



07-26-2013, 11:24 AM
ooc: Since Sei is no longer here Reficul has been murdered.

Why... Why was this happening to her? First her family, Octavian, Bronze, now Reficul. Was somebody out there messing with her? Wanting to see the shewolf in pain, not live happy? She was finally recovering, doing good after the first three, getting over the pain and moving on, but this... this completely flipped things.

She stood with her head the lowest it has ever been, grey orbs focused on the wet ground beneath her. The two graves beside her belonged to Octavian, her brother who had ended his life after having troubles and finding out the woman he was going to ask as his mate had mated with some other man. The second belonged to Lady Adette, King Gerhardt's ex-wife. The two split after decisions were made for the kingdom, she ran off and tried killing herself but was saved. She spent time with Valhalla but soon turned mad and tried challenging Gerhardt ad with her lose asked for death...

Oh Reficul, her poor baby. Loccian had found her on the borders in Winter, shivering and alone. The pup had been abandoned by her father after her mother died, seeking a new life with another wolf for his daughter, a wolf that could take care of her. That's what Loccian was going to do, help this girl grow up strong and wise, but before anything could really happen, the life had been torn out of her...

Lips pulled back to reveal her fangs, a mixture of a growl and whine escaping her throat. Left paw pulled back, bringing up some dirt, then the right, bringing up more. Left, right, left, right, left, right. She began making the hole for the pup, wanting it to be big enough for her to be comfortable... even though she was dead... and in pieces. She continued on, and once she dug out a decent enough hole she finally came to a stop, tears already streaming down a cheek. The dirt that had managed to get into her fur turned to mud, clumping here and there, mixing with the blood that patched her jaws and neck.

Slowly she stepped back, taking a step to the side, a bolt of lightning lighting up the land, thunder rumbling just above. The whole time she managed to block out the sound of the pouring rain, but now that she looked to what was left of her child it started to slip into her ears. The drumming was comforting in a way, telling her that she was still here.

She lowered her head, jaws parting then closing gently around the scruff of Reficul. Carefully she lifted her off the ground just a few inches, turned her body around and gently lowered her into the hole before letting go. With a paw she gently readjusted how the pup lay, on the side, little paws crossed over each other. Finally she pulled away, but only to reach over to where she had been laying, grabbing a leg gently in her jaws and laying it where it should be on Reficul.

With a deep and shaky breath Loccian stood over the small hole, a few tears falling onto the pup's cheek. This was it, it would be the last time she truly saw Reficul...


Awesome table by Andy <3

Lilium (Music Box) by Elfen Lied on Grooveshark



7 Years
07-26-2013, 06:28 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It seemed the weather had a keen sense of emotion. Clouds had stuck around well after the burial of the once-Seracian queen, brooding if not weeping. They were a blemish to Tahlia, a heavy reminder of what the pack had lost that day and a burden for them to bear and never forget. To never move on. Yes. The wolf had died, but the pack still could not fall into a standstill for it. They needed to press on, get over their loss, and continue with their lives just as everything else around them did. If only the weather had been nicer instead of fueling this sense of foreboding and depression, they might have been able to. They could have looked to the clear skies and seen the brightness there was still to life, the promise of everything that was to come. Personally, Tahlia still had plenty more dreams in mind for her own future, too much to look forward to to get caught up on things of her past, things she had never really been close to from the start. And so while the others mourned for the loss of a once-pack member, she went about her business as usual.

Not typically one for letting herself get caught in rain storms, the russet and black she-wolf had been doing her best to stick out of the open parts of the pack's territory, hiding mainly within the trees since the buildings still did not quite sit well with her. Too unnatural, she thought. But her stroll, a lazy sort of meandering that she had been doing with no real purpose, brought her near enough to the open space of the pack lands that had become their chosen burial grounds. The wolf glanced toward the place reflectively, thinking back to the sad and solemn day when they had settled to rest the wolf known as Adette, but it was not the two graves that she saw this day.

Her paw steps suddenly stopped as she recognized another wolf of the pack, the rather timid grey female - a healer, was she? - digging slowly all by herself. Confusion and shock flew through Tahlia as she watched, thinking for a moment that she might have somehow thought to desecrate one of the dead's resting places, but recognizing the places beside that marked where the previous dead of the pack lay she was relieved to note this was not true. But she continued to dig, determinedly, and it only took a second longer for her to realize why she would be doing this. Someone else has died.

