
Hell's Bells


07-31-2013, 06:55 PM
How long had it been? How many days had she ran wondering when the shadows behind her were going to close in on her, smother her in thick palpable darkness? How many times had she glanced over her shoulder just to be sure she didn't see those eyes peering back at her, that soured breath washing over her nape, a sensation she tried desperately to erase from her memory. She had busted down hell's gates the minute she was given the opportunity, fleeing from the oppressing Hades, the brute her father had given her to. Yes, Given. She was nothing more than a token to pacify her fathers enemy's, Hades, sick twisted desires.

She halted, feeling the tight feeling of his teeth around her neck, her throat tightening and breath straining. Her sides heaved as her gazed darted wildly, searching for his face, her nose twitching waiting to draw in his stomach lurching scent. Nothing. She was surrounded by nothing more than what looked to be a barren field. She was alone, and yet in her mind she still felt surrounded, bombarded by new scents, new sensations. She could pick out traces of her own kin as the parched ground around her spat up dust when buffeted by the wind and she felt the need to continue on the aching longing to see another of her kind. She had been confined to solitude for so long, knowing nothing but /his/ face.

Her heart was unsure, and her mind seemed to play tricks on her. In the distance she was sure the outlines of bodies danced along the horizon, sure that someone was out there besides the shadows that had taunted her for so long. In a burst of pure desperation, Persephone tilted back her head and released a long winded call.

Ew -Pokes sad excuse of an intro-



07-31-2013, 07:25 PM

Cormalin padded along the edge of the Battlefield once again. He hadn?t been here in a bit, and he needed to return. Perhaps he would run across a prospective member for Valhalla. Heavy tail swayed as his ears flicked to listen for the sounds of others. It didn?t take long. Heavy ruff rippled as he swiveled his head to look toward the long howl that came from nearby. He pivoted, tail flicking slightly before he approached the caller. Mismatched blue and gold eyes studied her.

She was small, delicate. Marked with earthen golds and tans, and sporting amber eyes flecked with green. He dipped his head in a respectful greeting, stopping the correct distance away that wouldn?t alarm her. ?Good day, miss. I am Cormalin, Beta of Valhalla.? Gentle eyes swept beyond her. The way she moved, he wondered if someone chased her. Heavy, long furred tail swayed slightly as his eyes returned to hers, waiting to see how she would react to him.


07-31-2013, 07:49 PM
She had hardly relaxed her jaw when a black form approached from her right, and mismatched eyes swept over her form as if sizing her up. She could almost feel her heart lurch and skip a beat, fear wrenching through her being as a fleeting vision of a larger black brute brushed across her mind, a dark sinister laughter ringing in her ears. Instinctively she took a step back, ears flattening and tail tucking between her legs. Had he found her, had she not run fast enough?

An Aching moment passed before Persephone drew in a breath, taking the time to finally give the male before her a once over. He was not as large as Hades had been, nor were his eyes anything like the black pits she had grown so accustomed to. She sat, almost entranced by the alternating colors of the male's eyes. Never before had she seen such an anomaly. She relaxed as his voice brushed across her ears, soft and reassuring, yet regal and commanding. A Beta, it had been two years since she had heard such a term spoken "Cormalin..." She let his name hang in the air as if waiting for him to disappear, a figment of her mad imagination.

When he stood steady, not wavering into nothingness, she allowed herself to relax, extending her neck slightly towards him in greeting "I am Persephone." She paused and looked around before giving a shaky sigh and glancing over her shoulder "and I am lost." She added briskly, he voice soft and shaky.



07-31-2013, 08:17 PM

For a moment, Cormalin wondered if the small female was about to bolt at the sight of him. Her tail tucked, she took a step back. Then she seemed to focus on him, a deep breath drawing into her lungs. His eyes seemed to fascinate her, and when she spoke his name, it was almost as if she expected him to? disappear. Since he didn?t intend to disappear, and couldn?t if he wanted to, she seemed to relax, her head lowering slightly, returning his greeting with her name.

Persephone. She seemed as flighty as a deer that had caught movement during the day, when their eyesight was weakest, and wasn?t sure if it had really seen that movement, her shaky sigh made his ears press forward. As she glanced over her shoulder, he did as well, peering across the plain, before looking back to her. What chased her. At her next words, he pondered. ?Well, I can tell you a little about the area. My pack?s territory lays to the west, and a little bit south. To the south, there is a kingdom pack called Seracia, Valhalla?s ally. To the north, there is a pack known as Glaciem. But I?ve been hearing that it?s unstable there, ever since a wolf took over after winning a fight for it. Also, north and west lays Amenti, also our ally. East, is Tortuga, and Ludicael. Ludicael are our Allies, but Tortuga disbanded and reformed around a wolf who is no friend to us. Where we stand now, is called the Battlefield. Many wolves come here, either to fight, or to find a home. Are you looking for a home, yourself?? His long winded directions ended with that question, voiced conversationally.

Haunches sank to the ground a movement made to hopefully set the female ever more at ease.


