
Take Me As Your Own


07-27-2013, 01:54 AM

Her heart felt even more frozen then the ice beneath her paws. How she had ended up this far north she didn't know, but she had let her mind wander, and her paws had driven her wherever they pleased. Now she was out on some iced over lake, and it was pretty slippery in some places. In fact, with all her thinking and lost thoughts, the little girl had barley noticed the tree top that was sticking out of the frozen field. She tumbled over it, smacking her head against the ice with an admirable amount of force. Her head became light, and her vision tunneled as she opened her eyes and looked around. If her mother was here she would have warned her about that damn branch. She always warned her of danger. But she wasn't here, and she never would be again.

She didn't bother getting up off the ice. Instead she laid there, allowing herself to wallow in the self pity she felt from her mothers death. She knew her mother had practically sacrificed herself, and she hated her for it. Well, no, she didn't hate her, she could never hate her mother; but she didn't understand why. Why her. Why did she have to give her life for someone who hadn't even started theirs. Sure, she was her daughter, but her mother had it all: A family, husband, high rank in her pack... Her life was made. What value did she have? None. She was worthless. A worthless excuse for the beta her mother wanted her to become. She would be a disappointment, and her mother would smite her every move. She was sure of it.




07-27-2013, 02:10 AM


It was a sight to behold, the crashing and smouldering figure of a flailing babe as she were thrust head over tail; body sprawling helplessly across the ice pallet she had sauntered so boldly before. She were troubled in some pathetically frail way no doubt, her youth and gender enough to trigger his assumptions. Though the waltzing angel would not be the dull soul to complain; oh no, it would only make his life easier when it came to encouraging her away with him. Paws would be placed with upmost precision, guided seamlessly to the solidified ice that bound his feet, an illusion of gliding perfection as the albino angel sauntered towards the emotionally wounded creature; expressions twisting with pleasure as wicked intentions gradually became more clear. She wasn?t of much use to him at such a feeble age, though she would be in the future; and she were a pretty a little thing after all, yes?

Charcoal pelt contrasted mildly with the oceanic-kissed pallid that enveloped her, and the ghoul would bask beneath the fragility of her juvenile frame, admiring the potential the child withheld. The daunting creature would slide gracefully to her side, not pausing until he potentially loomed over her, a bemused chuckle tainting the frigid atmosphere before features would morph; mock sympathy creasing his maw into furrowed lies, ?Oh sweetheart, I hope you are not hurt? You are far too pretty a seraph to be wasted.? Voice would lumber forth, as seamless as velvet-spun silk, and debonair fa?ade would lower towards her, a brisk puff of carbon dioxide ushering towards the contours of her endearing features.


07-27-2013, 02:21 AM

She had allowed her mind to wander, and because of her mistake her senses made a terrible mistake. She did not have the slightest clue that a ghost was making its way toward her. Even at a slow pace she did not pick up the sound of claws against ice, nor did she scent his musk even though it was just out of reach. It wasn't until it paw landed right next to her that she became aware of his presence. He loomed over her, his beady crimson eyes staring her down. She had never seen a wolf like him before. His body held no color, he was the purest shade of white she had ever seen; except for his rosey nose and fiery eyes. His looks intrigued and frightened her at the same time. It was such an odd feeling, but she liked it.

She couldn't help the involuntary movements her body did for her. Her ears pinned against her head, her tail tucked close, and her lips rose ever so slightly to reveal only the tips of her two front canines. It wasn't a frightened look, but merely a warning. She had no fear of other wolves, her mother had always taught her that fearing someone only gave them power. Instead she met challenges head on, even in her emotional state. "Pain is for the weak minded." She hastily replied, leaving only a few second gap between his sentence and hers. She had the impulse to get up, but she was far too interested in what this male was going to say and do.




07-27-2013, 02:41 AM


Her muscles would coil as a retaliation, delicate harks pressing against the feminine curves of her scalp. Cute. Embers simmered within the oceans of her gaze, a spirited gape of warning as her searing personality began to crawl up from beneath his feet, attempting to char rosen pads, though falling just short of sentiment. Rather quickly the beast would become entertained, enjoying pathetic attempts of warning as she lay so exposed within his looming shadow. Words of learnt confidence would bounce from child-like maw, and a mock gasp would ricochet against her colossal character, the albino retracting his nape as if in shock by her false words of wisdom. ?Such bearing, such gallantry,? for a few painful moments the beast would fight the rising potential of bemused smirk, though he would fall victim to the twisting serpent that squatted his mind, a low chuckle echoing from pale lips. ?So she?s not just a pretty face, eh? What a delicacy,? salmon tongue would lash hungrily at cherry lips, the famished angel swaying slightly on the spot, an imaginary aura radiating his snow-bound pelt as wings of invisibility would beat at frigid air. ?Tell me darling, what?s a youth of such allure doing out here on her own? Or does the prospect of danger not frighten you either?? wry smirk buzzed faultless features.


