
Bane x Alena pups!



10 Years
Athena I
07-29-2013, 09:50 PM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2013, 02:21 PM by Cael.)
Bane and Alena are expecting puppies! Seeing as how they are not mates, let me explain a bit. Alena and Bane had a bit of a one night stand and since she happened to be in heat at the time this happened (oops). There should be some drama involved since Alena is a member of Amenti and Bane is in Seracia and I'm not sure how much Bane will be in the picture for the pup's lives, but perhaps there could be some pup and dad reuniting eventually, hmm? Alena is also in a fairly good spot in the Amenti food chain so if you're looking for an Amenti wolf here's your chance! Yay plottage galore! (Not to mention that Medusa will be having pups fairly soon after Alena and I'm sure the Amenti pups would love to all socialize together.)

Ralon and I are both taking a pup and I plan on Alena having four pups so that leaves two lovelies to pick!

Here are some designs for you to pick from!

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If you would like to make your own designs, please feel free to do so. But please keep in mind the following traits:
Alena - white with violet eyes (link to her profile: click)
Bane - gray/black with hazel/blue eyes (link to his profile: click)
Alena's mom - white with green eyes
Alena's dad - black with violet eyes
Notice that none of them have any crazy colors or patterns. I did try to expand on the patterns at least but they're all black/white/gray till I find out Bane's parent's traits.

For names, feel free to get creative. I like names that are from greek mythology or names with some kind of meaning, but that doesn't mean you have to find a name like this. It's completely up to you! If you'd like to run some names by me and let me help you pick I'd be happy to.

Keep in mind the parent's personalities and their situations when picking out personalities. Alena is an assassin, but she is very logical and even a little moral in her killing so no psycho killers unless they have something happen to them down the line and they go crazy. Bane's just Bane, he just kinda does what he wants, but still, not crazy. I know personalities are subject to change as they grow so just give it your best guess as to what you would like them to be.

DISCLAIMER: If Ral or I feel like your pup's appearance/personality is too far off from what we're looking for, we may ask you to change it.

As for the auditions, please fill out this form:


Name: Self explanatory
Gender: Self explanatory
Adult size in inches: Alena is medium and Bane is large, so there is some wiggle room to be had here. You can go down to small if you so choose.
Appearance: If you are using one of the designs, put the number for the one you would like here. If not, please put a description of your design here that is at least 100 words long. (It's the site limit for a profile so I feel like that's fair.)
Personality: 150 words of personality here please! (Again, site limit.)
RP sample: It doesn't have to be super long, but a couple of paragraphs would be good. Quality over quantity!

Alright you guys, my super long puppy ad is over! Sorry for being so picky, I just want my very first ever batch of pups to go to good people :3 Have fun with it! I can't wait to see what yall come up with!

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Also, anyone that gets a Bane x Alena pup automatically gets Shelby arts so GET ON IT



07-31-2013, 04:25 PM
Ignore this app.

b]Name:[/b] Khara
Gender: Female
Adult size in inches: Thirty Inches
Appearance: {9}
Khara will start out like every pup in the world. She'll be playful and want to play all the time. Khara will also want to prove herself to her father and her brothers, if she has any. She'll want to be the leader of her siblings and lead them on adventures. Khara will 'fight' the pup who seems that they could be a better leader than her. Khara will grow attached to a sibling. She'll only talk to them and stand up for them, no matter what. Khara is very loyal to all her family, though. Go ahead, insult them, see what happens to you.

She is very quiet, but will talk to her siblings if they need something. If Khara trusts you, she will become a good friend, defending you every day. If she doesn't trust you, she will never speak to you and you will be left wondering why she hates you. If you insult her family, she will insult you with every pup word until her voice goes away and she is panting from how fast she insulted you.

Khara has grown more mature than she had been as a pup. She will not want to play anymore, not even with pups. She'll still try to prove herself to her father, if he's still alive, and her brothers, and anybody else like her. Khara will want to be the leader of her siblings if they all travel with her, or just anybody traveling with her. Khara will not fight for leadership unless she thinks she has to. Khara will 'talk' to a sibling, talk being imagine they're there and talk to them. Khara is very loyal to the friends she makes still, and has an odd sense of humor around them. Khara is very loyal to her friends and family, and wouldn't let nobody hurt them. Now her fights last longer and she is better.

