
I am your past



09-30-2014, 07:21 PM

During the storm her tree branch had struck her in the shoulder. Creating a large gash that she had no pack to attend to. After a few days, it had started to drag her down, even if it was only a gash on her shoulder. She became tired, lethargic and more irritated than usual. The two wolves who had been with her before fled, feeling like a demon had taken her over. So in a feverish state, she wandered towards the pack lands. But stopped at the borders, her conscious still working with her senses.
Emma tried to breath better, but it was too shallow. She cringed, until finally collapsing out of hunger and thirst along with pain. Her paws crossed near the scent markers. As she let out a painful bark loud enough to be heard within the lands. Yet her injured left shoulder facing the cloudy sky, she kept herself awake. Yet with a slightly blank mind at that.


Rune I


5 Years
10-05-2014, 05:26 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Stressed. Rune could not remember a time when he had been as stressed as he felt lately. Living inside of Covari was surely a close second since he had never been able to get comfortable there, but it was still nothing like the new responsibility he felt upon his shoulders as Guardian of his own pack. There was so much he needed to do on a daily basis, so much that he wanted to supervise and watch over to ensure that the pack was running smoothly, and the severe weather that had rolled in off the coast had not helped matters any. He was at it again, watching the progress of all the water that had collected in the Gulley and following the outlets when he heard the bark calling from his pack's border.

Not for the first time - in fact, it felt like it was becoming something of a habit - he stopped his inspection to wander back upward along the rise of the Gulley to the territory's border, stopping a moment to scan the line where his pack stopped in search of the one who had called. Strangely it was empty. Frosty blue eyes narrowing, Rune hesitated a moment before he set off to follow the border, searching to see if he might be able to she whatever stranger had set off a false alarm beside his pack.

His dark paws carried him along swiftly until he caught the scent of the wolf in question, a scent that was tainted by what he suspected to be illness. His nose wrinkled as he followed it and he did not stop until he came upon the wolf lying upon her side there beside his border, looking quite lethargic and obviously out of sorts. His approach was cautious, inspecting the wolf at a distance as he addressed her, "Do you need help?" Quietly he wondered to himself whether his little healer, his daughter Warja, was knowledgeable enough about the plants that grew within their home to be of any help. She might have still been new to the skill, but she was the best Secretua had, and whatever this woman's intention for being here at his border he knew this was still a good opportunity for Warja to practice.

OOC: Would Emma mind if Rune called his daughter to come treat her shoulder assuming Laz is up for jumping in with Warja? o:



10-06-2014, 12:10 PM

She felt guilty, and bad, a stranger was at his borders and she was forced to be asking him for help. She could take care of herself, Emma hated the idea of being a burden, she spent enough of her life watching herself get abandoned by the so called royals she was related to. She attempted to stand, only able to gain herself to her haunches but her body was still hunched over as her blurry vision looked at Rune.
"I...I...I'm sorry, I need help and this seemed to be my best chance." Emma rasped watching him. Her head lowered as she tapped her tail against the ground. They could obviously just leave her here, and she wouldn't blame them. In this world time and time again she was left with people utterly disappointing her.


Rune I


5 Years
10-09-2014, 12:37 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The frown upon Rune's face only managed to deepen as he noticed the black and white wolf beginning to move, trying to rise and get to her feet, and for a second he felt the urge to intercede. If she had collapsed there at the border of his territory, it was obvious she was past the point of holding enough strength in her to sit up properly and address him as would have been expected. Not only that, he could not yet determine if the extent of her injuries were only those that he could see against her shoulder, and if movement meant a worsening of her condition he was not ready for her to make things worse on his daughter if she was up for a healing lesson.

Surprisingly, the wolf managed to get upright and stay there, very noticeably using the last of her reserves in order to do so. He thought for a moment that she might lose her balance and topple over but she managed to keep herself up as well as answer the question he had asked of her. Her answer was somewhat humbling, apologetic, and from the sound of her voice he could tell she was not in the best of conditions. Whatever was wrong with her shoulder - he could see nothing else wrong with her even after she lifted herself up off her side - was apparently taking a toll on her pretty badly.

