
Heart Skipped a Beat



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-18-2013, 02:14 PM

Epiphron Adravendi felt different this morning. As the sun rose, as did she, stirring from her position beside Maverick's side. It was hard to wake without him also becoming roused, as they often slept close to one another, with their limbs entangled their contrasting pelts mingling to the point where it was difficult to tell where one ended and the other began. But still she tried to move away from him without waking him, knowing the male had been out and about much more lately, and that he deserved to sleep a bit longer if his body needed it.

With ease the Princess slid from her comfortable position from his side, slinking quietly from their shared den. She had not been entirely sure if she was pregnant yet, and the two had withheld making any assumptions or seeking out Loccian's advice thus far. But today she felt... different. Bloated. Uncomfortable. Exhausted, despite having slept soundly throughout the night. Perhaps a visit with the Seracian healer was necessary? The woman groaned softly as she paced near the den, stretching stiff limbs, hoping some movement would ease her confused mind.


07-18-2013, 02:37 PM

Sleep. There was perhaps no activity a couple could partake in (save for a few he had only recently experienced) that was so satisfying. A dreamy smile wrinkled on his lips as he felt her stir. Usually it was he that awoke early, but a few things had changed when intimacy began taking a hold in their relationship. For starters, it was more painful now than it ever had been to leave her side. Not to mention when he did leave, she lingered on the mind for far longer than she had before. He was worried now that they had consummated their relationship. He knew the risk they were taking, knew that children could be just around the corner. He also knew that he would be stepping up as King soon, and she as his Queen. Would they even have time for children with the responsibilities of keeping Seracia moving on their backs? A sigh rang from his lips as she removed herself from his side, slipping out into the world of Seracia.

With a silent groan, he too rose up from his bed. Stretching for a moment, he exited the den a few moments after her. My love, he crooned with affection. He rocked onto his haunches, watching her pace. You've been restless these past few days. It was an idle observation, but one that they both understood the deeper meaning of. He had a feeling - deep down in his gut - that his wife was pregnant. He should have spoken to Loccian already, should have found out the signs in a clever manner so that he would know by now if she was expecting children. Is there something I can do? He felt helpless, all he knew to do was get Loccian, but some part of him wanted to deal with this himself - but how?




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-18-2013, 06:45 PM (This post was last modified: 07-18-2013, 06:46 PM by Epiphron.)

Despite how quietly she had made her departure, how slowly and delicately she had moved from her husband's side, he awoke anyway. Only briefly did she feel guilty for rousing him, for she truly was happy that he longed to be at her side as badly as she craved his presence there. He strode to her sleepily, and a smile danced about the corners of her lips, but her expression was easily less pleasant than usual. "Of course I'm restless," she replied, far more snappily than she meant to -- but her tones soothed abruptly. Epiphron could not burden him with her confusion, though it was beginning to rest heavily on her mind. Perhaps she really was pregnant, and children were beginning to grow in her womb -- but it was too early to be certain. It mostly felt like she was worrying herself too much, to the point where she felt nauseous and self-conscious of how her belly seemed more heavy than it used to. There were no obvious signs quite yet, and she knew it wasn't certain that she would bear children. She hadn't been in heat, after all.

"I'm sorry, Maverick," she said with a sigh, ceasing her pacing to press her cheek against his own in a warm but brief embrace. "Keep doing exactly what you've been doing," she said simply. What more could he do -- until they were certain? They really did need to seek out Loccian, but she too was a bit stubborn, and didn't want to overreact. What good would rumors about her pregnancy do, if they proved to be false? "And if you could figure out if I'm pregnant, or just crazy, that would be helpful too..."


07-18-2013, 07:48 PM

It wouldn't have mattered if she'd have hovered out of the den on the wings of an owl, Maverick would have sensed her departure and gladly followed after her. That's what love was all about - at least to him. As he sat, watching her pace and fret, her comment shot back at him like an arrow. The biting tone hadn't been anticipated, and he gave a bit of a snort in an involuntary response. He knew he'd have to get used to this, especially if she really was pregnant. Mood swings would come and go and he'd have to learn to roll with the punches. Oh what joy. It was the least he could do, really. She was the one carrying the children - if that was the case - she was the one that would face the hormones and the pain in bringing them onto this earth. She soon apologized though, and an ear twitched idly. Was this a trick? She chided at him to keep doing what he was doing - but what exactly was it that he was doing? He felt like he was doing nothing.

