
Boing, Boing, Boing... Boing


07-11-2013, 05:28 PM
[Image: SOo3CtZ.png?1]

Boing, boing, boing... boing. The giggling of a child echoed through the small cluster of ruins, bouncing back and forth between the buildings. A canine was playing amongst some rocks covered in vegetation, hopping onto each one, pretending like the ground was fire. Hot stuff stupid, Cana hop right over you. She giggled, coming to a stop on a boulder big enough for her to lay down. She sat there with her tail wagging like mad behind her, lowering her body down, paws hanging over the edge. Dark orbs scanned the green ground, to her it was all flame, searching for her friend.

Laying in the sun just a few feet away he lay on his back, legs out to the sides, enjoying the sun. His small tail moved slowly from side to side, taking a moment to relax just out of reach of the canine. She could be annoying at times.

Euro! She barked, finally spotting the feline laying on a ledge hanging over a pond, which back when humans ere around was a swimming pool. She had pushed herself up, paws kneading the ground, growing excited at the sight of the cat. Euro! Look! Look at Cana! Looky! She yapped away, turning in circles on the rock, nipping at her own tail for a few moments before coming to a stop, staring down the cat with her tail wagging like mad still.

With an irritated groan the male, brought his legs over, rolling onto his stomach with paws hanging over the edge. A bored look came across his face as he gazed at the young girl, raising a brow, and motioning for her to do whatever it was she wanted to do.

Yay! Euro watch, Euro Watch! The dog barked happily for a few moments, turning in fast circles. Once she was finished the female grew a serious face, legs spreading, tail still. With a deep breath she threw herself, front limbs folding close to her chest, flying through the air then splashing into the pond with a large splash.

cana talk.
cana think.
euro talk.
euro think "


07-11-2013, 06:01 PM

Miharu Rokujo

His hatred had grown down a bit since a series of event perspired. He left Amenti to it's own devices, he had tried to be loyal to Newt, but not he was kicking it on his own. The slender male had noticed once again that he would never ever fit in with the rest of the world. He didn't wish to die, but he was still the outsider who wouldn't ever find a small doorway to get in. Miharu would never have a happy life as he saw it anyway. Not with all those lies that gripped at his mourning heart made of pure steel. His paws dug into the stone has he hopped from one location to the next. This place reminded him of the land beyond the snow, his old home. Where structures decaying just like this sat. With their tall lounges and inside being burned away by time itself. His turquoise eyes held interest in the buildings, if only a little anyway. The gray splashes on his face were odd, not to mention his firey red ears and tipped tail. He was handsome but thought nothing of his grayish blue body. He moved like a snake, and his footsteps almost invisible to the ear. He had been trained since he was a pup to conceal his presence it had become a natural occurrence in his footsteps. He also was a keen fighter, his fighting style probably stranger than most since his heritage of ninjas. The lost prince wanted nothing more to do with his past even though he refused to forget any of it.
There was a sound nearby, barks, and maybe even a meow. Causing the male to lower his body and move closer. When in his sights came a cat, and a very large canine, a dog not a wolf. It was probably the same size as he was, and the cat, was a lynx. The scent rubbed off on his nose and they were lucky it wasn't the night hours. Otherwise he would have considered killing, and eating that lynx. His eyes narrowed at the strange dog, twitching his tail as he felt his quiet movements stir. Miharu got close enough before standing to his full height and pushing a rock with his forelimb forward. He had the higher ground, on a large slab of rock over hanging to the canine. The stone fell on every piece of ruin on the way down making a large sound of noise. He looked at the canine below with his emotionless eyes. "It's not everyday you see a dog hanging around the world of Alacritis." He spoke in his monotone voice. Flicking his tail as he splayed out on his stomach both front paws hanging over the edge of the tall slab. Which was probably six to nine feet off the ground from where the canine was standing and playing with its lynx.



