
A Cautious Shadow.


07-14-2013, 06:30 PM
A shadow cloaked figure slunk along the sand, still hellbent on exploring the lands she had chosen to live in, but no doubt still as careful as ever. Her russet front paw struck a particularily stubborn rock, and she barked a very unladylike curse. Continuing on, the woman felt a bug land in her thick mane of neck fur. Stopping and resting smoothly on her haunches, she scratched at it with her powerful hind foot, sharp claws digging furiously at her fur. A sharp sting could be felt on her skin, and she muttered a string of obsceneties, punctuated by growls as she furiously clawed at the stupid bug who repeatedly bit her. It was buried deeply in her flesh, biting at her wildly. Letting out a snarl, the ebony and russet woman hurled herself into the water, even if it was completely freezing. Suddenly the pain was gone, and she watched an engorged tick float away, tiny legs flailing as it drowned. Cruel laughter floated from her maw, her long salmon tongue poking from her inky black lips as she watched the little creature disappear from sight.
Serves you right, eh little demon?
She commented, stepping out of the cold aqua, fur sodden and clinging to her gladatrix frame. Shaking it out, water sprayed all around her and landed with a soft patter on the sand around her. Relieved of the burden created by that irritating little thing, she trotted farther up the beach and stared out at the waves. They lapped the shore rhythmically, the sound like a lullaby to her ears. She simply rested, deciding to relax here for a while, to watch the evening hunting of the sea birds with her bi coloured orbs until she felt like leaving.

Elysia I


07-14-2013, 07:12 PM
Another place! Another adventure! Pale tan paws pounded the sandy earth as the earthen female. Muzzle parted in a grin as she panted. This was a great place! This odd ground gave under her paws, making her limbs tighten, muscles not used to the adjustment needed to keep balance to run on the sand. She loved the change it gave her body. She had run along the shore, but now these waters had her attention. She playful growl she ran right towards the waters till she was belly deep in the cold waters. The waves slapped at her chest making her stand still to watch. Head tilted to the side as sea green orbs shimmered with excitement. She barked at the waves a few time, snapping, before biting at the salty water. She howled in surprised and joy. Why was it different? Salty? She jumped about unaware another presence was there on the shore.
This was too great! Demonio needed to be here! Sure the water was really cold but Elysia couldn?t care less. Her love for water was to big. One day it might be her in trouble to not think about how cold freezing water could affect the body, but for now she was safe. She snorted out w2ater that got in her nose and snapped some more at the water. Retreating she saw a wolf on the shore. Stopping she tilt her head before a large grin spread across her feature. With a leap she raced out of the water towards the other.
Coming to a stop she shook out her fur sending water every where before play bowing before the other wolf, tail wagging madly behind her. Elysia couldn?t care about being cautious right now she wanted to play!


07-17-2013, 07:04 PM
ooc; Sorry about the crappiness!!

The ebony mistress watched another wolf appear in her vision, a pale sandy she wolf who frolicked along the shore like a pup. Suddenly the other dame approached, making the black and russet pigmented woman reel back slightly as the tan damsel got rather close. Play seemed to be the only thing on her mind at the time, so Udosa stood and smiled, pouncing lightly towards the other woman and yipping. Bounding off, she leapt into the waves once more and splashed about, bowing playfully and getting swallowed by a wave. Her thick mane of ebony fur clung to her neck, making it feel even heavier, and her muscular frame rippled as she shook the water from her coat.
Who are you? The name's Udosa.
She barked over the sound of the waves lapping at the shore, her pleasant voice echoing across the space between them. She waited, crouched with powerful muscles full of energy and hunger to play. Her long, thick banner swung through the air rapidly, joy fuelling it's motions.

Elysia I


07-19-2013, 07:15 PM
The other at first seemed startled before realizing Ely's intension. she yapped with joy as the other female joined in the game. The brown female chased the other back into the water. She would leap straight up in the air and coming down she paws would squarely crash down in the waves. it would almost look like a jump one did while hunting mice, but this time her hunt was to send water everywhere. She tried to get close to the other darker female to nip her and run off. Retreating to the shore she turned to wait. She turned just in time to see other get hit from behind with a waves. Elysia nearly fell to the ground as she laughed. Sea green orbs dancing.
The other female's voice rang out to her, Udosa. "Ely, Elysia Krya." She replied happily. With a smirk she rushed in, going o fast her front seemed almost unable to keep up with her rear. She gently nipped Udosa on the side of her neck before darting away, rump ticked under and out of Udosa reach.
Elysia was moving so fast that she tripped over her own paws. Half end crashed down to the sand while her rear went up and over, making her summersault. She yelped her surprise and laid there dazed, staring up at the sky. What just happened? Her legs ached slightly from running about on the sand and in the water. Other than that she was fine. She rolled to her belly and shook out the sand in her ears, a grinned painted to her lips as she looked sheepishly towards Udosa.


07-23-2013, 04:03 PM
Udosa enjoyed the sight of the other she wolf being happy, it made her feel equally content. They splashed about in the waves, laughter echoing across the beach as they frolicked. As the wave hit her, raucous laughter filled her auds, the sandy woman bent over and giggling.

A name also floated to her ears, Elysia. Interesting name, definately well suited to the other wolf, who had a beautiful coat and unique eyes. The side of her neck met with the other fae's teeth, resulting in a bark of surprise from the hellish looking fae. Before she could return the favour, Ely bounded off. The gladatrix growled playfully, wagging her tail and making mock charges towards the shore. All that remained was single stride of water between Udosa and the shore.

Bi coloured orbs watched the light brown damsel trip over her feet, and go tumbling into the sand below her. Falling end over end, the other wolf landed on her back. A dazed look remained on her face while she looked at the sky, making Udosa giggle quietly. Approaching silently, she lowered her cranium towards the other she wolf's head. Suddenly, the other wolf rolled onto her belly, shaking her head and grinning at Udosa abashedly.

The dark pelted warrior of a woman leapt into the air and landed right in front of the other wolf, noses almost touching. Her lips curled upwards in a smile to reveal her massive ivory teeth, a stark contrast to her dark face. Lunging forward, she gently shoved at the tan wolf's side with her shoulder, making an attempt to knock her over, before leaping a distance away to turn towards her again and wait.