
sunsets and icy jets


07-31-2013, 11:29 AM


The stage was set with intricate pillars and carvings and loops of ice - creating towers that reached up out of the frozen lake. A firey sunset lit whole scene with a rainbow of colors. Every shade of autumn fire was reflected in the curves and crystals. The ice scuplters cast long shadows upon the surface where four giant paws padded. The tips of the snow leopard's fur were stained yellow, and she seemed to glow in the light- and then vanish into the shadows as her journey carried her along the banks of the seemingly endless lake. As the sun went down and the dusk took over, it darkened enough to see the glowing water-creatures - like under water fireflies - chasing at her steps as she walked around.

Another place of lonely beauty found. Silverback halted. It seemed like it was lot in life. She could've been a spiritual embodiment of the land itself. Forever living and breathing and traveling... forever lost in snowy solitude. The only conversations she'd managed to have lately were with creatures of the dog clan. Beggars can't be choosers, she just hoped she wasn't starting to smell like one of them.

Sooner or later she would need to find a place to spend the night. Sheglanced up at one of the self standing cliff faces of frozen water. Perhaps up there? A ripple was sent through the thick feline form as she crouched back. Her kind was able to take impossible horizontal leaps of up to fifty feet! And when it came to vertical climbs, lucky watchers swore it to be sorcery. Perhaps in the morning she'd play hopscotch along the tops of the ice scupltures. It was simple enough for her.

But before she could make her jump, she paused, scenting something new in the air.



07-31-2013, 11:54 AM
From the shadows came a new creature, something sultry and beautiful, darker than the inky blackness from which she appeared. Cautious as the prey she hunted so passionately, the demoness crept around to get a proper view of this new creature. It had scented her before she appeared, yet she needed to get a good look at it, to decide whether a conversation was worth it. Seeing as the creature was probably not going to attack her, because it would have already if the desire was there, she let her tense muscles relax. Feminine hips would sway attractively as she approached the big cat, long tail sweeping through the air behind her. She stood a fair distance away from the creature, awaiting some form of speech from it. The cat seemed to be female, so the two would have that in common, and that would probably be it, the female thought to herself. While she waited, she surveyed the lands around her. A cold lake, filled with strange glowing creatures, like stars reflected on the surface, only there were yet to be that many stars in the sky. Collumns of ice, like dismembered legs of some great ice beast, stood proudly all around. She sniffed in disdain, as she could not see her own gorgeous face reflected a million times over within the great pillars. Looking back to the big cat before her, she continued to await acknowledgement, compliments, something that hinted at intelligence.


07-31-2013, 12:07 PM


The coiled power in her hind legs eased off a hair, when Silverback saw the newcomer approach. Grey-green eyes took in the dark form of, yes, another wolf. The mutt didn't bother to say anything. No gasps of surprise or shock or fear at the sight of something so strange and beautiful as the snow leopard. Oh well, Silverback's was not the sort of vanity that fed off the opinions of others. Oh it was much too strong for that. She was a cat after all. But the arrogance of the others gaze was rather amuzing. The silver siren paused and let out a rumble that could've been a growl or a purr. "Pray tell, darling. Is this lake already claimed?" She had hardly been expecting others to be out here on this frozen slab of water. Well not anything other than a cat at least. But of course there were none of those. Silverback had found that she was starting to get used to the disappointment. Or perhaps it was just that she was tired and numb to whatever troubles the day might still hold. Maybe this entering specter would prove a point of interest in an otherwise boring day, or perhaps it would be one more episode to log away in the dusty corners of her feline brain.



07-31-2013, 12:27 PM
The cat acknowledged her presence, facing her and emitting a rumble from her throat. To follow came no greeting, how rude. Instead, a question. Pray tell, darling. Is this lake already claimed? She asked, and Raven could not tell if the note of sarcasm was real, or just her imagination. Giving a sigh she parted her ebony jaws to reveal blinding white razors, and vocalized her own thoughts. Well hello to you too. She muttered, the comment dripping with sarcasm. Then she chose to answer the question, since it would be simply unladylike to be just as rude as the cat. To hell if I know. She shrugged, the perfect accompanying gesture for the phrase. She could see just a touch of vanity within the cat, and thought to herself; I just might like this cat, but let's see how this conversation goes. Shaking out her fabulous coat, she eyed the cat with orbs that started out icy blue and faded into lavender. And your name might be.....? She drifted off, waiting for the cat to realize how rude she had been by not introducing herself, and fill in the answer.


