
I'm back Bitches! (re joining)


07-13-2013, 10:10 AM

Walking in this land once more seemed like something that is no longer the same. Tikaani soon came to the boarder of her home pack, she was a loaner now, but as much as she wanted this when she was a pup she no longer desires to be alone. Tikaani was two now and she knew it was time to rejoin her birth pack. If they take her in or not it was up to them, but she knew that Tortuga was the only pack for her. Her green eyes scanned the land of Tortuga and with one breath in she stepped over the boarders. The scent of Tortuga lingered all around her and a faded scent was still on her.

Ears swiveled on top of her head as she looked around the area, it was all so familiar, but yet so different. Her tail swayed gently as she shifted her weight from one side to the other. It was time to call out the alpha of this land, and she will only speak with the alphas,. She raised her muzzle to the sky and howled"I call out the Alphaness of this land my she come forth" Her voice was strong and determined, what happened to her the time she was gone will remain a mystery.

Tikaani lowered her head her eyes were strong, cold, and had a hint of kindness in them, but not much. She still had the ties of who she liked to call family, with in her heart, but that is all that will remain in her heart. The door way to her heart is iced over and covered with chains, if you are not in their already, then well there is no way in hell you will get in. She sighed and stood their waiting for the alpaness to show.


Rune I


5 Years
07-18-2013, 05:36 PM

Walk | "Talk" | Think

"I wouldn't bother."

A young wolf, a season out of puphood, stood just beside the invisible border that the other had crossed. His black dipped paws were comfortable in their placement though his head was lowered warily, showing the place where the black stripe upon his spine started and spread across the pale grey of his coat. His eyes, a frosty, light blue, met her single green eye without wavering. Why worry when they were both loners, devoid of a pack and ties to illicit offense? In fact, if the stale scent about her golden brown coat was any indication at all, they had been comrades once, both members of the old Tortuga and what they had stood for.

But both were out of house and home. After the disbandment of the once grand pack, Rune had wandered, sticking close to the only home he had known and hoping that his family might have been near. He longed to see his brother and sister again, to have another quiet moment with his mother, for his father to divulge to him another secret knowledge that only he could share. But they were lost to him presently, gone somewhere that he hadn't a clue how to follow. For all he knew, it was as if they had simply vanished off the face of the earth and left him behind. So he had clung to the only other thing that he had grown familiar with, the Mount Volkan, and haunted its borders just as badly as the new "Tortugan" wolves did.

And having spotted another from those old days, recognizing her demeanor as completely opposite of the laughable creatures who lived there now, Rune had been confident that this here was still someone with a like mind. He had been too curious to sit in the shadows, and so he had shown himself, as he was currently doing.

The golden female was larger than himself, older even, sporting a taller frame that was no more muscular than his own but that he had a feeling she was more experienced in using. Angering her seemed a dangerous game to play. "Nothing but snow birds wintering here right now," he explained rather cryptically, inclined to sit down but resisting just on the off chance he may have upset the girl in some way. As if to further clarify his statement, he added lowly, "Tortuga isn't what it was."


07-20-2013, 04:06 PM
holy tits on a stick, thank you muse ♥

The enigmatic scenery haunted her, bringing back the memories of those that were long gone and unfortunately unobtainable in the afterlife. It was obvious that his memory would forever plague her, and his memory was accompanied by the former Tortuga that had been detonated by the constant shift between placid superiors that had all attempted to warp the once-glorious pack into something unfamiliar ? something that it would never and should never become. Now that she grasped the power of the pack in her tight clutches, unwilling to release the reigns of control, she would attempt to rebirth the pack as it once was on its path to redemption ? that was the sole thing she would ensure. She had been gifted with a second chance to prove her competence and she would be damned if she complied with having it slip between her paws.

