
You made my heart melt yet I'm cold to the core


07-18-2013, 09:59 AM

Raw emotion rolled off the silvery shadow. The image of her brother defending that little bitch was burned in her mind. She had left the woods, Cena at her heels and never stopped or looked back, even as she heard the muted thud of her brother collapsing from blood loss. Lips curled back in a snarl. Paws slowly stopped, pressing into the earth as her claws flexed. She was surprised to see that Cena had kept up, but the poor feline looked exhausted. Both women dropped their haunches to the earth, jaws parted to reveal a pink tongue and ivory fangs in a pant. Coral gaze cast down at the small cat, thinking back to the day she had first encountered Cena. She had been napping, waking to see big blue eyes staring down at her. Immediately Cat had tried to chase her off, but that earned her a scratch to her nose and fiery retort from the feline. She was barely out of her kitten age, still innocent to the world, and the pesky feline had picked a cold hearted murder as her friend. ?Don?t look at me like that.? Came a sharp demand from the feline. A soft bark of laughter rolled off Cat?s tongue, she would never understand was Cena was so drawn to her, neither of them could explain it. So rather the oddly matched pair just came to terms with the fact that they enjoyed each other?s company.

Finally taking a moment to look around her, it became apparent that they had traveled farther north than expected. It was spring, the weather was still nice, but it cooler here. The salty air played with her pelt, pulling her to her paws and closer to the out of site waters. But she didn?t find the ocean. Instead she found an object, cemented in its place, nestled against the land. Brows furrowed as she got closer. The ground was frozen solid. There was the smell of rotting wood. She had never seen a ship before. Didn?t even know what it was. Climbing aboard, the wood felt strange against her paws. She ignored the sounds of Cena?s claws scratching at it, clearly as confused as Cat was. She left her counterpart, further her exploration of the frozen vessel. Below deck it darkened, her eyes needing a moment to adjust. The air was stagnant, allowing the scents of previous animals linger. Long forgotten was her brother, his terrible injuries, and the bitch who found him, hanging a death warrant over her head. She was alone and could allow her curiosity flow freely, she didn?t care if Cena saw her true feelings. Two toned plume swayed idly at her hocks, audits twitching, listening for Cena as she traveled deeper into the belly of the vessel.

It didn?t take long for her to grow bored and return to the deck, the sun warming the frozen wood. Dropping her impressive frame down, she stretched out, allowing the sun to warm her, it wasn?t that bad of a day out, her thick pelt protecting her from any chill. Cena had already found her spot, higher up undoubtedly, enjoying her own cat nap. It was quiet, enjoyable. She allowed the tension to roll away from her body, pushing her emotions down with a sigh as lids fluttered close. And it was all gone just like that. Cena's venomous hiss breaking her silence. A growl rumbled in her throat, lids snapping open, pushing herself to her paws in a fluid movement. Eyes first sought out Cena, trying to find the small spotted feline against dark wood was a task. But one thing was certain. They weren't alone anymore.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"



07-19-2013, 08:35 PM

The angel had no desire to place his cadaver at the mercy of splintered wood and shrieking pins, the preserved oddity was far from an icon of allure. Though the lone article that encouraged him onwards would not be the sights and sounds, but the tantalizing aroma of a female; nestled somewhere within the ruins of the wreck. Her perfume would deafly call him, begging him to find her, encouraging him to tango with the unknown as the magnificent creature approached the strange formation with caution, excessively long tail stroking the earth behind him.

He would float with an apparent effortlessness, undeniable hazard barely evident against the fluent movements of his sweeping strides. Cherry-pink nose would hug the whispering deck of which he strode, tracing the location of the wench with eager aspiration. Though the femora would not be alone, the suddenly disturbing stench of a feline rattling his core; clawing invasively at his nostrils as he would pause, becoming increasingly wary of the potential situation that had aroused his senses. Though determination would force the eerie ghost onwards, ruby gaze squinting as he departed gloomy darkness and entered the light-kissed world of familiarity.

She had been aware of him, a growl seeming to rumble her throat as the male was greeted with instantaneous eye contact. The angel would chuckle, a dark and sinister bubbling effervescing from cherry lips as he continued forth; gliding, glowing, waved pelt encased by a fantasy silver aura. The golden bands that decorated his elbows would shift against pink skin, swivelling as the fiend moved with undeniable ease. He would pause then, ceasing his enchanting gait barely a metre from the defensive creature, silently regarding the oddity of her silver pelt, ?Surely a darling such as yourself has far better things to preoccupy herself with, than to seek the company of an over-sized house cat?? voice would sashay forth with natural ease, chiming delicately against the obscurity of his intentions.


08-05-2013, 02:23 PM

A ghost. It was the best way to describe the pallid figure that sashayed towards her. Powerful stilts propelled him forward at an easy pace. There was no concerned for his well being at her warning, rather just arrogant power. As though he knew he was hot stuff, and falunted it. Which was most likely the case. He was an oddity, with his pink nose, vibrant ruby gems, the whitest of white coats, hidden pink flesh. Golden bands wrapped around his forelimbs, contrasting sharply against his alabaster cadaver. She had not seen him around before now. And she was more than happy to let her gaze caress him. It was such a rarity to find such a fine specimen of a man in these lands it seemed, how sad it was that they were so few and far in between.

She allowed herself to relax, shoulders loosing their tension, expression softened with feigned sweetness, plume curling at her feet. "It would seem as though you have spared me from such company." Honeysuckle tones oozed from inky lips, dangerously sweet and innonence, the farthest things the woman could ever be. A predator lay in wait, dancing in the shadows of her eyes, looking to play the devils mistress once more. Any previous aggravation forgotten, her sole focus on the conquest that stood before her.

Cena's exit was barely heard, the feline moving with quiet grace, wanting nothing more than a nap, not to be an observer. Audits slide forward, "Do I get the pleasure of knowing my saviors name?" Whimsical tones teased her company with minuscule amusement, darkened lips pulling back in a smirk. A mere few feet stood between them, which she slowly closed, stilts gliding forward with practiced ease until she stood inches from him, crowned tilted back slightly to meet his unwavering gaze.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"