07-11-2013, 06:33 PM
[Image: SOo3CtZ.png?1]

The moment Cana had jumped into the pool Euro had turned his head away, laying it over his paws and closed his eyes. The animal wouldn't even notice, she would soon pop her head up and yapping away, thinking he had watched her jump. It's not that he didn't like the girl, he definitely did, but right now he just wanted to relax and let her do whatever.

It felt weird, the water overwhelming her body when she went under. Movement slowed, the world went silent around her. If she could become fish the youngster would definitely become one. That way she could stay in the underwater world. At the thought of that though the female felt the need to get air. Paws dug at the water, moving through the swarm of bubbles, going to the surface then suddenly throwing her head up, catching a breath of air.

Euro! Euro, did did you see? Did you see Cana jump? She barked happily, lips pulling back in a toothy grin as she paddled over to the edge of the pond. The female was happy about her jump, made her feel cool and special. She made her way over to the ledge, placing her front limbs over a broken piece of building that had fallen in long ago, pulling herself up then shaking the water off.

Suddenly there was some rumbling, small pebbles falling down and splashing into the pool, causing Cana to move to the edge and stare intently at the water. More fell down, then there was a rash, a rock hit the ledge Euro had been sitting on, causing the feline to hiss and jump back just before it went flying past him. Cana jumped back when it dropped into the pool, sending up a all of water that splashed back down and even over the edge. It's not everyday you see a dog hanging around the world of Alacritis.

Euro looked up from where he now stood, small tail lashing behind him in annoyance, fur bristling along his back. Amber orbs looked up and locked onto the source of the voice, falling upon a wolf laying at an dge a few feet above him. Its not everyday you have an asshole pushing rocks at you. He growled back in irritation, straightening himself out and standing with his head held high. I am surprised you know what she is. Most we have encountered were clueless. He spoke on a calmer note, hopping away from his ledge and onto the branch of a nearby tree.

Cana stared up at the man with her tail wagging madly, eyes wide and ears up. This wolf was interesting, she liked him! Wolf! Hey you! She barked before her head spun around the area, body following. She was looking for a way up to talk to him, and within moments she could see a pile of rumble she could jump up on. You see more of Cana? She asked, jumping up, making her way quickly onto the ledge Euro had been standing on. Euro say there was lots of Canas, that humans had different kinds of Canas. She stood there with her tongue hanging out the side of her jaws.

cana talk.
cana think.
euro talk.
euro think "


07-11-2013, 07:19 PM

Miharu Rokujo

Miharu's red ears moved towards the cat as he spoke. Such fierce words but he showed no reaction, his expression didn't change nor the position of his body. Though he gave a dip of his head and apologized explaining that he was simply trying to make them aware of his presence here. The lost prince watched the dog, she was an interesting creature, all the dogs he had met had been dumb. Though the humans she spoke off were not in his head. He had heard the word before from other dogs, but he had never come to one before hand. Did those creatures build these large stone like structures? Miharu watched the girl as she hopped up asking all sorts of questions. Why should he answer? Why did he care? He didn't know but he guess it'd be too much to leave now. After all he was the one who had confronted them in the first place. His tail curled around his back paws as he crossed his front paws, pads visible in his position of where they hung off the edge. The lost prince had already changed his own fate.
"I've met plenty of creatures. Horses, sheep, dogs, though not ones quiet as intelligent as you. Cana? Only a few could speak in the way the wolves did. But Humans I have not met." Miharu answered simply in a monotone voice same as before. It didn't change at all as he looked back over at the lynx. "My name is Miharu, and yours?" He asked the lynx, knowing the canines name already. Perhaps he was becoming a lot more social for his own good. Then again, it may help his survival a bit. It was obvious he would stay stuck in past unless something else happened.