I don't think you are crazy, Epiphron, but I do think we ought to figure this thing out. But how? He didn't know anything about this pregnancy thing. Erani might, but she was far off in Valhalla. Loccian was the logical first choice, but she would likely inform the King if she figured out that the Prince and Princess were nosing around for information on pregnancies. I suppose we could try to find out from Loccian? If his wife was up for it, he would summon the healer at once. It was time they got some answers - no matter what those answers told them. As much as he liked the idea of Epiphron carrying his children, he was growing tired of these uncertainties.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-18-2013, 09:13 PM

She was not quite aware that she was irritable -- but she'd been around a few pregnant females in her time. She hoped terribly she would not be a burden to Maverick, but if she were to carry multiple children in her womb, she felt she might be allowed to make a snide comment or two. Though he snorted softly, she didn't hesitate to embrace him, feeling as though she might never get enough of the feeling of their pelts brushing together. She shivered, but retracted quickly as he began to speak.

"You're probably right," she said, letting a sigh escape her throat. Loccian didn't seem the type to gossip, so perhaps if she was simply overreacting -- and wasn't really pregnant at all -- nobody else would ever find out that she had sought out the Seracian healer. "Please, call her." She asked softly, leaning forward to nose his neck gently. She wished things had been easy, more obvious, and that she wouldn't have to seek out help. But it would be better than not knowing for some time... and she felt nearly as clueless as Maverick looked. Epiphron had never spent much time around pregnant wolves, and knew very little about motherhood besides what she'd seen from Erani when giving birth to her children.


07-19-2013, 12:07 PM

It seemed this predicament was one that he didn't know the right way out of, and for once he felt like he couldn't - or didn't want to - go to his father for the answer. Rumors of pregnancies in the midst of changes in power weren't needed, it would only add confusion to an already strange situation. Of course the news would be given as soon as they were certain it was the right time, but he wasn't sure that right now was that time. He also wasn't sure there was any news to be given. For all they knew she wasn't pregnant at all, and they were stressing out over nothing. Epiphron muttered that he was probably right, casting a sly grin across his face. I usually am, he said with a smirk and a quick kiss on her cheek. She then asked him to call her, and without hesitation his melodic voice filled the air - notes specific for Loccian.

Not that I'm ashamed or anything, but maybe we should - eh - keep this between Loccian and ourselves.. I'd hate to shake up the Kingdom any more. I have a feeling we'll be stepping up very soon. His children would be future monarchs, future leaders of a future Seracia. He could see it now, taste it. But he couldn't dream of that just yet, couldn't lose himself to all of his aspirations until he was sure that children were on their way - until he was sure he was to be King and she his Queen. His tail swept around his haunches carefully, lime eyes watching for any signs of Loccian's arrival.




07-19-2013, 02:10 PM

The man had been in Sercia for a while now, but still only knew a few members within his pack. It was sad really. He was such a social creature, yet he was the odd man out in his own home. He didn't like it. The warm spring sun beat down on him as he lay beneath a shady tree. The shade was pointed on the opposite side of the tree, so if it got too warm for him he could easily scoot over and be in the shade. A heavy sigh left his mouth as he closed his eyes and started to drift off to sleep... but then a howl rang out across the pack lands. It was his second cousin Maverick, the son of Gerhardt, and the future king of Seracia. He hadn't spent much time with the boy, but he knew who he was from the wedding, and he assumed Maverick knew the same. He was requesting Loccian, Sercia's lead healer. Well, Themisto was a healer? Was something wrong with Maverick? He instantly rose to his paws, his ears swiveling forward as the howl ended. He needed to make sure he was okay. He was family.

