

Medusa i


5 Years
07-08-2013, 02:38 PM

Now that she had members, and now it was time for the Madame to take charge. Medusa would usually be content to leave Deteste with the issue of domestic politics, but their pack had just recently formed. Before the Madame could back off of that area of pack life, she wanted to establish herself, and to establish ranks. Spars were a good way to do that, but no everybody was a warrior. She needed a leader for the healers, a leader for the warriors, a leader for the hunters, and a leader for the scouts. This would be a good way to give out such ranks; with those assigned, her pack would inevitably become a bit more stable. Those who achieved ranks would have more reason to stay, and more reason to be loyal to her.

The hunters would go and see what prey they could find, the ones who showed the most skill would be the most successful. The warriors would spar, the most successful in battle becoming the ruler of those. The healers would gather herbs and heal the hunters and warriors, the ones who seemed most in control and knowledgeable being the ones who would be most likely to find success. Lastly, the scouts would share their intellect of other packs, and the one who knew the most would prove most useful. Scouts and spies were the same thing to Medusa; they were meant to gather information, to observe and report.
Lifting her muzzle to the sky, the midnight mistress would call forth her members. Come, my sweets, come and show me what you can do.

OOC: rank trials to be held for the lead hunter, warrior, healer, and scout c:


07-08-2013, 03:52 PM (This post was last modified: 10-23-2017, 05:41 AM by Ruaidhrí.)
holy tits on a stick, thank you muse ♥

Being late a second time was not an option; her pride pleaded for her to redeem herself and prove her competence to the rising pack. Luckily for the ardent wench, she had established a little bunker in the northern region where she would soon permanently reside once her whelps were of the age to navigate on their own, but for the time being, it was a hideaway to pass the time in when she was granted a leeway from the grievous work of caring for demanding children ? thank God her ideal sire had little issues with keeping an eye on their demon spawn and actually wanted to spend time with them before their gentle demeanors shifted into something far more sinister. The time he?d spend with them was dwindling quickly, however, and soon enough it would be time to force them through their vigorous and unorthodox training ? their mother had not yet abandoned the idea of crafting the perfect combatants to establish a battalion of pure Elysius blood to take the island by force. Her ambitions were big, but in her own mind, they were anything but farfetched.

She slunk to the right of the dark temptress once she had breached the epicenter of the second meeting, a soft purr resonating from her inky lips as she addressed the snake: ?My queen.? She backpedaled a step, weight falling to her rump as she plopped it firmly to the earth, coiling her plush, tendril-like tail about her haunches as she settled into herself, confidence emanating from her very being. Her ears, however, flicked back against her crown, an obvious indicator to her inferior status in comparison to the queen. ?Quite an interesting bunch you have gathered; surely this will be entertaining,? she commented airily, vocals soft and meant only for the serpent?s ears as she awaited the flood of Amenti wolves opt to duke it out for higher titles. She wondered if she was exempt from battling against the others, meant only to observe the competition with judgmental eyes.




11 Years
Athena I
07-08-2013, 11:08 PM

So this is how it was to be decided. Alena had decided before she had even agreed to join this pack that she would try to rise within the ranks. It was just another challenge for her to try to overcome. As with any challenge she was faced with, Alena dove in with full force. She wanted to win this competition of sorts. She would prove herself worthy of one of the positions her madame was giving out and should she lose, the wolf she lost to would earn her respect. She trusted Medusa's judgment, for the most part, and if she thought someone else was better suited for the task, then that must be the case. Simple as that.

The ivory-hued fea approached Medusa and her captain, her head dipping respectfully to the pair. She glanced around, noticing she had been the first to arrive. No matter. Early bird gets the worm, yes? She sat back on her haunches a few feet from her leader, her tail neatly curling around over her front paws. Her intelligent violet eyes stayed on Medusa as she spoke. "Madame, I am here to challenge for the position of lead of the scouts. While I am not necessarily a scout or spy by trade, I do have a thirst of knowledge and have acquired several skills over the years that might be helpful for you for this position. I have learned how to track a wolf's scent for many miles, my drive to complete tasks helping me with that trait. Also, I have built a large network of wolves who owe me favors. They including loners, pack members, and former pack members alike who would be more than willing to help me get the information you seek should I need them to. I also... how do you say... play the part of damsel in distress very well. It has proved very helpful to me when I have been trying to earn a wolf's trust. Lastly, my years as an assassin have given me some very valuable skills with stealth and of course, with killing, should you desire that to be done."

