
My petal of the rose


07-30-2013, 05:31 PM (This post was last modified: 07-30-2013, 05:32 PM by Thane.)
White lines ears perked up as the brute hobbled throughout the land. It had been a while since his fall and his leg was healing quickly. It was a good thing he had fallen after the floods, or he wouldn't have been able to swim. It hurt less but still gave the man a disadvantage a things, movement. He could move but Thane tried to heed Erani's advice. And yet here he was still walking and not resting. With a smile the wolf hobbled on and kept alert. It was starting to get hotter, summer was just around the corner. Thane hated the heat, it made him feel rather uncomfortable. But it had also been almost a season without even a word or glimpse of his mate. He hoped she was alright and if he could he would go look for her. But with this bum leg he wouldn't make it more than a few days. Heck, he could barely hunt! Thank the stars for Cyril, his appreciated companion. The eagle hunted for him occasionally and basically was there to help him heal. Every friendship has it's perks right?

The seasons were going by so fast. His three children would be yearlings come Fall. Aqua blue eyes settled on the sky as Thane let out a yawn. It made him wonder as well what his and Ookami's children were up to as well. He saw them during the floods and a bit after. Yet the man wondered if he gave them a bit too much space. He knew he himself wasn't given any when he was a pup. This the reason to give his own children space. With a sigh the brute slowly say down on his haunches and lay on his side once more. He carefully sprawled out his broken hind left leg and closed his eyes. Maybe after a nap he would feel better. Then again for some reason the male was beginning to feel rather lonely. Perhaps the absence of his rose, his beloved, had set him astray. She was the one who had really helped him after everything. She made him happy, she made him have a reason again. And he still does though now. An ear twitched as he thought. What would he give to even see her now. To know that she is alright, to tell her how much he loves her.

Those thoughts sent his heart a-skippin! He smiled as he lay on the ground. Thane wondered what their children thought of her absence. We're they worried as well? Did they miss their mother? Surely they did....they all did. With another heavy sigh the male's eyes remained closed. He rested his leg but didn't sleep. Lay there did he do and rest did he still need. Maybe if he did fall asleep everything would be a dream. Maybe when he woke up his parents would still be alive and his sister wouldn't have been "murdered". Maybe his old pack wouldn't be completely extinct either. Maybe he He didn't, Thane didn't want that anymore. He was happy here with his mate and their children. Without them what would life be? Even during the floods it scared him. The floods scared him because his children could have drowned. A shiver ran down the brute's spine as he even thought about it. It was such a horrid though that he shifted a little.

Thane wouldn't sleep, he would simply close his eyes and rest...

OOC:ignore phone post errors



08-03-2013, 11:04 PM
ooc: Hover for translation.

She got it. Resnera held her head high, tail up and wagging behind her. For the last half hour she had been going after a rabbit that had surprise her, and because of her nature the little shewolf could not simply let it go. It was a great opportunity to test out what she had been learning from her father and others in Valhalla. She ran and ran, kept her body going, pushing its limits, there was no way she would simply let a meal get away when it had hopped right under her nose.

The black and white girl was nearly a year old, her birthday during the season where the leaves changed colors and fell to the earth, Autumn. Right now Spring would be ending, Summer right around the corner. The girl was excited, wanting to run around and enjoy the new change of weather.

While making her way back home the pup noticed something nearby, a form made of black. She came to a stop, turquoise orbs looking over the figure. Within seconds she grinned, recognizing it as her father laying in the grass. She hopped in his direction, having a bounce to her step, tail wagging behind her as she closed the distance between them. Just a few feet from him she set the rabbit down and smiled widely at him. ?Доброе утро отца.? Her friendly and smooth voice slipped out from her throat, coming up to him and brushing her cheek against his shoulder.

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome image by Canttina <3


08-04-2013, 08:47 PM (This post was last modified: 08-04-2013, 08:47 PM by Thane.)
He may there with his eyes closed as the wolf relaxed. He felt quite peaceful and happy to be here. The scent of prey filled his nose before he could even see it, a hare by the smell of it. But what the man didn't know was thankf jtnwasneither already caught or running about. If it was running around he would surely catch it ifnhenlegnwas healed. But Thane disk feel like hobbling after a hare with this leg anymore. Maybe later he would do so. White lines ears perked up as he heard a footfall coming towards him. It sounded light and not with heavy footsteps. And by the scent of the creature he couldn't help but let out a small smile. A thud was heard as the male opened up his eyes revealing aqua blue orbs. They settled on the hare that lay on the ground dead then looked up at his daughter who smiled at him with a wide grin. She said good morning to him before rubbing her cheek against his shoulder. Smiling still Thane grunted as he sat up and looked back down at the girl. He was even happier that she had spoken in his home language; it has been a long time since he had even spoken it himself until his own pups started learning it from him.

"Ах, доброе утро моя маленькая принцесса.(Ah, good morning my little princess)" he said before taking a paw and drawing her closer to him into his side. Thane bent down to ticker her with his muzzle hoping to get a laugh out of her.

His smile never ceased; seeing his children brought him joy and happiness.

"Я вижу, вы поймали что-то сегодня утром. (I see you have caught something this morning.)" he said to her while looking back down at the hare.

"Proud I am to see such things from you. But then again I am always proud of you." he said before touching his nose to the top of her head.

"Perhaps after my leg heals I think a hunt out of the pack territory has our names on it. What do you say to that idea? And if your brothers would like to come as well I bet they would like that. Maybe your mother can..." he said in a cheery voice until he lost his train of thought.

Thane remembered he still doesn't know where Ookami is. Looking back at Resnera he hoped she wouldn't catch that last part. Did she realize Ookami's absence as well? And then he also wondered if she also knew about his leg before he had just told her. Aqua blue eyes looked down at his daughter as he waited for her answer.

His gaze softened as he looked at her. It was still kind of hard to believe she and her brothers had grown so big so fast. He remembered when they were wee things still. She was his little princess alright; and no matter what she will always be.

"Oh,and maybe your nephew can come over once in a while to play with you and your brothers. He isn't really that much older than all of you." he added.

With a small inaudible sigh Thane looked back down at Resnera. He wondered what she was thinking right now and what was going on in her mind. And right now he really wished he knew...

OOC:ignore phone post errors