Paws carried the man toward the howl as he pinpointed it head on. It only took him a few minutes to reach the pair. He instantly felt uneasy around the presence of the lady. He knew so little about her, yet someday she would be his queen. He offered her a gentle nod, then turned his eyes on Mavericks. "Maverick, are you and the lady alright?" He asked, his facial expression genially worried. He hoped nothing had happened he wasn't aware of.

OOC: hope you don't mind andy, nyx said it was fine since loccian is gone atm, and Themisto is healer

Italian Accent Speech


07-19-2013, 02:55 PM

He gave a twist of his ear as a sound signified someone approaching them. Given he'd called for Loccian he was assuming that it was she, but the sounds didn't quite match up with her body stature. Someone else was on their way here, and the Prince was a bit irked. His head turned in the direction of the stranger, finding it to be his second cousin, Themisto. Muscles slackened slightly as he watched him arrive, wondering if he ought to try to get rid of him before Loccian came. Then again, Themisto could be of some use too, wasn't he a healer as well? We're doing alright. He often spoke on behalf of both himself and Epiphron in situations like this, given she didn't know the whole of Seracia that well just yet. In all truth he didn't know much about Themisto, other than his tie to Gerhardt by blood. We have a question for a healer, I don't suppose you'd mind answering it for us? Loccian could easily be out of the territory or busy, why not ask the one who'd already arrived?

Of course, this question holds a certain degree of secrecy, can I trust it will stay between us for the time being? If Themisto wasn't comfortable keeping secrets they could wait for Loccian. But if he was okay with it, perhaps he would have a few answers for the Prince and Princess. Lime eyes studied his cousin closely for any signs that he might betray their trust. Maverick wanted things kept secret, and he would see to it that they were. However, he had a feeling Themisto wouldn't let them down. He was new to Seracia, who would he tell anyway? An ear flickered idly as he waited.




07-19-2013, 05:08 PM

He waited for the prince or princess to speak, and he was relieved when it was Maverick who said something. He wasn't exactly close with the two, but he knew Maverick in a sense more than her because they were family. He said they were alright, and Themisto couldn't help his sigh of relief. He had been pretty worried something had happened to one of them. What would the king do if his heir was injured? Maverick had a question for a healer. He could only image what it was? "Yes, of course." He nodded to him, and waited fr his question. But instead of quickly asking, Maverick asked him to swear his secrecy on the subject. What in the heck could be wrong? Themisto count put a paw on it. Was the princess sick? He sure hoped not. "You have my word Maverick." His tone was sincere and truthful. He knew how to keep a secret, and a promise. Whatever was going on would stay between the trio, no matter what.

Italian Accent Speech


07-19-2013, 05:35 PM

He wasn't sure the magnitude of the secret they had, but he was certain he wanted no one to tell his father before he could. Themisto included. A sigh fell from the Prince's lips, happy to hear that his cousin would keep their secret. A nod was given before the Prince voiced his question. We would like to know what sort of signs there are that can point to pregnancy. As he uttered it he felt rather foolish. What if they were just overreacting? They'd only just started the physical side of their relationship, and Epiphron hadn't been in heat when they'd come together as a couple. How on earth could they have dreamed up a litter of children when all the signs pointed to them just being crazy? An ear twisted back, feeling as if he'd done the wrong thing. However, the information would still be pertinent to know in the future if pregnancy ever did befall them. Maverick would just have to be sure to remember the information - but he also had his wife here in the event that he forgot something. A sideways glance was given to the unsurprisingly silent Epiphron, he knew she was a bit shy when it came to Seracia as a whole. He would have to work harder at making her comfortable with the Kingdom and it's members, particularly if they were to be King and Queen someday.




