
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming


07-24-2013, 09:10 PM

Yang swam the expanse of ocean to get to this little island. He was tired. He was hungry. But he wanted to explore. There was a massive tree in the middle of the island, so he set his sights on there. He bounded past shrubs and coral, seals and Albatross, and a blue,footed bird? Yang, quickly stopped and reversed just in time to see to large pelican like birds taking flight, with blue feet. Yang shook his head and continued towards the tree. Many species lived here, many not even seen in Alactricia. On his way, he caught a common rabbit, he fought want to disrupt any eco system too badly. He carried out with him until he got to the massive looming oak tree. It was a sight to behold, bigger than any tree he'd ever seen, dwarfing him easily. Yang was no taller than its biggest root.

Yang nestled himself in between its roots, feasting on his kill. He left a little for later, in case the gnawing in his belly awakened again soon. Soon, Yang found his blue eyes drooping, and his head lolling, and before he knew it, he was dozing beneath the tree.



07-25-2013, 01:17 PM
If there was one strange place that Kar was not all familiar with it was the ocean. The large expanse of blue-green water seemed to go on for miles and miles... though it was what he could see besides the water that awakened his curiosity. Islands, some near, some farther, dotted the water. It was a sight that he had never before seen, even when he lived in Caelum and passed through Aethelis. The oceans in both lands had no islands to speak of, so up until now he only could imagine what they looked like when they dotted the water.

'The sight is breathtaking. The brute thought to himself. He moved down close to the water, letting the salty liquid wash over his paws. He had learned the hard way as a pup to never, ever drink ocean water. Not only was it disgusting but he figured that it could be harmful to him as well. But swimming in it didn't seem to do much... other than leave him smelling like the ocean for a while.

Slowly, carefully, the gray wolf entered the water, his body quivering as the coolness of it became apparent. His tail swished behind him as he had his sights set on one of the islands in the distance. He was sure that he'd be able to reach it just fine.

After some time Kar pulled himself onto the beach of the small island, shaking the water from his coat. He closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath of air before opening them once more. There was the recent scent of a wolf... though the other scents were of different creatures. Some he recognized and others he didn't. The brute looked around, his gaze being brought to a huge tree.

"Woaah." He said softly. Not even the trees in Tall Fortress could compare to this tree. It looked different too... at least from a distance. He started out towards it, his ears perked up with curiosity and his eyes scanning what was around him.

Once Kar was close to the tree he could smell the wolf scent again. Like his own it smelled salty... but it was close. He began to move a bit slower, searching for the source. Going around one of the large roots he caught the sight of another wolf out of the corner of his eye. So here was the other he had been looking for.

Kar turned around, going a bit closer to the other male. How long had it been since he had conversed with another wolf, he wondered? Kar came to a stop about a meter and a half from the other male.

"Greetings. I was wondering if you might know what this land is called." He truly hoped that his presence wouldn't bother the other.


07-25-2013, 03:45 PM

Yang woke with a start as a wolf approached him. He smelled of the sea and distant lands, none Yang had ever smelled before. The wolf seemed unthreatening, so Yang was not intimidated by his presence. Greetings, I was wondering if you could tell me what this land is called. Yang sat up to face the wolf. He seemed friendly enough. Why, sir. This here island is named Rekaru island, but it is a part of a place called Alcritis, or Alactricia, depends on your preference. What brings you to these parts, May I ask? I'm Yang. Yang yawned, his sleep Waring off. He nudged the rest of his kill towards the wolf, inviting him to eat. The sun was rising higher in the sky and Yang spotted one of the odd birds he had sighted before. Afterwards, he returned his gaze to the strangers.



07-27-2013, 08:52 AM
A good thing, Kar noticed, was that this male wasn't intimidated by his presence. This wasn't at all his intention, so that was good. The male sat down, curling his tail around his paw much in the manner of a cat. The large tree that they were under provided shade over the area, which was nice. The sun wasn't too hot yet but it still felt nice in the cool shade. The other male sat up, facing him respectfully. Kar dipped his head respectfully. He was a loner... a wolf who knew little of these lands. It was only right that he treated the natives with respect... especially should he accidently cross over some border or something.

"Rekaru Island huh?" The words he spoke were soft, and they tingled on his tongue. Rekaru... such a foreign word. But that wasn't the end of the words he would need to learn. Alcritis. The name of the land he had chosen to come to and stay within. "Thank you so much. It means a great deal that you would share this information with a stranger like me." Was he being overly polite? He never could really tell. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Yang... but as for why I am here... well...

I guess you could say I've been looking for a new home. My first one was destroyed by natural desaters and, once our Clan moved, we settled into a place that seemed... wrong. So I've been wandering in search of the right land since."
He moved forward, taking a bit of the fresh kill before looking back to Yang. "My name is Kar. I doubt that my last name would have much meaning here, so I there is no need to tell you it." The wolf sat down and bent his head down again, tearing off a piece of flesh.

"Are all wolves here as kind as you, Yang? Most wolves in the land I grew up in wouldn't share a meal with a complete stranger."


08-17-2013, 10:44 AM

"Thank you so much. It means a great deal that you would share this information with a stranger like me." The wolf said. My pleasure. Yang replied a smile upon his maw. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Yang... but as for why I am here... well...
I guess you could say I've been looking for a new home. My first one was destroyed by natural desaters and, once our Clan moved, we settled into a place that seemed... wrong. So I've been wandering in search of the right land since."
Yang nodded, taking in this stranger's past.
"My name is Kar. I doubt that my last name would have much meaning here, so I there is no need to tell you it."
Nice to meet you, Kar.