Suddenly the sour weather made all the more sense. Why should the rains leave when another life would be taken so quickly after the first? A gently growing sympathy began to pool within her as she watched the other work, such a small thing resolutely shuffling at the earth to drag it away and make a suitable sized place for her loved one to rest. Likely it would take her a while to make it deep and wide enough a grown wolf, and so despite the dirty work Tahlia ventured out of the treeline and into the open burial ground to offer assistance, her coat dampening and flattening with every slowly cautious step. She was only about halfway there when she saw the other stop - the grave could not possibly have been done already? - and take a moment to look beside her, Tahlia presumed at the deceased. She continued her slow approach as the other reached for her departed loved one - and felt her heart clench tightly in her chest.

A pup! She was nothing more than a scrawny mass of fur and gangly legs as she dangled from the wolf's jaws, so young and with such a long life ahead of her. What had happened to snatch that life away so prematurely? Tahlia hadn't realized that the sight of the pup had stilled her steps until the young thing was laid within the earth, and forcing a careful, shaking breath into her lungs she began her walk again, lowering her head and tail respectfully. Another piece - a leg - of the pup was set with her, and Tahlia did her best not to make a noise of distress at the sight, only swallowing back her own emotional reaction at a life taken too soon from the earth. A gentle, considerate whine slipped from her throat and muzzle as she came close enough to be heard over the din of the storm, blinking her golden eyes as she shared a knowing, consoling stare with the presumed mother. "I am very sorry for your loss," she stated gently, knowing the words to be little consolation but recognizing them as proper. She dared not approach the grave and stand where the other stood, half fearing that she might still be protective of the dead pup, but also not wanting to intrude and overstep her boundaries. She paused a moment, eyes carefully flickering down toward the opening in the ground where she could just see the shoulder of the youth in her state of perpetual rest. "What was her name?" she quietly asked, assuming from the shape of the pup's face that it had been a young girl the mother had lost.

OOC: This table is too bright for this thread, but I'm using it anyway. :s


07-26-2013, 08:52 PM

The sky was lit aflame by the rhythmic patterns of lightning strikes. He watched them glow for mere seconds before vanishing altogether, only to be replaced by a newer, brighter glow. He twisted from the perch he'd made for himself not far from his den. Epiphron was no doubt keeping out of the rain, but Maverick had found himself far too restless to stay in the confines of their home. Solitude had become his nearest and dearest friend since his coronation, and it was solitude he sought during this storm. As much as he loved and adored Epiphron, there were certain things he felt he could only work through in his mind. Particularly those things that pertained to his father's recent absence, and his mother's untimely death. Gerhardt had admitted to them all that he'd killed Adette, and while he didn't blame his father, he couldn't help but wonder if there might've been a better solution than his mother's murder. As much as the two of them had butted heads in his youth, he still was loyal to her even in her insanity - that was what family was all about.

As he removed himself from where he'd lingered for more than half an hour, the King shifted his weight on his paws nimbly. Trotting without any real destination in mind, he found his paws carrying him toward where his mother was buried. He had some things to get off of his chest, and there seemed no better hour to do it than this one. His tail and head were not raised in dominance, for he hadn't quite felt the need for it with the likelihood that no one was out in this weather. However, it would seem that line of thought was incredibly false, for as he neared his mother's grave he found not one, but two wolves weathering the storm. Maverick breathed a sigh and reigned himself toward them, his head raising only slightly as the rain began to stream down his fur in great rivulets. Voice came out in a gentle purr as each of their names fell from his lips. Tahlia, Loccian... He brought himself parallel to Tahlia, only a foot or so away from her multicolored frame. Lime eyes fell to the smaller grave beside the two existing ones housing a fallen esquire and his own mother. What has happened? The inquiry rang out with a note of sorrow, as his vision shifted between the two of them. Loccian seemed far more bothered than Tahlia, and the grave was too small to harbor a fully grown wolf. He recalled his father telling him of Loccian adopting two pups, he supposed that one of them must have fallen ill. His head dropped in incline, tilting toward the grave as he noted that the child had not been covered just yet. She was beautiful by all accounts, save for her marred frame. It didn't appear that sickness had claimed her. No, this looked like murder if he ever saw it. A growl rumbled in his chest - who would harm a child? His lip quivered, but stilled itself after a moment. These two weren't to blame, and didn't need to see his frustration.




