
Living in a broken world


09-30-2013, 07:15 PM

It was a strange world she resided in. After her murder, she found herself hanging in the middle. Neither heaven or hell. Though sometimes it could be considered hell. How long had she been alone for? Eternity it seemed like. It became more and more obvious that she would roam this place for eternity. There was only one plus side to this place. She was young and healthy. Her body rejuvenated. But there was nothing for her to do with it. Her young son came and went as he pleased, clearly enjoying this place more than herself, the young boy totally naive to the world he never got to experience.

The sable dame guessed another day had passed, but was there really any sort of time here? The scene her ebony bodice currently resided in was dark, fog nipped at her legs, soft grass kissing her paws. It was clearly a place meant to be alive and pleasant, but her darkened mood followed her in a literal cloud. Frustration rolled off her, completely cut off from the world, unable to keep track of her children, or even Kylar. The thought of him brought a silent snarl to her unmarred face. Bitch. His last words to her rang out clearly.

Throwing back her crown, an angry howl lashed out like a whip, cracking the silence that constantly surrounded her. It was hopeless to think that someone would hear her. There was no one to hear her. Legs carried her back and forth, tail lashing behind her, a faint snarl curling her lips. She needed to get out of here, or at least find someone else that was stuck in this god awful place.

"Talk here."