
Trek Lightly


3 Years
07-19-2013, 09:39 PM
Memories of his family did not fade, they were trapped inside his mind where they would stay. Memories of his mother whispering sweet nothings to him in his Tortugan days. Days that were gone now, long gone, just as she was. His heart had lurched within him when she showed up on that snowy peak, placing herself between she and the gargantuan male that claimed them both as his own. She had come, she had protected him, she had wanted him in that moment and he wanted nothing more than to stay beside her and feel how warm and real and there that she was... but they barely had time to curl in their den before she was gone again. With her she took everything, her voice was his anchor, her presence his rock... and now it was only he and the giant. The behemoth - what did he want with a trespassing pup? Aeron thought such a gargantuan beast would quickly slay him, but instead he claimed him.

Did he want him, like his mother did no longer?

The thought was dizzying and painful, and Aeron could not stay in one place and churn in his thoughts any longer. The boy began to walk a few days after Luce left, nothing in his stomach but his head more heavy than it had ever been. Looking down at the ice covered ground, he sighed, his bi-colored eyes surprisingly misty. Tears had never fallen from the broody young thing's eyes before, but at times like these, when there was nothing filling the void, they would pool without him knowing exactly why. Was this what it was like to miss another? Was this what was left for him now that Luce and Silana and Seraphine were gone?

The boy trekked carefully over the ice, not realizing that he had come across the submerged forest. The ice was thick in most places, but with spring nearing its end he had to be careful. If he fell in, there would not be many places for him to find a way back out.

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
07-22-2013, 06:37 PM

Empty. That was how Basilisk felt. Upon hearing that his father had died, ever bit of innocent that Basilisk Saxe had left seemed to dissolve instantaneously. Rage engulfed him, unlike anything he'd ever experienced, consuming him fully. Seeing his father's blood stain the battlefield had only added fuel to the fire, setting the darkness in his soul alight for the first time. He would no longer feel at peace with the world, like he once had; something important had been taken from him, and it felt no different than if his heart had been torn from his chest.

He vowed to himself silent that he would avenge the bitch that slayed his father, though he hadn't particularly liked or been close to the man. It was not fair that the orange-furred wolf had taken his father, torn him from his mother, who loved him so. Life was not fair -- and he was beginning to learn that in the most difficult way possible.

He had grown distant from his two siblings as well, preferring to keep to himself, not wanting them to get caught up in his frequent fits of rage and frustration. It was far easier to keep to himself, to be consumed by the dark thoughts that seemed incapable of ever fading from his mind. His paws took him wherever they happened to direct themselves, carrying a rather large male onward. He was slowly reaching his full potential, standing at an impressive height for a boy not yet a year old. His oversized paws had become much more size-appropriate as the rest of his body began to fill out, his chest widening dramatically over the last few months, giving the one small boy a now more threatening overall appearance. Soon he would stand nearly as tall as his mother, an unstoppable force in the lands of Alacritis.

With little realization the almost-yearling had wandered further north, slowly ascending the side of a mountain; he was so lost in his thoughts, the incline felt more like a hill, one that he was not at all surprised he'd been able to climb so rapidly. The land flattened out here, the sparse trees becoming even less frequent. It took the boy some time to realize that the thick ice beneath his paws seemed to encase an entire forest -- he looked down, his expression rather solemn but somewhat interested as he examined the world below. The vegetation and trees were still green, stunning in their brightness. He longed to be among the trees, frozen in time, trapped beneath it all -- it would be easier with no choices, no decisions to make. A scowl graced his features as he gazed upward, catching the scent of an unfamiliar creature as a breeze ruffled his pelt. With ease he slunk forward, making no effort to shrink into himself, instead preferring to remain tall and even push his chest out a bit to make him seem even larger than usual.

As he came within earshot of the strange, he called out, his tones demanding, though not totally dominating in nature. "Give me your name," he called, his voice echoing across the flat expanse of ice.