07-11-2013, 07:38 PM
[Image: SOo3CtZ.png?1]

Euro had been climbing amongst the branches of the tree he jumped into, making caw marks in the mark then hopping to a new branch. The whole time he was listening, ears perking up at Cana's vice, the scratching of her claws against the stone rubble. It was quite annoying but he could handle it, he had to get used to it while being with her. He was actually surprised that the wolf didn't snap at her for the way she talked, a lot had become irritated just after seconds of hearing her voice. This male just sat there like it didn't bother him at all, even answered their questions and statements.

Finally he stopped, laying across a large branch with a large and clear view of the area around him. he was about the same level as the wolf now, ears swiveling forward to catch his voice. He explained that he had met a few creatures, but none as intelligent as them. Was he talking about him or Cana, or the both of them? Eh, doesn't matter. He thought to himself. The male continued on, mentioning how few could speak wolf but has not met a human. Then a few moments later gave his name.

The name's Euro. He lifted his head and gave his name, then motioned towards his companion. And you know her name already. He said with a chuckle, watching Cana become distracted by her own tail.

She was trying to listen to the man talk to Euro but he was saying boring stuff, things she didn't care about. So she looked around for something to do, but there were no sticks to play with. Oooo, you sneaky. Almost got Cana then. Slowly her tongue slid back into her mouth, a leg crossing over the other, front half of her body turning to the side, gaze focused on her tail. Bet you didn't expect... this! Her whole body suddenly twisted, turning in circles, snapping at her tail.

cana talk.
cana think.
euro talk.
euro think "


07-11-2013, 08:01 PM

Miharu Rokujo

The man continued to watch the dog. He was indeed a lot different, because he never did fit in with the other wolves here. Who lived a completely different life style than the killer. Yet, he only killed when his urges reached him in the night hours, like some sort of plague. Miharu was still as he was, someone who was simply different from the rest. The girl began chasing her tail, she was like an overgrown pup seeing as she was the same height as he was. The Lynx,her partner seemed to be far more interested in him than her though. His eyes shut for a moment, once he opened them again she was talking in third person. Miharu had met plenty of weird wolves in his life time. Ones that killed like he did, ones who slayed, those who helped, those who suffered, and those who learned. The flicking of his tail causing him to finally raise to his paws as he ducked along the ledge when the Lynx came near. He gave it room in case it wanted to jump on it. Miharu was thinking about jumping down, but now that the creature was at his height in the ruins there was no point in causing him to make the effort. Cana seemed to be entertaining herself just fine so Miharu decided to speak with Euro more. "Where are the two of you from?" he asked as he shifted on his haunches.
Miharu's red ears moved forward as he looked at Cana. He did mention earlier that she was smarter than the average dogs that he had met, but he had his doubts about how smart she was. Yet it wasn't any of his business at the moment. This island was free land, as long as they stayed away from the packs they should have been fine. "You say the other wolves were confused when they saw Cana, and you? Does that mean you have already met pack wolves?" He sure hoped they haven't given the girl any trouble, dogs were different from wolves anyway. Miharu sighed, what was he thinking anyway. It wasn't like he care, but it seemed like he had been reverting to his old self besides the killing part to edge his urges away.



07-11-2013, 08:40 PM
[Image: SOo3CtZ.png?1]

Euro lay with a paw crossed over the other, he wasn't worried about the wolf now. If he had come here to mess with them then he would have already been doing it, try snapping at the feline then once he was a good distance would come and try taking Cana. It had happened a few times, but of course, it didn't faze the young girl at all. It made the tom smirk, she was tough for only being a year old. Miharu's voice broke his thoughts, ears swiveling towards him, gaze locking back onto the wolf when he asked where they came from.

I don't really remember... He said after a few moments, head tilting to the side, gaze lookig up t the sky in thought. The two had been together for some time now, travelling a lot and only staying in a place like this fr a few days before moving on. It was what was best for the two, to keep Cana safe. We travel a lot with no destination in mind, so I can't really remember where we ad first met. Can't even remember if Cana told me where she was from before that. He added on, sighing softly and looking down at the female stop chasing her tail and fall to the ground from dizziness, making him smirk again.

