
Familiar Face



07-27-2013, 09:44 PM
ooc: This is set after the Adette burial/meeting and after Loccian found her pup murdered and buried her(happened 3 days after). This will be three days after that also.

Grey orbs were dull as they looked out at the small lake before her. A cool breeze ran over the water, ruffling her fur, swaying back and forth. Her tail lay over her paws, ears up and forward. A heavy sigh left her lips as she sat there, it had been six days since Gerhardt called the pack together to inform them of Adette and him stepping down, making Maverick and Epiphron King and Queen. It had been three days since she found her adopted daughter, Reficul, brutally murdered outside the borders. She had been torn up so badly that most of her body had been missing...

She took in a deep but shaky breath, eyelids closing over her eyes. She tried to block out the mental images that had slowly started to pop into her head. he couldn't remember them, didn't want that to be the last thing she remembered of the sweet and lively child. "My poor baby..." She whispered, body slowly starting to rock back and forth. An urge was starting to form, small whispers in her ears. She couldn't do it though, no, she didn't want her only child, nephew, to see such things and question her sanity.

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome table by Lu <3



08-01-2013, 12:47 PM

The man hadn't been up to much lately. In the mornings he woke up, scavenged for herbs, took a bath in the nearest body of fresh water (he is very into personal hygiene), ate a snack or two, fished for more herbs, then returned to his lonely den once the sun went down. His daily routine got boring and lonely at times, the only company he had was a few squirrels and skunks he found in the forest. He enjoyed their company at times, but some days he ran into the grumpy ones, and got either attacked or sprayed in the face. But, he was used to it. At this time he was making his way toward the lake to take a peaceful bath, but something stopped him dead in his tracks. It was a woman, one he had only seen during meetings, and the only thing he knew about her was her name. Loccian. Gerhardt had mentioned her before, and he said she was a pretty good healer. Why not make a new friend? He slowly made his way toward her, his lips curling into a warm smile. He was coming up behind her, so he couldn't see the sad expression on her face. In fact, he had no idea that the gal was depressed or had just lost a very valuable part of her life. He didn't know anything. "Hello miss." He said softly, not wanting to scare her. She had probably scented him coming anyways, so he doubted she would be startled.

Italian Accent Speech



08-03-2013, 10:34 PM

She cleared her throat, shaking her head quickly. ?Get a hold of yourself.? She grumbled to herself, lifting a paw and wiping at her eyes before setting it back down beside the other one. The wind went back and forth, bouncing off the trees around the lake, and coming back at her only to go back out over the water. She sighed heavily, taking in a long and deep breath until finally reopening her eyes. That was when it hit her, the scent of another nearby, coming from behind her. She would need to be friendly, show that she was okay and not suffering depression worse than before.

With a forced smile the woman turned slowly, grey orbs falling upon the wolf approaching her. At first she wasn't sure who he was, just one of the wolves she had seen around at meetings and occasionally when she went out to gather herbs or hunt a little. What was his name? She focused on his face, looking at the unique patterns and colors. She knew his name started with a t and was related to Gerhardt and Gideon.

At the sound of his voice greeting her Loccian finally figured it out. Themisto, the other healer. She dipped her head to him, that small forced smile on her lips. ?Hello Themisto, how are you today?? She asked curiously, since he came over he would most likely be sitting her awhile like her, so she might as well start a conversation to pass time.

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome table by Lu <3



08-05-2013, 04:37 PM

The woman turned slowly, and when her grey gaze fell upon his he almost drowned in her beauty. Her markings were superb, she had many shades of charcoal along her body, and the scar on her shoulder told stories he someday might wish to hear. Her eyes were what stuck him the hardest, they were so simple, yet so beautiful. But, through her beauty, he could see the hollow expression in her gaze. She looked so lost, and despite the smile on her face he saw through her attempt at hiding the inner termoil she was battling. Her head dipped slowly, and he copied her movements, dipping his as well. "I am well, and you?" He asked softly, not wanting to set anything off that could possibly be clouding her mind. He had no idea what was plaguing her, but sure enough he would find out eventually. "Loccian correct?" He hadn't exactly gotten a name from her, but he had heard others mention her before. Hopefully he wasn't confusing her with someone else.

Italian Accent Speech



08-07-2013, 08:47 PM

For a moment the smile turned to a smirk when the male told her he was well, that was good, it was nice to know her members were doing fine. That they weren't dealing with stuff like she was. He asked about her though, which she tilted her head slightly to, turning it away to look out across the water. How was she really? Loccian felt sad, depressed over the loss of her adopted child, feeling like she was more lonely than before, lost. Should she tell him that? Or mention something that would let him know she wasn't doing that well? No, she couldn't do that, she didn't want to sound whiney, looking for attention, there was no way she could be such things. While she thought about it he would see her in though, possibly troubled by thinking of how to explain to him how she was.

When he asked if her name was Loccian the woman shook her head lightly before turning to him with a small smile, giving a nod of her head. ?The one and only.? She said with a lightness to her tone, trying to not let the sad thoughts cloud her ind and ruin this chance of making a friend. ?As for how I'm doing...? She looked down at her paws, knocking a rock off to the side then looking up to the sky. ?I wish I was doing well.? It would show that something was troubling her but didn't really want to talk about it, also kind of a sign that she wished for a change of conversation.

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome table by Lu <3