
Which is the Voice that I was Meant to Hear?


07-30-2013, 03:19 PM

My world has changed and so have I

I've learned to choose

And even learned to say goodbye

. . .

~Do I still remember the old ways?~ Champion wondered, looking at herself in the green-silver mirror of the lake.

She looked the same as she always had, but was that a lie? She was only two and a half years old, and yet her life seemed to be falling apart. Well no, not really. That is, in some ways it was, but the worse it got, the more she felt herself detaching from it. As Amenti's beta she had found a side of herself that was respectable and militant and obeidiant to a fault. It was the soldier within her. And yes it had been satisfying to carry out her duties and be a part of something larger... but then it had all toppled. Seemed the higher someone dreamed, the easier it was for the tides to bring it crashing all down. Castles in the sand.

She had never cared about herself when it came to the future and danger. Champion saw life as a thing to be lived to the limit and beyond. But you couldn't live like that when you were worrying about other people. When you had friends with lives and families and a kingdoms on a hill. Oh what was the matter with her? She never felt conflicted! That was what she had always loved about herself was that she could always trust her instincts! She followed the voice inside and it led her on explorations and story book adventures and so far she had always come out the same as ever - if anything, stronger.

But now?

Now she didn't know what to do. She hadn't seen Newt in, weeks, maybe even a month or so. But the thing was, Newt's head was full of plots and revenge and gaining back her land. Champion just didn't believe in any of that anymore. It was so much easier when she'd been living as a rogue. She wanted to go back to the way she was before - not a Beta, not a soldier, just herself.

Or did she?

Ack! She didn't know anymore! She couldn't made heads or tails of what she wanted. Some days she lent one way, some days the other, and the more it changed, the more she felt like she couldn't trust herself. Not anymore. Not about this. She needed someone else. Someone, who could at least just be there to overtalk the voices in her head. Someone she knew. Someone she could be herself around.

Leaning her head back she let out another long slow howl for Vioxes. She'd been looking for him for some time. Maybe he'd be near, among the ice frosted lake and and the submerged forest of timber spires. She had been without him for a while now and dash it all if she didn't miss him.

. . .

The path ahead's so hard to see

It winds and bends but where it ends

Depends on only me


07-30-2013, 03:37 PM

He had been very near when the howl rang out in the land. The corners of his lips pulled back into a small smile, ears perking up. Vioxes had been watching the woman from a distance, dark gaze watching herself gaze into the lake in thought. He kind of felt bad for not looking for her sooner, but something in him told the male that he should leave her be for a bit since the fall of Newt's rule. The woman had been her beta after all and both seemed close.

Where had he been during their time apart? Wandering. He was waiting to hear news about hat would happen with Newt and Champion, but after hearing nothing he decided to stray from the lands he would have called his new home. So far though he only managed some parts of the East before moving up into the North. Lucky him, he had caught the woman just a couple minutes ago, but stayed a good distance away, watching.

"Champion..." He stepped forth from the brush, dipping his head, voice gentle yet deep. Comforting. Dark paws carried him forward, closing the distance between the two. A small smile was on his lips when he finally stopped just beside her, sitting back on his haunches and looking into her gaze.


Awesome table by Nyx <3


07-30-2013, 03:55 PM

In my heart I don't feel part of so much I've known

Now it seems it's time to start,

A new life on my own

. . .

Champion had been expecting, well, maybe a returning howl or two, then a scent steadily growing closer - perhaps a bit of running on her part to shorten the distance. But instead, she found the male appearing like a puff of smoke from the watery shadows of the lake's banks. Champion's ears swiveled round. Wine colored eyes settled on a face she knew rather well. "It's good to see you, Vio," she murmured, watching the male's movements as he walked over. She was almost disappointed when he sat down.

Wait, what? Inwardly Champion blinked, but she didn't have time to figure out her own insides. She was too complicated at the moment. She focused on her current company:

Vioxes, the hunter turned tresspasser turned slave turned companion. Champion, well, she had liked the little black striped male from the beginning. She had feared for him that Newt's sentencing would be death and she had stepped up and thrown the proverbial wing over him. But Vioxes wasn't a chick to be gathered underfoot. And Champion was certainly no mother hen. Whatever they had been during their all too short time in Amenti, it had resembled something more like traveling companions or even playmates than anything like master and servant.