Round and round Cana world go. She whined, laying on her back with all of her legs out to the side. Without eve realizing it, she was making herself look like an idiot to the wolf, after he complimented on her being intelligent. She didn't care though, she might seem like a fool but hidden under that playfulness was a skilled hunter and fighter, and intelligent creature.

Euro shook his head at this, but he wasn't upset with her behavior. It may not look like she is very smart, but Cana is very intelligent. She just likes to play a lot. He quite enjoyed it, made the world a little bit better. People came and went, some were killed, tortured, and many others having terrible things happen to them. Cana is what made it all tolerable.

At the second question the wolf asked Cana had finally got control of the world around her, rolling onto her belly and shaking her head. Yes, Cana make world stop. She said to herself with a proud smile, giving a nod. Her ears twitched though when she caught the question, her gaze looking up to Euro then to the wolf, Miharu. Cana answer that! Euro talk too much already, Cana talk now! She barked at him happily, pushing herself up and made her way up the rubble, hopping from pile to pile. Boing, boing. Cana go boing.

Euro shook his head at the dog, shrugging his shoulders and motioning for her to go ahead.

Finally after a few hops she was on the ledge he was on, taking a seat beside him with tail wagging and head held high with a large grin. Cana and Euro see lots of wolves and other animals when travelling. She started, looking to him. Pack wolves and loner wolves. They no know what Cana be, some make funny faces. Some wolves nice, others mean. Her brows came together and she shook her head, some wolves helped her and Euro but others would chase them or threaten them.

Some play game with us. They chase Euro away, then they come and wrestle with Cana. She had brought up how they tried taking her, but she didn't think of it that way. When that had happened there was a young male telling her they were just playing, and if she got hurt then that meant they were having fun. Of course she wanted to believe them , but at the same time there was too many to fight back Cana had to go with it.

They try taking Cana precious. The dog lifted a leg, folding it and pressed a paw against the purple, kind of worn collar around her neck. Cana got mad, nobody touch precious but Cana and Euro. Precious is friend like Euro, Precious talks to Cana. She slammed her paw aganst the ground, lip pulling back. She didn't like people messing with precious, the last time somebody touched it she had left them a good mark to remember her by.

cana talk.
cana think.
euro talk.
euro think "


07-11-2013, 09:13 PM

Miharu Rokujo

Miharu looked at the Lynx and tilted his head slightly. How could you forget how you met someone? He remembered every wolf he killed, and every wolf he had met and left behind. It was a curse to have good memory when you couldn't even remember the first four months of your life. Miharu too had been running for some time so he had been in a lot of places, besides those, human places. He then watched as the girl hopped up the rocks up to their little perch and sat next to her Lynx. They were one odd pair, but he had to say their company was not unwanted with him. So they moved around a lot, that meant they weren't really remembered anywhere. His ears moved around when she started talking about her collar. The thing he had seen a cat wear once, so he knew the name of the object but nothing more. Why would they want something around their neck? Wouldn't it be irritating, but he wasn't one to talk, the dark world he lived in was so different. Cana should have felt lucky, since she still had her playful quality in her like a pup had and still was able to fight and protect herself out of instinct. Miharu couldn't help but to smile a bit.
Miharu lifted up his left back leg to give behind his ear a scratch. He couldn't help but to admire this girl. "I promise you I have no interest in your precious, but, could I give it a sniff?" Maybe he could catch a scent that was faint of where she was from, or what those humans smelt like. Though only the most advanced scenters could do that, and he was just right for the job. Miharu stood to his feet, and inched closer to her. Though he obviously was waiting for her permission to do so. His eyes over at the Lynx as well. Perhaps he was being a bit too weird? He wasn't sure himself, this was just how he acted.



