
The Bells Of Mourning



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-12-2013, 05:29 PM

Erani walked heavily toward Seracia, head low, tail drooping. Her heart was torn inside, a weeping wound where happiness had been. He wouldn?t want her to mourn like this. He hadn?t let her mourn Guinevere, instead dropping his children in her care. And they had kept her mind occupied, until the tear in her heart had healed, filled in by his children. Erani?s eyes lifted to the sky, still stone grey from last night?s storm. Rain fell in a fine mist, veiling the surroundings in a dismal fog. Perfectly fitting her mood. How did you tell someone that a love one was lost. She had broken the news to Cairo, when Guinevere had lost the Battle with Death. But Epiphron? One of her heart?s daughters. This would devastate the young female, and just days after her wedding.

Erani?s forward movement faltered, eyes falling to gaze toward the Seracian territory. A soft whine whispered from her throat. ?I love you all.? It had been more than last words. It had been a message to be passed on to those he loved. Epiphron was his daughter. She needed to be told, to know. Something in Erani?s heart nudged her forward, and her paws stepped forward. Slowly, she arrived to Seracia?s Borders, and tilted her head back, crooning a mournful song to her Daughter.


07-15-2013, 06:56 PM (This post was last modified: 07-15-2013, 06:59 PM by Epiphron.)

Because Ger will want to know this info as well... I'm popping in.

Things could not have been better for the King of Seracia on this particular day. He had just seen the joyous marriage of his son to his now daughter-in-law, and had simultaneously been witness to a grand alliance between Seracia and Valhalla. Though he was still very much wife-less, and Queen-less, the King felt like things were going well in his lands. A smile wrinkled his face as a howl began on the borders, but its tone soon brought his mood down considerably. He tilted his head, lifting a forepaw questioningly, before trotting toward the source of the sound. An ear flicked back as he saw her. Every bit of her posture looked saddened and downtrodden. She was of Valhalla - though her name escaped him. Why was she so upset? Had some ill-will befallen the newest allies of the Kingdom?

Gerhardt Mathias, welcome to Seracia, Madam. I'm afraid your name escapes me, but I remember your face from the wedding. The ear twisted forward, ready for a response. He tilted his haunches downward and into a sitting position. What has made you so upset? Perhaps it wasn't his place to ask, but Gerhardt loved to help others - particularly females - and something in him needed to know if there was something he could do.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-16-2013, 12:05 PM (This post was last modified: 07-16-2013, 12:06 PM by Epiphron.)

The call of her surrogate mother was not at all what Epiphron had expected, especially no more than a few days following her wedding. She was roused from where she lay, clambering rather quickly to all fours. What could possibly be wrong, she wondered? Erani's call was laced with sadness, but Epiphron Adravendi couldn't quite fathom what would cause her to be so upset. Cairo had been well the last she had seen him. Perhaps something was wrong with her sister? Or one of Erani's children? As she grew worried for whatever may have occurred, she began to lope quickly in the direction the call emanated from. She walked rather fast, eyes scanning the horizon. The sky was gray, the newly grown grass soaked and clinging to the ground as though for dear life. It was a dismal day overall, and Epiphron felt her stomach churning as the woman came into view.

She was not alone, though -- it seemed Gerhardt had answered the call first. Confusion washed over her almost immediately, but she nodded respectfully towards her father-in-law. "Gerhardt," she greeted him warmly, but she seemed off even as she greeted the King. Something had startled her -- it was unlike Erani to come here only days after her wedding. Something was wrong. "This is my..." Blue eyes averted to the woman, as though she was thinking. "My mother. Erani." It was the first time she'd called the woman this, even though she had considered her as such for so long. Why was it so hard for her to call her thought? Perhaps the thought of her departed mother's death, though she barely remembered her, was simply too much for her to bear.

