
Finding A Friend



8 Years
08-05-2013, 09:56 PM

Sarak felt rotten inside, he felt as low as he had never felt before. Azalea?s answers to Erani?s next question, which confused him, personally, and when Erani had asked him the same question, he?d thought back. He got hot sometimes, and his heart hammered at those times, and he felt as though something fluttered in his stomach, and now felt a powerful surge of terror. This was beyond Erani induced terror, this was more. Azalea?s glare reduced him to the ground, flat on his back, tail tucked over uhm? tucked more tightly, and eyes clamped shut. She was the Heir, she could do what ever she wanted to him, and he would take what she gave.

Erani?s next words barely registered as she spoke to Azalea, asking to see the scratch. But he did open one eye, watching with spine weakening worry. Was there a scratch after all? Azalea spoke, and a hoarse whine gurgled and croaked from his throat, and his head thanked back to the ground, eye clamping shut again. He was a lout. He had gotten the Heir of Valhalla, his friend, sick! She probably hated him. He wouldn?t blame her.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-05-2013, 10:19 PM

Erani nodded as Azalea answered her questions, her mental muzzle grinning like a Cheshire cat. ?Hmmm. We?ll just have to see, won?t we.? was her cryptic reply to Azalea?s question. When Erani asked Sarak the same question and got his reaction, Azalea spotted it and glared at him, which reduced the male to a puddle on the ground, tail tucked over his belly, quivering. The Cheshire cat in Erani?s mind snickered.

As Azalea followed Erani?s gesture and rolled over Erani kept one eye on Sarak, who opened one eye and watched, concern in those emerald eyes, and right then, Azalea spoke up. Yup! That was it. Erani hid a grin and lowered her eyes to Azalea?s belly. There was a scratch, a nice long one close to the left thigh. It wasn?t deep, but she?d give it a cleaning with some Yarrow juice. ?Nope! There?s a scratch, but you two are perfectly healthy. As for the scratch, I?ll clean it out with a bit of Yarrow juice, and you should stay out of the mud.? Oh this was fun! ?As for these symptoms you two are having, you?ll understand them in time.?

She stepped back to give Azalea room to rise. ?I saw a patch of Yarrow along my way, let me just fetch some. Back in a flash.? She made tracks, trotting out of the area. She waited until she was out of earshot before she gave a chuckle, maw pulling into a grin. She waited a good long moment after grabbing the yarrow, until she started heading back.



6 Years
08-06-2013, 06:26 AM (This post was last modified: 08-06-2013, 06:27 AM by Azalea.)

As she glared at Sarak the boy melted away, withering to no more than a submissive mutt on the ground. He was belly up, begging her pardon but more than willing to take whatever punishment she would sentence him to endure. She couldn't see him well from where she lay, sprawled on her side and her view got even worse as she rolled onto her back for Erani to investigate her stomach region.

?Hmmm. We?ll just have to see, won?t we.? Azalea listened to Erani without any doubt in her mind. It was impossible for her to even consider that the look on Erani's face meant that she was hiding something, anything. ?Nope! There?s a scratch, but you two are perfectly healthy. As for the scratch, I?ll clean it out with a bit of Yarrow juice, and you should stay out of the mud.? She pulled her ears back, frowning a bit. She didn't like being told what to do and if she was healthy as a bull elk then why in the world did the scratch need cleaned out?

?As for these symptoms you two are having, you?ll understand them in time.? Now Azalea was really frustrated, with everything. She rolled onto her stomach and sat up. "But you said we were healthy! If I am sick then I demand you tell me what is going on right now." Oh, yea, Azalea was pissed, that much was obvious in the fact that she was using her position as Heir to demand things of the elder woman. "Get up!" She hissed at Sarak.

Erani brushed her off though, a yearling was no threat to her and Aza failed to know just how foolish it was to tangle with the pale wolf. ?I saw a patch of Yarrow along my way, let me just fetch some. Back in a flash.? Erani moved off, heading through the densest patch of foliage. The hot headed female pivoted and padded resolutely back to Sarak. "And she calls herself a healer," the young female grumbled. "What do you make of this?" Her voice was still a few octaves too high. When her eyes found Sarak's she saw that look of worry still on his face. With a sigh she let her frustrations go, moving very close to him before raising a paw to bat at his face. "Enough with that, she said we're fine and I believe that at least." Or did she? The distraction brought by pawing at his face as enough to release him of the stress, at least for a moment, and the look that hid under it... her stomach flipped and her heart skyrocketed into her throat.

Okay, maybe she didn't believe Erani.