07-31-2013, 12:48 PM


Sarcastic and snide. Well at least Silverback was meeting a character. Some days, the she-cat thrived on curteusy from others, some days she could relax in a sea of slurs. She had a pricklebush at heart and could trade curses and sarcasm with the best of them when she had a mind. Today though, she was just too tired to really think of anything creative. The other female's blunt negatory, was received with a shrug of two great grey shoulders. The snow leopardess was standing a bit more comfortably now, her elongated tail twitching it's black tip across the ice. "Well at least I won't have to fight anyone for a bed," the siren muttered.

"And your name might be?"

The cat rolled her eyes heavenward to the pinacle of ice. "Well it might be anything." she said, picking up her paws and slowly walking round a thin pole of ice. It looked like a giesyer spout had been frozen in place. Quite spectacular. Why -hadn't- anyone claimed this place yet. Oh yes. A little something called food. Slim pickings in these parts, but Silverback was used to that. She could give herself one big meal and go along just fine for a long time. "My name is Silverback." The leopard said at least, poking her head around the side of the ice scuplture. "But you're welcome to call be anything from 'Siren of the Night' or 'Goddess Divine' to 'Your Grace' or 'Ma'dam'." Half sarcastic were the lyrics that poured from the woman's muzzle this evening. She pulled it off with quite a bit of class. Benefits of being feline. She stalked back towards the newcomer, adding, "Of course hey cat usually works too, but why be offensive?"



07-31-2013, 01:32 PM
The feline creature was clearly tired, but seemed to want a bed located rather far up a cliff. If she went there, where would the conversation go? That's just it, it would disappear. Where's the fun in that? She thought to herself, smiling inwardly. The silver-grey cat padded around a strangely shaped pillar, examining it. Without poking her head around, the cat finally answered her earlier question.
Well, it might be anything.
The cat responded, and the dark furred dame rolled her eyes. She was enjoying the conversation with this cat, finally talking with another animal who thought even remotely like she did. So she waited for the cat to actually answer her question. Along with a name, came the feline's head from behind the sculpted column of ice.
My name is Silverback.
Came the leopard's voice, finally to lend a title to herself. Now Raven could stop calling her cat, and use her name. Though the introduction wouldn't stop there, Silverback had more. Alternate title's also came pouring from her mouth, some of which amused the obsidian demoness.
But you're welcome to call be anything from 'Siren of the Night' or 'Goddess Divine' to 'Your Grace' or 'Ma'dam'.
The woman was really starting to warm up to the idea of having a conversation with the leopard, because it was starting to get interesting. Silverback prowled up to her, jaws parting to add something else. This could be good. The black she wolf thought to herself, interested in what other fancy titles would come to her ears now.
Of course hey cat usually works too, but why be offensive?
Silverback commented. The maiden couldn't agree more, given she herself didn't enjoy being called things like 'you there' or 'black one' or 'you with the weird eyes'. She could handle 'tease', 'slut', and even 'worthless mutt' because they were somewhat close to capturing her nature, instead of referring to nothing but the the colour of her coat or eyes. So, she decided it would only be common courtesy to introduce herself.
Well, Your Grace,
She began, a smile teasing up the corners of her lips.
I am Raven. Though you are welcome to dream up some fancy titles for me.
She added with a small chuckle, flicking her long tail in amusement. She was enjoying herself, having a conversation with a feline, something she would usually never think to do. There had been many of them where she used to live, but the tales the mothers taught their children made sure they never would stoop to having a civilized conversation with them. But what did she care? She had never followed the rules, never listened to anyone, never bothered to care what those wolves thought of her. She awaited Silverback's next witty reply, banner twitching occasionally in amusement.


07-31-2013, 01:43 PM


Silverback was pleased to see from the use of 'Your Grace', that the little black fae was picking up on the game. Truth be told 'conversation' was not something that the she-cat had ever really had any practice with. Growing up, she'd had her mother. That was about it. Her father had left before the party got started - typical of leopard males, and her siblings hadn't survived their first winter. Anything resembling 'skill' in speaking was just her personality. Silverback didn't like or dislike talking to others - it just depended on her ever swinging mood and on the company itself. She was used to years alone, but lately she'd been given to searching out another of her species. Or even genus for that matter.

Hormones probably.

Not that it hurt to have the occasional platonic relationship too.

But just as quick as a snap, the conversation took a new turn. "Hmmmm," Silverback gave a shake of her head. "No no darling. You mustn't go around letting the world decide what it is to call you. You decide for yourself what you are, and tell it plainly." Another roll of the shoulders. "Your kind tends to think such great thoughts of company and opinions and pack matters-" Silverback almost chuckled. "But I do hope you don't forget what it means to be an individual."