08-01-2013, 07:43 PM
Ears perched forward, Persephone drank in all the information that Cormalin was dishing out in a single long-winded breath. She blinked in astonishment; these lands did not just hold one pack, but six? She could only imagine the sheer numbers of these wolves if they were to meet together at once. The mere thought of such power in numbers was overwhelming and she found herself exhaling in excitement. Cormalin was not alone, there were more. More bodies, more strength... more protection. Yes she wanted that. Some place not shrouded in darkness and musty odors, catered to, yet imprisoned. She wanted the freedom she had once possessed as a small pup. Was Cormalin trying to offer her such a thing?

After a few moments she watched him recline to his haunches, his mismatched gaze fixated on her lithe form. Her crown tilted, glancing behind her once more before the tense muscles along her spine relaxed and she took a few steps towards him seating herself a few inches in front of him. Her nostrils flared, inhaling his scent before sighing "Yes... I am looking for home." She paused and looked at features, taking in the sight of this kind, yet unfamiliar being. "Your nose. What happened?" She asked rather bluntly, yet her voice was soft and kind.



08-01-2013, 08:01 PM

His long directive seemed to surprise and somewhat overwhelm the little female, as the air huffed from her. It was a noise of excitement. His movement made to relax her seemed to work, as well. He saw the muscles in her body relax, and she mimicked his actions, stepping closer, and sitting back on her own haunches. He let the close proximity go unreduced. He didn?t mind being approached this closely.

After a moment, in which she took his scent in, she spoke in response to his question. She was indeed seeking a home. Her eyes ran over him, taking his appearance in. Her next words surprised him. His nose? Ah, yes his nose. It had stopped hurting weeks ago, and he?d quite forgotten about the injury, but not how he?d received it. ?Ah, I was defending one of our healers from a rogue who decided she was easy prey for sport. Thankfully, myself and my sister, who is also our Lead Healer in the pack, arrived in time to stop him from doing permanent damage or violating her. My friend Obsidian had a hoof in the fray as well. For a horse, she?s quite fierce.? Mismatched eyes twinkled slightly. ?And she caught the male so off guard he wasn?t sure what to make of her.?

Heavy tail curled about his paws, as he turned to the business at hand. She sought a home, and he was offering a home. He studied her again. ?What are you good at? Are you a healer? Or a warrior? Or perhaps a hunter? Our Lead Hunter Ashtoreth could use a paw. And would you like to hear some about Valhalla?? He could speak at length about his home and Pack.


08-01-2013, 08:29 PM
Persephone nodded at his explanation for his wound, and yet a shiver crawled up her spine. What if Cormalin and his sister had not been in the nearby proximity? The poor fae would have ended up like herself, a play toy for the likes of a coy male. She had spent her adolescent years as nothing more than a concubine, a rare trophy for another's shelf. She visibly shuddered as memories flooded over her before she pushed them aside. She had already been found by Cormalin in a weakened state, she did not need him thinking even less of her.

"What are you good at?" She blinked, mulling over the question of her mind. What /was/ she good at? Now that she thought of it she had never had the chance to test her abilities. She was not even granted the graces of a first hunt before her life was pulled beneath her feet. She spent a life of near solitude except for the opportunities when her captor felt the need to sashay his prize around his camp. She found herself almost choking on the fact that she knew about as much as a pup when it came to pack life. An embarrassed look crossed her features and she took a nervous swallow of air, trying to think of what she had been best at before.

Her head tilted and amber gaze fixated on the ground as she fought to remember a life that felt so unnatural and foreign to her. "When I was younger, I was very keen to other's scent. I could tell when a pack mate was approaching and who it was long before my childhood friends could even pick the scent up." She raised her head, swelling with a small amount of pride "I'm sure I must still be good at it!" She exclaimed.



08-01-2013, 08:52 PM

His question seemed to give her a surprise, and she seemed to give that question deep thought, and he caught a flicker of embarrassment as it swept through her face. Her eyes dropped to the ground, and finally, she spoke. He listened, deliberating. From how she said her words, it was as though after her childhood, she hadn?t been able to partake in something that would help her find her skills. ?So, a tracker. Any training you would need could be arranged. I think you would do well in Valhalla. We are a pack that cherishes our family, and upholds honor. Strength is in our unity, and love. Our alpha is Chrysanthe, and her father was once the greatest Alpha a pack could have. Chrysanthe is fair, honorable, and gentle, but if someone harms a member of the pack, she?ll be out for that wolf?s blood.?

Yes, for a young wolf, she was proving herself to be an echo of her father?s greatness, and someday, she might even match, or surpass him. He was honored to be a Beta under her rule. However, he had noticed the male who had been sticking very close to her side had been acting as though her was an Alpha male. He knew that Chrysanthe wouldn?t have made an Alpha male promotion without first introducing the male that would be helping in giving orders and ranks, but he had an odd feeling. He didn?t find the way the male gave other males jealous looks. The looks were quickly veiled, but they were there. He would have to speak with Chrysanthe about that.

His eyes turned to Persephone. ?Would you be interested in being a part of Valhalla??