
It's a revolution, I suppose


07-08-2013, 04:59 PM

It was a cloudy day in Alacritis, but the green-eyed fea had yet to see a single drop of rain. The clouds just hung in the sky, darkening the sun and shading the whole prairie. It was just enough to dampen the mostly white wolf's mood. On top of that, she hadn't seen a single wolf in days. The friendly, personable, affectionate wolf that she was didn't like being on her own for long stretches of time. She hadn't seen a fea nor brute of any sort, which she thought was awfully strange for the normally busy lands that she called her home.

She turned her attention to her surroundings, looking across the wide open prairie that had only the occasional tree or rock to block her view. Now that spring had returned to Alacritis, the snow was almost completely gone and wild flowers had sprung up here and there around her, bringing color to the landscape. It was a pretty sight, to say the least, but Euphrosyne wasn't entirely sure why she was here. With no one looking out for her and no one to answer to, the fea usually let her paws take her where they pleased. She was a free spirit, wandering across the continent to see what she could find. It had been too long since the lonely fea had been with a companion, however. She had seen her share of friends and partners come and go, and it was time for her to find someone new. She made her way over to one of the only trees in the prairie and sat under it, waiting there for a while to see if something interesting would wander by.



07-08-2013, 05:16 PM

He needed some fresh ass, some other bitch instead of his sister. As great as it was to always have Cataleya to come back to every night to fuck to his heart's content -whatever he had left of it of course, since he was a heartless bastard-, it was getting pretty boring. He had already broken his sister's body in, her body was accustomed to his rough handling, both with his teeth and other body parts. He wanted something new, something fresh, something tight. And so he was out again, wandering, trying to find some unsuspecting bitch that he could fuck and break in for himself. Although he wished to find a virgin, that way he could rip her open with his massive size, any female that wasn't was just fine for him. As long as it was a stranger, one he'd never tried before. Arousal stirred the member between his thighs as he padded through the unfamiliar landscape, cyan gems dancing across the blooming field, hunting. There had to be females around here somewhere.

Powerful limbs carried the hellion through the prairies, massive frame carving a path through the blooming flora, muzzle wrinkling in disgust at their scents. Damn flowers. Good for nothing. But among the insistent scents of the flowers came the delicate scent of a female. She wasn't in heat, but Demyan didn't care. Fresh ass. Just what the doctor ordered. Agile limbs redirected the knight in his path, carrying him towards the dame he'd scented. Lusty gaze spotted a woman up ahead, an ivory, russet marked silhouette catching his attention. Pale lips twitched into a cocky grin as he sidled up to his potential fuck buddy, tones husky and seductive as he called out to the woman. Looks like you could use some company there. He rumbled, coming to stop a few yards away, gaze lingering over her svelte figure, the spark of arousal turning into a flame that quickly rushed across his body, making him acutely aware that a friend of his was stirring.

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07-08-2013, 09:29 PM

Euphrosyne had been sitting at her post under the lone tree for a while and was about to give up on it and move on, but a movement in the grasses caught her eye. She watched as a large, no, huge wolf came toward her. The brute was larger than any wolf she had ever seen. Not only that, but he had made a beeline for her through the prairie grasses. That look on his face and the tone of this voice was unmistakable. She knew exactly what he wanted from her. Now, she was surely no stranger to a brute's company, but she didn't think she had ever had a brute be so open about what he was after. It was almost refreshing in its own way. She was intrigued at least and she she was never one to turn down willing company.

She grinned and stood, telling him, "Well, I certainly wouldn't turn it away. It's awfully lonely out here by myself." She let her voice have a touch of that smooth, alluring tone to match his seductive voice. She took a few steps toward him, shortening the distance between them, but still not quite closing it. He towered over her average height, making her have to look up at him slightly. It was strange, meeting someone so much larger than her, but it didn't bother her. She had to wonder, however, if all of him was that large. The passing thought made her smirk. "I'm Euphrosyne, but please feel free to call Euph. Or Syne. Or pretty much anything other than Euphrosyne," she said with a chuckle.