Alena had given her speech, pleased that she had eloquently stated her case. She felt like those were valuable characteristics for the leader of scouts and hoped that the black fea would see eye to eye with her on this point. She gave her madame another nod, stating, "Give me your test, should you desire. I want to prove my skills to you, madame." She waited anxiously for Medusa's ruling, wondering to herself if that would be enough for her to earn this rank.



07-11-2013, 01:15 PM
Io wasn't sure whether she was meant for pack life, but dabbling in it was proving to have its ups and downs. So far she knew that she didn't quite like meetings, although it was nice to hear from their alpha, or rather, their Madame, there were too many bodies and voices and noise for the albino to be comfortable. She had yet to track down the family that she knew was here again, hopefully they would know where her brothers were. The tiny thing hadn't had any luck in finding any clues as to where they went recently. As of late, she was just trying to make some sort of life of her own.

She had thought that perhaps she could find something through the wolves of Amenti.

The healer wasn't sure whether she was interested in being ranked - but she responded to the leader's call regardless. She expected quite the gathering, but in the end, there were only a few others that responded. Perhaps the others were not here yet? Eyes flicking over the scene, she heard the ivory fae that she had seen at the meeting, say that she was challenging for a position in this pack. It was a daunting task, and seemed a bit rude with how the dark woman said that ranks were earned in Amenti. Yet she held her tongue, waiting on instruction or further explanation from Medusa.

Taska Takira

07-13-2013, 11:56 PM

Taska Takira Had heard the call of the Madam. She was not sure what she wanted to do in this pack, knowledge was her talent, and few packs used the skill to its full advantage, but hunting was something she could do. Her mother had told her many a stories, many of them on how to best catch pray with a pack, so to sum that up she was a good straightest, and was more then willing to put her skill to its best use, and that was to hunt for said pack. So with that in mind Kira moved to the meting spot in the wood and stood next to her friend, brushing her side alone the albino girls, telling without words that she was going to support her. Kira saw in her body that she was unsure of herself and that of where she stood within this upstart pack, and Kira could understand, she was also in that position, but she wanted it to work out for them both, Kira felt that Io needed the safety that pack could give and a sure meal; not that either of them went hungry, Kira made sure of that, but they both where still lean, wheres pack wolves where not. "Io, calm, everything will work out, trust me. If not, we can set out again, just me and you." She smiled at her white friend

She then turned to Medusa. Her amber eyes watching the Madam. She seemed like a flirt to Kira, very open about her sexuality, which intrigued the black girl. She had never meet anyone like it and neither have her mother, not that they where uncommon, just not seen before. Kira also pondered what she would do if said attention was directed at her, and felt that she would be at a lost for words, twasn't everyday Kira was flirted with. But the girl pushed the thought away, the dame had not payed more attention then was called for and worrying about events that had not happened was not wise and a waist of energy.

Back to why she was there to began with, as Kira said at the meeting, she was decent at hunting alone, but in a group setting she was sure that she was much better than she thought and with fishing she was great, seventy percent success rate, and with more wolves helping her she was sure that she could think of a way to feed a large pack with fishing alone let alone what she could hunt in big game. "Madam, I would like to show you my skill in hunting."


07-19-2013, 12:19 AM


Medusa had called, yet again. This time, it was to prove their worthiness of ranks. Tyberius cared little of ranks; he did as he pleased and wasn't inclined to listen to any superior that wasn't his alpha. It could pay for him to be there, just in case he was deemed good enough to be someone else's superior. Internally, he scoffed. Tyberius wasn't sure that he was mentally stable enough to be superior to anyone, even pups.

For all this, he was still here, awaiting instruction. It wasn't as if he had anything better to do with his day except for taunt his packmates and after a while, that grew old. Exploring Alacritis was getting boring as well, so he figured a little bit of competition never hurt.

If he had to hunt to secure himself a place in the pack, he was heading to Seracia. Medusa seemed a fine alpha to terrorize but he would not embarrass himself in front of other wolves. His hunting ability had slightly improved since the first rabbit but not by a considerable amount. No wolf would have any dirt on him. That was tantamount to sin to him, since he was the liar and the know-it-all. No one would know his weaknesses if he could help it.

What am I even here for? he thought darkly, suppressing the urge to roll his eyes. Instead, he contented himself with a flick of the tail and a shifting of weight. Silently, he watched the other wolves who came forward to speak, then his gaze fell on the wolves who did not. He would be one of the quiet ones until asked to speak. There was much information to be gleaned from a conversation he did not participate in.