07-11-2013, 09:49 PM
[Image: SOo3CtZ.png?1]

Euro clenched his jaws when Cana started to talk about the very thing he had been thinking just seconds ago. Telling this wolf about how some wolves would chase him off to try and take Cana away, one of them trying to take her collar. He didn't really know why she thought it was so precious, but for some reason she let him take care of it whenever she took if off. Whenever he tried asking where it came from the girl said she couldn't remember then would run of and do something... She knew, and he was sure she was hiding something she didn't want him to know.

He was a bit surprised though that the wolf didn't say anything about it, nothing about his facial expression giving away what he may be thinking either. All he said was that he promised he wasn't interested in the collar, and asked if he could sniff it. That... was a bit weird. A brow raised at this, lifted hi head off his paws to stare at the wolf as he moved close to Cana. Careful, she can be... touchy about it. He warned Miharu, his voice a bit stern, more so a warning that he better not try something while being so close to his companion.

Cana watched the man get up, ears twitching when he talked. Good, because if he touched her Precious then she would have to rip his throat out. Nobody touched Precious or took precious away from Cana, ever! His question was a bit weird though, why did he want to smell Precious? Precious no like weird people sniffing Precious. She told him, pushing herself up and taking a step back.

Slowly she could hear the voices starting to talk to her, whispering things only she could hear. They said bad things about the wolf, telling her to do things to him then with him. No no Precious, Miharu no touch you. Cana protect Precious. She said, more so to herself, turning her head to the side when she had spoke. She lookedup from where she stood, eyeing the wolf for a few secods before speaking. Cana let Miharu smell Precious, but if Miharu tried touching or taking Precious from Cana, Cana will hurt Miharu. She warned him, a seriousness coming into her voice. Taking a step towards him and lifting her head so he could sniff it, the tag jingling.

cana talk.
cana think.
euro talk.
euro think "


07-11-2013, 10:09 PM

Miharu Rokujo

Miharu raised his ears as he hesitated listening to what the two of them said. An object could be as precious as life, he knew that, he knew it from Yoite being the one thing he had cared about more than the world. Everyone else in the world could have gone and run off a cliff for all he cared about. His old friends even he would give the world to protect those he was loyal to, and he chose only a few to be loyal to these days. As she spoke, the collar spoke back to her, was it the spirits that kept themselves tied to the collar and they told her what she needed. A friend in the world for her. Finally he was given permission and he gave a nod as he sniffed it, digging in the scent but in no way did he touch it. There was her scent mixed all over it along with the Lynx's, but he tried to hint lower. The stale scent of other areas was on her, and one he didn't know, that must have been it. He stored it in his memory, humans......creatures that he hoped to never run across if they had made these things. He stepped back and dipped his head, he hadn't cared for being called weird, he'd rather have that then a compliment any day.
"I would never take precious from you because it is yours. One's object can be their souls. Where I grew up spirits often chose an object so that they could protect who they liked the most. From my perspective the spirits have blessed you with not only a living friend but your precious as well." Miharu stated with his eyes closed as he looked at Cana. She was indeed strange, but she was blessed in a way, he himself was an excellent fighter the two of them could have been at par with each other if he really thought about it. Miharu flicked his tail as he came down onto his stomach and flicked his tail paws out front. "And if I'm weird so are you." He laughed a little, he wasn't being mean just a bit playful to the best of his ability anyway.
Miharu sighed and sat up again dipping his head to the dog. "I would like to be your friend, I could show you around Alacritis if you like." He said. It was almost like an effort, maybe this was a stupid idea. Perhaps May would disapprove even, but if he saw something there had to be a chance she was special right? The spirits forgive him for being an idiot. Even though he was a killer, perhaps it would make mark of something that Cana had. Her odd behavior was nothing really.



