
Dark Flame Of Mine

Loki 1


6 Years
07-11-2013, 07:22 PM

Loki's emerald gaze gleamed, hatred twined deep within those shimmering oculars. Her pups, her family were being put in danger because of some arrogant cock fight over who claimed Tortuga since Desdemona up and vanished... who in the hell cared who ran the God damned place? It wasn't all the grand, all that she cared about was that her pups and her mate were healthy, happy, safe and whole. The rest of the world could go blow itself for all she cared... but now they seemed to be a standstill, Gargoyle was up and moving again and Tortuga was ripe for the taking. A growl rumbled in the pit of her chest. Son of a bitch.

Crawling out from her hole in the ground she left her pups sleeping, curled silently around one another, full off of a fresh meal. Loki had been quick to shrink back down to her normal size, the slender, small black nightmare had returned. Green eyes just as keen and piercing, body just as thin and lanky, she was beautiful once more, but sadly, beauty was not what she currently sought, she sought her lover, her mate. If one thing could be said about the cunning bitch, she had a deep and fierce loyalty when it came to those she cared about, and damn it, she may not love him in the traditional romantic getaway kind of a love, but in her own way she did love him. She would never have let him breed her if she wasn't. They had pups together, they were a family and right now... they needed to talk.

Rising her muzzle to the sky, she bellowed out a cry for her mate and him alone. They needed to discuss what they intended to do and where they intended to go, for once they couldn't be selfish, they had pups to consider and to provide for. They needed to come to a decision and she hoped the two most intelegent minds on this godforsaken clump of dirt, could come to one.