He studied her through a critical stare for only a few seconds longer, already having made up his mind about calling his daughter but wishing that, rather than treating a loner upon their borders, she would have been undergoing a proper lesson instead. But considering she was the best Secretua had, he was not about to turn away an opportunity for her to learn simply because it was not packaged the way he would have preferred it to be. With a final glance, Rune turned away from Emma and directed his attention into the Gulley, tilting his head back slightly as he released a summoning howl for his daughter's aid. Would she recognize that someone was in need of her healer's expertise and bring the necessary plants along with her? He was clueless as to what the Gulley offered, despite knowing the assortment was rather extensive, but whatever the case he hoped whatever would be necessary for treatment could be easily obtained.



4 Years
10-09-2014, 06:25 PM

Warja arrived with plants in tow. Her father hadn't been specific in his needs, so the young medic had brought a sampling of the wound care basics; if the wolf in need had been sick, they probably wound have been brought to her and not the other way around. That was her reasoning, anyway.

Surprise momentarily slowed her steps as she realized that the one needing her care wasn't part of Secretua. Warja eyed the wounded stranger, casting an assessing gaze across the femme. The healer side of her assessed her well being while the reclusive, stranger-hating side of her picked apart the loner and questioned her presence.

Stopping before the stranger, Warja gently placed the herbs on the ground. Her gaze briefly flicked to her father, the gesture a voiceless query about the situation, and then the young medic's attention turned to the loner. "My name's Warja, I'm a healer. What's your name?" She moved towards the fae's injured shoulder, keeping a respectful distance all the while scrutinizing the wound. "Is it alright if I take a look at it?" She wished to dive right in, but getting consent from the loner had to come first, even if it was just a formality. Making the fae comfortable with her presence, while not a requirement in her chosen field, went hand in hand with it.




10-14-2014, 09:42 PM

Emma looked slightly bewildered at Warja, but nodded her head towards her second question. Swallowing a little, she felt like a complete idiot. Growling underneath her breath. "Damnit I should have been more careful." she outwardly expressed her complaints. As she sighed a little, they probably thought she was a hostile idiot now. As her blue eyes looked over the male and then the young girl.
"Emma Hutashi." she introduced herself with a small gasp. It was for the lack of a better word painful. Though she was hoping her state would be helped. Through this she lost muscle and strength she could have been using to hunt and protect those she cared about. They were long gone by now though, left her to die. Just like the royals had back at home.


Rune I


5 Years
10-24-2014, 01:40 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Only an ear twitched toward the wounded rogue who sat unsteadily upon the border of Secretua while Rune stared inward, anticipating the arrival of his daughter. It might have been entirely selfish what he was doing, allowing the rogue to remain here in order for his daughter to patch her up and in turn gain a little more experience in the craft that she had chosen for herself and so rarely seemed to get the necessary practice toward. But overall it seemed like a win-win regardless of where the rogue intended to go next. She would get treatment; Warja would get a lesson in first aid. And Rune could walk away knowing he had done well for his daughter on top of providing an unnecessary service to someone who needed it.

The moment his pale eyes caught sight of his green-eyed daughter the proud father almost smiled. Truth be told, he was rather excited for her to have someone to practice her skills on - even during the midst of the storm none had truly been injured enough to need her care - and even more so because he was here to witness it first hand. It was a talent that had entirely passed him up, and no matter his natural patience it was not something he had any knack for. It made her talent that much more interesting to him for it.

She appeared reluctant at first, hesitant and guarded, but Rune said nothing to encourage or dissuade her. He might have summoned her, but ultimately it was her choice whether she acted on his wishes or not. And, as he had hoped, she did anyway. She carried with her a few plants and set them down before casting a glance his way, which he merely answered by turning his own attention toward the injured female. Whatever story that lay behind her injuries was of no concern for him when it came down to it. But if that was something Warja wished to find out it was something she was going to need to find out on her own.

She handled herself very well as far as Rune was concerned, her tone deceptively calm despite the analytical glint of her vibrant gaze. Her patient, however, did not appear as stable. She spoke to herself, berating and senseless, and still appeared on the edge of collapsing at any moment. Turning his frosty stare again upon his daughter, the burly grey Guardian hoped she was up for the task he had set out for her, and hoped even more that her patient would be as cooperative as she should be for having called for help in the first place. But just to be sure... "Don't forget, you asked for our help," he warned coolly, wanting to be sure that she would not suddenly become unruly simply because she did not approve of her treatment.



4 Years
10-27-2014, 07:27 PM

The fae growled and swore, a response that should have earned Warja's noticeable ire, but given the circumstances, the young medic kept her features neutral. "What happened?" She edged closer to the wound, her eyes taking in the red, swollen skin. Infection.