3 Years
07-22-2013, 08:24 PM
He had barely heard the other coming. Lost in his surroundings as well as his own thoughts, the boy had not expected to hear the voice of another when he did. Turning toward the dark lupine, he noticed immediately that he was smaller than the other by far. Yet the other was not quite evened out, his proportions were odd, he was growing, even though he was at least a season older than he himself. Perhaps some sort of fear or worry should have been instilled within him, yet a startling sense of nothing seemed to surround his non-existent opinion of the other. He had asked for his name before introducing himself - didn't that make him brash? "Vous ?tes impoli." He said somewhat quietly, his young voice the closest thing to a pur that it could get.

"Aeron." He said after a pause, answering the other's question. There was no reason for him to keep his name away from the stranger, right? Besides, it didn't matter, nothing did - not when his family had all but vanished. They were his world and then they were gone... but opposed to nothing being left, the young lupine seemed to be swimming in a world of strangers, feeling nothing for them if not an inkling of remorse that he didn't feel something for them. Compared to the few that he met and remembered, he was lacking something important. "What do you want with it?" He questioned, stepping forward and looking over, albeit up, at the other male. His expression remained placid, hopelessly neutral but... curious in a sense that he was actually focusing on someone for the first time in days. "If you want it you can have it - unless yours is better." Then it wouldn't do him any good to take the only thing that the boy had left.

It was also a subtle invitation for the other boy to give him his name. He didn't care for making acquaintances, he didn't care for much of anything at all. But that seemed to be the proper way to handle things from here on out, and going with the motions had gotten him this far. The civil thing for the other to do would be to tell him his own name.

gorgeous table image by Trynx <3


07-22-2013, 11:35 PM
As always it was silence that followed in the young girls wake, the further north she moved the quieter it got. She no longer knew why she kept moving, why she hadn't simply dripped and let the elements claim her seemingly worthless life. For so long she had been wrapped happily in her mothers love, a silent and accepting love that needed nothing in return. But that had been ripped from her. It was all gone now, those late nights that their mother had snuck off. The times that she had returned with delicious meats only to wrap herself warmly around her daughter and tell her stories as they gazed at the moon together. More often then not she paused in her journey at night when the sky was clear and gazed up at the sky. Her heart would reach towards the moon, wondering if maybe her mother was somewhere out there gazing up at the moon as well and thinking about her. Was she alive? Did she miss them? But it had been some time since the young girl had paused, since she had cast a thought to her mother or father. It seemed that no one wanted her or her siblings, their father had left before they had even been born and their mother was now gone as well before even their first birthday. They couldn't care for themselves, Silana didn't know how to hunt and it was beginning to show in her malnourished form. But still she walked, still she moved ever north with no purpose or destination in mind, no doubt the girl would walk until she dropped.

She remembered the warmth of her mother, the feeling of curling up next to Aeron and Jacques and listening to her mothers sweet voice. She missed it, and those were probably the only feelings that kept her alive and going. That imaginary warmth that kept her safe in the nights amongst the tops of these trees. It was beautiful here but the beauty was lost to her. Occasionally she would pause and look down at the frozen greenery below her but normally her eyes remained before her. There was nothing here, nothing dared to come this far north. She hadn't seen any of the delicious bunnies her mother used to feed her and she hadn't seen any other wolves... She was lonely, she missed social interactions even though her vocals remained dusty and unused. She missed following Aeron and jacques around and experiencing life through them. Maybe she could find someone else to take care of her? Was it worth it? She didn't know what she wanted anymore, so she walked in the hopes that it might hit her as suddenly as if she would walk into a wall. But instead of hitting something she heard voices and one was familiar... She knew that voice, though the other was foreign she didn't dwell on it, instead propelling herself towards the sounds.

It felt like forever before figures came into view, her brother standing with his back to her and facing what looked like a mammoth of a wolf. For a moment she froze, wide eyes taking in the beast her brother was facing. What did she do? What could she do? Did he want to eat Aeron? Her mind traveled back to a story her mother had told her about the wolf who had to face a giant and after a moment she gulped down her feat and slithered forward. She carried her head low, ears flattened to her skull and tail dropped towards the ground. How long had it been since she had seen her brother? Days? Weeks? Months? But even that didn't coax a word from her mouth, she remained silent as always as she came to stand beside him, a small smile and a nod given to him before she turned back towards the male before them. Names? Why did they need to know names? And why didn't this male give his name when he asked for one? Her mother had always taught her that it was only polite. Silana was pretty sure her mother had still been holding out hope that one day Silana would open her mouth and speak right up until the day that she had left them...