07-27-2013, 02:58 AM

To her surprise the man did not retreat, and if it wasn't for the coiling of his neck he wouldn't have moved at all. Well, not exactly a surprise, but she figured if he wanted something, he would have taken it already. Unless he enjoyed playing with his prey? Except she was no prey. She was a princess when it came down to it, because someday soon she would take over one of the most powerful ranks in Valhalla. All would respect her just as they had her mother, except she would be much more involved than she was. Sure, her mother did her duties here and there, but with the weight her family put on her she had begun to put her pack duties aside. Well, at least to Liberty she had. Little did the yearling know that what her mother did was very beneficial to the pack. She had trained Valhalla's next female beta who could possible rule the pack just as her mother had if all else failed. But, with her young age came ignorance, so she believed the thoughts in her head for now.

Pools of vibrant blue followed the mans every movement, his every breath. She listened to him speak, but most of his words went into one ear and out the other. She used to love playing games, but since her mothers death her patience had run thin. She watched his toungue swipe hungrily over his lips, and hers curled tighter above her fangs. She wanted to get out from under him now, because she was starting to realize how vulnerable she truly was out here. "Why does it matter to you? Does the ghost have no fear of reality either?" The corners of her lips curled into a devilish smile. "If you could grasp reality, you would see I am not alone. I'm here with you-unless you are a figment of my imagination." She was starting to enjoy this game, because now she was starting to lose the conception of what was real and what wasn't. Who knows? Maybe she was playing a game with the ghosts in her mind.




07-28-2013, 07:04 PM


Her words would send a flurry of pleasure rattling the notches of his spine, a bubble of amusement vacating the chasms of his thirsty jaws as ruby gaze would continue to rake her vulnerable figure. Only now would he notice her aura beginning to shift, aggression seeming to morph into that of faint pleasure as a mischievous smile plastered charcoal lips. Attitude wasn?t something he appreciated nor enjoyed, but he would tolerate the youth for now. Despite the stench of ownership that stained her duo-toned pelt, Isardis wouldn?t be deterred. If he wanted something he would have it, the grasp of another couldn?t be enough to sway him from his ambitions. If anything, it only made him more eager. ?Do not be fooled, seraph,? his voice would usher forth, only to pause barely seconds later, ?Reality is not always a figure of earthen obscurity. You see, you are gazing reality in his sallow countenance right now, and yet you are so blissfully unaware,? extended tail would sway at tapered hocks, delight evident within the tainted smirk that creased pink lips. ?It is not the unknown you should fear, not isolation nor solitude; but the company of which you involve yourself,? pride burned within his ever-swelling ego, ?Right now.? His suggestion were one of ominous intention, maw crawling closer to her frame as a deep exhalation would attempt to contact her flesh, to spark a connection between the unlikely duo in a way he had hoped would trigger retaliation.


07-28-2013, 10:15 PM

He spoke, and she listened. As seconds went by she found herself become more and more interested in him, and for some reason she couldn't get herself to pull away. If any other male were to be standing above her the way he was she would have immediately retreated to a more comfortable distance. Right now she could practically taste the danger seeping from his pores, but she ignored the tiny conscious in her mind telling her to run. She was too attracted to his alluring aurora. At first it seemed as if her were trying to scare her, but then again, what if he was being serious? What if he was dangerous, and she was too foolish to run. The games he was playing were awfully interesting. She just had to play back.

Right now I see a ghost who is getting a little too close for comfort. Then again, I don't feel like being comfortable right now. It was true, she didn't want to retreat, nor did she want him to leave as well. This was the first time she had ever tasted true danger, and she was loving it. His breath was heavy against her pelt, but she did not retreat from his advancing jaws. Instead she copied his motion and drew her maw closer to his, and if she were to come close enough without him pulling away her breath would have the same effect as his did.




