
Break...away from everybody...away from everything


08-08-2013, 05:31 PM
Mako's eyes widened as he watched the scene unfold before him. The strange woman who smelled like blood, the man who had just rescued him preparing to face off against her, and the strange scented girl who seemed to be trying to scare off the woman along with Demonio. He watched with careful eyes, cowering closer to the ground as the black woman began to circle them. Her words reaching his ears, his body shuddered at the sound of her voice...he wanted to run, but his paws would not move. He watched with wide eyes as she began to talk about him...He stared at his paws, ears flattened to his head. Were Demonio and Maka just protecting themselves? Or did they feel sorry for him? The things this woman said, hurt the boy...but it was things he was used to hearing. After all, he heard it all the time from his parents. Nothing new...but here, he thought he had gotten away from it all. But it seemed not. Would the two that were here do the same to him?

He swallowed and flinched as the black woman made her final threat. Then vanished into the undergrowth, the smell fading with her. He swore that the two could hear his heart pound in his chest at the fright the woman gave him, but it just pounded in his ears. After her scent had completely gone, he slowly rose from his hiding place and crawled out from underneath Demonio. Glancing nervously at him and Maka, he stared up at the bigger man. "Are...we still going to play?" He had pushed away the hurt that resided in his eyes, instead replacing it with a slightly hopeful one. Surely these two wouldn't be like his parents...?


08-13-2013, 12:21 AM

Icy and maroon eyes stayed locked on the darker woman as she spat her idiotic taunts at the trio, beginning to circle them as if trying to decide if she was actually going to try anything with the youngsters. The ivory man mirrored her movements, pale lips curled back against pearly dentures, a menacing snarl erupting from his jowls as he lowered his head to level it with his spine, muscles taut. Despite having just met these two youths, he would bravely put himself in the line of fire to spare them. He had already lived enough, these two had barely begun to live their lives.

He didn't bother to respond to her snarky comments about Mako. They slid off him like water on his pelt and he only hoped that the young boy cowering beneath him knew that none of that was true. His gaze never left the onyx woman, even as she moved off, staring off into her direction well after she'd disappeared, waiting a full minute or two to make sure that she was really gone before relaxing, his lips returning to their former position, muscles relaxing as he allowed his now gentler gaze to flicker to Mako as he asked if they were going to still play. If Maka still wants to show us. He turned to look at the young female.

Talk like this


08-22-2013, 07:53 AM
The creepy and strange dame left before opening her vile mouth one last time. Maka looked back and forth between Mako and Demonio. The dame then smiled at Mako's question, he still wanted to play. With a nod she walked toward him and wagged her tail. He was sweet, just a bit scared is all. The girl lightly touched the top of his head with her nose in hopes of reassuring him they would.

"Sure! We can play! Basically one of us is the wolf and two of us are the hares. The wolf tried to catch the hares while the hares try not to be caught. I've played this game with my sister before but not in a long time."

"So! Who wants to be the wolf? Not it!" she asked in an excited tone.

Maka smiled as she bounced up and down a but on her feet. Turquoise eyes went from one male to another as she couldn't wait to start the game. Who would win? Eventually the wolf maybe. Who would be the wolf? Who would've the two hares? How long would they play? With a small shake of her head the femme let all questions roll off of her like the waves of the ocean. Taking a step back from Mako to give him some space she sat down on her haunches.

OOC:ignore phone post errors and short postie


08-23-2013, 08:56 PM
Mako raised himself slightly as Maka stirred. After the scary woman left, it had had left him feeling afraid and sunk. Doubting his abilities and existence in this world...then, he felt something touch him. He didn't flinch this time, a first for him. He opened his eyes to see that it was Maka, her touch distracted him from his doubting thoughts and pulling him away. Her attitude began to amuse him, she seemed so..happy. Maka spoke, his ears perking ever so slowly until they came to full attention. So they would still play the game? His tail wagged the smallest of wags as he listened more to what she had to say about it, and little by little his eyes lit up at the thought. He glanced at her as she called the words, "not it." Then he glanced at Demonio and after a few seconds, he too called out. "Not It either!" He laughed a little, this was definitely a new experience for him. He couldn't remember the last time he had laughed, not even with his siblings.

He stood, walking over to Maka's side, his mud coated pelt beginning to feel heavy and drying. It didn't bother him much though, he had been through worse. His tail wagged shyly and low over the ground as he waited for Demonio, then he smiled when he looked at Maka. She seemed to be real excited, and wondered how fun this game would be...he had never played a game before in his life, so this experience was new for him. He could feel Maka's excitement rub off on him, until the memory of the one named Destruction began to fade away to become nothing more then a shadow that would disappear. "What now?"