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
07-23-2013, 12:43 PM

It truly felt as though he would never be capable of loving another again, after seeing how easily his father was ripped away from him; he had cared only for his siblings, and his parents. Even as he stared at the boy before him, his gaze was empty, void of much of anything -- save for a faint flicker of hate that seemed incapable of ever being stifled. He now knew what others were capable of doing -- of taking away the only things in his life he'd ever given a damn about -- and was determined to never let someone do it again.

The creature before him seemed just as empty. Emotionless. Basilisk examined him rather quietly, biting his tongue for a moment longer as the boy offered his name. "Stupid name," he said abruptly, his tones bitter and unpleasant. And though he inwardly disliked this boy already, he crept a few steps closer. Even for a wolf as lost and broken as Basilisk, it was embedded in his genes to want to seek companionship -- in any way possible. "I didn't mean I actually wanted it. Just wanted you to tell me it." He huffed, pawing at the ice below momentarily, as though frustrated. "My name is Basilisk." His name was most certainly much better. The name Aeron sounded strange to him, and it didn't fall easily off his tongue as he mumbled it once, under his breath.

The scent of a female reached his nostrils, and he narrowed his purple gaze, searching for her. It was a small girl, and she crept alongside Aeron without hesitation. Were they siblings? Friends? He frowned, not appreciating the sudden arrival of the girl, because he didn't like not knowing who she was immediately. "And what's your name?"


3 Years
07-24-2013, 06:02 AM
Aeron's lips twitched as the other called his name stupid. Well fine, that meant that he would keep it and wouldn't have to give it away. He blinked at the other though, wondering just what about it that he considered to be dumb sounding, his mother had named him afterall. She was gone, he had no qualms with giving it away, but he was curious as to why it wouldn't be considered just as much a name as any other name. The other seemed angry, the way that his eyes were so subtly narrowed, and he the sharp way that he spoke and enunciated gave that much away. The younger male wondered idly what was bothering him, but honestly he didn't care to touch upon the subject if it was something that he didn't want to talk about.

"Basilisk." The boy repeated, his name flowing effortlessly from his lips. And after testing it, he paused a moment, taking it to think, before nodding. The other's name was more pleasing to the tongue, he could understand why he didn't want to be Aeron. He eyed him somewhat curiously, wondering what happened now that they knew each other's names. The other had seemed pretty intent on knowing his immediately... but nothing really seemed to change. Perhaps knowledge was important to the rather rude boy before him...

Her scent was slightly more subtle than that of the large brute that he was conversing with. He froze, not believing that she could be here of all places, or rather, that she could be anywhere at all. His family had gone without a trace, had vanished and returned and then obliterated the hope that they could be his again with Luce's most recent departure. Aeron would have assumed that it was a trick, a cruel ploy, that his sister couldn't truly be standing beside him, yet it seemed that she was not a specter or a hoax of his own mind. Basilisk could see her too...

"Silana..." He muttered, and although his heart did not begin to race, nor his spirits lift in seeing her once more, he could feel her beside him. She was warm, she was there, and he pressed beside her and sighed. "Ma s?ur, o? avez-vous ?t??" His voice was devoid of emotion, detatched, but silken all the same. Having her here changed something, perhaps everything - yet he did not know exactly what. He was still lost... but perhaps now he was not lost alone?