08-08-2013, 10:15 PM


It seemed the yearling would fall oblivious to his previous warnings, showing no efforts to neither respond nor absorb his earlier statements. A defiant air would hover her meek torso, exuded so confidently from her pores as she would lay so sprawled and helpless beneath him. So easily he could reach down and shred her vitals, not that he would waste such a pretty life, but her aloofness to these possibilities were somewhat concerning. Still, it would only make his day easier, wouldn?t it? ?Naughty, naughty,? he would mutter in response, bemused by her disobedient ways, ?A future temptress, no doubt. I only hope that you will choose wisely and tempt the likes of me upon your maturity, you already show such promise? chuckle would burst free of coral jaws, absorbing so thirstily her daring exhalation. Yet another paw would reach forward, pausing upon contact with her limb, so dissonantly sparking against the tips of her bristle elbows. ?What pack do you belong to, little allurer? It would help to know who?s leg I have to twist, to bring you home with me.?

ooc/ sorry it's cruddy ;( <3


08-09-2013, 03:23 PM

She remained still despite the mans slow forward movement. The ghost seemed to be drawing closer to her with every breath, but she did not retreat, and she wouldn't retreat. Defiant or not she would not give into this man, she was far too intrigued in what he might have to offer. Despite her young age and ignorance she was fully enjoying his embrace, and she saw no reason to back away. Minor defenses were raised, but nothing would protect her now if he wished to grasp her between his jaws. Though she doubted he would need to take that type of action, she was already voluntarily falling into his deceitful plot.

"I won't deny that I have been a little naughty lately." Lyrics would spill from her maw in the most sensual of tones. Something in her mind was changing, this man had an unbelievable amount of influence over her. Why? "Why promise something for the future, when you can have it today? My maturity seems to be building far faster than it should." With her mothers death and her recent birthday the naive girl had to grow up a lot faster than she had planned. Not even two weeks ago she was frolicking through Valhalla's open plains with her mother, and now she was on a thin sheet of ice with thee devils ghost standing over her. Oh how time changed things.

His laughter caused her ears to flip back, but as he spoke they swiveled forward. She didn't want to miss a word. His paw would come forward, and she would pull hers back, causing his force to miss her elbow. If he wanted to dominate her, he would have to work a little harder than that, or at least a little longer. "Valhalla. I am a princess there, set up to take my mothers place as beta come the next season. I suggest you not pry me from my home, or you will have a rude awakening. Her brow raised as she said the word pry. She wondered how he would react to this even though she doubted he would have to pry her from Valhalla. "Who knows ghost, you may not have to twist a leg to have me."

OOC: totally fine with me doll! Make your post as short as you want to, they are still marvelous ;P




08-11-2013, 09:42 PM


She would continue to engage within her defiant character, proudly boasting of her misconduct as she would avoid the blatant touch of his paw; only further enticing him to rattle her more so, to encourage him to toy with her and frustrate her minuscule little psyche. She would respond somewhat hastily, emphasizing her proudest words as she attempted to crawl into the folds of his mind, struggling to set up a home within his intellect that would never truly come. ?But darling, barely moments before you suggested I could have whatever I pleased, and now, though suddenly you try to deter me from pulling you from your current home?? he would chuckle weakly, nape snaking towards her until he threatened to hover his nostrils barely a few centimetres from her own, ?When I want something I make it a point of mine to have it. Something tells me you are much the same, little vixen, perhaps you understand?? a smirk of sinister intention would twitch at his lips, ruby gaze absorbing her own eagerly. It would be but a matter of time before he found this ?Valhalla? and attempted to claim the little banshee as his own.

ooc/ Heyhey! <3 Isar waaants her ;o Would you be happy for him to challenge for her, or do you want to wait?


08-12-2013, 08:06 PM (This post was last modified: 08-12-2013, 08:07 PM by Liberty.)

He didn't attempt to put his paw forward again, which surprised her, because his intentions had already been set. He wanted her, why she wasn't exactly sure, but he did. What did he want with a worthless yearling? She was a princess in Valhalla, but out here, she was the same as any other wolf. She assumed he wouldn't move again, but suddenly he did, and his toxic breath tickled her nostrils as he exhaled. Out of impulse her neck extended slightly as she attempted to rub their moist noses together. After doing so, her neck would retract back, and her chin would remain tilted to protect her vitals. She may be naive, but she wasn't about to let this male take her life. "We all want things we cannot have." She could tell by the hungry look in his eyes that he had already made up his mind. Whither she wanted it or not, she would be claimed, and somehow, she was okay with that. Only she didn't want to merely be a piece of his property that got lost with the others. She wanted to be more.