08-07-2013, 01:52 PM

The sultry fae had been waiting much longer than she thought necessary for a reply, until finally a sound rumbled from the feline's silver throat.
Silverback pondered, the suspense causing the ebony woman to give her long tail a flicker. The celestial cat gave a shake of her head before continuing to speak.
No no darling. You musn't go around letting the world decide what it is to call you. You decide for yourself what you are, and tell it plainly.
She spoke, provoking the obsidian seductress to take even more interest in the conversation, and even a touch more of a liking towards the leopard. Silverback rolled her shoulders before adding more to her speech.
Your kind tends to think such great thoughts of company and opinions and pack matters.
Raven knew this, of course. She had always been one to ignore what the pack said though, because it was usually an insult or a slur against her parentage. Yet she drove those painful thoughts back, and let Silverback's voice continue to fill her tall auds.
But I do hope you don't forget what it means to be an individual.
She was touched. A creature she had once thought to be no smarter than a branch, and more violent than an elk in mating season, had views such as this, and was sharing them with her. A smile crossed her lips, dancing over her delicate, beautiful features. She decided to point something out to the silver coated feline, to prove she was quite individual.
Ah, but I am alone. I don't see the point in packs, or being with more than one wolf for any reason other than a decent conversation, or to screw one another.
She told her, chuckling at the last part. She hadn't done anything with a male other than tease him, make him want her, and then disappear into the forest, never to be seen again.
Though I must say, Ma'dam' this conversation is the best I've had in a long time. She added, just to see how Silverback would respond. It ought to be interesting, given simpler words had divulged the cat's earlier speech.



08-07-2013, 02:55 PM


The dark fae known as Raven was quick to agree, and to justify herself with an explanation that she was a loner. Her opinion on packs was similar to that of the siren. Silverback had already known that the girl had a turn for language from the first words traded. So the she-cat was able to ignore the vulgarity and smirk along. But perhaps for a different reason. Wolves could afford to treat the opposite sex so casually. They were always around - or just within howling distance. Not so with mountain cats. They met at rare intervals usually only due to a brief stay together for the mating season, and then walking off their separate ways - though Silverback had been told by her mother that some pairs chose to stay together longer. It wasn't as though Silverback knew. Never in her life had she seen a male of her species. Not once.

So yes, Silverback smirked when the she-wolf chuckled, but it was a rather bitter one.

Raven's next words, however, managed to be quiet soothing. At the giving of the complement, the snow leopard's tail could be seen to flick proudly. Her head perked up a bit, whiskers unconsciously bowing forward in a sign of pleasure. "You do me a complement, Raven," she murmured. "Growing up, there was only my mother to speak to -" not that they did that often "-and 'conversation' was hardly on the regimen of training." Whatever her words might've been however, she spoke with enough purr and depth and pride to hint at instinct having a role to play. "So far, wolves such as yourself have been my only opportunity to put my voice to use." Having sat upon the ice, she wrapped her tail round her paws, and enjoyed the bracing winds. "I confess you catch me at a bit contradiction, however, for the only reason I have left my Far Northern home is to seek out company." Life was full of complexities wasn't it. She was quite proud of her independence and always would be. To be feline was to be independent... but 'curiosity' tended to come along too. "Outside my mother, my eyes have never seen another leopard." Well, that wasn't entirely true; there had also been her siblings - but they hadn't made it past their first winter and Silverback didn't feel like bringing in uncomfortable details. Not when there was something else she wanted to know. "I wonder if you have seen any in your lone travels?"



08-08-2013, 12:29 PM

She could see the wheels turning in the she cat's head, her thoughts going unknown to the dame. A bitter smirk had crossed the feline's face as she chuckled, though it wasn't a very content grimace. The life of a creature solitary by nature must be very different, never coming into contact with another except by chance, unless you went seeking them out. The solitary life was starting to bore the obsidian woman now though, and she had been considering joining a pack. Slinking through the darkness throughout the lands, she had heard of many packs, but had not found one that caught her fancy. So she would remain a loner, a rogue, for now. Once more, Silverback's voice filled her ears, attracting her attention with the tone of speech.
You do me a compliment, Raven. Growing up, there was only my mother to speak to- and 'conversation' was hardly on the regimen of training.
The starry pelted leopard purred, clearly hinting that not much training was required for someone of her Divinity. Raven smirked, revealing perfect pearl razors, massive canines peeking under her lips just barely.
So far, wolves such as yourself have been my only opportunity to put my voice to use. I confess you catch me at a bit contradiction, however, for the only reason I have left my Far Northern home is to seek out company. Outside my mother, my eyes have never seen another leopard. I wonder if you have seen any in your lone travels?
The cat ended with a question, one that would only be answered with a disappointment. Before answering, a thought poured into her mind, forcing her to fight to keep from grinning at her own humour. Looks like we have ourselves a horny kitty here. Poor thing, she'd have to trekk all the way up to my homeland to find a few others... Life really is a bitch if you ain't a goody two shoes... She pondered, then parted her powerful jaws to deliver the disappointing news to her companion.
Sorry, Goddess Divine. The only one's I have ever laid eyes on were the few that lived in my homeland, which is quite far from here...
She told the cat, frowing slightly. She had only been without males within travelling distance while she crossed the desert sepearating her homeland from the rest of the world.
Though, if it makes you feel any better, many of them started leaving just before I did, and I caught a few scents as I came close to Alactritia.
That was all she could lend the cat, and she hoped it would suffice to lighten the cat's spirits. She settled onto the ice as well, wrapping her long, thick tail around her tea cupped paws and shaking the chill from her fur. With a smirk, she opened her mouth to make a remark.
I must say, loner life is quite a bore, no one to talk to and all. Know of any packs around here that would accept a bitchy beauty like myself?
She asked that cat, chuckling at the self appointed title. What she said was true, and the question was genuine. She had started to feel particularly lonely, with no one around here. At least with her pack, she would be acknowledged if she died, whereas, alone, no one would know. No one would mourn her death, no one would long for her touch, no one would wish she was there to hunt with them, sing to the moon with them. No one.



