
Beautiful Day


07-11-2013, 04:16 PM

Ah, twas yet another gorgeous day in the life of Anubis, birds singing their songs and keeping him company, the trees, whispering and rustling, speaking to him as he passed. If it would have been all possible, the creature would have smiled, as it were his happiness was displayed in the pep of his gait and the gentle bobbing of his elongated cranium, bouncing to some invisible beat. Front feet curling inward he walked on his wrists, claws curling against his forearm, no sense in harming the environment for no good reason! Less of course he find an ant hill, then of course, its fair game.

His bodice, lanky and covered in coarse hair, swung lazily from side to side as he walked, a rumbling hum erupted up through his vocal cords and he debated just plain singing... nah if someone were sleeping he wouldn't wanna disturb them, best save the dancing for later in the day, his legs itched and his adrenaline thrummed at the mere thought of such a thing, a flicker of movement to his right caught his attention and his cranium swung, the tiny black scouter ant falling into his line of vision. His tongue would snap forward, entrapping the insect and swallowing it whole, before he continued on, humming all the while.