07-26-2013, 09:28 PM

Grey orbs stared down at the still body, remembering how just a few days ago she had been telling the pup about some of the herbs that lined her stall in the barn, their den. She was so lively, so happy. Eyes snapped shut, gritting her fangs with lips pulled back. Why did this have to happen? Reficul was only a pup, she had so much ahead of her! Why couldn't it be her instead?! Oh how bad she wished it was her who had been killed, then at least the pup could grow up and life a long and happy life.

An ear swiveled to the side at the sound of a whine between the roar of thunder, watching form the corner of her eye as a form approached. It was a female, but because of the rain she couldn't match a scent to a name. Her voice was soft, gentle, saying how she was sorry for her lose.

Slowly Loccian's eyes opened, continuing to stare at the body beneath her. She wouldn't say a word to this woman, she couldn't. The shewolf just wanted to be aloe with her child, wanted to talk to her and say her goodbye. But then the woman asked what her pup's name was. She didn't answer right away, just stood there staring down at the dark and wet pup. Slowly she lowered her head, gently running her tongue over a torn brown ear. "Reficul... her name is Reficul." She said softly, fragile. A roar of thunder rumbled in the sky.

A new voice spoke up, male. She didn't have to turn her head and look to see who it belonged to, It was Maverick, King Maverick. "What has happened?" He asked, a hint of sorrow in his voice.

She could hear his low growl just slightly, giving a slow nod of her head. She had snarled and snapped when she found the pup, attacking anything that came near her mangled body. For a few hours she had laid with her, resulting in the blood along her jaw and neck.

"Someone... using their sick mind to toy with me..." She managed to say, voice shaky. Of course she didn't know if somebody was really messing with her, it was just how it felt. A lot has happened since joining Seracia, and with her state of mind, of course he would think somebody was trying to mess with her. I found her... t... torn to pieces outside the borders." She whispered, gulping, a few more tears streaming down her cheek and falling to the ground. "So much blood..." She reached out a paw, gently readjusting the leg she had set into the grave. "She had to... die alone... scared..."

She pulled her leg away, leg giving out from under her, dropping to the ground in a pile of grey and black fur. She buried her face into the pup's body, taking in her scent, speaking into her fur. "I'm so sorry! I should've been there!


Awesome table by Andy <3

Lilium (Music Box) by Elfen Lied on Grooveshark



7 Years
07-29-2013, 12:11 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The lack of immediate response made Tahlia second guess her decision to come visit the grieving mother. Perhaps it was too soon. Perhaps she should have given her more time to be at peace with what had happened, or at least accept the fact her loved one no longer resided in the body that was left behind. Her eyes drifting to stare rather guiltily at the ground, the russet and black she-wolf gave the wolf her time, ears only perking when an answer was given to her question. Reficul. Such a curious name. But curious names seemed to be a commonality about this place and she supposed that she simply needed to get used to it. No matter the name, no matter the lineage, a lost life so young was still a terrible thing, and she was glad at least to know a little about the creature who would no longer grace the earth.

Another rumble of thunder coursed overhead, followed by a voice that Tahlia knew well and responded to immediately. She turned her head to glance toward their newly appointed king, a kindness in her eyes though the seriousness of the situation prevented her from smiling outright as she otherwise might have in greeting. "King Maverick," she greeted quietly, the title sounding odd even on her tongue. So used to addressing him as Prince, Tahlia knew it would be some time yet before the new proper address would slip easily and without conscious thought from her lips.

Her attention returned to the battered and broken body of Reficul as her king came to stand alongside her, his concern drawing about thoughts that she hardly wished to consider. What did it matter how she had lost her life? Wasn't it bad enough that it had happened at all in the first place? Her expression seemed to mimic this, brow pulling downward over her darkened gold eyes as she listened to the poor distraught mother answer him. Oh, how she wished the rain would drown those words out. She didn't want to hear that the babe had been found, in pieces, at the border, didn't want to listen to the overwhelming grief that overtook Loccian as she tried to get the words out. It was bad enough knowing that just within that little hole lay a tattered body that should have seen so many more days to her life.

Despite her willingness to assist in grave digging before, Tahlia was suddenly wishing that she was somewhere else. It would have been far too rude for her to leave at this point, she thought, as Loccian crumbled and fell to rest her head against the lifeless body of Reficul. It tore at her to see it, to feel in her own way the loss that this poor grieving mother felt. Expression pinched with concern, she lifted her head to glance sidelong at their king before returning her attention to the grey female and feeling at a loss on what she, practically a stranger to the mother, could do to help.