8 Years
08-07-2013, 08:06 PM

Sarak?s eyes blinked open at Erani?s announcement. Not? Sick? He was more confused than ever. Azalea raging at Erani had his head lifting, staring at her in dismay. Her hiss at him had him scrambling to his paws, well out of range of fire, where he stood, watching as Erani slipped off. He understood the need for Yarrow, But Azalea?s irrational anger at Erani did not set well. The grumble made him frown. ?She is the best healer in the pack, and you would say that behind her back? I trust her with my life.? The quiet words were firm, even though his eyes still watched her with worry. At least until she batted him on the face with a paw, something she seemed to be highly inclined to do.

He ducked the next pawing to avoid her unintentional digging of her claws, sinking back on his haunches. ?What I make of this is, she knows what is up, but it is not harmful to either of us, and she wants us to figure out what it is. She would never leave us in the dark if our health was in danger.? Deep green eyes bore into the amber gaze. ?And you would be correct, Sarak.?

Erani had returned, one stem of leafy Yarrow in her jaws, and she studied Azalea with such a stern gaze, he wanted to either cower, or step in front of that look and take it himself. Erani wasn?t pleased with the Heir. His mind couldn?t decide, so he settled for scooting around to sit next to Azalea, side pressing to hers, head ducking like a pups.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-07-2013, 08:34 PM

Erani had let Azalea demand at her, with the rude use of her Heir status. She had brushed it off, because of that rudeness. Now she had returned, after hearing what the wind had to bring her of their words. Now she padded into their midst again, the Yarrow she needed in her jaws. ?And you would be correct, Sarak.? Sarak scooted around to sit beside Azalea, looking like a pup in trouble. She spared him a glance, before the stern deep blue gaze returned to Azalea, holding the amber eyes of the Heir. ?Your behavior shocks me, Azalea Adrevendi. Chrysanthe did not make you an Heir so you could demand answers of me like that. Being an Heir does not put you above using respect, even in anger. As for my own decorum, if you, act like a pup throwing a tantrum, you will get the response given to a pup throwing a tantrum. You are not a pup anymore. You are a yearling, and you are our Heir." The stern deep blue eyes continued to stare at the young wolf, before she went on, satisfied that her point had been made.

"As for your scratch, if I do not treat it, it will become infected.? She gestured mildly for Azalea to recline again. ?As for what is happening, these ?symptoms.? They are all part of growing up and maturing. You are not a little girl anymore. Your horizon is broadening, and so is his. This is something best discovered on your own, Azalea.? The gentle explanation was given, cryptic, but enough to send them both on their paths, and hopefully down paths that would intertwine down the road. She paused, chewing the Yarrow to a pulp while she studied the scratch. It was dirty, and she was glad for Sarak?s attentiveness to Azalea?s wellbeing. A scratch like this, where a wolf would miss it unless they really looked, could become a big problem. Warriors? She gave a mental sigh. She gave the scratch a firm licking, cleaning away the crusted on dirt and blood, until it was cleaned, then let the juice from the wag of Yarrow at the side of her tongue to leak out to mix with her saliva as she ran her tongue over the scratch a few times, ensuring saturation and soaking in.

Then she rose and stepped back, looking as satisfied as she felt. ?There. Now, keep that clean. Last thing we want, any of us, if you to get sick. If you have a hard time reaching it with the Yarrow lick, come to me, and I?ll apply it. You will be Alpha, someday. Bonding with your healers, Lead healer especially, is a good idea, though, I can?t promise that I?ll be around when you rise to lead Valhalla. I am eight after all.? Twilight blue gaze twinkled as she gave a mock groan while she stretched, her front end low to the ground. Rising, she huffed out a sigh, then looked up at the sky. ?Now, I need to see how my den fared in the flood. Are my services no longer needed here??



6 Years
08-07-2013, 10:28 PM

?She is the best healer in the pack, and you would say that behind her back? I trust her with my life.? Sarak was on his paws now and had backed off a bit but he clearly disagreed with Azalea. The female rolled her eyes at him but thought better of continuing to talk. "For all I know she's going senile, maybe we should have called my mother instead," She raged internally but at her own suggestion was went backpedaling to take it all back. "No! We do not need my mother here freaking out cause I'm sick."

As she anticipated, he was taken off guard by her pawing him in the face. He really should learn to expect things. ?What I make of this is, she knows what is up, but it is not harmful to either of us, and she wants us to figure out what it is. She would never leave us in the dark if our health was in danger.? His words were rather insightful for what she was accustomed to hearing him say. However it didn't ease her mind. Azalea was not a healer, she had no intention to be one. She would leaving healing to HEALERS.

