
Dinner and a Show


07-10-2013, 11:32 AM

Audits careened forward, gaze intense, muscles locked. Her fur ruffled, crinkling with delight as the goddess paced forward. Slender bodice would lower to the ground, claws scraping against the dirt with purpose and stride. Her tail flickered behind her, taunting, powerful. The rabbit paused, its furry head of white peeking up and glancing about the area wearily, it could sense its impending doom, it merely couldn't see her. It resumed it grazing of the grasses and ferns and she lunged, slender bodice propelling through the air, she would land with a crunch as the creature screamed and the chase began. It scrambled to avoid her snapping jaws, but not quite quick enough. Jaws clamped down aroung the back of the rabbits skull and its vertebrae, cracking it in half. The creature fell limp within her grasp, dangling lifelessly and Elphaba paused.

Lowering her torso to the ground, she balanced the creature between her paws and began devouring her precious prize, allowing her mind to travel. She had never been particularly good at expressing emotion or feeling, but they twisted and careened within her abdomen now. She liked Gerhardt, she respected him as a leader, someone worthy of fighting tooth and claw for, he was brave, understanding, caring, and harsh when he needed to be, she enjoyed that aspect of him, probably more than she was willing to admit, she buried her fangs in the soft, meaty part of the rabbits thigh and scowled. He was a good friend and nothing more. His ex was constantly distracting him, pulling him away for one reason or another, she couldn't help but assume he still possessed feelings for her, and even if he hadn't he wouldn't look twice at her, she knew that. A growl threatened to rumble up through her larynx but she suppressed it.

She supposed it mattered little, what was done, was done and she would never have him, she needed to stop living in such a ridiculous fantasy, it was time for her to grow back up. A rustling of something approaching her, caught her hypersensitive ears and they swiveled forward, Golden eyes teeming with something unreadable as she waited for this creature to approach her.



07-10-2013, 12:22 PM
Elphaba. He?d found himself saying her name in his sleep. Her face haunted his dreams. He shook his head, amethyst eyes opening to the world around him. He hadn?t seen her in a while ? but that could be attributed to the fact that he hadn?t honestly been looking ? and he?d been away for the better part of a week with his son. In fact, he?d only just returned when the challenge had been given by Adette. Remarkably he?d walked away unscathed, without having to fight his ex-wife, but he knew she?d be back. Now that that matter was settled (for the time being) Gerhardt could focus on his ultimate plan. How exactly it would go down and on what time schedule he did not know, but he would set it forth and let the cards fall as they willed.

He twisted and rose to his paws, a groan lingering in his trachea as he did so. He felt old, even though by all means of measurement he was in exactly his prime. He knew it was because he constantly ran himself ragged for Seracia?s sake. Well, no more. It was time he thought about himself ? if only briefly. Soon enough he could think about himself all he wanted, when Maverick took the throne. He slithered from the confines of his den, realizing he?d slept far later than he?d intended. Poetic justice in the making. The King sauntered through his territory, deciding to place a marker here and there, but with the full intention of hunting down the black beauty that he couldn?t quite manage to shake from his frontal lobe.

A smile bloomed across his mask as, remarkably, he found her. Her scent gave her away far before his eyes fell upon her, and he took no measures to distract from his approach. Instead he moved through the grass and brush at a brusque pace, finding her about to enjoy a recently killed rabbit. ?Congratulations,? he offered her as his eyes glanced briefly at the kill. ?They can be tricky little pests.? Rabbits had always been one of the more difficult prey for him to catch. They were quick on their feet, where he was not quite as nimble. ?I wonder if you might enjoy some company?? Inquisitive tones rang out, though he did not make a move. If she would rather enjoy her meal alone, he would leave her be until a more opportune time. Tail fluttered between his hocks casually as he waited.


07-10-2013, 12:37 PM

She pondered why she was so drawn to the King, she rarely made snap decisions and yet, when he had offered him his home, she had taken her oath near immediate. There was something about him that soothed her, something that made her want to leave the past behind and actually try to make something of herself, something better, something not so...broken. He was there for her, if she needed it, she knew that all too well, but he had never nor had he ever pried. A friend when one needed it and a phantom when one needed time to think. He didn't have to speak, he understood her flawlessly, even with all of her bizarre and odd habits. She would never regret her decision to serve beneath his banner, he was, quite honestly, the best thing that had ever happened in her life.

