
Mirror Mirror on the Lake..

Elysia I


07-07-2013, 12:42 PM
Spring, how lush and green things become in such a hurry after the cold grip of winter. How awe-inspiring things grew and new lives start. If only it was awe-inspiring. But not for this creature. It was young, one would assume it would be bouncing and running about like others in bliss content. No..not this one. During that cold winter things changed, huge changes. It wasn?t supposed to happen. To be separated from it's mother unprepared. But what could she do? Just lie down, roll over and give up? Certainly not, she would be a shame to her kind if she simply just gave up without a fight or uttered word. No for the honor of her family she struggled to stay alive.
How lonely it is! To fight each day lone with no advice, to learn things that should have been taught to her. At least she had been taught to fish. It only had been not winter when this thing had happened. Yeah, that was her luck. Lose your family in the mid of winter with only a stable ability to fish. So she followed the ravens. Oh they had become good allies. She would wait for them in the sky, waiting for their direction towards carrion. It had been better than nothing, but even that was barely getting by. Natural instincts and hunger taught her to hunt small game, like rabbits or even a foolish bird set on search its own food among the snow covered forest floor. Whatever she did manage to catch, some was left to the black birds that had aided her in her time on need. Whether they new they helped or not didn?t matter to her. She just believed it was only far.

Oh but it is spring now, so much more to hunt and find. So many things to learn! Her sharp mind buzzed with endless questions. Sea green eyes search for one main thing. A body of water, any kind so long as plenty of fish were in it. Dark brown nose twitched in the air for hints of moisture. In her days of travel, it wouldn?t take long. This world seemed to have water placed just about right with enough distance from each other. Pink tongue darted out to lick her lips.
Cresting a small mound of earth a gleam of dying sunlight reflected off of something. Only one thing could do that, at least that?s what the brown wolfess believed. With a yep, paws picked up a swift pace to the lake's edge. There was no hesitation as she dived into the lake till the water reached her chest. The cold from the winter still lingered in the water for it was a relief. Happily she drank her fill and took comfort in something familiar.
Refreshed the brown wolfess focused her attention to the depths of the lake. Eyes stared intensely at the water, almost as if she was staring at herself. Patience was key to this hunting game. So absorbed into her hunt she wouldn?t realize other movements about her, nor the sinking sun that would bring forth her fears. No only hunger was on the mind.


07-07-2013, 03:34 PM

Day after day, hour after hour, it was a hopeless search. He had found no trace of his wife anywhere in all of Alacritis. It was extremely frustrating and devastatingly heart-breaking. Why had she wandered off? Was pack business that much more important than her own safety and the safety of their pups. It felt like such a hopeless cause, but Demonio couldn't give up on his family. He had gone through enough devastation and tragedy in his life to let something like tracking down his missing wife discourage him. But for the moment, he would rest. He needed to. Gods only knew how much time he spent out scouting, day in and day out, practically to the point of dropping dead with exhaustion. As much as he needed to continue, he needed to rest. He would do his family no good if he was in bad condition if and when he found them. He needed to regain his strength. Lucky for him, he'd stopped by a lake, which was the perfect place to rest for the moment.

Powerful ivory limbs pulled the man towards the edge of the lake, mismatched gems flickering across the partially melting surface of the expansive lake. A brownish figure came into the man's sight, running towards the still chilled water, throwing itself in until the water sunk about around towards its neck. Obsidian nostrils quivered in curiosity, pining the scent to the foreign wolf as belonging to a female. She had no distinctive pack smell, so he assumed she was a rogue. She didn't seem to doing much except relaxing in the lake. Odd. Forelimbs bent beneath the massive brute's weight, lowering the front half of his body towards the lake, jaws parting as salmon tongue lashed out to lap the fresh water. Droplets clung to his chin as his allowed the rest of his body to rest against the shore of the lake, dual-toned pools intent on the earth figure of the girl.