She had never really bothered with wondering by Vioxes had stuck around, or seemed to enjoy her company so much. Nor had she thought much about how he would feel when she'd suddenly disappeared. That.... that was rude of her, wasn't it? She should have known better. But then again, inside she was still such a pup about some things. And now she was feeling guilty. She felt her own hindquarters sinking to the ground. Her tail was still hitched up in a husky-curl around her hip, but her ears dropped a little. She was not the sort to just say sorry about something. And after all, Vio didn't look like he was mad. Maybe she ought to just forget about the past and try to muddle through the present. "How-how are you?" she asked simply. She didn't know why she was stammering. Just a few days ago she had one of the strongest women in the world - she'd met up with a white male whose eyes were as red as her own and they'd traded such looks and words... It had awakened something in her that she knew very little about, but had proven quite powerful. Too powerful in fact, she'd ended up more or less daunting the male. Just one more soul to add to the list.

. . .

But where do I go from here?

So many voices ringing in my ear

Which is the voice that I was meant to hear?


07-30-2013, 04:26 PM

"It's good to see you too." He was happy to see Champion again, his days would be less lonely now, if she didn't mind him sticking around. Perhaps that was half the reason he didn't go looking for her, a part of his brain telling him that she was only friendly to save his ass at the border that day and thought she might as well just show him around the place. Did she really enjoy his company? Or was it all just to spare his feelings? Too look decently good to her pack mates then? Naw, there was something there, behind the strength, something that said she did it all because she wanted to, enjoyed his company.

He did miss her during this time apart, her serious yet playful tones, the excitement of running around and just messing around the place. He wondered where she had gone, but didn't dwell too much on it. She was an independent, free individual with a life of her own that she wanted to live in her own special way. Vioxes would not get in the way. Even if he wanted to be there.

His gaze rose to her ears, watching them drop just a couple seconds before she asked how he was. A corner of his mouth lifted in a small smirk at her stammer, taking in a deep breath then turning to look out over the lake. "I have been fine... a little lonely but it's nothing I can't deal with." His voice low but chuckling lightly, watching her from the corner of his eye. He wondered if she would catch what he meant, but if not then he would show her later.

"And you?" He turned his head to look up at her. "How has your... wandering been?" He wasn't sure if he could call it wandering or exploring seeing as he wasn't there to see himself. She didn't have to tell him though, it was none of his business. He just kept his ears perked, waiting to see if she would say what she has been up to since the downfall of Amenti.


Awesome table by Nyx <3


07-30-2013, 04:46 PM
. . .

Lonley? He'd been lonely? Dang it. Now she did feel bad. But a part of herself was arguing against that - it was another reason that she shouldn't get attached right? Get too involved and you find yourself letting people down. Hurts them, and yourself. Better to just keep to her wandering on her own, maybe.

To tell the truth she almost had. She'd almost gone just picked up all her stakes and left. And she'd been having fun on her own. She'd felt like her usual carefree self again. She was young and beautiful and stronger than any wolf had any right to be. Why shouldn't she be out there knocking about in the wilds without a care? ...But the more she'd thought about things... the more she'd missed Amenti. Okay well, maybe not all of Amenti. But at least Newt, and ... Vioxes. More than she'd admitted to herself yet. Maybe that was why hearing he'd been lonely made her feel so bad. She'd been his companion for so long. She'd said she'd look after him. The others in the pack might have referred to him as her slave, but it wasn't like that. Not really. She didn't think of him as property she could just leave behind and come back to... and yet that was exactly what she'd done.

Blek. What a mess.

As the little male looked up at her, she rolled her eyes away towards the edge of the lake again. Towards the mirror. But it wasn't just her image there now. There were two wolves - both based in white, but one with markings the color of the sun, and the other with markings the color of the night sky. Vioxes was so short compared to her - a whole foot smaller, so that when they stood, his back was only about at her belly level. At first Champion had been tempted to see it as a reminder of how strange she was... but eventually she came to think of it as just plain cute. Champion had always said that if she ever actually liked a male, he'd have to be as big and tough as her, but the truth was, she'd already met plenty of big tough guys, and they were all jerks. Or serial killers. Or both. Vio was the only one she ever cared to hang around with. That meant something right?

