
Hunting for flood


07-06-2013, 02:27 PM

Her home had been flooded, so she decided to get out of there to gather food for those who could not. The water was at least two feet deep which meant elders and pups would have trouble and would be stuck on higher ground. This was her chance, YES, this was her chance to prove she was worth something. She was strong, at 36 inches in height and had well developed muscles all she needed was some experience. She had trained every day with her mother and it was pack training all that she could ever ask for. Yet, food was not easy to find when you had your paw stuck in a jumble of roots. Sticking out of the ground they had entangled themselves on her left paw. Painfully she was tugging at it growling at herself. This was not a good situation to be in at all and it sort of pissed her off. As the girl flailed more it just caused her to trip over her feet and made a large thump on the ground.
"Listen root you better let go of me right now or so help me I will eat you!" She yelled trying to tug at it with her teeth, but she was in a bad position and couldn't get a good grip on the plant. So Vahva sighed and sat on her side staring at her paw, maybe help would come or it would loosen itself up. She could only pray. God forbid that she die here and become a doll. She shook her head and began tugging again at that thought.



07-06-2013, 03:16 PM

Flint meandered along the bottom of a deep ravine, but her head was up in the clouds. Life here seemed to either be roaring with vivacious activity or dull, with nothing going on. She was either being ambushed by foreign wolves or walking lonely trails without a scent of anything besides dirt, water and leaves. At the moment she was picking her way carefully among the rocks, listening for any scurries that would denote mice among the stones. Gnarled trees and their roots reached for the open air, massing around her and even sometimes arching above her. It was during her examination of the odd world around her that an unexpected shout caterwauled into the otherwise silent afternoon. "Listen root you better let go of me right now or so help me I will eat you!" It was so sudden and unexpected that Flint actually jumped upwards and skittered back a few feet, before swiveling her head towards the source with a fierce glare on her face.

It didn't take her long to pinpoint the source. No far from her, one quarter entangled in a mass of roots, sat one of the strangest canines Flint had seen to date. She had nearly gotten used to strange colored eyes, but this wolfess' fur was new to her too, she had never seen the likes of it. Her wonder, however, did not curb her frustration at being startled. "Do you really need to shout so loudly?" she lashed out, stalking up the slight incline to stand before the captured wolf. She was much larger than Flint, but apparently incapacitated. "You nearly scared me out of my fur! Are you stuck or something?" Flint, true to form, had no qualms about confronting total strangers, and this large wolfess was no exception. With a glare set on her face she awaited her response.

Speech, Thoughts


07-08-2013, 01:26 PM

Vahva struggled against the root until another wolf had come up to her and spoken. It made her anger spike more, no need to yell? She could yell all she wanted, there wasn't any room for judgement here. She avoided snapping at the other she wolf though, to avoid the fact that she did need help getting out of her entanglement. She tugged her paw some more but it only caused the root to tighten its grip. She let out a growl deep in her throat. "Serves me right for getting distracted." She noted sitting down and looking at the root then back up at flint. Who asked if she was stuck or something. Her red eyes narrowed, would she honestly be yelling like that if she wasn't stuck? Vahva flicked her tail on the dirt for a moment and sighed. "Sorry, for startling you, My name's Vahva and yes I got my paw stuck in some dry roots sticking out of the ground." Vahva said not amused as she indicated to her stuck paw the branches sticking into her fur and skin slightly. Stuck real good if you had to ask anyone else.
If it was anything Vahva hated to ask for help from a stranger. "Mind giving me a paw and help me get out of it?" She asked with a smirk. Course the wolf could have been evil and attack Vahva, but she would have done that by now if that was the case and she could defend herself perfectly well even to sacrifice her paw. As long as she survived there was nothing to worry about in the end.



07-09-2013, 04:33 PM

Flint saw the anger spike in the female's eyes for just a moment before it was choked down. After all, the stranger was in quite a predicament. Flint's first thought was to gloat, or tease, or at least subject the female to a bit more humiliation but she had had a long day of her own. She couldn't very well leave the she-wolf here, and the longer it took to free her the longer it would before before she could find a place to settle down for the day. She listened with keen interest as the large, oddly marked wolf spoke. Vahva, eh? Well Vahva it's true, you are in quite the predicament. At her request for help, Flint gave a curt nod and stepped forward.

She observed from a distance for just a moment, trying to determine how the she wolf was stuck exactly. It occurred to her that this stranger could be posing as the damsel in distress for nefarious purposes, but she pushed the paranoia from her mind. There were easier ways for wolves Vahva's size to take wolves like Flint down. As Flint examined the brush pile she found the problem. an errant root had wrapped around the tangle, tightening like a noose as more pressure was put on it. Flint smirked and stepped forward. "Pardon me, this will only take a moment." Gingerly, Flint reached her muzzle forward and grasped the smaller root in her teeth, nipping and grinding and gently tugging her way through the offending branch until finally it let go with a snap. Flint tumbled backwards with a yelp, skidding back a few paces. With a huff she leaped back to her feet, shaking the dirt out of her coat. "Damn root. Are you okay now?" She looked back to the larger wolf to see if she had been freed.

Speech, Thoughts