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Elysia I


07-07-2013, 04:41 PM
Finally, movement beneath the waters! As quickly as she could her head darted under the water. Muzzle opened and clamped down on a rather large fish. As quickly as it happened the brown female retracted her head and started to back away from the lake in slow gentle movements. No need to disturb the water and the fish. Tail waved high in the air, head proud of her accomplishment. Yes here she could hang around to refill her body out. Winter had made her thin, all too apparent when soaking wet. One step at a time step and one day. She thought to herself.
Reaching the shore she carefully placed the dead fish on the ground and gave herself a brisk shake. Thats when she noticed. Fur bristled in alarm and those odd green eyes sought out the scent. Just a few feet away laid a white male. Elysia had never met any others since she lost her mother and brothers. She had been lucky so far. Fear hammered in her chest making it hurt. What should she do? Is he safe? Does she run? Tail went limp behind her and ears flattened with uncertainity. Her rather sheltered and lonely life had made her ill prepared to meet others or even how to react. Slowly she backed away, head lowered down but eyes never left him. To make matters worse...night was going to be soon upon them. Her muzzle parted to pant out her stress. Oh how she wished she was still with her mother or brute of brothers.
Elysia had no idea how to even defend herself. That was somethng her never found interesting as a pup. To wrestle and tackle. No she wanted to track and swim. If this male choose to attack her only hope would be to run like death bite at her heels. A whine slipped from her, unwanted sound. She didnt want any more attention towards herself than already was.


07-07-2013, 05:22 PM

He watched her with mild interest as she splashed around in the water, evidently hunting for some fish. Her efforts paid off as the earthy woman came up from the water, a wriggling fish in her grasp as she exited from the water, dropping her catch on the shore before looking up towards him. She seemed uncertain about him, her body language telling him as much. She seemed convinced that somehow he was a threat to her. He would've risen to go to her, but he knew that would probably backfire on him, so he stayed where he was, simply watching her. Crown was lowered towards his forepaws, audits pressing back against his skull, trying to make himself look as non-threatening as possible. You can relax. I'm not going to hurt you. He called out to the young woman, trying to calm her, reassure her that she was in no imminent danger.

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Elysia I


07-08-2013, 11:38 PM
The larger male seemed to not move, or be interested in doing so. He simply just lowered his head to seem non-threatening. Elysia might not know much about how to act around others but did understand what he was trying to do. Muscles twitched from being so tense till she slowing began to relax. His voice reach her ears making them prick up to attention. Could she trust his word? Would he just be lying waiting for her guard to go down to attack? No, he could easily take her down if he waited to. But really what choice did she have? Elysia knew she needed the help of others. She couldn?t live alone forever. She needed at least an ally. Sea green orbs took in his appearance more carefully as nose twitched to catch his scent. He didn?t smell like he was lying, or a threat. He seemed to be honest in his words.
Looking at the fish she grabbed it up quickly, grunting with displeasure that it was dirty. Looking back at him she took a few steps closer till she could place the fish at a respectful distance to offer him. Tail waved softly behind her."I....uh..sorry...I?m not used to being around others.." She whispered. It was then she glanced up at the sky and yelped. Body dropped to the ground and she quivered. " has fallen" She muttered out loud. She looked around for somewhere close to hide. No matter how much she wished there was a hole nearby in sights view she saw nothing. With a whine and not even fully aware of it, she darted to the white male's side and curled up, eyes squeezed tight.


07-09-2013, 12:14 AM

His decision of staying put seemed to be working in his favor, the young woman watching him, noticing his submissive and non-threatening behavior. It pulled at his heart strings to see her so skittish and afraid around him when he had done nothing but get a simple drink of water and watch her. It made him wonder what kind of past she had, but he knew that was none of his business. But whatever it was, it probably hadn't been a nice one. She seemed to trust in his words as she picked up the fish, trotting towards him, dropping it a few yards from him, still too fearful to come near him as she whispered that she wasn't used to be around others. There's no need to apologize for that little miss, there's nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone has something they're not used to. Pale lips quirked up in a smile, attempting to make her feel more comfortable.