"My wanderings?" mused Champion. "Gods they were great." It was an admission, and at it, she glanced Vioxes's way. Rather than look guilty or shy, she just sighed. In her voice that was a little too throaty and deep to be feminine she continued: "Maybe it's mean of me to say it, but it's true. I think I'm not meant to be a pack wolf. I did my job and I was pretty good, and it went pretty well. But at heart? I don't know; I like my freedom." It hurt at first coming out, but now... Why did it feel so good to tell talk to people? "I've been doing some real thinking about it. Maybe it was just too much responsibility too young. I mean, I did only turn two this past fall. How many other two year olds find themselves as Beta to a pack of assassins?" She shrugged her giant shoulders.

For a minute she was just looking out at the lake again. Staring at the dark, waterlogged tips of trees. They stuck out of the water like masts of sunken ships - just more grand dreams fallen to nothing. Wasn't it better to just be on your own? To see the world as an open book and you life as just a small story in it? Champion didn't need rank and power and destiny. She just needed happiness.

And for that... the price was to be totally honest.

"You know... while I was out there... I really only missed one thing." Champion slowly dragged her eyes back to the shore, and then down to the male. "I missed you."

. . .


07-30-2013, 05:40 PM

The moment it left his mouth Vioxes was regretting muttering those words. Lonely. He must sound like an attention whore, wanting to have companionship just so he wouldn't be in the dumps. Perhaps he should have thought first before speaking, word it better so Champion knew he missed her but at the same time wasn't desperate to have her around. But thinking about it, did he really miss her? Or was he just dependent on her company?

Sitting there he would a calm expression and body, tail laying over his paws, gaze turning to the water when she looked away. He did notice her looking at something though, but what? Slowly his gaze tried to follow hers but only fell on the mirror before them, their reflections. Was she thinking of something or was she looking at them? Even if he knew she was bigger he could not help but think how interesting they looked, a large, strong and beautiful woman with an interesting personality. And this, a small decently strong male, a personality he wasn't even sure about. He didn't even have any goals in life, didn't know what he should do with himself.

Ears swiveled towards the woman when she spoke, raising his head the slightest. She seemed, like she had fun during this time apart, that was good. Then she said it might have been mean to say but it was true. Vioxes could only give a nod of his head, listening. From the sounds of it she just wanted to be free, not be tied down with responsibilities and just have a fun time. "Very few, that's for sure." He chuckled when she said something about how many her age became beta of a pack of assassins. Sure he heard of betas, but never young ones below the age of four.

Drifting off into his thoughts the male was brought back to reality when Champion began talking about something she really only missed. He turned his head, brown gaze looking to the woman, waiting, wondering what it was. "I missed you."

To say he didn't freeze up at her words would be a lie. His whole body still, eyes locked onto hers. It was unexpected, he really didn't think she would be so direct about it. Vioxes had to calm down though, just because she said she missed him didn't mean she missed him because she liked him. It could have just been his company she missed, the fun the two could have together without judgement.

"Thank you..." He said softly, his head going down, eyes closed and a smile on his lips. It may have come out like he appreciated her missing him like he did her, but perhaps she would misunderstand the way he said it. In all honesty, since leaving home, Vioxes felt like nothing. He had a feeling that one day something would happen to him and nobody would know, nobody would miss him. Champion showed that she cared enough to miss him, that he was part of her thoughts.

"I have missed you too... I have grown quite... fond of your company during the time I was with Amenti." He lifted his head, looking out across the submerged forward, parts of the trees poking out of the surface. He took in a long deep breath, unsure of what to say or think, wondering if his choice of words would have the affect he desired on the woman. He wanted to let her know how he felt but at the same time not appearing desperate or that he only saw her as a friend... yes, he did have a crush on the woman.


Awesome table by Nyx <3


07-30-2013, 06:31 PM

The birds move on

So they survive

When snow so deep

The bears all sleep to keep themselves alive

. . .