A demand for her presence greeted her triangular ears, a singular brow quirking upon her forehead as she digested the familiar vocals that she could only assume were within the boundaries of her realm due to its volume. Irritation surged briefly throughout her interior as she realized that whoever desired she make an appearance had disrespected the notice of her domineering scent at the borders, but she allowed it to brush off her shoulders, instead hauling herself to her dainty paws as she traversed in the direction the summon had been emitted from. As she approached the scene from behind, her metallic eyes fell upon not one, but two invaders that both appeared fairly young in age, and before she made her presence known to the duo, she rooted herself behind a dense bush, obscuring herself from the view of the others while they conversed, intent upon hearing what they had to say. Curiosity struck her as she listened to the young male speak his piece, deciphering that he had once belonged to the pack that she now reigned Imperial over. Once his vocals ceased their flow, she stepped out into the clearing, revealing herself to the both of them while solemn words vacated her jaws: ?He is right ? Tortuga is no longer what it once was.? She strode nearer to them both, her stance entirely neutral as she maneuvered to their front silently. ?It is no longer the joke that it?s been for the past few months,? she stated firmly, allowing her gaze to sweep between the verdant and cerulean of the former Tortugans? before she placed her rump into the weathered earth, plush tendril of a tail flicking idly. ?I will inform you both that Desdemona and the behemoth king are no more ? it is now I who sits at Tortuga?s head once more.? How they would react to this new bit of information, she knew not, nor did she know if they would even recognize her as the woman who had shared the power of Tortuga with Kaien so many months ago.



07-20-2013, 09:25 PM

Whom approached her was not someone that she was hoping for, not someone who she knew before she vanished from the pack. Her eyes landed upon the male whom was not more than her age at least. This brute showed no hostility to her, but the stance of defense still radiated off of her. Who was this brute that stood before her, he seemed familiar to her but not at the same time. Many words rushed through her mind as she looked over the male. Then the silence was broken by the words of him, he spoke of disastrous changes with in Tortuga, that it was not what it was before. Her ears perked up as she looked at the male, this was something that she was not prepared to hear. 'So who was in control now? What changes dose this brute mean, how much has changed?' Before Tikkani could answer him, a dame soon came out from behind. Her eye landed on her and the sight that she saw shocked her."Morphine." She said in a low whisper. The sight was something that shocked her, Tikaani knew that with the presence of morphine here, and what the brute said about change. This must be one of the changes that he met.

Before Tikaani could speak her question was answered by Morphine, Tikaani waited for her to finish speaking before she spoke. "So it is you Morphine who has taken the opportunity to snatch the rank of Alpha when things were the bleakest."She spoke as she too took a seat upon the ground and looked between the brute and the new alpha of Tortuga. Tikaani's ears swiveled as she begun to talk once more."So Morphine if you may tell me the details of what had happened to my birth pack of Tortuga" She said waiting for morphine to reply to what she had said.


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Rune I


5 Years
07-21-2013, 09:35 PM

Walk | "Talk" | Think

An unexpected voice, strangely familiar, startled the youthful male into turning quickly at its sound, focused blue eyes directing themselves toward her. They blinked in surprise. Morphine! He didn't quite recognize her right away, though the white pelt and startlingly pale eyes did ring a bell of recognition somewhere in his mind. He could almost picture her, seated at the head of a gathering of wolves, another white creature at her side. Her name came second, an afterthought that materialized itself into what it was. This was her, the Vecaan who had ruled when he had been a mere pup inside of the Tortuga, the original ruler of the pack as far as he was concerned.

She strolled casually into their midst, addressing the both of them as she took a seat and let her pale eyes drift between them. Rune didn't follow suit as Tikaani did, still standing uncertainly upon his paws. What did she mean that she was now the leader of this territory? To his knowledge the snow birds from the north had come in and taken over. But, perhaps belatedly, he realized that their scent was faint, drifting away, not quite yet replaced but not as strong as it should have been. This change must have been very recent then. And he wasn't at all certain what to make of it.