And then suddenly the youngster yelped, dropping herself to the ground, muttering that nightfall had come, rushing over to the large male, curling herself at his side, her eyes squeezed tightly shut. Confused, the brute instinctively curled around her, cocooning her in his embrace, muzzle pressing into the back of her head. Don't be afraid little miss, its only night time. Nothing to be scared of. Come, let's eat the fish that you caught. Tones were soothing, gentle rumbles as he tried to persuade the young girl to uncurl herself, wanting her to consume the catch she had worked for before some scavenger decided to come along and snatch it from her.

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Elysia I


07-09-2013, 01:48 AM
The deep rumbles of comfort vibrated through her from the male. It reminded her of home. Her family?oh her sweet family. She missed her one brother, the largest of their litter. He had been the one to stand up for her against the other two. Funny how things are, that the alpha of the litter and the runt are the more closely bonded pair. Where as he had been bigger, stronger and darker in color, Elysia was small, swift, and a fast learner to hunting. They evened each other out nicely and would have made a formidable pair had she not lost her family. Her heart ached with worry for them, more so her mother. She feared that the lone wolfess would not have made it to spring. She had this wound, from falling she claimed, and it had smelled wrong. Elysia might not know much but she was sure her mother had fallen ill at the least if she was still alive.
With a shuttering sigh she blocked those thoughts out. The male next to her had spoken and it took a moment for Elysia to register what he had said. He was right, to not be ashamed of not knowing things. Maybe this was proof that Elysia needed to be around others. She knew nothing about her kind, on how to act. Only knowledge she had was from her mother. Those only got you so far in life. But Elysia was ashamed of her fear of the shadows at night. You just didn?t know what was out there in those silent still pockets of darkness. Maybe she was paranoid? She believed her mother had been. Always in a rush and covering their tracks. Maybe paranoia was passed down by blood? Was that possible? She wasn?t sure but either her reason of being afraid.
The white male?s voice tickled her ears from being so close. Eat? Eat?! How could she when she felt sick with fear? She refused to open her eyes to the darkness. Instead she buried her head into him. ?I?I?m not hungry. You have it.? She replied right before her belly rumbled, calling her bluff. She couldn?t tell him why she was afraid. He?d just ask why to a question she had no answers for. ?I?m?Elysia Kyra..? She tried to change the subject. Plus she really did want to know his name and not refer to him as Large White Male.
Oh no..what if he left?! There was no guarantee he would stay here with her. He was an adult and had every right to leave when he wished. Maybe he would think she was crazy and leave. that couldn?t happen. Not when she didn?t have a den of some sort to hide in. Maybe she could ask him to help her find one? But that meant opening her eyes and walking around in the night. Oh by the moon help her!


07-09-2013, 03:23 AM

She didn't seem very old. Certainly was older than a yearling, but still younger than him. He placed her around two years old, but that was only a guess. He could be wrong. She was so small and fragile looking, on top of the fact that she appeared to be extremely skittish and afraid of the dark. He made some wolves here and there with a few phobias, but never one who was afraid of night, or dark per se. Usually puppies were the only ones to retain such fears, but those irrational fears usually disappeared after they turned a year, once they realized that even though there were scary things out in the dark, they could use their claws and teeth to defeat them. Did this young girl have a family? She didn't smell of any other wolves, so Demonio assumed her to be a rogue. Poor thing, she was so scared it nearly broke his heart. What had happened to the little girl that made her so afraid? He could only wonder.

