


07-08-2013, 05:20 PM
holy tits on a stick, thank you muse ♥

Although spring had supplied the island with warmer climates and dense vegetation, still frigid and almost unaccommodating temperatures dominated the northern region where her current pack was situated. She had never taken up residence in the north-most parts of the island nor had she ever desired to, but she supposed in due time she would grow familiar with the biting winds that licked so vehemently at her heels ? but it all depended on when she felt comfortable enough in her ability to battle the current and foreign king of Tortuga that had so generously usurped Desdemona. Still she was eager to repossess what had been forced from her clutches, but she was all the more tentative as well for she had no idea as to what the brutish goliath was capable of. For all the pallid fiend knew, he could have been a seasoned assassin, trained in the art of murder and willing to slay any who posed a challenge to his rule ? the petite babe included. Fear had almost crept into her mind a multitude of times to tweak her ambitions to appeal her own safety, but of course, her stubborn nature would prevail. If she were to die at the clutches of the behemoth king, it would be while fighting for something she was intent upon receiving, so her death would be shameless if she were to lose ? at least in her own eyes.

She approached the scene of the shipwreck she had encountered many months ago when she had first met Newt Saxe ? the monster her serpent queen had defeated. Leisurely, she strolled to its submerged head, planting her rump into the frozen terrain as her pupils scavenged the plains of the ship, in silent contemplation of her future endeavors. Perhaps things would end up in her favor, but only time would be able to tell. For now, she was a sitting duck to whatever punishment she would bring upon herself once her challenge was up in the air.
