
Where do we stand


09-29-2014, 01:45 PM

This was still pack lands, claimed under the rule of Katja. But did Apollo linger within the borders? Or had he fled? She would traipse along the border, nostrils quivering as she attempted to pick up his scent. Their last meeting had been interesting to say the least. Tension had wedged them apart, his parents had attempted to drive them apart. But had it worked? A sigh would leave her lips, paws pressing into the ground gently. Would she even find him? She missed him dearly, yet he had been scarce since she had first found Hypnos.

Hips swayed as shoulders rolled, each step carefully placed. Her indigo gaze swept back and forth, senses on high alert. She was part of a pack that had a target painted on its back. There was no doubt in her mind that Olympus would rise up again in an attempt to slay the viking Queen, but she would make sure that they are beaten back, she would bury them. The woman would halt, stretching stiff muscles that were still bruised from her spat with the foolish whore. Her wounds were steadily healing, but knowing that her opponent would have a forever remind was more than enough. A faint grin would twitch the corners of her mouth as she resumed her search. She would not stop until she found him, no matter how long it took.



10-05-2014, 03:56 PM

He had picked up her scent the very moment she walked in. He had been waiting for her, unsure what this day would bring. His toes touched the invisible border, fear of the Viking woman strong in the large man's chest. He had heard that if he wanted to hide away from the wrath of his parents that he would have to disown his name, which is why the fear felt so real. Apollo was being pulled two ways, and for once in his life he felt weak. The choice was not an easy one, between the woman that he loved and the family that had raised him. Ears lay flat against his skull as his eyes locked onto her dark form, a sigh slipping from his lips as he waited for her to sense him. He was not going to trespass into Yfir's lands, he doubted that Katja would take it very lightly. But he couldn't keep himself away from her, he just had to know if she still cared for him or not. Finally, finally he spoke, not able to hold back anymore. "Chryseis." He called softly, her name tasting like honey on his lips. His salmon tongue pressed against his chops, his lips dry with anticipation. He wondered how his little brother was faring in this pack, but most of all... he missed her. But did the golden marked temptress still feel the same for him? Did he leave her with a bitter taste? He didn't want to lose her, he had torn down his stony walls for her. He couldn't help but wonder if he even still had a value to her. With Olympus no longer ruling a pack -- for now -- did he have any worth in her eyes?


10-05-2014, 04:12 PM

She would hear him before she sensed him. Her name fell softly from his lips and her shoulders would sag with relief. Her indigo gaze would search his face, searching for indication of what he felt. Without hesitation she would move to close the distance between them. She wanted to bury her face in his neck, to feel his embrace again. His musky cologne was as intoxicating as ever. "I've missed you." Words were soft, tinged with love and desire. How long had it been since they had been happily together? She would peer up at him through her lashes, questions lingering on her embellished face.

Questions continued to ravage her mind. Would he stay? Did he still love her? Was he here only to say goodbye and then return to his fallen family? Uncertainty kept her tense and fidgety. It was a struggle to stay still, but she needed to keep a hold of her composure, to prepare for the worst. Indigo gems would clash with his salmon gaze, silently begging him to end her suffering. She had no idea what she would do if he abandoned her. Probably go on an Olympian killing spree. After all, it would be their fault.

But for now all she could do was wait. His body heat reached out to her, wrapped around her like a lover embrace. Despite it all, her body still jumped at the sight of him. Her body would come alive, demanding his touch, his love, his everything.



10-05-2014, 04:25 PM

Just having her this close to him was enough. He saw it in her gaze, heard it in her words. Nothing left his mouth, he just closed the tiny gap that separated them and clashed their bodies together. He needed to feel her, to devour her. His lips parted as he nipped the back of her neck, a rumble vibrating in his chest as he held her close to him. Heart pounded in his chest as he tried to keep his arousal at bay, now was the time to talk, that could wait until later. But he held her close for several more moments, afraid that if he let her go he would lose her forever. "Chryseis." He said again, her name falling from his lips once more in a delicate whisper. "I missed you too, I craved you from dawn 'til noon. I love you so, please don't let me go." His lyrics were softly spoken, as desperate as her eyes had been. He just needed to hear her say that he still mattered, that she still loved him even after all he did. He had been a terrible bastard, and had failed her more than once. He would not be surprised if she wanted to walk away, but by how she was acting he doubted that that would happen. Pulling back slightly he pressed a delicate kiss to her cheek, lingering for a moment longer before pulling back. His breathing was heavy as he tried to resist her toxic perfume, the very sight of her drove him mad.

Eyes studied her, taking her all in. "This choice is not easy for me, to choose between you and my family. But the thought of leaving you tears me in two, I cannot say adieu." His voice cracked, and Apollo swallowed hard. "Do you want me here, do you still crave me near? I would have to abandon my name, yet I cannot avoid your flame. Like a moth I am pulled towards your light, but towards me to you feel spite?" His form was dragged up as he took in a large breath, blowing it out slowly. He had waited a long time to talk to her, perhaps too long indeed. If she was going to promise herself to him though, he would have to come to a final decision. He would need to talk to the Viking Queen and denounce his family name. Did the albino man even have it in him?


10-05-2014, 04:42 PM

His nips at her neck nearly pulled a moan from her lips. Leaning into his touch, his whispers sent her heart into a frenzy. He didn't want to be let go, and she would happily oblige. A smile curled her lips as she returned his kiss at his throat. "I would never." Breathy words were a whisper, spoken only for his ears. "I love you." Her breath was as heavy as his, lust clouding her mind, her body screaming at her. Nostrils quivered as his scent suffocated her, she would bury her own scent within his fur, stating to the world had he belonged to her and no one else.

He studied her as he spoke, his words choked as she struggled to find the right thing to say. She would close the small distance he had created so he could speak. Jaws tipped upward so she spoke directly into his ear. "I always want you near me, I wouldn't have it any other way." Concluding her words, her tongue would snake out between her jaws to caress the shell of his ear. Even the seriousness of their discussion was not enough to squash the desire she felt for him. Her skin felt as though it was on fire, soothed only by his touch.