Letting the bolder, outspoken, and larger female answer, Rune took his usual place as second fiddle, listening and observing while his thoughts continued to churn. If Morphine was back, then did that mean the rest of the old Tortugan wolves would return as well? Did this mean his family might be coming back soon too? He wanted very much to stay with them and had been doing his best to stick close to their original home in the hopes of finding them. Morphine had been tolerant so far, showing no aggression to them though they were here upon her territory. Was this a subtle invitation? A test? Did it hold any significance at all?

Sensing a story to come as Tikaani asked about the history of the Tortuga in the recent months, Rune remained silent and listening, willing to stay silent in the hopes that he might have his thoughts gathered enough to speak by the time he was given a chance to.


07-22-2013, 07:51 PM
holy tits on a stick, thank you muse ♥

Her ears gave minute flicks in the direction of the young brute and wench individually as they both addressed her by her given moniker, deriving the faintest trace of curiosity from the porcelain countenance of the ice queen in the form of furrowed brows. Their tones oozed bewilderment, both audible whispers that easily portrayed their confusion with her abrupt presence; as far as the pallid wraith was concerned, their reactions were justifiable due to the fact that she had previously been forbidden to return to Tortuga?s realm under Desdemona?s rule, subject to be slaughtered should she have shown head or tail upon the territory. But Desdemona had been usurped, and with it, the viper?s punishment had been reduced to naught, leaving the tables turned in Morphine?s favor. Now it was the behemoth ex-sovereign?s skull that was wanted to adorn the borderline of Tortuga?s domain whether or not she stumbled into the territory, but the wraith and her favorite lackey already had that mission covered ? or so the ice queen believed.

Metallic eyes traced along the curvature of each outsider?s physique as the pallid bitch attempted to familiarize herself with their forms, recognizing the young duo of invaders to be of Tortugan origin at the conclusion of her brief examination. Although the female?s visage was heavily lacerated to display her feats in combat and to mask her identity, there was no denying that Morphine had viewed the intricate bands of sable wrapped about the ankles previously ? this woman had attended many a pack meeting, but the wraith had never truly acquainted herself with the tattered fiend. There was slight complication in identifying the young male, however, for she had only encountered him during a meeting when he was naught but a mere babe ? now a fully developed wolf of a presumably impressive caliber.

The earthy-toned woman chimed in with accusatory vocals, causing a mischievous smirk to contort the queen?s immaculate visage with evident amusement in the girl?s choice of words. ?That?s me,? she admitted with a feigned tone of guilt, raising her right forepaw from the earth sheepishly. She allowed the paw to descend to its original perch as the woman mimicked her seating position, alerting Morphine to the fact that she had no intention of fleeing so quickly; but the male refused to budge, simply maintaining a stagnant focus upon her. The girl fully captivated the queen?s attention as she spoke again with the hopes of extracting desired information, and Morphine inhaled deeply, collecting her thoughts as she prepared her speech to fulfill the request made of her. ?I do not know if either of you remained in Tortuga as Desdemona rose to power, so I will start there. I am only aware of the fact that she had challenged Kaien at the battlefield a few seasons ago, killing him upon his wishes and then banishing me from returning here. As for what happened during her reign, I?m not certain, but if it?s dire that you must know, Viridiana resides here and would be able to relay that to you better than I ever could.? Of course, both she and Vi were biased towards the reign of Desdemona, but the youth did not need to know that. ?Tortuga then disbanded under Desdemona not long ago, and another band of rogues marched into here and stole the pack before anyone else really could. That didn?t last long, however. As you can see, they are gone with the wind.? She nodded momentarily as if to confirm her speech had concluded, the amusement vanished from her countenance entirely, leaving nothing but blankness in its wake. She had relayed to them all she could without utilizing deception for she did not feel the need to ? she had not been the bad guy in all of this and so would not need to portray herself in any other way.



