
Something Ugly This Way Comes...


07-10-2013, 09:32 PM

His brain supplied him that it was cold, the next, equally impressive thought to filter through his brain was that he shouldn't care. He had dealt with a great deal more hardships than this. The near adult was a cynical, cunning thing. His mother had taught him everything from how to fight dirty, to catching fish in the stream, there was not a skill set out there that he wasn't at least halfway decent in. Dillinger poured his heart into training all to please his mother... he had assumed doing as such would make her proud, would make her ecstatic... but the woman had grown complacent, sure his training was going well, but to what point and purpose was he training? Wasn't it she who always told him stories of her years as an assassin? What had happened to her? Had her proverbial balls dropped off?

A wicked curling of his lips had the onyx lad moving further and further away from Seracia, his mother could be complacent all she wished, that didn't mean he had to follow in her footsteps. He would be better than her, a better killer, a stronger assassin, a more well known name, he would not fade as another nameless spawn among the masses, he would rise to become great. His mother had joined Seracia, the boy had had no choice and at the time, had been too young to have an opinion.

He wasn't grown yet, only reaching three seasons old, but he would not be content exchanging pleasantries with the bastards of Seracia, they bowed down to a king and what made that king so much better than he? A fatter cock and a look of royalty? He huffed a snort, drowning out the giggles of delight! No... Dillinger would never fall beneath the rule of another, even if he made it as a loner the rest of his days. A snap, a crackle came from the surrounding territory and the onyx pup turned. Who, might he wonder, would stumble upon him now?



07-10-2013, 10:09 PM

The cool spring air, caressed his fur, drawing him out- into the day. Snow had melted in patches, revealing beneath them the green grass that promised summer. He had journeyed north, out of mere boredom, his stride lazy, taking meals and shelter when he was hungry, and tired. He didn?t feel much, reacting to everything on instinct, taking great care to keep emotion void in his life. He didn?t need a family, he didn?t need friends. He needed no one, other than himself.

Calm easy strides, took him over the ground. He need not rush, he had arrived at the edge that was known as the frozen fields, and he wasn?t alone. A stick snapped under his paw, and he froze, pausing to take in the appearance of the ebony wolf. The other wolf was young, no more than a pup. What was he doing out here alone? Few times, had no malice crossed his features. He looked at the young wolf impassively, as he approached him, his oddly colored orbs observing him.

Ivory jaws parted, and he asked softly. ?Are you alone??

Ooc; possible cree feels? What the hell?



07-10-2013, 11:20 PM

Dillingers body curved an an ark, he wasn't fully grown only bottoming out at about half his normal height, when he grew to his full potential, he would be a towering monstrosity, but for now, he was still young. Eyes dark enough to appear black his gaze burrowed into the trees, tail twitching absently back and forth, his mind swirled with possibilities, dancing with demons as he anticipated what nightmare would find him. Excitement thrummed through his veins, replacing the fear and by the time the stranger made their presence known... Dillinger was near vibrating with excitement.

The stranger was his polar opposite, ivory white, with a bright and colorful mismatched gaze, Dillinger was darkness, a blanket of onyx comprised his coat, and his eyes were the blackest of ink. They studied one another for a moment, seemingly sizing the other up, it was the alabaster brute that would break the silence first, slowly speaking in a low tone. His question brought forth a grin from the smaller, his plume danced behind his hocks, and his oculars twinkled with dark humor. His lyrics would spill forth low and quiet. ?That depends on whether or not you are a hallucination.? His words were filled with silent mirth, obviously bemused by his own witty charm.



07-11-2013, 11:38 AM

?That depends on whether or not you are a hallucination.?

The words brought a chuckle from the beast, the pup had spirit- Creedance liked that. The large beast rested back on his haunches, watching the pup- contemplating. ?Rest assured, I am not a hallucination.? His words were a rumble, quiet that erupted from deep within his chest. He felt something strange when he looked at this young wolf all alone. Such a strange emotion. A sigh escaped his jaws, his ears flicking with the slight whoosh that left him. He wondered why a young wolf would be out here alone? Had he gotten lost? That surely wouldn?t be good for him.

Wait? Was he contemplating helping him? What the fuck? ?It would do a young wolf well, not to stray from their home. Who knows what darkness awaits out here to corrupt them..? His words were low, a warning, a dire warning. Vaguely, he knew he most likely wouldn?t deliberately hurt the pup- no, he?d have to be in a fit of rage to do that. Shit, even he had some sort of moral. Killing a helpless healer? No problem, but to kill a pup, particularly a pup that spoke to some strange part of him.. Perhaps he could not do that?


07-11-2013, 11:55 AM

Dillinger was at an awkward stage with his size. His limbs were gangly and long, his torso thin and curvaceous... but his musculature had not yet caught up with him. Thin and gangly his body bent at an arch, ears swiveling a top his skull to catch every miniscule sound that slipped from this strangers maw. It seems his words had pleased him, dark laughter fell from the mans lips and Dillinger grinned. ?Its good to know I have not yet lost my mind...? The rather droll response came quickly. His tail flickering behind his hocks, as he waited for the gent to speak.

Speak he did, a warning, a threat, and quite possibly an invitation. Head careening to the right the pup contemplated his answer. This was a game, was he seeking an answer of acceptance or defiance? Oh, Dillinger loved a challenge. The cogs in his brain churned and he licked his chops once, ideas and thoughts churning through his brain. Slowly, he reclined to his haunches, tail coiling around his hind leg before answering. ?Perhaps thats why I left my home, to face the darkness, to conquer it, no one has ever achieved greatness riding on their mothers coattails. I'm not afraid.? The words were spoken with strength, his mother had taught him better than that.