"What brings you here?" She inquired after a brief pause, eying her. Any other time, she would've rushed forward to embrace her, but now she simply stood still, eyes alight with confusion and curiosity. It was simply too out of character for the woman, and Epiphron would not be comfortable until she found out the meaning for her arrival -- not that she wasn't thrilled to see her.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-16-2013, 10:27 PM

A swirl in the mist of rainfall, the silent wet falls of paws, too heavy to be Epiphron?s paws. The heavy mist of rain made it impossible to make out a scent, so she waited for the approaching wolf to come into sight. He came, and she recognized the male at once. Gerhardt, King of Seracia. She lowered her head in a respectful bow, then lifted her gaze to study the male as he introduced himself. It didn?t take him long to ask why she was unhappy. And then Epiphron was there, concern in those blue eyes.

Erani?s throat tightened, convulsing as she swallowed to force back the tears. She allowed Epiphron to introduce her to Gerhardt, before Epiphron turned to herself and asked the question. Erani gazed at her, hating that she had to say this. ?Epiphron? I?m so sorry?? Erani felt her throat tighten, and forced out the words, feeling as though she were tearing her heart from her chest as she spoke them. ?Last night? Your Father passed on. Aislyn and I arrived in time to hear his last words. They were these. ?I love you all.?? Her ears were flat against her skull as her eyes clamped shut. She wanted to embrace the young wolf she saw as a daughter, but she wouldn?t force it on Epiphron. She was tired. She hadn?t slept at all since before she?d gone to Cairo?s den to give him his herbs.

Her eyes opened to look at Epiphron. ?I?m so sorry.? There were tears in those words.


07-17-2013, 06:20 PM

He was intrigued, and rather concerned that this Valhallan female was so upset and had managed to find her way here. What ailed Valhalla so that they would send her to their allies? Was it war, or famine, or some other form of strife? His brow furrowed slightly, but unfurled as Epiphron addressed him. She further explained that this woman was her mother. Cairo's wife, then. Yes? It seemed safe enough to assume so. Brow furrowed once more, wondering why she hadn't spoken this herself. It would have been polite to do so, but given her state of sadness he would let it pass. When Erani did speak, it was to Epiphron. Gerhardt began to feel very much like a third wheel. The news then came, and all made sense. Cairo had passed. What a tragedy! Gerhardt's ears pinned back, and a melancholy demeanor slid over his features. The great patriarch of the Adravendi line was gone. Lost to the world forever. It was a sad day indeed.

My sincerest apologies to you both, I know this must come as a great loss. The King's head declined an inch or two. I will leave you to your mourning, there are others I should inform. Slipping forward to offer a gentle brush of his cheek on Epiphron's side, he quickly pivoted away and farther into Valhalla. This was a time better spent between mother and daughter.

Exit Gerhardt




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-19-2013, 08:22 AM

Her demeanor changed rapidly -- from stunned, confused, to deadly serious. There was no reason Erani would be here so soon after her wedding. She could imagine Syrinx rushing here, making sure she had not been harmed by Maverick; but Erani was not a clingy kind of caretaker. It was more likely she would wait weeks to visit, or months -- or that Epiphron would return to Valhalla before she had a chance to venture so far herself. Any hints of a smile that may have lingered faded abruptly as the words began to spill from her lips.

'Epiphron... I'm so sorry.' Words she didn't want to hear. She felt her chest tighten, and her stomach sank. Before Erani even said the words, she knew with startling realization that her father was gone. Dead. The Adravendi sire had passed. And she had not been there to say goodbye to him. Their last meeting had been short, although needed, and though she had said goodbye to him in a way -- it wasn't the kind of goodbye she wished she'd been able to offer. The words washed over her, humbling her infinitely; the girl's red and white-furred ears pinned back against her skull, and she averted her eyes toward the earth. His last words had been 'I love you all.'

Tears threatened to spill from her own eyes, pools of blue slowly locking with Erani's own gaze. It was all too painful... so very painful. Gerhardt offered his condolences, and then retreated, going to give the news to the others. After a long moment of silence, she slunk forward, tucking her head under Erani's muzzle and wishing she could just stay there, disappear forever -- exactly how she'd felt when she'd heard of her mother's death. Erani had been there for that; it was only fitting she console the Seracian Princess again, at the news of her father's death. She was silent, but tears had begun to stream down her face, soaking the white-furred woman's fur.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-19-2013, 08:55 PM

Gerhardt?s words of consolation, and his departure was lost on the snowy healer?s ears. She could only see the realization on her daughter?s face. The grief in those blue eyes was swiftly behind the realization, before they lowered to the ground. It ripped at her heart to see the pain in Epiphron?s eyes, and after a long moment, the young female came forward and pressed her head beneath the healer?s chin.