She missed him. She had. But she had no idea what that meant. Some of the days she'd felt free as a bird, with no ties to anything - but then... Oh she didn't know. Maybe it was hormones. Maybe her 'nesting' instincts were starting to kick in. The independent, over-sized yearling she'd been before was starting to feel the draw of a family and a pack. The term 'lone wolf' was supposed to be an unhappy one, right? And... lately she'd been feeling an awful lot of hormones.

It was confusing. And desperately Champ had hoped that maybe by telling truth, Vioxes's answer would reveal something to her. He was probably wondering what 'I missed you' meant, well so was she! She didn't know if she just a very casual friendship - if she missed having him around as her 'pet' to be there when she called, or if there could be something more to it. Honestly, she was the last person with any hope of ever finding out. Especially in her current state.

As for the male's answers, it revealed nothing to her. He seemed as unsure as she was. But at least... at least he was brave enough to say he liked her too. They weren't just some random throw together that parted ways unaffected. They were friends. Friends. Champion rarely had those in the way that most people thought of them. Most were just chance wolves she'd met along her way. Some of the wolves she remembered most fondly were the ones she'd fought tooth and claw with. But then, she was an odd bird. But Vio... what was he? He was like Newt - that is, Champion really liked him and looked out for him and wanted him to be happy - but he was male, so that complicated things. Besides, Champion hadn't exactly done a bang up job of looking after people lately. She'd started to feel it was better if she just move on and move out.

But she couldn't make herself leave without seeing Vioxes. Without knowing how things stood.

They'd grown to like eachother in Amenti, but - "So what now, Vio?" the behemoth asked quietly. "I-I can't deal with being tied to a pack anymore. I want to be traveling again - fighting with strangers and exploring places no wolf has ever seen before. I want to mingle my storyline with a hundred others and then one day go out in a blaze of blood and glory." When she spoke like that, her eyes had a way of glowing - the color of embers and sunsets and devil's hearts. She remained sitting, almost slumped, but her fur tingled with feeling. Feeling that faded as quickly as it had flared up. "But what about you, Vio?" She said at last. "What do you want?"

. . .

They do what they must for now

And trust in their plan

If I trust in mine, somehow I might find who I am


07-30-2013, 07:16 PM

What he was getting was confusion, from both sides. And with a sigh the male gave a small shake of his head pulling away to look down at his paws. So this is what it has become? He had formed a small crush on this woman during their time together, thinking of her as beautiful yet dangerous, respected her. With their time apart he found himself thinking of her, wondering if she was doing fine and i she was having a good time. That was what mattered, that she did what she wanted, enjoyed the time doing it.

Her question only brought his brows together, ears to the side listening to her voice. She wanted to get out there and not be tied down, yeah, he understood. Some just liked knowing they wouldn't have to follow laws, could do just about anything they wanted without having to worry about somebody getting upset about their actions. Action, was what she craved.

Honestly, Vioxes wasn't too sure what he wanted. A quiet and peaceful life or something exciting, keeping him on his toes constantly. He didn't want to be selfish either. "What I want can not happen." He said simply, lifting his head to look up at the sky. "For I don't know whether I want to be with a pack or stay a rogue, want peace and quiet with a family or be on my guard constantly." He sighed heavily. "What I would like is to accompany you on your travels, but I do not want to become a burden that you feel you must drag around just because I want to spend time with you."

His gaze would look to her briefly for a reaction, but wouldn't stay there long. Vioxes pushed himself up, standing there, tail giving a single swing. "I want you to do what you want, or you feel necessary to keep yourself happy." A small smile would cross his lips. Yes, he wanted her to do what made her happy.


Awesome table by Nyx <3


07-30-2013, 07:43 PM
. . .

From the moment the little male started speaking, Champion's ears started to droop. His manner wasn't depressed, not really, but Champion couldn't help but sense a hopeless ring to the words. He said he didn't think that what he wanted was possible. He said that he wanted to be with her but didn't have heart or balls or whatever it was to come straight out and ask her for it. It showed how much of a sweet heart he was... but in Champion's mind it also showed how wishy-washy he could be.