Khara is still quiet, but is twice as fierce. When she gets ready to fight, she pins her ears down first, then snarls, then bristles, then narrows her eyes, then lunges. Khara becomes a fast blur in her fights. They have grown into looking exactly like deadly dances with fangs and claws.

RP sample: Today was Khara's day, nobody else's, just hers. She had always wondered if her siblings were full grown and that was how they could walk. Now she decided to go into grown up land were they could walk and talk and howl and yip and play and pounce and hunt. Oh, and don't forget play, the most important thing of being in grown up land.But before she could play, she had to work to get into the right position. She put her paws under her and pushed the ground down. She suddenly felt really tall, taller than she had felt. She was in grown up land! Well, Khara would be in grown up land soon.

Khara felt herself get smaller and the ground hit her chest. She would not give up being in grown up land, not until she was. Khara pushed herself up once more and felt herself grow taller. This time, she stayed up, although her legs wobbled and she had to fight to stay in grown up land, and play with her siblings.



6 Years
07-31-2013, 05:21 PM
Name: Lel (Slavic for taker)
Gender: Male
Adult size in inches: 36?
Appearance: #2
Lel has a rather dark sense of humor, finding most things that other consider morbid or sad to be amusing. It is clear there is something psychologically wrong with him. He can be called cruel, among other things. He cares little about others, nor does he realize that his actions can have effects outside of his own little world. His view of the world is centred only on himself, everyone else is merely a distraction. Lel is a very stuck up male, he believes himself to be above just about everyone. As such he was named rather aptly, because of his snobbishness he thinks that he may take anything he wants regardless of who holds it.

As an adult, this will especially extends into females, which he ?collects.? For the most part he finds them tiresome, and uses them when they are most useful, and then will leave them until the next year. As such he is considered rather abusive, showing signs of possessiveness and will not think twice about lashing out, if they do something to displease him.

RP sample: Lel was once more wrapped up in himself, only focusing on his hunger which was beginning to irritate him. He hated being hungry. The white pup was growing impatient. Where is mother? A little puppy growl rumbled past tiny sharp fangs. He marched around the clearing in a huff, ignoring his siblings. Never once did it cross his mind that they were probably as hungry as he was. He yipped suddenly, demanding she return to feed him. A few of the other pups let out their own little calls upon hear his.

This angered Lel, if anyone of them deserved to be fed the most it was him. He stalked over to one of his siblings and roughly bat them out of the way. The other pup gave a yelp and Lel found this sound nearly as annoying. He growled and shoved his snout at his sibling?s throat, barring tiny teeth. A clear warning.

That post was short but I can assure you that with other to interact with he can be very fun to thread with.


07-31-2013, 06:17 PM
Name: Sirin
Gender: Female
Adult size in inches: 31 in.
Appearance: #6
Adult Sirin
As an adult, Sirin is a softly spoken and quiet woman. She prefers to watch others play things out and hold her own counsel. This woman prefers to avoid conflict, keeping her temper, and her head, firmly held in check. She would be the one to keep her head cool when others lose their's. She rarely laughs, but she often smiles. Her voice quiet, her manner mild.
There is always another side to the coin, though. Sirin holds a secret pleasure, something that she despises and regrets having. Death. Killing. The taking of a life. It brings her an ecstasy that is so amazing that it frightens her. The aftermath of making a kill, even if it is a simple rabbit or squirrel, involves a manic laughter, filled with a wild glee. This strange state does not come out with injury or a fight, only the end result, the dead body. This body is not ever cannibalized either. She is not that much of a monster, thought this might just change later on.

Puppy Sirin
Sirin was always a follower as a child. She followed the larger pup, she followed the games others came up with. She never really gave her ideas or input unless egged on by others. She never talked much, but when she did there was usually a swear word thrown in. She never meant anything by it, they were just fun words to say that she would throw in at random points in a sentence. How did she learn these words you may ask? Well, she sure as heck won't say. She was happy though, and cheerful. She was a little bundle of curiosity though. Other then that, she held the normal puppy attitude towards everything.

RP sample:

"Holy ****! WHAT IS THAT THING?!" Her loud cry broke the nice peaceful state the forest had been in. The quiet burbling and chirping of the birds was silenced by the loud sound. They were probably shocked that one of the top predators in the forest was being so noisy and obvious, even if it was just a pup. Why was it even alone, anyway?