07-12-2013, 12:47 AM
[Image: SOo3CtZ.png?1]

Cana stood there silently, allowing this wolf to sniff at her Precious. She was a little worried he might try something but at the same time she wasn't. Dark eye would run along his muzzle, go down and focus on his neck. The neck... such a tender spot. Once your jaws closed around it your victim would be dead within seconds. Yank on it, tear the fear flesh away, let the blood start to spray. The world around her began to blur, the only thing clear was the muscles in his neck. Right there, waiting for if the wolf made the wrong move.

And as soon as he had stepped over to sniff it, Miharu had stepped back. Euro had been watching the whole time, eyes narrowed on his companion. He saw the look in her eyes, where they were focused. She would do that sometimes, focus on a weak spot and once the chance came she would go at it no matter what. So that's why he lifted his head, gave a hiss to Cana, snapping her out of the trance.

Ears perked up when Miharu spoke, Cana taking a step back and lowering her head, tongue hanging out the side. She nodded her head to what he told her, the idea of spirits being in her Precious caused her head to rise and tilt to the side. Perhaps her family was in there? Mother had told her it was a special collar when she was very small, make that was what made it special.

From the sidelines Euro could see that the two seemed to be getting along fine, odd seeing as most would try going at Cana just a few minutes in of meeting her. He chuckled at his comment on being weird, rolling over onto his back and stretching his limbs out above him. Weird is good, isn't it Cana? He asked with a smirk, closing his eyes with a large yawn.

The female lifted her head fully at Euro, sticking her tongue out at him briefly but then turned back to Miharu with her tail still wagging. Cana is very weird, Cana know this already! She barked, turning in a quick full circle then facing him once again just as he said he would like to be her friend and could show her around Alaritis if she liked. Her jaw literally dropped at this, her tail even stopped wagging. Quickly she turned to look at Euro, then suddenly starting bouncing up and down with excitement. Euro! Miharu wants to be Cana's friend. Can he show Cana and Euro the land?! Please! she started to whine, kneading the ground and giving small barks.

Oh boy, the wolf started this now. With a groan the tom lifted a paw off his chest and waved it around. Giving her the okay for this little adventure they would now set out on. All he knew was that he better be getting a ride.

With that the hound spun in another circle, three more actually before finally stopping. She bounded forward, and began hopping incircles around Miharu, barking happily. Cana has a new friend. Cana has a new friend. Miharu will show Cana Alacritis.

cana talk.
cana think.
euro talk.
euro think "


07-12-2013, 12:27 PM

Miharu Rokujo

The girl definitely got easily excited, but if she needed his help in the future maybe he'd be there. If they got into a fight they could easily rip themselves a new one. Not to mention since of all the natural fighting and not natural fighting he had done throughout his life. Miharu knew secrets, and he even kept some from himself, that was the best medicine when it really came down to it. His tail flicked as he stood on his feet, they had never been to Alacritis, so it'd take a while to show them around but it wasn't like he had anything else to do. Considering he no longer had pack duties to worry about, though he sort of wished he did. It kept him occupied until the night hours where he could go out on his hunt. The thought brought a shiver to his spine as he licked his lips at the thought of bloodshed, but he pushed it away considering a new friend was here and he didn't want to frighten her. Miharu didn't know what they would have thought about his killing life style, but there were the few who he wouldn't touch unless they really made him mad. So Cana and Euro were in the clear, even if only for a while. The wolf watched as the cat gave his partner the good to go and dipped his head pulling back his ears respectfully. Then she started to jump around him in small circles. He gave no attention to it as he flicked his ears up.
"Well at the moment you are on Daager island, it's separate from the mainland. This place has pretty much the forests and the ruins that's about it." He said as he looked out into the island from this high perch that they had been on. You could see the mainland easily, considering it was only a swim away. His paws scraped against the stone as he started down the slope, his balance was perfect. He almost looked like he was a cat himself. His spine stretching with him as he went, until he finally rested easily at the bottom of the dirt, roots and other plants around him. Miharu looked up with his gray splashed face at the girl, wondering if she was going to stay up there a little longer, or follow him around like a small pup of the sorts.