Working quickly, Warja chose the herbs she thought would provide the fastest comfort. No pus or other discharge leaked from the gash so she was reluctant to apply pressure to its sides. While purging could be good for seriously infected wounds, in this instance she was fearful that it would only spread the infection. Believing this, she chose a different route to begin treatment. Using her tongue, the young medic gently cleaned the wound. From there she applied a poultice made up of plants bearing pain relieving as well as infection fighting properties. Once she was done, Warja stepped back to admire her work.

"I think that'll do for now, Emma." The fae's gaze darted to her father. Now what? Would they send this wolf on her merry way? Invite her in, keep tending her wounds? It was entirely up to him. Warja would offer no opinion on the matter in this instance. His pack, his decision.




10-30-2014, 09:12 PM

Her outburst hadn't been her complaining about warja, it was about herself. Emma was no idiot, she knew when she was in trouble and when she had placed herself into that position. As Rune gave her a warning, her eyes softened an became a little bit filled with pain, hurt at her own actions that she had caused. She lowered her head, defeated with the physical pain, she thanked the gods for Warja, for the pack in general for being here. "No, it's not that....I'm just...sorry for being such a burden." she apologized looking at the young girl as she began cleaning her wound. It made her feel a little uncomfortable, shifting but not enough to hinder the treatment. After, she felt so much better.
"I was struck by a tree, and my so called friends left me after that instead of helping me find a healer. It became hard to hunt so...." he stomach growled ravenously to finish her sentence as she pressed her ears against her ears in shame. Someone like her should never be seen in this state. It was hard enough for her to interact with others as it was.
"Thank you Warja-sama. And your alpha too, my life is in your debt." she would attempt to stand, avoiding the leg that was injured as her skinny frame struggled to keep afloat. But she forced herself to, they wouldn't be able to take care of her, she didn't want to be taken care of. "If I may...I could repay the debt by serving you. I'm not the best of a wolf, but people who save my life are more than worthy. Thank gods you didn't leave me behind." her lip quivered. What the hell was she doing?


Rune I


5 Years
11-03-2014, 09:24 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Though she claimed her irritation was inwardly pointed and not at all a reflection of her own sentiments toward those who were helping her, Rune still kept his narrowed gaze fixed on the woman as a precaution. He knew better than to think her words would stop her from lashing out if whatever treatment his daughter decided upon made her more uncomfortable or caused her enough pain to make her try stopping the little healer from doing her work. Standing quietly off to the side while the grey and black girl went about inspecting and then cleaning the wound, Rune remained silent as a statue, ever observant and critically analyzing each movement and look given by the injured female.

When all was said and done, she had done well, giving the explanation that Warja had asked for and not once complaining or lashing out if things had gotten too unbearable. His gaze landed upon his daughter with approval, delighted even if he did not show it to see how much her skills had grown on her own. He really did need to consider getting her another healer to train with in the pack, however. While he trusted her judgment better than anyone else in Secretua, he was still aware of other wolves like Erani who were the best trained in their skill and knew there was always something new to learn.

Surprisingly the wolf was able to get to her feet - her injured leg still held gingerly off the ground - and even after the small treatment she seemed better than the crumpled, weak thing she had been when he had found her. Just a little Rune debated keeping her here as further practice for his daughter - at least this way she could watch a wound all the way from her first treatment to when it was nothing more than a scar with a story - and it took the wolf's offer to finally make him think more realistically about it. She was in their debt, and she had said it herself. Rune's frosty gaze shifted to meet his daughter's green stare momentarily, finding nothing truly telling there, before once again moving to rest on the injured rogue.

Hmm. She was not going to be any help for now. She could barely get around on three legs, and she had done a piss poor job of keeping herself in good shape with her wound as bad as it was. But if she was so willing to repay them, to pledge herself to the pack that had, as she put it, saved her life... "You will do nothing until Warja has decided your wound is healed enough for exercise," he instructed, decision made and gaze unwavering as he delivered his verdict upon the injured wolf, "I don't want that wound taking longer than necessary to heal. Only then will you begin fulfilling pack duties. You will be a Scout for now, but once you are able to move freely you can choose between Guard, Hunter, or Medic if you've a mind to focus on a different task." Dedicated wolves were what Secretua needed, and if this wolf was willing to repay the pack that had saved her as she made it sound Rune was willing to give her the chance.