07-21-2013, 03:34 PM

Ahh. So that is why he was sworn to secrecy. The prince and princess had made love! He couldn't help but smile. Intimacy had always been treasured in his family, but only when it was shared between two wolves who were deeply in love with each other. And these two, they were defiantly in love. "Ahh, the birds and the bees eh?" He couldn't imagine the young couple knowing the details of intimacy, especially not the consequences of it. He didn't exactly enjoy keeping secrets from his king, but he assumed Maverick didn't exactly want to ask his father about it himself. It was an awkward conversation between a pup and their parent, especially when it was between a young married man and his father. He wasn't sure if Maverick had been with other women, but it wasn't his business. He would simply help the best way he could. "Well, for starters, if the woman was in heat, she is more than likely pregnant. As far as symptoms go, the most common early signs are: tender, or swollen, teats, nausea with, or without, vomiting, increased urination, fatigue, and of course, food aversions, or food cravings. If she," He cleared his throat, realizing he has just directly refereed to the princess. errm, I mean the lady, has a mixture of any of those symptoms, I would start preparing for a litter."

Italian Accent Speech



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-22-2013, 11:09 AM (This post was last modified: 07-22-2013, 11:09 AM by Epiphron.)

She had expected Loccian to heed her husband's call, but another answered. His face was familiar, and she knew who he was -- Themisto, a cousin of Maverick's. Not a man that she had seen much of, but she'd heard nothing but good things about him. With a polite nod she greeted him, letting a smile grace her features, quickly erasing the slight frown that had lingered all morning.

"Good morning, sir," she greeted him warmly, though he hadn't addressed her directly -- she was too distraught this morning to worry about it for too long. Slowly the Princess dipped her head in greeting, leaning back to recline on her haunches.

She was not at all upset as Maverick took control of the situation -- since she had come to Seracia, though her ego had not diminished, she had learned to trust her husband immensely. She felt no need to dominate him; nor to submit to him. But she was comfortable letting him take the bull by the horns, so to speak, and ask the healer something they both needed to know.

The symptoms sounded familiar, but not startling to her. "Then I am likely pregnant," she stated after a moment of silence. Her lyrics were somewhat somber, though did not lack excitement entirely. Epiphron shifted from one paw to the other, considering. "I will give it a few more days before we speak to Gerhardt. Thank you, Themisto." She did appreciate the advice, but while it did help, it did not completely clear up her confusion -- a few more days would likely settle the matter, but she was growing convinced she really was pregnant. She averted her blue gaze to Maverick, somewhat questioningly. He'd been around her more than anyone; what did he think?


07-22-2013, 12:53 PM

Ears swiveled toward Themisto like satellites, eager to take in the information that could name him as a father or not. His face was serious, calculating, as if he were hanging on every word his second cousin was about to utter. Maverick nodded simultaneously with each symptom that came from Themisto's lips, logging them into a file in the fabric of his mind. He didn't rightly know what exactly Epiphron was experiencing, but it would be easy to find out once he spoke to her - unless she spoke of her own accord. When Themisto was finished, Epiphron interjected with a startling realization. She believed herself pregnant. Lime eyes shifted to her with a glance that was both confused and excited. He was going to be a father. The Prince turned his attention then to Themisto, thanking him only moments after Epiphron. Yes, thank you, cousin. He gave a genuine smile to the healer, glad he had come and was able to answer their question. Soon enough they would know for sure, and when they did a celebration would soon follow. Maverick's tail unfurled from around his hips, twitching to the side that Epiphron was on, and brushing against her flank affectionately. It seemed a lot of things were about to change for them - all for the better, he assumed. Children were on the way ( as far as they could tell ) and the throne of Seracia was only months - or perhaps weeks - away. Could life get any better?




07-27-2013, 10:23 PM (This post was last modified: 07-27-2013, 10:24 PM by Themisto.)

He waited for one of them to say something, and was rather surprised when it was the lady who decided to speak up. She was most likely pregnant huh? How exciting! When they decided to tell the rest of Seracia he would like to be there, because another royal litter was a glorious thing. Of course he would keep his secrecy until then though, he had no intent on breaking his promise. If they wanted this a secret, it would be kept that way on his part. If they decided to tell others that was their decision. He got the clue that he was being excused, which was fine, he figured they wanted some along time to discuss the information he had just given them. He nodded gently before saying "You are both very welcome. If you need anything, anything at all, feel free to call me. I'm never far away." His lips curled into a warm smile, and with that he turned away and left, leaving the newly wed couple to talk about what they had just realized. They were starting their very own family.



Italian Accent Speech