Sirin had wandered away, on a dare of course, since she was not a bad child like certain siblings were, and was off on an adventure. She was stopped on top of a log that had taken her forever to get on top of and pretending to be a sneaky spy deep in enemy territory. She had just seen an enemy snuffling around in the dirt. She didn't know what it was, but it might be a hedgehog, except it was a bit too big. It was brown-black in color with white spikes sticking out. It was staring at her right now. The best sneaky spy in the world had her cover blown.

Sneaky spy Sirin, a name she had come up with all by herself for this adventure, gave a growl at the hedgehog that was too big to be a hedgehog. It was a weak thing, not nearly as scary as her mother's, and she was certain that the animal started to laugh at her. It gave a weird huffing sound and shook its tail at her once before going back to whatever it had been doing before. This made little Sirin angry, causing her to give a slightly-but-not-very-much scarier growl and an angry voice that said, "Hey you big ugly thing! I am the super sneaky spy Sirin! You don't ignore me! I am a wolf, and can eat you up you little ****! She didn't get off the log though. Those spikes looked scary. They could fill her up with holes. Mommy would get angry at her if she did that.

(****= Enter swear word of your choice here)



10 Years
Athena I
08-03-2013, 01:45 PM
The lovely Ely made this pup design in the process of making her own pup design so if you would like to use this one you're more than welcome to :3

Linkeh: click

We'll call this design #11!


08-06-2013, 11:09 PM
Adult size in inches:
35 inches
pup 5
muscular - medium sized - pure black - heterochromia - left eye dark plum, right eye lighter lavender
stubborn - rebellious - serious - self-sufficient - collector

It's easy to see that Calix is stubborn as a mule. Tell him to do something, and he'll turn around and do the exact opposite, no matter what stands in his way. If he says he will do something, he will. Even as a pup, Calix considers a vow to be extremely serious. If he gets it into his mind to do something, he will move heaven and earth. To Calix, nothing can stop him. A lot of this is pup-ish self-confidence, and only time will tell if his rebelliously stubborn nature will remain with him to adulthood. The stubbornness almost certainly will, however, though he may outgrow the youthful rebellion that characterizes so many of his actions.

Calix is many things, but frivolous is certainly not one of them. He is extremely serious at all times, never making jokes and rarely cracking a smile. It generally takes him a moment to figure out if another wolf has made a joke, and he doesn't find them funny. He's definitely not one for pranks or jokes, and if you're looking for a laugh, don't come looking this way. Calix takes everything literally and at face value. It means that he will never be particularly good at subterfuge, even as he grows up, but it also means that his imagination is all but nonexistent. To Calix, everything is as it seems, no more, and no less.

One of the less obvious, but important traits that characterize Calix is the fact that he relies on no one but himself. He is all that he needs. He does not ask his mother for help when he gets into trouble. In fact, Calix may live his entire life without asking for help. It matters that much to him. If you asked him, he couldn't explain why. But it matters a lot to him. Calix hates asking for help. And he does his best to avoid doing so at all costs.

Strangely enough, Calix could probably also qualify as a hoarder. He collects things. If they're shiny, strange, or otherwise interesting (his criteria is not particularly strict), Calix will pick it up and carry it with him for a little while. If he gets it back to his collection soon enough, he will keep it. Otherwise, it will be abandoned by the wayside and promptly forgotten.
RP sample:
The young Calix had not wandered far when something caught his eye. He hesitated, coming to a stop as he examined the strangely shaped log. It was easily twice Calix's size, far larger than anything he could hope to drag back to his den, but he thought it was quite interesting. Worth keeping, for sure. He wanted it! Which meant that the pup reared back on his hind legs, letting his paws come to rest on top of the log. He peered at it curiously, purple eyes seeking out any sort of grip. There was only a small bump in the wood, one that if he gripped juuuust right, maybe he could drag it back to his den.

The fact that the massive log was not going to move so easily did not occur to him, and he sunk his teeth into the wood immediately, starting to tug as soon as he did so. Of course, it did absolutely nothing, but Calix was not about to get up. He tugged and tugged, growing steadily more frustrated, and still completely refusing to give up. He wanted it, and so he would have it, if it was the last thing that he did! A morbid thought for a pup, perhaps, but if something did not intervene, he would starve to death trying to get this stupid log to move.