Not a word slipped her lips before Erani returned, stating that Sarak was correct. Azalea shot a sideways glance at Sarak. "yeah, okay, whatever.," she grumped mentally.

But suddenly Erani was in front of her, holding her gaze with a look that ever had Azalea's stomach twisting in an uncomfortable knot. Sarak could feel the power of her gaze as well, though it was not directed at him, and came to sit tightly to her side with his head hung. ?Your behavior shocks me, Azalea Adrevendi. Chrysanthe did not make you an Heir so you could demand answers of me like that. Being an Heir does not put you above using respect, even in anger. As for my own decorum, if you, act like a pup throwing a tantrum, you will get the response given to a pup throwing a tantrum. You are not a pup anymore. You are a yearling, and you are our Heir."

Defiantly she held the woman's stare, glaring at her unable to muster words to fight fire with fire. Instead she fought fire with coals. Erani thought little of it, moving on instead. "As for your scratch, if I do not treat it, it will become infected.? She wanted Azalea to bare her belly again. "Oh, I see how it is. I go belly up and she wins!" She was not pouting or fussing now her mind actually smirking with an "ah, I see what you did there" type of look.

So she lowered herself to the ground, rolling over to bear her stomach to the world. This time she had a very good view of Sarak who she stared at without a word. She was much too distracted to worry about him seeing her underside. ?As for what is happening, these ?symptoms.? They are all part of growing up and maturing. You are not a little girl anymore. Your horizon is broadening, and so is his. This is something best discovered on your own, Azalea.?When the cool of the healer's tongue touched her belly though, all her abdominal muscles contracted causing her body to jerk, eyes going wide and teeth half way showing as her lips retreated into a rather amusing face. As her body came out of the spasm it was uncomfortable, adjusting back into a relaxed position.

Her mind jumped back over the abyss of distraction to the words Erani had just spoken. "Growing up? Maturing.... Not a little girl anymore?" She repeated these things in her mind and when the light bulb kicked back on Erani was lucky that she had finished. Azalea flopped over, kicking at Sarak in her mad attempt to get up as quickly as possible. Surely the wise woman was not suggesting that Sarak was physically attracted to her? "Can't be! I'm not-I'm not... anything to look at and I'm younger than him and surely he can't possibly actually like me. Her mind was in overdrive, slowly frying itself.

Erani had been speaking, something about keeping the scratch clean though Azalea was fairly certain she had already gotten it dirty in her struggle to stand up. She finally came back to earth, soon enough to hear the part about being Alpha. That one word was enough to captivate her full attention. But then Erani was done speaking and ready to leave.

Perhaps it was a little too late, but she seemed to suddenly remember her manners, nodding to the wolf. "Yes, I believe that is all. Thank you, Erani, and hopefully you find your den in one piece... well... dry." She smirked lightly, "Cause I know Sarak's den isn't." She looked over her shoulder to him, her face going blank as once again works like "mature" and "growing" came to her mind again.

All the blood fled from her face, her eyes getting watery as all the blood rushed back setting her skin ablaze. She needed a breather. "I, uh, gotta go," She paused, not even trying for a good lie, just spitting out the first words that came to mind, "check my den, you know?" She was on her paws and speed walking away.




8 Years
08-15-2013, 08:46 PM

Sarak noticed the roll of her eyes at his words, and his brow points pulled together in a slight frown of dismay. She didn?t seem to believe him about Erani?s credibility, either. A soft hum of a disappointed whine whispered from his throat as Erani?s words as she arrived only seemed to make Azalea?s childish behavior worse. He stepped away from Azalea with a frown, as Erani gestured for Azalea to recline again. He sat well away from the two, ears back. The glare she?d given him still hurt for some reason. His tail wrapped tightly around his haunches, and at first he missed what Erani was saying. Horizons expanding? Discover what?

There was a scrambling from Azalea, and he glanced over to see a peculiar look on her face, and the bruised look in his eyes turned to confusion. Why did she look at him like that? Erani was taking her leave, and he glanced at the Lead Healer with a nod and a murmured ?thank you?? Azalea seemed to have finally regained her manners and was thanking her as well, and adding a hope that Erani?s den was dry. His ears dropped back at the smirk he caught on her face as she looked over at him, before her face went blank again.

She was suddenly taking her leave abruptly, and he blinked at her last words. Den? But she? ?Lies do not become you. Good day, Heir?? He turned and headed out, head low, ears drooping. All the confusion just made his head hurt worse and worse, and gave his chest a tangled feeling. So he took off at a quick trot, as far away from this spot as he could. Maybe his head would stop hurting if he had fresh, cool air and room to think.

-Exit Sarak-