He could feel her curl tighter against him at the mention of bringing the fish, denying her catch and that only made the ivory brute feel bad for having brought up the suggestion. She was terrified and he was only making it worse. A quiet rumble echoed in her belly, pointing out the lie in her words. She was too scared to eat. A soft sigh slipped past clamped lips, mismatched gaze on the earthy girl at his side, plume curling over her smaller bodice as he tightened himself around her, audits flickering to catch her name as she introduced herself. It's nice to meet you Elysia Kyra, my name is Demonio. I know you're afraid, but you don't have to be. I'm right here. I know I'm a stranger, but I can help you, I can keep you safe. Can you trust me enough to open your eyes? I promise nothing bad will happen. He looked down hopefully at the youth, hoping she would find encouragement in his words and at least open her eyes for him so he could actually get a good look at her.

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Elysia I


07-09-2013, 08:43 PM
Ears listened to each and every word carefully. Her body slowly began to relax from its tight curl. she never thought of herself as one to quickly to warm up to someone else she just met. But then again there was something about Demoino that was so comforting. She never had a father figure in her life and wondered if this was what it might feel like to have one. Did she trust him enough to open her eyes? She had done it for only her brother who would then beg her to come out to see the stars. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips.
Like clouds covering the moon, her eyes parted open, the glowing green sea steady but could change. Those sea green orbs gave off an eerie look to them in the dark of the night. But they were so pure, untouched, frail, and innocent. But deep down Elysia knew it could change. She'd done it before. There had been time Elysia was not so innocent and carefree. One would notice the change when she hunted, took on a task she knew only she could accomplish, faced off a bear one. Well maybe not alone when up against a bear but she had gave her all with her family. All trying to protect one another.
Those calm steady orbs looked up at Demoino. "I trust you....But there are things out there. Things that hunt us. It watches..i can feel it. So any things are unknown and lurk in the shadows of the night waiting." She replied in a tone too wise and almost uncharacteristic for her. But it was true. "Mother had always keep us hidden away at night. She told us stories...of a wolf, or wolves, that would hunt their own kind, shred them, torture them. That they were the ones that lurked in the shadows. That the night could not be trusted." She paused for a moment. Suddenly realization dawned on her. She had never known her father, her mother always kept them on a run and hidden. And as thoughts linked together a memory resurfaced. Eyes much like hers if not abut darker, the night sky above her. Then those eyes were suddenly so close, pain, shearing pain and fear. Cries of desperation. Someone had died...a sibling.
A quick shake of her head and Elysia was staring down at her paws. Her mother was right. Its not safe out in this world, nor could everyone be trusted not even a loved one.


07-09-2013, 08:53 PM

And then her eyes opened and the man was pleasantly surprised. Her eyes were quite stunning, a beautiful shade of sea green, a color he hadn't seen on anyone before yet was a remarkable contrast to her earthy coat. They suited her well. A gentle smile curled his pale kissers. She had done it. She'd managed to put her fears aside and open her eyes for him. That was a step in the right direction. I trust you....But there are things out there. Things that hunt us. It watches..i can feel it. So any things are unknown and lurk in the shadows of the night waiting. Mother had always keep us hidden away at night. She told us stories...of a wolf, or wolves, that would hunt their own kind, shred them, torture them. That they were the ones that lurked in the shadows. That the night could not be trusted. Pale brows furrowed as he listened to Elysia, trying to make sense of what she was talking about.

See, nothing bad happen Elysia. Thank you for trusting me. I know there are things in the dark, other predators, bigger and stronger than us, but that doesn't mean you should live in fear. That's no way for a wolf to live. We live in packs, huge families with many individuals. There's strength in numbers Elysia. Your family can protect you, I can protect if you let me. There will always be someone to protect you. Demonio spoke quietly, his tone reassuring as he tried to convince the young female that despite the unknown that the night held, there was nothing to fear.