Growling in frustration, Calix gave one last mighty tug, and would have turned aside had the log not given just enough that it heartened him, and set him back to trying to pull it with all of his energy once more. His whole world had narrowed to this stubborn plank of wood, and if something did not distract him, he would probably be there for quite a while, growling in frustration and yanking at this massive piece of a tree.

Indeed, it was probably an hour later when his mother found him there, tugging away at the unmoved log. He was shepherded away, and the log promptly forgotten, though it would remain there for some time, until the elements saw fit to destroy it.



11 Years
08-12-2013, 04:49 PM
I claim pup #7
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



11 Years
Athena I
08-14-2013, 09:57 AM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2013, 09:58 AM by Alena.)

Just putting this up here cause I caved and decided to take a pup and I love how this table turned out <3

Name: Jian

Gender: Female

Adult size in inches: 35 inches

Appearance: Table pic <3

Personality: TBA

RP sample: TBA




11 Years
Athena I
08-14-2013, 12:12 PM

Ralon's pup :3

Wasn't sure what his name will be yet, so I left it blank :P



08-21-2013, 11:24 PM

Name: Tocan (Means Accurate in Croatin)

Gender: Female

Adult size in inches: 33 in.-34 in.?

Appearance: #3


Tocan will be much like her father in many ways, but living in the pack of amenti would warp her mind to be even a smarter gal. Tocan as a pup will be straightened into thinking for herself, and avoiding trouble from the adults with her rather cute and adorable posture and face. Learning at a young age to mimic her mothers skills in pulling off an innocent face to draw others in. Though on the inside, she is simply processing things as her mother would have. Tocan will be playful and adventurous like any other pup as well.

Though when it comes down to pressing buttons Tocan can have an anger like no other. While she will be a deceiving pup she will believe in protecting her brothers and sisters that including her mother. She will have a sharp tongue against those who wish to have ill will against her family. Regardless of who her father was, Tocan believes in being loyal to her family and to the pack in all sorts of ways.

As she grows up, Tocan won't be entirely average, but won't be strange either. She will have the skills of an Assassin to pull off a fair face in front of others to reach what she wants, and will her goals as well. Depending on her experiences her goals can change, but she will still achieve them the same way. Tocan will be a avaunt sleeper of sorts, men and women all the same wolves of all sorts Tocan will love the thought of the activity itself. Flirty and teasing will be the way to go with everyone.

With that being said her anger would have grown stronger, and as a very boyish woman she will know how to defend herself. She will be a fearsome thing when annoyed or pissed off. Tocan will easily hold grudges when it comes to those who get in the way of her goals. Though she might find it easy to just try and find a way to dispose of them, without killing them, in some way. Though this is also subject to change with her experiences and goals through her life.

RP sample:

This world was a strange place. She could tell herself that over and over again, and it still wouldn't make any sense to her. Tocan would always easily follow behind her siblings or her mother, but what did it mean when another wolf wouldn't listen to her. Was her reaction to be one that was expected of her. Oh no Tocan wanted what she wanted. So after being separate from her family to meet up with this strange male wondering why she was here. She shot him a smile and flashed her blue eyes at him. "It seems like I've gotten lost from mommy and my siblings. Could you help me find them?" She asked kindly with a flick of her small tail. The pup waited a few seconds and it wasn't long before the male let out a sigh, and picked her up by the scruff to carry her back towards her mom and siblings.
Although Tocan didn't want to go back, but she felt like she had made him think she wanted to. Her acting had been perfect hadn't it? Would her mother be proud, Tocan hoped so. Perhaps it was her odd name that dragged her behind. That she wasn't sure off. In this world run by men Tocan wanted to know how her mom did it so easily to trick the males off their own hides. She flicked her tail after she was set down next to her mother again. The male having to explain how tocan got lost. The girl rolled her blue eyes for a moment in secret and turned around to return herself to her siblings. Something like that would be far interesting. She had enjoyed the learning experience with the large adult male though.
(Sorry if it's a bit short ^w^ but there is my audition.)




11 Years
Athena I
08-22-2013, 10:29 AM
Time to announce the new pups! -drum roll-

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Congrats to Ocena and Sei! Thank you so much to everyone who applied, I really appreciate it. I'll be putting up the rest of the unused designs up as adoptables if you'd like one of them and I'll be making some arts for the new pups soon :3
Due date is the 29th so keep an eye out next week for a birthing thread!