
Pain Is Merely Weakness Leaving The Body



07-11-2013, 11:16 PM

The chocolate and white male stood on the shore of Alacritis and looked at the ring of islands that lay before him. Some would be intimidating to get to for most. Some would take the easy route and just take the little strip of land from the mainland to the island it connected to. He was not most wolves. Even as a child he'd been instructed to push ans strain his body or else he would never get stronger. So with a determined look on his face the male slowly entered the water. Out of all the islands to choose from he headed to the most challenging and foreboding looking island. Black island. Even in the distance he could see the black clouds swirling around it. He was aware of the dangers it would take to get to it, but oh it'd be worth it. Oh so worth it in the end and rewarding as well. He had goals. So many goals. This would merely be a start that led to these goals.

It was a grueling process. He'd chosen the right time of day to swim to such a place. The waters were calmer and didn't threaten him as much. It seemed as though he'd go without challenge. If only he knew what lurked beneath him. The barracuda was a fearsome sea beast, however it was not interested in him and about a mile off a shark lingered. Nothing touched him and the strong swimmer went unharmed throughout his whole journey.

Eventually the waterlogged brute's paws touched the sandy beach. He drug himself from the salty sea and shook himself free of any excess water. He was still damp, but he hardly cared. He would be dry in due time. For now he had bigger and better things to worry about. Like overtaking the island and researching what it held. If he liked the place enough and it was suitable enough he'd settle down and make a den here for himself and call the island home. Already the trek to get here was tiresome. He still had energy. Quite a bit of it actually, but that was only because of thickly built muscles that he trained properly every day. Any other wolf that didn't uphold their body to such standards. They obviously wouldn't be able to get here as quick, therefore he would be left in solitude for the most part.

With that thought in mind the beast set off to do some reconnaissance. For the most part the male was somewhat impressed. Even though the place had thick clouds looming above it he liked it. It made it dark and eerie. It blocked out the sunlight and provided the island with rain. Rain led to the growth of vegetation and more vegetation meant prey that wouldn't migrate anywhere because it was an island. Where would they go? Risk traveling the ocean and being snatched up by a shark? He didn't think so. This thought pleased him. It meant this home would be perfect.

What he wasn't quite ready for was the amount of poisonous things that crossed his path. More than once he could see a brightly colored snake cross his path. It made him wonder what other exotic life this island contained. It was obvious he couldn't explore it all, but he would see enough of it to appease his thoughts of making it home.

Including the snakes he also noticed poisonous flowers. One bite of one and it would kill you. This was an amusing thought to him and it even brought on a chuckle. A rare occasion for the stoic creature. Those would certainly come in handy. Along with his knowledge of things that killed you he'd also been thought simple herbs that would heal you. He'd been trained as the perfect assassin. He could even heal his own wounds if he got into some sort of trouble. Even knew of herbs to cure sicknesses as well as fighting. He was a decent hunter as well. It was what made him perfect at his job. Of course he had weaknesses, but there was no reason to share those.

With these observations in mind the brute continued his trek further inland to explore some more. If he found a good spot he'd settle down and call it home.



07-13-2013, 02:51 AM

Water oozed from his pelt of silk. His mother had always told him that his coat had been laced with stardust, it was impossible to feel so soft otherwise. He smiled softly at the memory, her image, her grace, and her beauty still fresh within his mind. When he choose to leave his home behind, he had done so with the heavy knowledge that he very well may never see his family again and so far, that had proven true. He wondered often if they looked to the skies, witnessed his star and thought of him. He wondered of his siblings, his mother, his father, his family. They were precious to him. More sacred than all of the seas, the forests, the meals and the soil beneath his paws combined. Family was life, the stars, his soul.

