


07-10-2013, 04:39 PM

It was an absolutely beautiful day, birds sang and cried, twining in the summer sky in some unwritten dance. A soft gentle breeze kept one mildly sheltered from the sweltering rays of the sun, not a cloud marred that beautiful crystalline blue sky. If there could be a single image to define the word beauty,this would most assuredly be that image, flowers were beginning to bloom, trees were stained a bright and vibrant green. Squirrels scurried up trees, leaping from branch to branch. Rabbits and hares made their presence known, soft pink noses popping out of their hidey holes. Blissful, peaceful, perfect.

But then the tides began to change, waves began to crash, the skies began to darker, and something entirely ferocious and utterly pissed because an overwhelming sense of foreboding flooded the forest. The earth trembled, the sky shook, animals scrambled to move out of the way of the rampaging hurricane that struck the earth with blinding fury. The perfect world was shattered destroyed by something far more venomous.

Paws smashed against the earth, smashing down the life that grew with such gentle hope, claws tore into the moist soil, ripping the plants from their home and sending them careening through the air as a heavy, muscular bodice commanded more. More speed, more power, more poise. Striking with a fury unseen the dame propelled herself forward, a blur of mix-matched colors and nothing more. Plume acting like a counterweight, balanced her and followed its mistress over shrubbery and between trees. Her lips were pulled back heavy, an angry snarl billowing from her larynx like a promise of death and pain. Eyes narrowed into a ferocious glare, she tracked him with a determination unbridled.

He had cheated on her, he had betrayed her and he would rue the day he ever met her, she would be certain of it. His scent grew stronger and her ferocious gait grew even faster, her snarl morphing into an utter roar. His pelt erupted into her visage and that roar morphed into a blood thirsty demand of his name, before she lunged. For a brief instant, time stood still as he jaws splayed wide and her forelimbs stretched forward, to sink into his shoulder, a second later, her jaws had clamped around the nape of his neck and her talons had sunk true and Creedance was toppled, the two of them slamming and then rolling from the sheer momentum she had initiated in her attack. She would kill him for this.

(((OOC: Ok Roams, this thread is for you and me to get all the aggressions out! Just as you give me permission to powerplay Creedance, I give you permission to do the same to Amaranth. And. Here. We. Go. )))



07-10-2013, 05:08 PM

Such a perfect morning, a beautiful spring day, it had all be ripped to shreds. It seemed that heaven had descended into hell, and that his fellow demons had been set free. He wasn?t prepared for the wolf that slammed into him, and her scent did surprise him- though in seconds that surprise had turned into absolute rage. Her momentum carried them both to the ground, slamming into it with such ferocity his breath escaped him. Alabaster form writhed underneath her, jaws snapping attempting to latch onto anything- anything.

What in the fuck was her problem? A snarl ripped from his chest, as he bit down, feeling her in his- jaws tasting her. Just like that, the assault was almost orgasmic. Using his moment, he rolled the pair, trying to get on top of her, trying to get the upper hand. His head thrashed, biting down into her, tearing her. Grunts escaped him, at her assault, and the words were broken as he ground them out between bites and snarls. ?What. The. Hell. Amaranth?? He was actually bewildered, and wasn?t sure what she was on about now. However, that didn?t mean that he was going to take her beating sitting down. He?d fight back, just as furiously, and pray that this landed with him getting some. Otherwise, it may be a damn near waste if valuable time.

He could remember who they were before their lives were torn apart. He would never be able to forget it. He also knew that there was no way that they would ever go back to that- they could never be those two joyful happy wolves again. Instead, like now, the tides of Creedance and Amaranth would roll, clashing like thunder and shaking the earth to its very core.


07-10-2013, 05:21 PM

Rolling and smashing into the grass, her spine took the full brunt of the force as she took Creedance with her, she would not rest, she was not done, Jaws releasing and snapping, their teeth clanged together, pain and power fed her adrenaline like the most devilish of narcotics. His canines slid across the roof of her mouth, they vanished only to come and tear gashes through her face. Her vision darkened, seeing red again, owning it, becoming it, Her claws ripped free of his flesh and her own jaws lowered to snap and pull at anything she could wind her teeth around, the scent of blood and pain and everything that comprised Creedance hit her like a freight train and her blood lust... just plain lust, sky rocketed.

They struggled snarling, snapping, clawing, biting, her pelt was stained red and she doubted his looked any better. Blinding rage and utter madness encompassed her as she tore at him with the same ferocity as those whom had raped her. She would rip his flesh from his muscles, she would suck the marrow from his bones, she would destroy him if it killed her and he would know pain, he would know pain as he had never known it before. Renewed and invigorated, she felt his talons lash out across her chest, she felt his skin split when her own tore deep within him.

?You betrayed me, you miserable bastard! No one betrays me!?, The scream of raw malice spewed from her inky black lips and tainted the air around them as she came at him again and again. Pain and lust and hatred and indescribable pleasure tainting the air. She would have him. He. Was. Hers.
