and he knew it was just another hallucination. This wasn't good; his PTSD had been gone for a while. Was he losing his mind? No, he wasn't...he was just losing his way. Not even glancing at Arthfael for a moment he stood up and started to hobble over the border. He had to go find her, he had to see her. It was coming back, he needed her. He needed his crutch! Hobbling a few quick steps the brute thought he would be alright.

The man was on his way out of the territory until he tripped over a tree root and fell face first into the grass. With a grunt he tried to stand up but didn't have the strength to anymore. He just wanted to lay here and close his eyes so everything could go backwards. A small whine escaped his lips as he lay there in the grass.

"I need you..." he whispered to the wind as he hoped Arthfael didn't hear his wishes to the wind.

Thane sighed before he heard an eagle's cry. A golden eagle swooped down and perched itself inns nearby tree branch.

"Master Thane do you need assistance?" Cyril asked in a concerned tone.

A grunt was his answer and neither was it a yes or a no. But the man was tired of this broken leg and wished it to heal faster. He wished for many things and yet none of them came true.

OOC:ignore phone post errors