Shaking vigorously, droplets of starlight rained down upon him. The earth greedily ate the offerings, consumed by its jealously of another presence touching her shores. Tis why she swallowed the dead, to finally gain her revenge. It was why his eyes, even now, were trained upon the glory of the sky. If only he could live amongst the clouds, dance across lightning, race through the blackened cries of rain... but alas, he was not graced with wings, he could only wish to one day return to that glimmering beacon of hope, to become all the embodied his star.

Here the skies were black and twisted even though daylight gleamed beyond the grasp of this island, he already enjoyed it more than he had any of the mainland. Where others saw distress, danger, malice, and hatred, he saw power unrestrained, beauty undefined, and glory reconstructed. Wild, untamed, beautiful. It could neither be captured nor conquered. This storm, wild and restless, would never be tamed and he adored it. The water still weighing him down a smile broke across his visage and the male raced. Pads drumming against the earth in a steady beat. Somewhere lightning crashed and thunder rumbled and he only grew more excited. Winding between the terrain displaying ample agility and glorious speed, he weaved.

He explored the island, soaring with the wildlife, bounding over low lying shrubbery, narrowly avoiding a deadly strike from a colorful cobra and feeling the whip of the wind as the fangs just missed his ample calf. This island! It was glorious, perfection, beauty, love! The clouds groaned and the sky cracked, but no rain graced him and no bolts struck the earth. The clouds were speaking, communicating to one another, shielding the earth from the blinding rays of the sun! Sirius listened.

His revere was shattered as the scent of another wolf crept within his nose. The boy paused, spinning on his paws and facing whom else had discovered this utopia, blinding amethysts narrowed in on the terrain, seeking this wolf. He drove himself a few paces forward, eyes darting this way and that. His guest, it seemed, was in no hurry and after awhile he grew tired of waiting. He had never waited for destiny before, he had always lived by the belief that destiny was within everyones grasp... few were brave enough to actually take it.

He found him quickly, a rather massive chocolate covered male with a white stripe that swept the length of his body, triangles that encompassed eyes of piercing blue, and half socks that wrapped around the back of his legs. While his own coat seemed oddly scattered, his seemed to be in perfect order. Sirius stopped before him, tail swinging absently behind him. A gentle smile eased its way upon his lips and a pink tongue escaped him, licking his chops once before his larynx vibrated in gentle speech. ?Gorgeous day is it not? Tell me friend, what has drawn you to this island? The promise of rain? Of thunder? Of darkness?? Excitement glittered in the depths of his bright eyes and the mere thought of such things had his tail beating just a little bit faster. Eagerly, he awaited the largers response.




07-13-2013, 03:14 AM

He was slow and he certainly had no time in dawdling. He had no where to be. No where of great importance that demanded his undivided attention. There wasn't much that every would require such devotion. He was a loner. A vagabond that kept to himself and dwelled in the most silent of places. Solitude was what he sought and it was what, so far, he'd managed to achieve. This island offered him what he desired. He would request nothing more than a place to rest his head and prey to eat. Other than that it was obvious this island was wild. It could not be tamed by the likes of him or anyone else for that matter. It was like Australia. Everything on the island and in the water wanted to kill you. You couldn't control death, much less the creatures that brought it. He would merely request to stay here, and should the island no longer want him around he would know.

The place was horrifyingly beautiful in a way that most wouldn't make sense of. It was the closest to home that he would be able to get. Of course it would never compare to the pack he'd been born in and the land he'd been raised on, but it would do. The eerie ominous feel to the island was appreciated. It gave him the sense of a challenge and he wasn't one to decline them. Challenges, especially the impossible, were ways to improve yourself. You could fail a challenge and still become greater than you were before such challenge. Ultimately it would keep him here. He doubted he would ever leave such a place unless forced to.

He had thought he was alone. Of course, with a place as big as Alacritis, even it's islands couldn't be without at least one other wolf to accompany him. It was disappointing, but expected all the same. He didn't pause in his searching. He was attempting to find the perfect place to build a den. That or a shallow cave in which he could sleep during the night hours. He would adorn it with deer hides and rabbit fur as well as moss. If he could find the right spot they would also hold herbs eventually. The place was teeming with wildlife. It was exhilarating.