07-08-2013, 10:08 PM

She wasn't anything unique, her pelt a shade lighter than his sister's, but he had to admit that the russet markings along her legs and face did give her a rather exotic look, not to mention her stunning emerald eyes. Surely a welcomed change from Cataleya's silvery pelt and bright coral gaze. She didn't run away, nor look frightened at his approach. It actually looked like she was rather pleased to see him, if not surprised. He expected as much. There weren't too many wolves out there who could rival his size and strength, surely he had to somewhat of a sight to behold to the smaller female. A cocky grin spread across his pale lips as he watched her, plume swinging idly between his hocks, wondering if she would approach him or if he would have to approach her.

Well, I certainly wouldn't turn it away. It's awfully lonely out here by myself. Her voice had a silky quality to it that told him that she was clear about what his intention were. Good girl, catching on quickly. Maybe he would go easy on her. The thought made him chuckle to himself, cyan gaze intent on her figure as she closed the gap between them, though not enough that they were within touching distance. I'm Euphrosyne, but please feel free to call Euph. Or Syne. Or pretty much anything other than Euphrosyne. Deyman stepped forward, closing the final gap between them as he stood before her, crown tipping down as he gaze down towards her, the cocky grin still plastered to his fa?ade. Well don't worry you're pretty little head, I'm here to fix your loneliness. His voice was a deep rumbling bass, seductive in nature, a husky whisper meant to ignite flames within her core, similar to the ones that were licking at the spot between his thighs, igniting an inner fire that burned within his cyan gems.

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07-08-2013, 11:28 PM

Euph had seen a lot of brutes in her short life, but never one as large or as straightforward as this one. Without even telling her his name, he was stepping close and sending chills down her spine with only his words. He certainly knew what he was doing at least. That was something the russet-brown marked fea could appreciate. A light blush crossed the fea's face as the first sparks began to work their way through her body, his husky whisper sending a light shiver through her. She chuckled softly and gave the large, multi-hued gray brute a grin. Now that she was sure of his intentions, her voice confidently took on that alluring tone, the timbre of her words like butter. "And just how exactly do you plan on doing that?" It was a simple question, of course, but in this situation it had oh so many meanings behind it. Her emerald eyes met his blue gaze, tempting him to answer.



07-09-2013, 01:09 AM

He didn't like beating around the bush when it came to fucking. He just wanted to fuck and get his pleasure out of it, then leave. Simple as that. Noting complicated about it. To him anyway. Sure, he could foreplay a little if that's what it took to get his new victim in the mood, but for the most part he just wanted to get straight to the fucking. It was his favorite part after all and pretty little Syne here looked like she was more than willing to play along with his game. He could see the reaction he was having on her, the barely noticeable shiver that were crawling down her spine, a grin splitting her own pale lips to match his own. She didn't seem too bad.

And just how exactly do you plan on doing that? He eyed her suggestively, taking his time as he began to circle her, drawing his muzzle across the length of her body, allowing the tip of it to linger across her haunches just a little bit longer than it should have before speaking. Oh I'm sure you know exactly how baby. He growled huskily, taking a nip to her haunches, wanting to see how she would react to his harsher touch.

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07-09-2013, 02:33 AM

The brute was certainly a tease, but in the most direct way. It was a weird combination for the fea. Usually brutes tried to be "gentlemanly" and win her over first and some were almost so direct that it seemed more like rape. It was rare to find a brute that could be to the point while still taking the time to get her interested in him. She stood still with the exception of her tail waving softly while he stalked around the length of her body, the touch of his muzzle on her back sending tendrils of heat through her being. It had definitely been a long time since she had been a part of any kind of fun like this and it seemed like the littlest touch was affecting her greatly. Maybe he was just really good at what he did, she wasn't sure which was true. Maybe both.