"Vio..." Her voice shifted towards something like a sad whine. Perhaps disappointed was more the word. She stood, coming a bit closer and just standing there, looming over him. With their size, any onlooker in the distance would've thought they were seeing a mother scolding an errant pup. Champion was the size of a bear, and but she wasn't at all trying to be threatening. Not really. But she couldn't help the trace of a growl that entered her throat. She couldn't! She was disappointed! But she kinda got it - Vioxes had been like this ever since she'd met him. He was just an aimless wanderer - but not in the same way she was. She had the wanderlust driving her - he was just on cruise control. She couldn't understand that. The indecision of the past weeks was, to her, terrible! Catastrophic! And yet the male had been living his whole life like that. And intended to keep doing it. Perhaps Champion shouldn't have been disappointed. But then again, perhaps the fact that she was showed something of how much she actually cared. "Vio," she half whined, half growled. "How can you say that?"

"How can you live your life on-on the sidelines like that. I mean, no, of course we can't have everything that we want - but we're supposed to pick something and go for it and roll with whatever punches come with. Not sit back and watch everything pass by!" It was against her instinct to lecture, but- but just no! No Vioxes was too good of a wolf to just live his life like a slug! He needed something inside to fuel him! To push him! Otherwise what was the point of it all? Champion found herself staring straight down into those oaky eyes of his wondering exactly what sort of wolf he really was.

. . .


08-09-2013, 03:05 PM

Her soft voice uttering the start of his name made the man's ears swivel towards her, the same look in his eyes. He knew what would come now, was waiting for her reaction. He had figured she wouldn't like what he told her, just sitting there and basically giving up on the life ahead of him that he could have. He was kind of disappointed of himself. He didn't move though when she stood up, coming close to him, towering over him. He just looked up at her waiting. Didn't flinch or move away when the low growl rumbled in her throat, he just took a deep breath.

In his heart though he wanted somebody to help him with this issue of his, just wandering around with nothing on his mind. He wanted to be with Champion, wanted to feel the joy she had by moving around and exploring. It was so much better when with another, able to share that feeling. Maybe it as just because he had been alone, finding no joy out of things because he had nobody to share it with.

When she spoke up again he closed his eyes, taking what she threw at him. Champion didn't like what he had said, he knew that, and she went on asking how he could just let stuff go by without doing anything, that he should pick something and go for it. ?Your right.? He said, opening his eyes and looking into those red orbs of hers, like flames. Though the smile had left him it was returning, staring at the corners and tugging upwards, not a large smile to anger the woman more but a small warm one of realization.

"It's no way to live a life, so I think I will pick something I will fight for. Even if it will hurt along the line." His tail swung slowly behind him, a cool breeze tumbling around them, ruffling his long fur. "I've kind of just let things happen wthout a care, not letting it affect me. But there is something I don't want to see roll by without even making a move, I would feel like a wreck just letting it happen." By now he was not sure what the woman would think about him by what he said. "In order for me to do this though you will be seeing a lot of me, whether you like it or not." He said with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.


Awesome table by Nyx <3


08-09-2013, 03:28 PM

The seas wine red; This is the death of beauty
this is the time and this is the place to be alive
. . .

"You're right"

At the sound of that little voice of his gaining strength, some of the disappointment in Champion's face immediately faded. But she stayed trained on him, wanting to know where his mind was and what he was thinking. He'd let her words reach him. He really had. And though now Champion wished she'd perhaps softened her words a little, they did seem to do the trick. He was speaking with a will now, and Champion was so attentive that she didn't even notice the icey nothern wind that came swirling from out over the lake to tangle itself in her fur. She found herself becoming expectant. There was something Vioxes was really trying to say.

What he said in the end, with that little chuckle of his, was enough to quiet Champion for a few seconds longer. She stared at him, thoughtful, curious even. Not so long ago, for the first time in her life she had found out that there were males smart enough to find her desirable, but though the match had been tempting one... it just hadn't been right. It had set her mind to such things though - wondering about the future in a way that had never so much as crossed her mind. Part of growing up probably. She'd really only ever looked at males as friends or comrades or strangers - or, as was too often the case, utter annoyances-. But there was another option now, and frankly Champion didn't know how she felt about it. It confused her. Usually she could trust her instincts so well, yet now in certain matters they were torn.