The voice of another caused him to pause and he swung a massive head to gaze upon a smaller brute than himself. Had he not already picked up on the scent and seen that he indeed had male parts he would have mistaken the boy for a female. His figure was petite and lanky. So thin that he could be mistake for malnourished if he wasn't so well defined with muscle and looked well fed as far as around his ribs was concerned. His coat pattern wasn't one that was familiar to Sasori. He was mainly grey dappled with black and perhaps a few white hairs here and there. His eyes were a striking neon purple that stood out against him and spoke volumes about his appearance. An interesting creature to look at. Much different than his simple design of earth and ivory.

"I sought solitude and a place to rest my head at night."

He answered bluntly. His voice remained level and didn't waver. No emotion tainted his vocals as he spoke to the smaller boy that seemed to be so close in age to him. The other was so carefree with hi words though. It an extent it grated his nerves and yet he showed no signs of irritation. He wasn't that irritated after all. If he was he would have just continued on his way without saying a word. However, he didn't appreciate being called friend nor did he care about how "gorgeous" the day was. He didn't trifle with such things. He had more important things on his mind, but he kept such thoughts to himself. Instead he gave the other male a look that plainly stated that he wanted to know what the boy wanted with him. If not he was going to continue searching for a den.



07-13-2013, 08:59 AM

What so the male seek? Well he sought that missing link, the loving peace to his soul, he sought to be completely, to fill the missing gaps that the jealous earth had wrought upon him, but he sought a great many more things too. He wished for food and drink to carry him through the seasons, he longed for the sky to give him a clue, a sign of where he was supposed to go or what he was supposed to do. He yearned for nature, wild and untamed! It was a beautiful thing, this life that he was given, and never would Sirius take such a precious gift for granted.

This island was stunning, teeming with life, bubbling with power, he could feel the nervous energy drumming through his soul like a beacon, a treasure once lost and now found. Why was this island so void of others, had the rest of his kind lost their sense of adventure, of a challenge? What did they see when they gaze upon this land so entirely...unleashed? They clearly saw nothing of its splendor of its beauty, this isle was the very definition of life, of the wild, life wasn't supposed to be monotonous, nor predictable, you were supposed to live every day, every moment like it just might be your last.

Sirius wasn't afraid of death, and he certainly wasn't about to start being now. The male before him was intriguing, such strict patterns... there were none as such in his pack. His back consisted of scrambled coloring, mixed scatters that were unpredictable but often quite beautiful. There were never two that adorned the same pelt and it brought a sense of excitement and wonder just to glance at the pups that were wrought from his families love. Love... that?s what this island was, pure and unadulterated. He adored this place.

Curious to the blunt and rather fast response, his cranium tilted minuscule to the left, amethysts growing as the gears in his brain grinded down the utter emotionless gaze this larger male held...but why? What had made him so utterly frigid? What evil had befallen this creature? He did not step closer, nor did he shy away, he allowed the male his space but didn't cower either. ?No long term joy can come from solitude, and why merely a place to rest? Why not make this place a home? Forgive me, where are my manners?" Gracefully and displaying a bit of grace that many lacked, the male dipped his lower half in a gentle bow. ?My name is Sirius, might I inquire your own??




07-14-2013, 05:18 PM

?No long term joy can come from solitude, and why merely a place to rest? Why not make this place a home? Forgive me, where are my manners?"

Sasori stared at him for a moment trying to figure out the motives behind his words. Why would he care why he sought solitude? Why would he care if he made this place home or not? Fact of the matter was he shouldn't of cared at all and should have at least respected him enough not to ask so many questions. Then again everybody wasn't like him and he recognized that so instead of being an ass about it he responded with something that would be a little less harsh on the ears.