"Are all wolves here as kind as you, Yang? Most wolves in the land I grew up in wouldn't share a meal with a complete stranger." An odd question, an odd wolf, but never the matter. Well Kar, I and my sister are the only known survivors of our old pack. Yin, my sister, and I went out on a hunting trip and a flash flood came and wiped out our whole home. Yang looked up to the towering tree before continuing. We got back just in time to see it hit, our family, our friends, our home, everything we knew, wiped out. My sister and I now travel alone. I have not met many wolves here in Alactrcia yet, so I would not know how friendly they all are, but I have heard many howls from all directions, indicating many packs. I do know of a pack called Valhalla that Yin and I may join but it is undecided. I know it lies to the South of Alacritis. Yang smiled at Kar.


08-24-2013, 12:21 PM

It felt good to be able to talk to someone again. Yang reminded him of an old friend... though he couldn't place the name. It had been so long since he had seen him... his name was forgotten and only a fuzzy memory of his face remained. He listened to the other tell of his past, and Kar dipped his head. Though his own home was lost... Yang and his sister Yin had lost everything. They lost their loved ones as well as the place they knew of home. At least when he had left his family had been able to tell him goodbye. "I'm sorry to hear that." What more could he say? There really were few words to soothe a heart that had lost so much in just the blink of an eye.

Kar remembered smelling a good many scents in an area in the southern region. Likely this was Valhalla, the pack that Yang spoke of. Kar nodded his head, grateful for the information. "It is an understandable thing. If Valhalla is a choice for your settlement, should you choose that path, I don't doubt that they might be kindly wolves." The gray male looked back towards the ocean. "I plan to wander myself for a while... and get to know all the lands of Alacritis before I make a decision on where to settle, if at all." His green orbs flicked back to Yang.

"Perhaps I will one day run into you again, Yang." The male smiled a bit. "But before I head back out I was wondering if you might like to take a walk with me. The company would be greatly appreciated."



09-09-2013, 02:27 PM

Kar expressed sympathy for his and Yin' s loss. Yang bowed his head in gratitude. Thank you, but it was a long time ago now. Yin and I have learned to be on our own now. Things aren't perfect, but nothing is. Yang chuckled before standing up, stretching the tiredness from his limbs. He looked down at Kar he spoke.
It is an understandable thing. If Valhalla is a choice for your settlement, should you choose that path, I don't doubt that they might be kindly wolves. I plan to wander myself for a while... and get to know all the lands of Alacritis before I make a decision on where to settle, if at all. Perhaps I will one day run into you again, Yang. But before I head back out I was wondering if you might like to take a walk with me. The company would be greatly appreciated Yang nodded his head at the right moments and when the man offered a stroll Yang smiled. It would be an honour, Kar



09-11-2013, 12:53 PM

Kar understood Yang's words all too well. Nothing was ever truly perfect... no matter how hard you tried to make it be perfect. Aethelis had not been perfect... and thus Kar left the lands behind. Though he wasn't necessarily searching for perfection he had to find a place in which he was comfortable to settle down in. Alacritis had many lands -- far more than Aethelis and Caelum combined. It seemed roomy enough... but it was the occupants that had Kar questioning the idea of settling down too soon. Wolves could be unpredictable -- all with their own different personalities. Though Yang was kind, and likely his sister Yin as well, he couldn't help but feel there was some dark secret that the lands were hiding somewhere.

Kar smiled as Yang agreed to come with him on a stroll. Perfect! The gray brute looked out towards the ocean before looking over to Yang. "Lets go then." The male set off at a steady pace -- one that Yang shouldn't have trouble keeping up with. Kar turned his green orbs toward Yang, tilting his head to the side ever so slightly. "If it doesn't bother you too much, Yang, could you describe what your homeland was like?" Kar was truthfully curious if it had been near Caelum. It would make sense considering it was a flash flood that took Yang's family and friends away.

Speech, Thought


09-30-2013, 07:07 AM

Yang padded after the male, the afternoon sun beating down on his dark fur. He suggested the area around them, it was beautiful. Birds sang in the tree-tops, small prey thumped around in the brain and the faint crashing of the sea in the distance. All seemed well on the island. Still walking, Yang closed his eyes peacefully, using his ears to navigate where he was going. If it doesn't bother you too much, Yang, could you describe what your homeland was like? Yang opened his eyes at the odd question. My homeland? Well, it was lovely. Where my pack lived, we were surrounded by mountains. It was as if they were, guarding us. There were trees everywhere, ones that were red in the south, a vibrant green in summer and turned golden in the Autumn. Yang sighed. A river ran down the middle of our territory, so we were never far from a fish or two. It was lovely, although the river and mountains caused great problems in the future... Yang stopped. His paws started moving a bit slower. That's when the flash food came. Yang looked up. But that's so in the past now. He smiled meekly. Returning to his former pace, he turned to the sea. The sun was setting fast, the tide was coming in too. He better go before the wafer got too high. I better get going soon. The tide' s coming in and my sister will he missing me.



10-03-2013, 08:19 PM

Kar listened quietly as Yang began to speak of his homeland. Surrounded by mountains and forested land. The sounds of the land reminded him of the valley occupied by rogues in his own homeland. He briefly wondered if they had possibly come from the same lands, but the dismissed the thought. Surely if they had been then Yang would have mentioned the name Caelum, right? Perhaps he was holding on too tightly to the past. He gently brushed his shoulder against Yang's own as the brute trailed off, sensing his sadness, and, to some degree, understanding it all too well.

Kar's gaze followed his new friend's out towards the sea. He nodded slowly to Yang's words. "Yes... before night sets in and the rising tides make it even more dangerous to cross the water." Kar smiled gently. "Safe travels, Yang. May the fates bless us to meet again some day." Kar turned away, heading back the way they had come so that he could make his own way to shore.

Speech, Thought

Ooc:: /End Thread.