TAG: xxx WORDS: 293 NOTES: none.


07-22-2013, 12:17 AM
Tallis had been out, wandering once again. It wasn't even moments after he had returned to the Red Forests and crossed the Amenti borders that he heard his alpha, or madame as she wanted to be called, call out to them, summoning them. He sighed and trotted in the direction of the call. He had no idea what the dark woman could want now, but he figured he should at least show his face. He really needed to meet more of the pack and make himself known. Especially to the feas, he thought with a smirk.

By the time he arrived there were already several wolves there. There was Medusa, of course, along with the Captain he remembered from the first meeting. With them was three other feas and the three-legged brute. From what he could tell, these were the tests to determine who would hold the main positions over the different sections of the pack. He sat back on his haunches, watching the proceedings. He wasn't interested in holding a position really. If she chose he was good for something he didn't guess he would turn it down, but he didn't feel like it was really worth the effort of trying for. After all, the positions were for healer, hunter, and spy. He was a half decent fighter at best, an okay hunter, and awful at anything sneaky. He was a navigator, that was his only talent. He was more of a support for these soon to be leaders that a leader himself. On top of that, if he was in a position like that they'd expect him to be around and such and he didn't want to be tied down to a job. So Tallis remained quiet along with Tyberius, waiting to see what would happen. At the very least he could find out who was in charge so he could offer his services to them later.


Medusa i


5 Years
07-26-2013, 01:08 PM

The first to arrive was Morphine, her Captain for however long she wished to have the position. Medusa would dip her head to the woman, a subtle display of respect for her angel. At Morphine?s words the serpent would chuckle. ?Interesting to say the least, but certainly not as interesting as you my dear,? she hummed, observing the members as they came to answer their Madame?s call. The first to arrive was Alena, a woman whom Medusa remembered from the meeting, who came forth with great ambition. ?I do not doubt you are a skilled Scout, my dear, but today we will see just how skilled. I admire your ambition, however. Feel free to call yourself a Scout now, instead of a Denizen,? she noted.
Next to come was the healer, Io, and the black-pelted girl named Taska who wished to try for hunting. The pack males would then come in, the last to answer the woman?s summons. Her eyes narrowed for a moment, knowing there were more, but not really caring if they had come. If they wished to advance further than Denizen, they would all have to start coming to her calls. ?I have called you all here today to see if we can get some organization in our ranks,? she announced. What better way to pull a pack together than by encouraging friendly competition? ?I do not know which ranks all of you wish to go for, but here are your respective tasks. All hunters will go and see what prey they can track down for our pack, and from the group I will select the Lieutenant. All scouts will come forth and tell my dear Morphine what it is they know about the lands of Alacritis. Warriors will have to spar, and as for the healers?? she paused, considering what she was about to do.

Bending her head to her left front leg, she bit into it rather savagely. Not enough to produce life-threatening bleeding, but enough so that medical attention was necessary. ?Heal me,? she ordered. ?Those who are interested may begin,? she announced, trying to seem strong despite the pain that pulsed along her leg.



11 Years
Athena I
08-06-2013, 05:52 PM

A slight smile touched the pale fea's muzzle when her Madame told her that her ambition was appreciated and that she could now call herself a scout. That was certainly a step in the right direction, but Alena was never one to settle for second best. She wanted the position as leader of the scouts. She was more than willing to work for it of course. Following Medusa's instructions, she stood and padded over to Morphine, taking a seat once again a foot or so away from the fea, her tail curling over her forepaws.

She pondered over what information she might tell them, wondering what could be interesting enough to the pair to earn her the position she craved. She rambled off her thoughts as she tried to narrow down an answer. "Hmmm, what could I tell you about Alacritis and its wolves... I know where each of the pack's boarders lie and how to reach each of them from anywhere in Alacritis, but I feel like that should be common knowledge. I am very familiar with the lands and their geography, though that was well is no special knowledge. I also know the names of each of the pack's alphas and several of their bettas as well, along with the scents of each of the packs. I have had some dealings with many rogue wolves, along with a few small bands of rogues as well. I'm not sure that I know anything specifically that you couldn't gather from the wolves here, but I have the ability to find the answer to any question you may have. My skills lay more in the gathering of knowledge than the knowing of random information. I may know other tidbits of knowledge, however, if you wish to question me." Her violet gaze watched the fea curiously, her eyes glancing over to Medusa and back again, wondering if her answer would suffice.