With a soft little exhale through her pink nose, Champion eased her frame slowly to the ground again. She didn't want to standing over Vio like she was about to eat him. He'd already shown he still had spark left in him, and she wanted to encourage that... she just didn't know where it would lead. She lay sphinx-like with their two sets of forepaws almost touching. Despite the new relaxing of posture though, her features were still perfectly focused on what was going on. But there was an element of uncertainty to the conversation that she simply could not stand for. Willing her lungs to breathe easy and her gaze to remain steady, she let out a gentle murmur. The male had said before how he'd ground 'found of her company'- "Vio... just how fond of me, are you?" It was said bluntly, but gently, and with a face so sincere that it was clear, honesty would be returned for honesty.

. . .


08-09-2013, 04:16 PM

He could see her change as he spoke, the disappointment in her face fading. He hoped it would, seeing her in such a manner was saddening, to know he had made her upset by his foolishness. He didn't care if she still stood over him, as long as the look on her face was gone he was fine, and when he had continued on that look changed into something like curiosity. It made him smirk. She was calming down, relaxing.

Vioxes took a breath as Champion eased back, lowering her body to the ground. The atmosphere calmed down, and so he did the same, sitting back o his haunches then lowering his whole body down so that he lay on his stomach, a paw crossed over the other. Ears swiveled forward, his head tilting slightly to the side, catching the young woman's voice. She was asking how fond he was of her, the man couldn't help but gulp. He kind of hoped she would forget about that, just let it be and continue on with what they were doing, but it seemed like she wanted to hear it.

Exhaling the man lifted a paw from the ground, rubbing the back of his head, trying to think of way to word his thoughts without sounding mushy, silly or stupid. He had to look away from her, and when he looked back he could see the curiosity, the wanting to know what he thought. So with a heavy yet shy and embarrassed sigh he cleared his throat. ?Well... during our time together I have come to enjoy your company." He began, waiting for her reaction if she gave anything, but turned his gaze to his paws shyly. "You are a strong and interesting woman, many things I have come to like about you. I will be honest, my intentions at first was to serve my punishment for crossing Amenti's borders then get out of there, but for some reason I felt a need to stay by your side, to see more of you." He gulped, lifting his paw so he could poke at the ground with his claws. "Unlike some who just want you for your strength and beauty, I just wanna see you, what's under that tough shell."

Vioxes was so nervous, his heart racing, body warming up quickly. He was afraid that he was rambling, that he didn't give Champion the answer she was expecting or wanting. Who do you explain to someone how fond you are of them anyway? "I guess I'm just rambling now but I do want to get to know you better, learn what makes you smile or angry, be there for you when you need it, be able to enjoy life." The black and male would fall silent, lay there and wait, see what would happen. If she did not want any of this from him then he would understand, his feelings would be a little hurt but he would get over it. Vioxes would just continue to travel by her side if she allowed it, continue to enjoy life even if his goal had to change.


Awesome table by Nyx <3


08-09-2013, 04:55 PM

The seas wine red; This is the death of beauty
this is the time and this is the place to be alive
. . .

With Vioxes now also laying down, Champion could hear quite clearly the heartfelt words that slowly poured one by one from his mouth. It was probably more words strung together in one go than she'd heard from him in a long time. And she was pleased to hear each one. He was slowly unfolding. Slowly letting his lips say what it was that his heart had contained. True to form though, it wasn't overly mushy, or dripping with complements or anything like that. It was said sweet and simple. He liked her. Alot. He wanted to stay by her side and keep getting to know her. To seek the greater beauty that was within.

At that part came the first real reaction from the giantess. Her eyes widened ever so slightly, forehead uncreasing as thoughts flew behind those cherrybomb eyes. Did he know how perfectly he was speaking? He talked upon the same subject as that albino male had - her - and yet they were night and day from eachother. When it came to a life long companion, Champion didn't know what she wanted anymore. She thought she had, that is, she knew what qualities attracted her. But wolves are so much more than a couple of traits squashed together. Each is something different and unquic and irreplaceable.