At the brute's sudden nip, her ears stood up straight from surprise and she turned her head so her green gaze could find his. So he wanted to play rough, huh? She could play along. Why not? Her eyes showed her intrigue, a grin spreading across her muzzle. Her tail flicked at him teasingly as she said, "What do you think you're doing, hmm?" her tone matching her teasing manner. She was interested to see what this large brute would do with her, now that he had put that fiery, needy feeling in her veins.



07-09-2013, 03:10 AM

She was liking his touches, he could see in the way her body reacted, almost seeming to ignite beneath his touch. How long had it been since the pretty little vixen had had fun with another? Too long, since not many females responded that quickly to his touch. Most took a bit more of teasing before they would respond the way he wanted them to, but Syne was nearly instantaneous. He liked it. It meant that he would get to his ultimate goal faster. It was only a matter of her presenting herself to him now before the real fun could start and if he was judging right, it would be very soon.

Surprise registered across her body, noticeable in the way her ears shot straight up, neck craning as she fixed her emerald gaze on his cyan gaze, asking him just what exactly he was doing, her tail teasing his chin, a match to her tone of voice. He chuckled, reaching out to nip the tip of her tail, dragging his nose across the length of it, drawing a lazing circle around her rump before lowering his muzzle to her sweet spot, salmon tongue lashing out to caress her entrance, tasting her. Fuck, she was most definitely nearly there. Seeing if your ready to play sweetheart, that's all. He rumbled against her canal, allowing his deep bass to echo through her channel, hopefully speeding up her readying process. His friend was getting impatient.

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07-09-2013, 08:43 AM

This was a completely different experience for the white and russet fea. To have someone that was so skilled in lighting her body on fire like this was strange, but oh so fun at the same time. It made her hard to resist him, not that she would have anyway. She wasn't one to turn down brutes, especially not ones as talented at him. She shivered slightly as the gray brute nipped at the end of her tail and ran his muzzle along it, waiting anxiously to see what he was going to do next. A surprised gasp and a soft murr left her as all at once his tongue found her, setting her body ablaze. She thought he was driving her crazy before, but now she really saw how long it had been since she had been with a brute like this. A shiver shot up her spine and her ears flattened to her head as his rumbling voice only made the growing need in her worse. "Oh, I'd definitely say I'm ready to play," she replied, her voice not much more than a rough whisper thanks to her excitement. This brute knew how to work her like a pro and she was more than happy to let him.



07-09-2013, 07:07 PM

The soft murr and gasp from Syne had white hot flames licking at Demyan's thighs, the muscles around his area clenching in response. Damn, she was mostly definitely ready, her words confirming it. He chuckled, nipping at her sweet spot again. Glad you're willing to play my game sweet Syne, not many are brave enough... Haunches tensed as the larger man lifted himself onto his hind legs, forelimbs reaching up to wrap around the smaller ivory woman's waist as he moved himself closer, teasing her entrance with his thick shaft, daggers nipping harshly at her scruff. You sure you ready sweetheart? He rumbled, taking hold of her scruff with his teeth, hard enough to hurt but not draw blood, his powerful hips thrusting forward, his shaft plunging into her canal with one vicious thrust, uncaring if she ready or not. He was going to fuck her and that was it.


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07-09-2013, 07:48 PM

Every nip and bite he took at her gave her a strangely strong wave of heat and need. She had never considered herself one to enjoy that kind of handling, but she was certainly enjoying it from this brute. As she was formulating a reply to his whisper, he lifted his large frame over hers, grasping her hips tightly and wiping any thoughts from her mind. Only moments ago they had been complete strangers and now she had a feeling he was going to fuck her till she couldn't take any more. It was crazy how things like this turned out. There was no turning back now, with the huge brute on her with her scruff locked firmly in his teeth. Once again, before she could even reply tore the thoughts from his mind. This time, it was with a thrust that knocked the air out of her lungs with the huge wave of pain as he tore into her. The sudden shock was quickly masked by pleasure, but that first impression was enough to tell her that she was in for a wild ride.