Erani finished the movement, stepping forward to press the young female against her chest, draping her head over her back and tucking her chin against the other side in a gentle hug, eyes clamped shut. It was a repeat of Guinevere?s departure. Her consoling the children. She pressed a kiss to the young female?s fur, and let her lean on her for as long as she needed.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-24-2013, 09:37 PM (This post was last modified: 07-24-2013, 09:37 PM by Epiphron.)

Epiphron had been given plenty of time to prepare for her father's death. She had known for quite some time now that her father would not live for much longer; certainly for no more than a handful of seasons, if that. Cairo's health had been failing for some time, and she'd been give many opportunities to consider it. Still, the news was far too abrupt for her, and she felt her crown slipping, her composure all but crumbling as she curled against Erani. Epiphron arched her back, crouching down ever so slightly -- and rather unconsciously -- so she fit neatly under the woman's muzzle, as though she were merely a pup again.
"He was so strong," she murmured, her gentle voice quivering faintly with her anguish. Tears would fall, steady against Erani's fur, but she would not sob; she needed to maintain some semblance of control. "It is truly hard to imagine him being gone, Erani." Despite everything, Cairo had always been a constant in her life. But now the patriarch of the Adravendi family was gone, and she found herself suddenly overwhelmed-- albeit momentarily -- by all of the changes. Her father was dead; she and Chrysanthe were both beginning families of their own; Neo and Preston were nowhere to be found; and rumor had it that Syrinx and Eos had formed a strange sort of alliance and were now wandering the northern territories together.

"Thank you.. for coming and telling me." Her tail curled tightly about her hind legs as she pulled herself away, slowly, her breathing slightly labored as she calmed herself.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-29-2013, 09:12 AM

Erani held Epiphron close, letting her lean on her, hearing the whispered words Epiphron said. ?He was the strongest wolf I know.? She touched her tongue to the young female?s fur, blinking back her own tears. She blinked again at Epiphron?s next words. She shook her head. ?He?s not gone. He?s in your heart, in mine, in Chrysanthe?s. So long as he?s there, he?ll never be gone.? Her voice cracked slightly, but her words were firm.

As Epiphron pulled back, Erani gave her a nuzzle, nodding in response to her thanks. ?Chrysanthe went to tell Syrinx and Eos.? Her throat felt thick and croaky, and her heart felt heavy. Yet she felt a little better after telling Epiphron. ?I spoke to your father the day before he died. He told me so much. So much that I didn?t know? That if I had known maybe?? Would Epiphron and her siblings have been her own children, if she had known so long ago what Cairo had told her just days ago?



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-31-2013, 04:57 PM

It was strange, how quickly joy could be replaced by heartache. Only a few seasons ago, she had felt as though she were merely a child; and now, she was one of the heads of the Adravendi family, alongside Chrysanthe, Syrinx, and Eos. She wondered where Neo and Preston had gone off to - hopefully they were together, for she knew that at least in Preston's presence, that Neo might stay partially sane, and fully intact. And though she no longer liked the boy -- no, he was a man now -- she didn't want to hear of his demise anytime soon. Too much death. Epiphron's head hung low, and she remained plastered against Erani's side. It was only when she pulled away that she struggled to regain herself, but it was surprisingly difficult for the normally placid girl. A sigh fell from her lips, a sound that was marred with sadness and fatigue.

"I know," she responded softly, her gaze lowering to rest on her dual-colored paws. "It's just strange. Everything happening so fast." Once again she lifted her muzzle, gazing into Erani's eyes with her own teary blue eyes. She explained that Chrysanthe had gone to tell the other two siblings -- Epiphron wondered where they had gone. What they were doing. It settled her nerves to know that Eos was with Syrinx, for though the sisters had never been close, it was good to know that she too was okay. "What'd he tell you, Erani?" She inquired softly, her brows furrowing in curiosity.