
Of Wolves and Water


07-07-2013, 11:51 AM
A shadow, silhoutetted against the setting sun, made it's way down to the water, to watch the tumbling aqua make it's descent into the roiling pool below. A fine mist settled on her thick ebony coat, making it sparkle in the light of the dying sun as she gazed over the water. She could see the sleek outlines of fish as they swam within the body of water, graceful and quick. Ducks paddled around on the opposing side of the pond, making sure to keep a distance from the fierce looking she wolf. It was beautiful where she was, spring making the world green, making the rushing water louder than usual, making the flowers bloom, making prey more plentiful for the many wolves that lived here.

Bi coloured pools, left of evergreen and right of cyan, glowed faintly from an ebony face, marred by a russet streak going from above the lady's eye, down her cheek and throat, and meeting with the blaze of red on her chest. Her front legs were also tainted entirely with the colour, and the rest of her body remained black as night. The dame also possessed a mane of thick ebony fur around her powerful neck, wild and unruly, adding to her intimidating appearance. Her long legs, thickened slightly by cords of strong muscles, made her a great hunter. She was a large wolf, which really didn't help her seem harmless, but she didn't have much bulk, her muscles were rather wiry, and her shoulders petite. The ebony and russet she wolf sat calmly, quietly on the bank of the pool, tail wrapped around powerful paws.


07-24-2013, 03:25 PM


Cold water hit the back of Rina's throat as she lapped up the cool water from the fast running stream. Beads of the blue, fresh water clung to the fur on her chin as she raised her head. Quickly shaking them off, Rina stood up and continued downstream. She had been wandering for almost a year now, and the days and months were starting to merge together. There was nothing in her life to distinguish the different days apart. She knew barely anyone in these lands, she went unnoticed. Perhaps she just wasn't interesting enough to be noticed...

Rina lifted her crown to take in the scents around her, brown and green gaze sweeping the horizon. A scent came across her nose, a female wolf, on the far bank. She smelled young. Rina's gaze found a form a few feet down stream. She sat sitting by the side of the bank. The female had beautiful markings, very unusual. Rina wasn't in the best of moods, but no-one would take notice of her if she didn't make an effort. Hello there! she took a few steps and faced the dame from across the river.


07-25-2013, 02:12 PM
Bi coloured orbs had been following a uniquely coloured wolf down the opposing side of the river. Lifting her ebony muzzle to the air, she had tested the air for this lupine creature's scent. A female, with no pack, and the scents of these lands interwoven within as well, quite strongly. Her obsidian ears perked as the sound of a greeting rang in her auds.
Hello there!
The brown wolf called. Udosa smiled, and let her own greeting fall from her inky black lips.
Well hiya!
The hellish looking dame barked across the expanse of water. Bunching her powerful cords of muscle, she launched herself into the air, flying though it to land with barely a splash in the water, disappearing headfirst beneath the crystalline aqua in a perfect dive. Her legs churned the water effortlessly, and the massive gladatrix's head cleared the water once more. Soon, her giant paws scraped against the bottom, her long black claws leaving deep gashes in the mucky sand below. Gliding out of the water like a snake, she appeared slowly from the chilled aqua; thick pelt clinging to her body to define her rippling muscles- much bulkier than most fae's, long legs smoothly delivering her onto the land. She raised her cranium, a smile painted onto her face, and shook out her thick fur. Water sprayed everywhere, and her fur dryed quite quickly, smoothing over her body. Her thick mane, reminiscent of a lions, stuck out wildly from her neck.
Good day for a swim, eh?
The warrioresque woman commented, smiling at this new wolf. She definately had a personality contrary to her appearance, which was the only reason wolves remembered her, other than her odd, scary pelt and frame. She waited for a response, standing before the other, equally unique coated lady as calmly as she could muster. Up close, she was definately different than far away. You could see the colours of her faintly glowing eyes, the unruly, coarse hairs in her mane, and the thick muscles covering her body.