"I would never call a place home without investigating the entire things first and finding a suitable place to sleep without being bothered by the many things on this island that could kill a wolf easily. As far as my solitude if it brings me happiness for the time being then it is what I shall pursue. If I should change my mind in the future I suppose you might possibly be the first to know."

His answers were cold and blunt, but they didn't hold any malice behind them despite how he came off. He wasn't an easy soul to get along with, but if you could handle how blunt and to the point he was and how much of an ass he could be then you'd do well around him.

What he didn't expect was for the male to dip to the ground in a graceful bow. So he was feminine in the way he moved as well. How intriguing. He dipped his head in acknowledgement as the other brute introduced himself. He supposed he had to do the same, didn't he?

"Sasori Nara."



07-15-2013, 02:26 PM

Sirius' attention was ever fleeting. His mind worked on cylinders always firing, always moving. He was never idle, never calm. He was always imagining vivid things, impossibilities that most never even thought of, he was a dreamer to the extreme and damn it, if he wanted to fly, than his mind would paint the most elaborate tapestry it could... that do not mean he couldn't discern reality from imagination. Sure he was a bit spacey at times but never to the point of madness, and he was, for all intents and purposes, a genuinely neutral soul. He was polite until a situation deemed otherwise and he neither hated nor loved a person until he grew to know them. Everyone got a fair chance.

?Fair enough, should you make this island of impossibilities your home, you may very well see a great deal of my person. I love the darkness, I thrive in the stars light and the rains shadow. I wish you only the best in your pursuit of happiness, Sasori, it tis a honor to have your acquaintance.? He spoke with smooth, velvety tones, genuine thought seeping into his deeper colored words. He meant what he said, and he spoke with a silent reverence.

?Although....if I may be so bold, true happiness does not stem from the depth of ones own mind, it comes from connecting with another, to feel their emotions, to ride upon their highs and lows, friendship and love are the most powerful sources this side of this universe, do not be so fast to shun either my friend.? He believed those words, just as he believed his heart would beat once more against the confines of his rib cage. He had faith in the world around him and in the strength of companions. He had heart and he had courage, buut only because his family, his home, still hummed in the center of his core.




07-16-2013, 03:42 AM

Sasori was somewhat appalled by the male's words. His words were so bold and full of meaning. They were confusing though. How could you hold such sympathies and wishes for a complete stranger you'd just met. Sasori nodded though. This went along with the proper manners in front of others kind of stuff. He'd been taught proper etiquette and how to conduct himself. He had been an odd child. Very secluded and kept to himself. He had been so wrapped up in his training that he cared for very little except his own progression. He hadn't taken the time to socialize with others. By that point he'd become a social retard. He was proper and behaved himself, but he preferred the solitude. It was comfortable. Of course, occasionally he did enjoy having a wolf around, but only when it was someone who didn't run their chops all the time. He was a picky soul. Always had been and always would be.

"I suppose I should wish the same upon you then?"

He wouldn't pretend to care, but he wasn't vile enough to wish evil upon him either. Surely he'd recognize that much. Words kept spilling from the gray brute's mouth though. He listened quietly and attentively. He wasn't one who would interrupt another. Not unless their rambling was absolutely unnecessary ad pointless. He wouldn't listen to things that had no meaning and not a lick of intelligence to them, however this male was intriguing. His knowledge of the universe and the divine was different. Most wolves didn't speak of such things. Granted he sounded like a hippie and one of those peace loving pacifists, but it wasn't terrible. Least he wasn't trying to completely cram bullshit down his throat.

"I did not say I do not appreciate another's company. I merely prefer to dwell in silence. Most find it awkward and feel the need to talk, therefore I do not keep company around me."

A simple explanation that was very true. Most found the need to incessantly talk so he chose not to keep many around him. What would be the point if they'd annoy him? There wasn't a point so until such a time came that they could enjoy the silence with him and work side by side without having to say a word he would be alone.