07-27-2013, 05:36 AM

The russet dame looked at morphine, who had explained what was going on in the pack. It seems that The once strong pack of Tortuga, well not that strong, but that is beside the point. It had crumbled under many loose columns, and now those who were left were left with the task of picking up the pieces of those who abandoned Tortuga. Her green eye looked at the male who remained standing, was he that keen in leavening, on guard so badly. Her ears layed back not in anger or aggression but more in listening to the surrounding behind her. Tikaani soon brought her attention back to Morphine, who finished talking about the events that went about when she was absent.

"So I see that the fallen of Tortuga was both a blessing and a curse. It is not once as strong as it use to be, not as strong like it was when I was a mere pup. So morphine tell me what are your intentions of this pack. What plans do you hold for the future of Tortuga." The words calmly flowed out of her mouth as she curled her tail around her paws, this day she knew would be an interesting one. Her head turned to look at the male who had not said a single word since this conversation started.Tikaani was not sure if he had no opinion on the matter, or did he not care as to what happened. What ever it was it was non of Tikaani's business as to what his reasons were.

She looked at the dame and decided to introduce her self to both of them. It seems that Morphine was not fully sure who she was, but maybe she would know her bitch mother, and that might trigger something, or she hoped."I don't think I have introduced my self. My name is Tikaani the daughter of Antiva." She spoke as she looked from morphine to the male, her look stated if he needed to speak now would be good. She soon looked back at Morphine waiting for her to respond to her statements. So what was it that she wanted to join back in her old pack and make it strong once more. Just like it was back in the older lands.


Rune I


5 Years
08-02-2013, 11:10 PM

Walk | "Talk" | Think

It was always interesting to hear the stories of others regarding something that he knew from personal experience. They never tended to be exactly what he recalled, and many times included details that he had missed in his own skewed observations. His attention to these details kept him enraptured as Morphine went about explaining what she knew of the recent happenings to the once proud pack of the Tortuga, mentioning her own fallout as Vecaan, the appointment of Desdemona as their new leader, her own subsequent fall, the unexpected arrival of the snow birds, and then her current appearance. It was strange how all of it had happened. Most of all was the sudden disappearance of the northerners leaving so soon after their arrival. But it was only their loss as far as he was concerned; perhaps even his gain if things went right.

He had no idea what to think of Morphine taking up leadership once more. He had always supposed her a good leader during his youth, but even after the span of only a year his perceptions had changed. If she had been so easily usurped by Desdemona, who was to say the same would not happen this time around, or worse because their numbers were so few? Did this put them at an even worse risk for encroachment from others or even another challenge for leadership? All were thoughts that coursed through his mind as the lovely white wolf ended her explanation, his brow still creased with thought though his lips remained as unmoving and silent as ever.

Tikaani recovered much more quickly, her thoughts gathered easily and sensibly into the sort of response he supposed was acceptable for the story just told. And, surprising him, she voiced a valid, important concern. Exactly what did Morphine intend to do with the pack now that she had it again? Was there any new plans in mind to prevent what happened last time from happening again? Would they need to live in worry that their lives might be turned upside down at any moment? All were thoughts he had already wondered and feared, and with a bit of effort he quelled them, drawing in a slow breath and attempting to ease the tension upon his brow. No sense getting defensive about a home and a life that were no longer his. All he could hope for was to someday return to that sense of comfort and complacency either here, in the New Tortuga, or elsewhere, preferably among his family.

The grey youth's frosty blue eyes caught the sudden glance from the russet female, realizing in that moment that her introduction was certainly an easy way for him to get his in as well. He cleared his throat gently, moving his pale gaze from Tikaani to the once-and-again leader of the Tortuga. Did she remember him? Probably not. He had been nothing but a scrawny youth when she had last seen him, he supposed, and though he had filled out quite a bit since then he was still far from the full figured wolf he had every intention of being. "I'm Rune," he stated lowly and without fanfare, before adding belatedly, "son of Kylar and Secret." Maybe Morphine remembered his parents if she did not remember him. He knew nothing of where those wolves had gone, only hoped to one day find them all again, but for the time being he could only cling to them by name, bringing their presences with him here should they be of any help to him.