
Do you know where the wild things go?



11 Years
Athena I
08-01-2013, 09:35 AM

Alena nodded in response to his explanations of how to clean wounds and make the paste of herbs, noticing how he got embarrassed over having to tell her that he chewed up the herbs. She smirked and gave a soft chuckle. Considering he had saved her life by doing that she could care less whether the herbs on her shoulder had been in his mouth at one point. She recognized that it was part of the healing process so she didn't let it bother her.

Alena thought over his question of how to attack a wolf, running the process of it through her mind to figure out the best way to explain it to the healer. Keeping in mind what he said about not being fast enough to hit any vital areas, she said, "I would suggest aiming at places where you can land a quick blow to weaken them and then get back out of the way. Maybe claw their face or a quick bite to their hind leg if you can. If it's a serious fight and you go for their face, aim for their eyes or at least above their eye. If you can blind them for even a moment then you and get closer to get a bite at their more vital spots that you might could have not reached before." She sized him up, looking over his size and stature. He was a good bit taller than she was, but he didn't seem very bulky. "I think you could be underestimating your speed though. If you move correctly you could take advantage of your long legs and be very fast if you needed to."


Tiresias I


08-07-2013, 12:22 AM

He noticed that she didn't say anything to him about his being embarrassed. It gave him a bit of confidence and readied him for her next healing question, but it didn't come. Alena looked like she was in deep thought about teaching him to defend himself and he wasn't going to break that. She was a trained assassin and very possibly the best wolf to ask such questions. He would take away all he could from this encounter and hopefully arrange to have more in future. This female was so far from what he'd imagined himself to befriend, yet he wasn't regretting the choice to consider her a friend. In all honesty, he hadn't ever had a real, lasting friend - tossing family relations out of the mix - and on some subconscious level, he must have been wishing for one.

"You really are good at this," he said after listening to her speak. "All the ins and outs of fighting... it's amazing. No one will ever catch you off-guard." Tiresias gave her a shadow of a grin, his eyes sparkling with the emotion. He knew that there would eventually come a day where he'd stand at a wolf's side as a healer, helpless to fate. Tiresias could only hope that, that wolf wouldn't be a friend of his.

Her senses were starting to come back to her, obvious through her ease of speech and slight movements. Soon, they'd part ways, he toward Seracia, she toward Amenti. Tiresias was hoping that it wouldn't be their last meeting. He was clinging to the hope that somehow his path would cross with Tyberius' due to her, and also to the fact that he had a new friend.

TAG: alena! . WORDS: 285 . NOTES: not my best, but i tried.



11 Years
Athena I
08-13-2013, 09:19 AM

Alena's own muzzle mirrored his grin and chuckled at his comment about her never being caught off guard. "Oh, I'm sure that's not entirely true," she replied, a slight sarcastic tone to her voice, as she nodded back toward her injured shoulder. It was true that she was very practiced in fighting, but even the best of fighters can make mistakes or be overpowered. It was something she reminded herself of often. It kept her humble and on her toes when she went into a fight.

She was feeling better already, thanks to her new friend's skill in healing. She sincerely hoped this wouldn't be the last time she would see him and hoped that she would be able to repay him for his kindness one day. Testing just how well she was doing, she gathered her legs under her and slowly, carefully rose to her paws, wavering just a bit before standing steadily once again. She gave a relieved sigh and looked to him thankfully. She still felt weak and her shoulder was going to be a bitch and a half with pain as she walked on it, but she certainly thought she was well enough to walk back home.

"I hope I see you again soon, Tiresias. I can't thank you enough for saving me. I should really start heading back to Amenti though and I'm sure that Seracia is missing you. Perhaps we will meet here again one day and I'll show you a few moves," she told him with a chuckle. She turned toward home and began to pad away with a noticeable limp, but stable enough despite it. She glanced back at him over his shoulder once more before turning her gaze forward again, picking up her pace while still being careful not to rush herself too much. No need to hurt herself more getting home after all.

-exit Alena-