When Champion somehow managed to surface from her thoughts, Vioxes was apologizing for rambling. A gentle smirkish smile from the fae assured him that he was not. It was her head that seemed to be rambling. When Vio spoke, things were made clear. The last statement he made, about how his great desire was to stay with her... to be there for her... to learn what it was that made up her soul... It- it was incredible. It was as though everything she had found lacking in the 'grand' ice king, could be found in the little male who'd been following her along for nigh on a season. Champion swallowed, the act hidden by her thick fur, but meaningful all the same. She felt suddenly that perhaps she had misjudged her Vio. She hadn't given him credit for this much depth and this much soul. ... nor this much devotion to her.

"Please," she murmured, when he was done, "I didn't mean to be harsh earlier. The truth is, I want you to come along with me. I do. I just had to make sure it was what you really wanted; that you weren't just tailing along out because you had nothing better to do or because changing your habits would be too hard. You're a good wolf, Vio, and you deserve to get what you want." Something glimmer in those burgundy depths of hers. "That you can care this much about me..." she trailed off, deeply touched. Happily, this was one wish she was able to grant.

"I would be happy to share the road with you, Vio, wherever it leads.

. . .


08-09-2013, 05:32 PM

Though he felt incredibly nervous, shy, embarrassed, the man was able to smirk through it when he finally got a reaction out of the woman. Though small it stood out to him, her eyes widening at his confession. He was unsure how to feel about it though, was it a good surprise or bad one? Even if it was a bad one he was glad he had told her, got it out there so she knew how he felt, and if she turned him down then he would stop any pursuit.He didn't want to push her away be continuing, stopping was the best option.

And as he finished up a smirk played across her lips, this was good... he hoped. An ear twitched at her voice, eyes hopefully yet calm, his racing heart slowly down a bit. She apologized for being harsh to him earlier, that was quite alright. She went on to tell him that she did want him to come along, that she had to make sure it was what he wanted and that he wasn't just doing it because he had nothing better to do. He shook his head, there was no way he would do it just because he had nothing else better to do, he wanted to because he wanted to be by her side. She called him a good wolf, making him smile, that he deserved what he wanted. His heart nearly dropped, eyes slightly going wide. Was she about to decline him?

He had missed the glimmer in her eyes, his gaze going to her paws, preparing himself for her to deny his feelings. He had hoped she would accept them, but something just was telling him no, to back off. So with a deep breath he looked back to her, ready for the news. "I would be?happy?to share the road with you, Vio, wherever it leads.? His ears went back, jaws ajar in surprise. She... she accepted. A rush of happiness overwhelmed the man, Champion wasn't declining him. He couldn't help but smile like an idiot, lifting a paw and rubbing the side of his face with a light laugh. ?Thi-this is great. This makes me so happy." He said, leaning up and gently touching her nose briefly before pulling away. "Hopfully the path leads to something wonderful." He said with that goofy grin. This was great, he was so happy.



Awesome table by Nyx <3


08-09-2013, 06:20 PM

The seas wine red; This is the death of beauty
this is the time and this is the place to be alive
. . .

Champion chuckled sweetly as the male's reaction came out - surprised and happy to the point of explosive - or at least as near there as Vio got. She couldn't help but to let her mirth bubble out. His happiness was so infectious.

At the sudden press of his nose to hers, she stiffened back slightly, surprised, making it look like he'd bumped her a little too hard. But the expression of amused surprise that he had stamped on her features, gradually unfolded into a bright little wolf's grin. Well, perhaps 'little' wasn't the right word. Her big lug of a tail even started to wag back and forth. It was... nice. It wasn't like the sudden burst of sparks that Champion had gotten from the pale stranger on the beach side; This was more of a slowly spreading coziness. But it was warmth all the same - only this one didn't make her brain go haywire. She liked it better. And mentally she noted that she ought to stop comparing males to eachother.

"Hopefully the path leads to something wonderful."

Champion was still smiling, but her great golden shoulders rolled with a shrug. "Honestly," she murmured with a heaving exhale that pressed her chest against the cool earth. "-I could care less about the destination, I just care about the journey." She lowered her head, resting her chin against her forelegs. "And I think I could get used to not having to go it alone." Especially with company like his.


. . .