


07-11-2013, 05:02 PM

He had lingered on this island far longer than any other place he had ventured too. It seemed to be a place of mystery and intrigue, they had near every type of environment and the food, at least his own dietary supplements, seemed to be doing just fine! His belly was filled! Crawling termites and ants? Antsolutely delicious! His tongue pulled from his mouth to lick the elongated sides of his snout, cleansing it from any remaining debris of insects.

He had noticed a few oddities about this place, how a singular scent would grow incredibly strong once he reached a certain point. And he should know, he could smell a termite for crying out loud! It was bizarre, almost like an invisible wall. Instinct told him not to cross these lines and his instinct had never led him astray yet... but that did not mean he wasn't curious and curiosity got the better of him more often than not.

Massive seven foot long body, rocked back and forth, his tail gently scraping the ground as he lumbered around this wall. To what point and purpose were they made and better yet, who made them? It seemed a bit arrogant to try to deny bits of earth to a fellow soul. Were they not all the same in the grand scheme of things? He hummed to himself as he continued on along his path. Curioser and curioser.