She paused in her meal as the rustling grew louder, it would be a Seracian no doubt and if it wasn't they would meet her tooth and fang at the ready. The coppery tang of blood had dulled her senses, and she couldn't discern who it was right off the bat but she would be ready. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on which way you looked at it, the very source of all of her turmoil gently appeared before, materializing with grace that only kings possessed. For a moment she stayed silent, wondering what it was he wished of her. Was it time to track down the bull? Was he here to ask for her aide? Forgetting her own curiosities, she dipped her cranium, offering him a humble bow of respect. Before she could speak, he beat her too it.

A gentle smile would pull at her lips as he complimented her, and she dipped her head again, eyes sparkling with just a hint of humor. ?Apparently being of smaller stature has its perks on occasion.? She answered him teasingly, the light in her eyes and the gentle smile upon her maw, showing her words were not to be taken too seriously. Her plume, flickered behind her, coiling around her haunches, she nudged the carcass towards the King, despite her turmoil, she was in a good mood, the king, or so it seemed, brought a great deal more than just good company. ?Your presence is always welcome with me Gerhardt, would you care to dine with me?? She had caught the rabbit more for sport than for a good meal, and she was more than willing to share.



07-10-2013, 04:58 PM
Despite everything, all she had shared with him, it would never be in his nature to see her as broken or incomplete. Gerhardt saw her for what she was, a dedicated warrior, a loyal friend, and a special woman that he would regret losing. Quirks or not, the woman was a diamond in the ruff ? and quite frankly he?d always been attracted to those. Lately he?d been thinking about her quite often, and determining just what it was that prevented him from pursuing her. He knew it was Seracia and the weight of it all on his shoulders. However, as he now had a means of dealing with that, Gerhardt was sure that he didn?t have to restrain himself any longer ? nor did he want to.

Those golden eyes of hers, he?d almost forgotten how brilliant they were, how remarkable. The way she teased him, it was different than how others did. ?Apparently so,? he would respond with absolute certainty. While his girth was helpful in battle, it was hardly superb in the realm of hunting. Ah well, everyone had a cross to bear. He watched, puzzled as she nosed the kill toward him. ?I would like nothing more, but I do insist that the hunter take what she wants first.? He would eat whatever was left out of courtesy alone. He wasn?t very hungry, but it would be a good excuse to linger in her presence for more than just a few moments. He dipped his head and nosed the kill back to her, refusing to take a bite until she?d gotten her fill. Pride wasn?t always a horrible attribute.

There was a certain radiance in his eyes that had not been there before, that seemed to only be there when he was in her presence. He rocked forward into a laying position, casually relaxing in front of her while she made her choice of flesh. ?I trust you heard of the mock-challenge?? In all honesty, she could have even been there. He hadn?t paid much attention to those that gathered in his honor.


07-10-2013, 05:48 PM

She had expected him, perhaps to come to her to vent, to blow off steam. He had done so before in the past and she had always sat and listened, no matter what ailed him, he knew he could vent to her, never had she judged him, nor would she. It was not her place to judge him, not when she had so many flaws herself. If she was a diamond in the rough... she was one that sorely needed polishing. Her gaze flickered between two piercing amethysts, her tail contemplatively coiling back and forth, anxious, nervous, she forced the motion to stop. He seemed bemused by her teasing and she relaxed, if only slightly.

Tentatively her teeth tore once more into the rabbit a gentle smile drifting across her maw as she chewed the hare slowly, savoring its taste. She didn't find it odd that Gerhardt had come to see her seemingly out of nowhere, she enjoyed his company, and secretly she wished he would come to find her more often. It was... nice relaxing like this, good company was so hard to find these days. She took a few more generous bites, before offering him the rest, willing him to lay down, there was no need to remain standing, he may as well relax. ?You are kind, thank you.? She murmured softly, tongue escaping her maw, to clean her lips.

His next inquiry, surprised her and that reflected on her face before she quickly masked it, muscles tensing ever so slightly. These were the words the oddly colored dame, didn't want to hear, this was where he would announce that she would be returning, that she would rule beside him and happily ever after would return to the kingdom. She didn't want those words to leave his larynx but she braced herself for their coming. She would continue to serve him just as loyally as she ever had, Elphaba never broke her promises, and when she returned Elphaba would bow, accepting her as the new Queen, even when it stabbed her heart. She swallowed the last bit of hare, unable to enjoy it at all. ?Yes... I was there, I would have fought for you in a heartbeat had you wished it of me.? Her words were slow and deliberate, every syllable thought out and sure. Everything boiled down to his next few words.
