
[ those tiny mirrors ]


07-13-2013, 12:19 AM



       Agelast seers would have mused, dancing amongst the acronycal light, their movements synthetic and possessed by their mysticism. They would move as if pulled by blackened vines throughout the trees, their eyes glazed over, and after such moments would they freeze. Calculating every movement, they would leave as if parting from a loved one they had parted times aplenty. Hush, now, though, the time of the seers, and the earthen Empire was over. The Empire had never reached out as far into the world, never neared Alacritis.

       The foundation of the Empire had slowly crumbled, unforeseen to its inhabitants until a fateful and lark event caused it all to topple, all that was had become slumbering and diminished. Their collections of stories did not die save for the ones they had hid, and such a thing, he had thought, was no interest to him...however, such an idea kept on being proven otherwise, as it was all woven within the fabrics of his being. He had outlived them, and he no longer tied himself so tightly to the old culture, he was free from those aflame shackles, or so he hoped.

       Laurier had haunted the idea of joining a pack, but barely landed upon it for he found himself colliding in opposition of the idea of 'unity' once again. No, he was not much for order, what he longed for was the mannerisms, the interaction and perhaps a little more, but never firm belief or order. It was this day that such desires finally won, winter had pushed him too close to the edge. He found himself tugged towards scents -- some were familiar -- as if attached to an invisible force, which he knew was only his whim.

       He counted shadows as he lingered at the border, and as night slowly faded in. It was then that it dawned on him, that he had never truly joined a pack before, and had no inkling of the customs surrounding it. "Oh well," his voice a melodic whisper with his accent abnormally potent. Waited, he did; waiting was something he held dear. It gave him time to indulge within the tones of silence that surrounded him, broken by distant thunder now and again. He prized the fact that it was now spring, as he was in good health again, though, he did not appear it due to his serpentine appearance.

- - - OUT OF CHARACTER - - -

"Say what you want, I know how you think,"

Tags: Joining, All Welcome

Notes: Partial reuse of another Laurier post in the beginning.

Medusa i


5 Years
07-13-2013, 10:08 PM

A caller at her borders? The Madame was beginning to wear thin from her duties, her health deteriorating somewhat. Nonetheless, she made sure to compose herself before she took off in pursuit of the caller. She would not let this opportunity slip past her, be it an enemy, an ally, or a loner seeking to join the pack. Amenti was not yet large enough that the woman would let her members take care of situations at borders; instead she would arrive swiftly, moonlight-colored eyes taking note of the male with a dip of her head. ?You called for me, my sweet?? she crooned, coming before the male and examining him.

He was a blend of browns, earthy colored and handsome, with a large build and bright green eyes. The Madame supposed that, if he was seeking to join, she would have to befriend him. ?My name is Medusa, the Madame of Amenti. Or, perhaps you?d know the rank better as alpha,? she said, clarifying for although she carried herself with a dominant posture it might not have been immediately obvious that these were her lands. ?Is there anything I can help you with?? she would ask. If he wanted more information on her pack she would happily offer it to him happily.


07-18-2013, 08:29 PM

A caller. He had unwittingly picked up the term from Medusa and when the thought crossed his mind in response to the caller he shook is head. It was eerie that she so suddenly had made herself a spot in his mind. He wasn't on patrol at the moment and he knew that Medusa would answer the call yet he began his trek in direction of the howl. Medusa had been working relentlessly since conquering Amenti and though Deteste appreciated the effort on her part she didn't realize she needed to rest. Her wounds weren't fresh now but they were still healing and her constant ventures would not help her body heal any faster. Perhaps he would give her a visit later in the day to check on their progress.

It was not long before the tall redwood trunks gave way and revealed the bodies of the wolves he sought. Medusa and a man with an earth colored pelt. There was a blur of greeting between them but Deteste found himself saying nothing in the same note. A nod was given to the Madame before Deteste took a seat near her then turning his thoughtless gaze to the visitor. Analyzing him for what he was and awaiting his request.