"Perhaps we can make a deal." Her lips curled around her fangs as they formed into a smirk. Her gaze iced over, and her claws dug into the ice below her as she readied herself to swoop out from under him. If he were to decline and suddenly attack, she would want a fighting chance instead of being pinned beneath him and losing pitifully. "If you take me away from Valhalla, you will throw away the crown that I wear, and you will also piss off the biggest pack in Alacritis. If I voluntarily go with you, I want a new crown to wear on my pretty little head. I want to be superior to the many females you probably womanize, and, I want you; All of you. With my young age and training in the art of ruling, you may manipulate and transform me into anything you desire. I'll be your puppet, if you make me your queen. Do we have a deal, sir ghost?" Her body tensed, and her gaze never left the beady crimson eyes before her. She was striking a deal with the devil's ghost. She was sure of that.

OOC: Based on his reaction (which is pretty much up in the air right now) I'll decide if I want her captured this second or not. :P




08-12-2013, 08:43 PM


As if she were untouchable, impervious, supernatural, she would allow her naivety to drip foolishly from charcoal lips; feeding shallow words to the King that stood so regally before her, uninjured by his magnitude, and apparently unwavered by his objectives. She would attempt to twist him, to manipulate him as if he were a falsely pliable slither of rubber, of plastic, of falseness. Her words would illuminate his soul, coil about the contents of his stomach, quiver with attempted reaction as she would lay so helpless, so exposed beneath him. For a few painful moments Isardis couldn?t believe what he had heard, wanted to rub coral hars against his limb and request the babe repeat herself. Though as meaning sank thirstily in, the angel could do no more than tremble theatrically with amusement.

Splutters of bemused pleasure would begin to boil from cherry lips, drawing momentarily from the girl?s attempted contact as his mind would plague with the brilliance of her foolishness. Strapping features would crease as he chuckled, ruby gaze trembling as his body would circulate in flusters of delight. She was but a yearling, so helpless, and dare he say it- useless. Did she really believe she deserved a pretty crown? She would need to offer far more than her future body to make such a gamble worthwhile. Between amused bubbles he would respond, aware that very soon her proud mood would be swinging unpredictably, ?I admire your efforts, little princess,? he would pause, fighting for air as his sniggers would subside, ?But you should know better than to make deals with hungry sprites. He who has power has it for a reason; you are not worth as much to me as you anticipate- at least, not while your womb is still empty of fruitfulness, devoid of substance. Nor while your frame is so tiny you are utterly incapable of self defence, let alone the defence of an entire army. ? He would sway pleasurably, readying himself for her retaliation, ?I will have you regardless, then it will be up to you to prove you are worthy of greatness.?


08-14-2013, 12:57 PM

She was beyond foolish. Any female with common sense would know to run far away from this male, he was nothing but trouble. The hungry look in his eyes never ceased, it was apparent that he always claimed what he desired; and he desired her. She was young, beautiful, and could easily be manipulated into whatever he desired if he were to succeed in capturing her. Would he accept her offer? She waited, practically about to jump out of her skin if he were to make any sudden movements. Finally he did something, and he practically laughed in her face. Her ears folded flat against her skull, and she inched backward to put a few inches of distance between them. She had a feeling he was coiling up to strike once he realized her level of immaturity and stupidity. How could she allow herself to be put in a situation like this? Her mother had taught her better.

She felt idiotic. How could she ever think the ghost would make her a queen? Her mother had been a queen at one point, and if her mother could become one, so could she, right? Her mother had taught her everything, she was practically a darker version of her; except her mother would have never been this foolish. She was always so independent, but Liberty... she was a scared little girl who had put up a front in front of a dangerous phantom, and now she would become a ghost too. He would claim her, she was sure of it, but at least if she ran now and got a head start, she could have some time. If she could get to Valhalla before he did... she could warn her father and alphas. She had an entire pack behind her, surely they would protect her, right?

She didn't say a word. Her head nodded slowly, and she swallowed what felt like a rock in her throat. She had felt so fearless before, but now all she felt was terror. What was he going to do with her? She was so young and couldn't fight him off if he were to force himself on her. Would she be a slave in his kingdom? And what kingdom did he rule anyways? She had never seen him before, and her mother had never mentioned a white ghost when she told her about the other packs. He seemed like a wicked being, so she assumed he had taken over Tortuga. She needed to get out of here, and she needed to do it now. With a swift movement she scrambled beneath the man, but since she had already inched away from him, she had a minimal amount of space to get up. Claws clicked against the ice as she tried not to slip again. Her tail tucked and she back away, leaving a few feet between them. "I-if you try to follow me, they will come after you! Don't test my pack, we are the largest in these lands! You will never have me!" Her voice was shakey and broken, but she needed to give him his only warning. Without a second thought she quickly turned and took off as fast as her legs could possibly carry her. She had to beat him to Valhalla, she just had to.


OOC: Yumpy said it was ok for her to run away now, because he is going to follow her to Valhalla anyways~