08-08-2013, 04:54 PM


"Sorry-" She was starting to hear that word alot. She didn't think herself a creature worthy of anything remotely like pity or sympathy, but her plight certainly was. It was another negative - or as good as one. The question was, just how far was Silverback willing to go to find another of her breed? How much disappointment was she willing to face, when instead she could be safe and snug in her own territory? Eyes flickered aside. She'd figure that out when it came to it. Eventually, she imagined she'd get fed up with the search. When it was over it was over. But until then she'd keep looking and keep hoping. On the plus side at least she was learning more about the world. There were lots of other beautiful places aside from her mountains. And lo and behold, against what she'd been raised on, there were some wolves intelligent enough for conversation. Example A being the black she-dog before her.

The creature called Raven, spoke again of loner life versus packs. Seemed as though the two of them were in a similar boat. Odd enough. But here, Silverback had to shake her head. "I know nothing of the matters of your kind, but..." she thought for a moment, "In my old territory beside the Snowfalls there was a group." She'd found with a bear-sized tailless one over a sheep, but he'd chosen not to kill her. Not exactly a proud day in her book. "And south of here the wolves have bred like rabbits and there seem to be scents of them everywhere. I'm sure you needn't look far for a pack." After her words had faded into the icy air, a wry curve took her muzzle. "Just do me a favor and don't let them change that outspoken attitude of yours, alright?" It wasn't as though she could really feel any attachment to a canine of all things, but this one was enjoyable to talk to.



08-09-2013, 06:40 PM

OOC. Sorry about crappiness, in a bit of a time crunch, very busy atm...

The dark seductress watched with dual coloured orbs as the snow leopard shook her head. She knew nothing, which made the she wolf frown, but she did speak of a few packs around hear. Clearly one or more of them had pissed off the great feline, based on the look of discontempt on her face. A grin crossed her face, and she spoke some more, a rhetorical question. The ebony fae threw her head back as laughter burst from her jaws, tinkling like tiny silver bells through the freezing air. Oh, you don't have to worry about that, I've spent two long living in silence to have my voice removed again. She told the feline, once her peals of joy had subsided. She cringed as the reminder of her past fought it's way into her head. She thought of the scars hidden beneath her thick obsidian fur, feeling an itch on her ankle where the worst of them remained to this day. Looking around, she gave a sigh. Well, my Siren of the Night, I feel it's time for me to return to my wanderings, and find a place to settle down. Though I hope we meet again. She told Silverback, smiling before standing once more. Bowing to the great feline, the maiden dissappeared from sight, off to explore the lands.




08-09-2013, 06:49 PM


The wolf laughed at the cat's words, seeming all too eager to heed them. Good. It was nice to meet a canine who actually had a little thought to her head and spunk to her step. Silverback watched, as with a final fling of lovely words and a graceful bow, the she-wolf took her leave; her vanishing act taking her back away from the lake and it's towers of ice. Silver let her own opinions and thoughts remain silent in her head. She made no goodbye, for the other fae had not seemed to think one necessary. The feline, merely turned and, with a leap to dazzle the ages, scaled the shattered ice cliffs of the frozen archway. Upon the top was a fine layer of snow, she batted at a bit before curling up in a ball, with her tail wrapped about her for warmth. If she looked off and away before her new hieght would've afforded her a glimspe of the small black shadow - the fellow wanderer off seeking some final destination - but she did not. Her eyes were quickly closing as she welcomed back the old friend of every cat - sleep.