07-29-2013, 10:20 AM

He was out of his element. Death, tears, sobbing - these were things he wasn't necessarily unfamiliar with, but he was certainly not comfortable with them. Loccian was a wolf he felt moderately close to, close enough to comfort in a time like this - and yet the new King felt incredibly, inevitably lost. Eyes fluttered to Tahlia momentarily before returning to Loccian as she explained what had happened. She had found the babe torn to pieces on the borders. How despicable! Who would harm a child, an innocent child? A growl rumbled in his chest, vibrating against his ribs, but was quickly drowned out by a clap of thunder and flash of lightning. At least the storm seemed to be doing its best to help the lost King. What exactly was the answer for this? Anything could have killed the child, even non-wolves such as bears or pumas. It wasn't as if he had any evidence to track down the murderer, all he had was the child's body - which really ought to be covered for Loccian's sake.

Casting a last, forlorn look at Tahlia - as if she might offer some advice - the King shifted toward the grave as Loccian bowed to it. Don't - he started to say, but broke it off with the chorus of the rain. She deserved to say goodbye, at least. He allowed her a moment before bringing his muzzle to the top of her neck, gently parting the fur with his nose. He whispered to her, Come Loccian, let me finish what you've started. It was a pleading tone, one that implored her to allow him to do her this service. Of course if she refused he would push the matter no further, but the King sincerely wished to cover the child from her weary eyes - to lay the babe to rest among the fallen of Seracia. Her death had been unjustified, but it certainly would not go unnoticed. The pack would have to be warned, young would need to be supervised with more scrutiny. His own children were on their way - growing steadily in their mother's womb. Bronze's would be arriving soon as well, and all of them were being born into a world of very real danger. As blissful as the Kingdom could be, it had its fair share of death and destruction - and this was a prime example. He remained where he stood, near enough that their fur intertwined where it met, his head still lingering over her own bent crown.




08-03-2013, 09:24 PM

Jaws clenched as she bury her face into the fur of her lost child, the one who had been given a new start in life, only to have it suddenly and harshly torn away. She took in the scent, trying to store it within her body so that she would not forget it. Reficul would not be forgotten, she would remain within the woman's heart like Octavian.

With a lick to a shredded cheek the shewolf heard Maverick's voice utter a single word, could feel the touch of his nose in her fur before whispering for him to finish what she started. The woman was hesitant, taking in a quick and shaky breath, pulling away slightly so that she could look at the child. She couldn't bring herself to cover the pup, to seal away the being she had come to love. The pain stabbed her heart, over and over, until it brought another wave of tears.

She bit her lip, giving a small nod of her head, pushing herself up and taking a step back, leaning gently against the King. ?Please...? She whispered in his fur, closing her eyes tightly, body trembling. She couldn't take any more of this heartache.


Awesome table by Andy <3

Lilium (Music Box) by Elfen Lied on Grooveshark



7 Years
08-10-2013, 11:43 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

A painful sense of helplessness stole across Tahlia as she continued to watch Loccian grieve for her passed daughter, dark golden eyes casting themselves downward at the rain soaked ground as the sight became to difficult to witness. It was tragic, all of it, and though a part of her knew that life was not always fair or kind - hadn't she herself lost a husband and been deprived of a family all this time? - this was a heavy reminder just how unfair and malicious it could be.

Thankfully Maverick knew well enough to act. Being the one most acquainted with the distraught mother, it made sense for him to venture close first, his friendship with her bridging that gap that separated her from Tahlia. It would have felt too much like a breach for her to try and be that consoling, too false when she knew next to nothing about the dark grey female save her name and her newly appointed station. But whatever he said as he moved in to console her, whatever passed there between them, seemed to draw her back. The quietly observing she-wolf watched as with tears still in her eyes Loccian rose from her prostrate position beside the grave and moved to lean against their king, taking the support he offered in her most desperate time of need.

The sense of helplessness still remained, even more strongly than before, as she surveyed the two of them through the storm, and after a quiet moment of inaction the need to assist, to do anything but sit back like a useless log, urged her to her paws. Head still bent, the she-wolf turned in place to better look toward the pair of them, eyes searching between them - though more toward Maverick as he was the most composed. "Is there anything I could do?" she asked over the din as the rain continued to fall, her low voice consoling through its own need. Even if it was something as simple as being asked to leave, she hoped to somehow assist, anything to be rid of this useless feeling that only made the situation worse for her to bear.