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Elysia I


07-09-2013, 09:16 PM
Families?! What did Demoino know of families? Or even her's for that matter? She scrambled up to her paws, fur bristling. Sea green eyes swirled like a storm about to break. "I know what a family is! I had one! A great one with a caring Mother, a Brother who was like my shadow and i his, and two more brothers! But you know what? Not all families protect! Mother didn?t keep us on the run all the time for nothing! He was hunting us! He wanted us dead! Our own kind, own blood!" She snapped. With a huff she plopped down on her haunches. "It..was my father...i..i remember now." She muttered. But she had never seen him again since that day. Was it possible he was still searching for them? Them..could she even call her family them when she didn?t know if they were even alive?
"I miss having a family. But..what if.." She left of the sentence linger between them. She went to lay by his side again with her head on her paws. " I'd like you'd to be part of my family...But..can we hide somewhere to sleep that?s not It feels weird." She looked up at him hoping he'd dismiss her outburst. Mentally she promised she would catch all the fish she could for him tomorrow.


07-09-2013, 11:02 PM

He had clearly stepped on her toes with the subject of family, pearly ears flattening against his skull, brows furrowing together in concern as she scrambled to her paws, bristling at him, her sea green eyes alight as she snapped at him. I know what a family is! I had one! A great one with a caring Mother, a Brother who was like my shadow and i his, and two more brothers! But you know what? Not all families protect! Mother didn?t keep us on the run all the time for nothing! He was hunting us! He wanted us dead! Our own kind, own blood. He said nothing, only allowing his mismatched gaze to watch her as she settled down, explaining how it had been her father that had been after them. Her father? Why would a father go out in search to kill his own family?! A father was supposed to protect, not kill!

She came back towards him, stretching her earthy body parallel to his, allowing her head to rest against her paws as she expressed her want to be part of his family, asking if they could sleep somewhere more closed off. He nodded, allowing his own head to fall atop his paws. I'm sorry if I brought up a sensitive subject...I didn't mean to...I would be honored to call you a daughter of mine Elysia and yes, we can go find somewhere more private to spend the night. But let's collect the fish you caught first, yes? He nudged her gently with his shoulder, encouraging her to stand once more.

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Elysia I


07-10-2013, 07:10 PM
Elysia looked at him from the corner of her eyes as he spoke, maw parting to let out a happy pant and whine. She wouldn?t be alone! Even better he was willing to be a father to her, a real father! As he nudged her shoulder she jumped up with a yap and whirl to face him, tail wagging. She did a play bow before dashing over to the fish. "Ok, but i get us breakfast tomorrow!" She said around the fish. She trotted back to his side, stand close enough that their pelts brushed and she could take comfort from his warmth and strength as she looked about the night forest.
It felt strange to see the world like this, so dark and mysterious. Sea green eyes gazed upwards searching for those little dots of stars. If anything it was the only thing she loved the most about the night. So many twinkling lights, trying to break up the vast black sky and aide the moon on shinning light upon the earth. So many of them. She was told that the great wolves of the past were up there watching them. She wondered if someone was watching her. Was it possible to have a guardian who you never saw but they saw you? If her time came would she be up there? Shinning a bright sea green like her eyes? What did happen to your soul when you passed? She knew your body went to the ground to help keep the balance of life. But no one ever told her where your soul went. Did anyone even know?
With a soft snort her attention went back down to the earth and her surrounding. She turned to Demoino, waiting for him to lead the way. She couldn?t believe she had just made a friend, and better yet had a new family member


07-11-2013, 01:38 AM

A genuine grin broke across the pale man's lips as he watched his now adopted daughter whine happily, jumping up to yap at him only to whirl around to face him, her tail wagging madly as she rushed over to collect their fish, trotting back towards him, exclaiming that she was going to fetch them breakfast the next morning. Whatever you want my little one. He crooned affectionately, nuzzling her nape as he moved forward, mismatched gems flickering across the darkened landscape, audits flickering back to his newly adopted daughter's direction, attentive for her following paw steps. They were near a lake, so at least they didn't have to worry about needing to find where to get a drink from for the next morning. Now, the concern was finding somewhere to settle down for the night. It shouldn't be too hard right? There had to be something suitable nearby.

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