Knowing that his sister's answer would be simplistic, silent, he would let himself look back up at the older male, his ears giving a subtle twitch atop his head. "Why do you need to know? What changes through knowing another's name?" There was no anger or snark to the boy's question, he was honestly curious.

gorgeous table image by Trynx <3


08-13-2013, 11:25 PM
Silence lingered around her, draped around the young girl like a veil as she stood stoically beside her brother. Eyes would gaze calmly at the male standing before her bother, his purple tinted pelt curious to the girl but she said nothing. Though it didn't stop her mind from churning over the possibilities and ideas of what was up with the colour. She had never seen it before, the red of their beta back in Tortuga had been striking yes but other then that their pack seemed to have been ruled mostly by black and or white wolves. The most colour she had seen in a pelt was her own and her siblings. Where was Jacques? Was he still around? Was Luce here? Or was it just a strange coincidence that she and Aeron had happened to be in the same place at the same time? There were so many possibilities, she had so many questions and a few she even tested on her tongue but no sound echoed forth. Even as the strange purple male practically demanded her name she simply lifted her crown and tipped her head curiously. Her questions were much the same as the once that would slip from Aeron's lips. She felt his hip press tenderly against her shoulder and she touched her nose easily to his ribs, inhaling his scent. The sound of her name slipping softly from his lips brought back a flood of memories and she closed her eyes. The sound of the language their mother had always spoken to them in was silken and soothing. Though his tone was simple and seemingly emotionless she knew he had missed her as much as she had missed him.

Her ears fluttered as well as her brother voiced some of the questions she had been wondering about the new boys question. Why did he need her name? Why did anyone need to know anothers name? Did they even need words? It was a topic she had long debated with in her own mind, trying to figure out if there was any point to attempting to see if her vocals worked. To this point she had refrained from most motions or any words at all, finding that with her family she rarely needed them to express herself anyways. She pressed her face towards her brother, burying herself into her shoulder and allowing the softest of smiles to play across her lips. There was a simple message she was trying to give there 'i missed you' and she hoped it got across well enough. She was almost oblivious to the other male now, attention turned towards her brother. Her mother had rarely let them socialize, but then again Silana had rarely had any desire to actually leave the den. She had simply gazed out and been happy enough with that. And now here they were, homeless and she at least had no idea how to deal with strangers. She didn't know it wasn't polite to speak to him or even acknowledge him. All she could think of right now was how happy she was to see her brother.

He had always been the most reserved of the bunch, Jacques being the most rambunctious with Silana laying somewhere silently in the middle. But for some reason she had always preferred Aeron's outlook over Jacques, unable to keep up to him and honestly having no desire to. Seraphine had been better for him anyways, she was better at keeping up with him. Where either of them had gone though was beyond the young girl. Slowly she pulled back from her brother, gaze cast back to the purple male as she slowly lowered herself to her haunches. She was directed with her chest pointing at her brothers side and her side pointing at the other male. Though she continued to face Aeron her gaze would turn to the side and down slightly so she could study the boy without making direct eye contact. He was huge compared to them. Did he have any siblings? Where there any that he preferred over the others? Had his mother left him as well? He seemed wrong, something about him left a strange taste in her mouth... What was it? Maybe it was simply because he was one of the first wolves she had experienced beyond her pack but still, something seemed off...

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
08-19-2013, 05:43 AM

He wasn't sure just how nice his own name was -- the sound of another saying it made him feel strange, since he'd only ever really heard it spoken from his parents' and siblings' mouths. But he knew it was way better than Aeron. What kind of name was that, anyway? Still he stared, curious, as Aeron did. Two troubled souls had met here, and he felt suddenly speechless. Watching as Aeron spoke his own name. He felt a shiver run through his spine, making his vaguely uncomfortable.

It felt even more strange as he watched the newcomer. A young girl, who looked similar to Aeron. Were they friends? Siblings? Silana, he murmured, and then spoke something foreign; words that Basilisk didn't understand. The affection between them seemed strained, for they did not immediately embrace. Instead, they silently pressed against one another. Envy began to bubble up within his chest, wondering where his sister and brother were.

'Why do you need to know? What changes through knowing another's name?' A sneer began to curl the corners of his lips. "Does it matter if anything changes? I just wanted to know." Did these two wolves have family? Why were they wandering so far north, in this frozen world? "Tell me -- are you two alone? Do you have family?" He would not admit it, but part of the yearling craved the presence of his parents again, of caretakers. He was stuck awkwardly between childhood and adult now.