
The Love That Binds Us



07-15-2013, 06:09 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It had started as a hunch, but now she was certain. They had acted so quickly that neither had given it thought to actually discuss the possibilities of their actions and had only succumbed to impulse. Not that she regretted what they did - far from it - but the consequences were starting to catch up with her. She knew she was carrying pups - tiny little sparks of life at this point - and no longer could her actions be carried out with only thought to herself and her pack. Soon, sooner than she realized, she would be tending to puppies of her own, lives that would depend on her more strongly than any patient she had so far tended. But they would not be her burden to bear alone.

She needed to tell her mate.

Nervousness and worry made her fidget and move about in place upon the mountainside, pacing somewhat within the small space of a clearing that she had found specifically for its privacy. Mercianne didn't know how close it was to Awaken - he had been busy helping Gargoyle attend to things regarding their move - and so she wasn't even entirely sure he was still within their borders. But if he was close, she knew he would come to her. She had no question about that.

Her paws stopped as she drew in a breath, but rather than let it out in a howl to call to him it slipped out in a quiet whine. Oh, this was so much more difficult than she had imagined! And not knowing how it would go was the worst. What would he say, what would he think? Would he be okay with the idea? Would he be upset? Did he even want pups? And what if he didn't? What if...what if he got mad? What if he left because he was angry? No, she thought stubbornly, He loves me. Awaken loves me. She was certain of it, just as she was certain that she loved him. That she would make this work for them both, whatever it took.

With that thought in mind, clinging to it and letting it ground her with a sense of security and confidence that she desperately needed in that moment, she drew in another breath and released it out in a howl meant solely for her mate and husband, asking eagerly for him to come to her because she needed him beside her.


07-15-2013, 07:29 PM (This post was last modified: 07-15-2013, 07:29 PM by Awaken.)

Awaken was, at the time, out hunting for good food sources and trying to find new ways to explore. Task 1: learn to climb trees. Not neccisarily something canines learned to do but it was a neccisary skill. He tilted his head up searching for something in the treea. His eyes scanned across a enterwoven bed of twigs. A birds nest. Were their were nests there were eggs.?

He looked around the trees noting a patern that he could climb the branches. They were rather close together and the tree was pretty short. He place a paw on the lowest and carefully worked his way up. Using each branch like a stair step. He eventualy got up even with the nests and swiped his muzzle sideways takeing all the eggs and leaping down. Then the dreaded sound of wings hit him. Mama crow was back. He looked up to see the black wench dive bombing him. He yelped and jumped, taking off in a dead sprint untill eventauly the horror of bird hell stopped. He panted and laid out his catch. Three well sized crow eggs. Small but packed with good stuff. He dug a hole in the ground and gently set them in, burrying them for later.

His ears perked to the soft sweet sound of her howl. Mercianne. Faint from the distance but still music to his ears. Butterflies filled his stomach as he grinned like an idiot. He lifted his muzzle howling back to her, hisnlow voice like cellos to her beautiful chorus. He took off in a dead sprint, with a bit of pep in his step. He kinda resembled peppe le pew in the way he ran carelessly. Bounding through the bushes into the clearing

"Hey, Merci! You howled?" his ears twitched with joy to see her as his tail wagged so vigorously that his entire butt moved.



07-15-2013, 09:49 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

He called back. The white wolf's ears perked at the happy tone of it, smiling gently to herself as her tail began to wag expectantly. He was coming. He would answer her call and she would spill her secret to him and then things would chance, though whether that was a positive or negative change had yet to be determined. Mercianne prayed with everything in her that it would be good, that he would accept her and their future family and be excited about it all. She wanted him there, always, and she hoped that he would feel the same.

A little of her anxieties had returned but by the time Awaken had appeared, seeing him materialize out of the surrounding wood so happy and excited to see her, she felt it dissipate. Awaken loved her; she could do this. As a smile stole across her face, tail wagging eagerly behind her, Merci stepped forward to him and licked his muzzle before moving in to nuzzle his cheek. It was still impossible for her to resist getting to nuzzle him when she could. "I did," she murmured, stepping back with her dark eyes fixing on his green ones.

But as she felt the words rising in her throat, ready to be spoken aloud for her mate to hear, her nerve faltered and failed her. Not yet. Maybe in a moment. Break it to him easily, just in case. "How-how are you doing?" Mercianne asked with a soft stutter, her gaze averting itself in her nervousness as she tried to prolong the inevitable.


07-18-2013, 06:56 PM (This post was last modified: 07-18-2013, 06:57 PM by Awaken.)

Awaken gave a chuckle. erm... I'd rather not talk about what just happened... a loud crow's cackle echoed from the wood causeing him to jump. "okay... I was chased by a crazed mother crow..." he shuddwred. He loved crows, but they didnt like him back!?

he looked back to Merci. Did he seriously just tell her that? May as well put a 'im a dork' sighn on his back for crying out loud! He mentaly face-pawed himself. why me?
(sorry very little muse)



07-21-2013, 10:17 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Nervousness swept over Awaken the moment her question had passed from her lips, an embarrassed sort of chuckle following. She stared curiously up at him with a quick glance, fighting her own insecurities to do so. What had bothered him? But despite his reluctance to tell her this secret of his, he caved, admitting to having had a run in with a crow. Even through her anxiety over what she still needed to tell him, she smiled, a gentle, reluctant chuckle slipping out of her muzzle though she tried not to let it loose. "My poor Awaken," she murmured as the humor began to lessen from her gentle voice, reaching upward to nuzzle his cheek softly. He always seemed to have the worst luck.

With the question answered, Mercianne realized there was really nothing further preventing her from telling him what she had realized. He needed to know, and all this dragging her feet was just going to make it worse. She needed to get it over with and hope that he would be accepting of it, just as he had been about all the other tumultuous events that had transpired within and around their homes.

She drew back from him with a deep breath, readying herself for what she was about to do. "Awaken," she began, her dark eyes shifting upward to meet his poison apple stare but then shifting away nervously, "I have something to tell you." It felt as if her voice had entirely disappeared the moment she had said the words, leaving her stranded and floundering with that single phrase needing to be said. Her ears tucked nervously, afraid that she not be able to get the words out, afraid that he might not react to it as she hoped he would. No, she couldn't let herself get caught up in these thoughts again. They would only prolong the inevitable, and she wasn't going to know how he would respond until she said the words.

"Awaken, I- ... I'm pregnant."

Her head and ears were tucked, her dark eyes now unable to look away from his face in her desperation to know what he thought. Please, don't be upset.