
Let's Make This Quick [secretua recruitment]

Rune I


5 Years
10-06-2014, 01:59 PM (This post was last modified: 10-06-2014, 02:12 PM by Rune I.)

Walk | Talk | Think

He really did not want to be here, but it had been months since his last visit and he knew it was overdue. Secretua was growing slowly, gaining random visitors upon its borders and even acquiring a few more through his children, but it was still far from thriving as he saw it within his own mental vision of the place. In order to achieve that, he needed to gain more wolves, to purposefully make more of an effort to bring them in, and that meant a return to recruiting.

Though his last effort to find someone worthy of his pack had proved incredibly successful, Rune did not have it in himself to think that same luck was going to hold out again. How could he possibly find another who would mesh as well as Australis had, or who showed so much potential in elevating Secretua to the high standards he had for the place? For a while he had used the severe weather that had been ravaging the lands as an excuse to put it off, putting all of his efforts into making sure the family was safe, but even that had begun to wane away. His excuses not to go were running out, and all the reasons for him to do it were becoming increasingly hard to ignore.

It was with trepidation that the grey and black wolf walked across the Battlefield now, frosty blue eyes guarded yet searching. His head remained lowered though his tail curved upward with the authority of a leader. He doubted he presented a very approachable facade to those who might see him wandering, but he could hardly bring himself to care. He planned to do the approaching anyway, only after he found someone that he thought worthy of an invitation.

OOC: Rune is recruiting for Secretua! :D Feel free to jump in and convince him to let you join. ^^