
A New Beginning


07-13-2013, 11:54 AM

Valkyire scuffed her paws in the strange dark sand. Between the bitter cold despite the season and the geography of this particular place, she was having mixed feelings about this new land. She had hoped she might find somewhere to settle soon but this was not a good first impression by any means. The hulking female scowled and sat down, studying the contrast of her auburn paws against the black, a mixture she usually only saw when they melded with the ebony of the rest of her coat. Growing bored quickly she trotted back to the water line. It was calm now, unusually so, and she could see some fish flickering in the shallows. Despite her grumbling stomach she had no desire to brave the frigid water to catch them. Her hopes that the dark sand would hold some heat had been foiled as well.

She scowled next at the treacherous midday sun. "It's spring you asshole!" She called out. "Where's the warmth! Where's the green?" She had endured the winter season for its normal duration in other lands, what made this one so special that it thought it could host any season it wanted? I guess I am pretty far north, she sighed. I was just hoping to stay still for a few days, finally get some rest. Oh well, southward it is. With her mind made up, she turned and prepared to move onward yet again.

Speech, Thoughts


07-13-2013, 01:49 PM

'Two, two years I have walked this world, the two long years has surely changed who I was. Two years of learning what! How to get used and thrown away by others. Abandoned by those who told you they will never leave. Yes I have lived two years now, but what has those years cost me? I will tell you, they cost me my trust in others, my sanity, and most of all it had closed my heart. Sealed it shut so that no one could get in, but all can get out!'

Her head hung low and alert as she walked across the sand, the wind was icy to the touch, and summer felt like winter. This did not faze Tikaani one bit, it actually fuelled her heart, her hatred and her mind. Green cold eyes looked about the area, in search of something that she was unaware of. What a strange world this is, one where others surely could care less for others. Some things in this world is rather left in your minds. One thing that Tikkani learned is that if you seal your heart no one can hurt you.

Lost in thought her body soon brought her tot he edge of an river, it was just as icy as the air its self was, if not colder. She glared down at her reflection, what looked back at her was surely not the once playful pup. It was such a long time ago, and frankly it was dead. Her ears flickered as a voice of another filled them, The voice was someone she had not encountered before. Raising her head her icy green eye turned to the female not more than a few feet from her. Her words made Tikaani chuckle, she did not move from that spot when she spoke with a chill in her voice as well.

"Dose the iciness in the air bother you? Do you not like the chill of the wind as it seeps through your fur, your flesh, and sinks in to the depth of your bones. Dose this not please you, what a sheltered creacher i see before me. One that scurries away at the moment of displeasure." Tikaani then let out a icy laugh, her tail swayed as her eye focused on the female.


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07-14-2013, 12:37 PM

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The sudden intrusion on what she thought was a private moment startled Valkyrie, but only for a moment. Her eyes darted towards the source of the sound where she found a large she-wolf, almost exactly her size. Odd,{/I] thought Val. [I]You don't often see femmes with this build. Her words, clearly meant to be a barb, rolled off of Val's shoulders like water on a duck's wings. Between the scarring and marring of her visage and the chill to her words Valkyrie knew she faced a tortured, small soul. "Pardon me, has my yelling disturbed you?" she purred out, voice sickeningly sweet. She was in no mood to be the this female's verbal chew toy, and so avoided her questions completely. "I'm terribly sorry if so, how discourteous of me." Valkyrie rounded so that she faced this stranger head on. She stood at her full height, yet kept her muscles relaxed and her face in a friendly pose. If this wolf was as physically confrontational as she was verbally confrontational she might have a problem.

Val did a quick survey of the land just as her adoptive mother, Shimm had thought her to. Sand made for uneasy footing when it came to grappling, but she wouldn't have to worry bout falling or rolling onto rocks or sticks. It would be hard to get any kind of tactical advantage without any high land or cover to be found, and tooth to claw, this wolf looked to be her equal, at least as far as sheer size or build went. Valkyrie sighed. She was an old hand at scuffles and brawls but gods above, she was in no mood to fight. It was too cold, and her fur had just grown back in those patches that were ripped away in her last fight. She mentally groaned, hoping perhaps this was just how this particular wolf chose to say good morning.

Speech, Thoughts


07-14-2013, 01:07 PM

The chill of the wind swooped over the dame as she lifted her head from the water. Standing up Tikaani matched the size of the other female, In her mind she was ready for a fight if one was to brew, but in the other since, Tikaani wanted to learn more about the creature who lived such a sheltered life. The words of the other dame showed that she wanted no trouble, but yet her body posture stated,if their is going to be some fighting she would be ready. "Pardon me, has my yelling disturbed you" was the first thing she spoke, disturbed, never, annoyed, plenty.

Tikaani let out a grimes smile as she noticed the other female's dodge of her statement. 'How clever this one is, she surely can pick up on little tricks. I think I should continue my fun. I wonder though, how long can she keep up this little charade.' Tikaani thought as she listened to the second comment of this dame. "I'm terribly sorry if so, how discourteous of me." Tikaani stood their and watched as the other dame walked closer to her. Tikaani's tail swayed as she too walked a bit closer to the other dame while speaking.

"The yelling is non of my burdens that I face. Many like you, who have been sheltered your whole life, just can't help to yell at the discomfort that stands before you. Though when you face such a challenge it is only in your nature to run or simply, I don't know, roll over and give up." Her voice was not as much as a hiss to it as before but it still held some of a hiss. "And when you see that a challenge stands before you, you might be blind to said challenge. To the point where you avoid it, well in a since. Then when all else fails, you go about apologizing for meaningless things, for things that are far from the topic of origin here."

Her ears swiveled on top of her head as the chilled air flew through the land. Tikaani was entreated of this dame, to the point she wanted to see how long it could take to make her crack. Mostly she wanted to know if this creature was as sheltered as she makes it appear. What ever the out come would be, their is one thing that would remain the same no matter what. That is the fact that this dame had the courage to play into her game.


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07-14-2013, 01:38 PM

The venom that seeped through this female's words was so sinister, so spiteful it made Valkyrie want to laugh. What wolf thought so highly of herself and her opinions that any deviations could bring forth such spite? Was it so insulting to her that Val preferred warmth to the cold. Was it so foreign a concept that perhaps Val had seen true hardship and because of that she preferred comfort. Hell, she had been born in a horrendous winter ice storm that had killed both of her parents and all siblings, cold was all she had known since the moment she came into the world. And traveling long miles as soon as her eyes opened had been no picnic. Sparring with a male wolf one year her senior had hardened her, a Rogue's life had made her wary and wise. So excuse me if I choose to be jovial and seek out comfort rather than wallow in my self-proclaimed, self-fulfilling misery. What a poor, tortured creature. Valkyrie knew the source of this shewolf's sinister attitude, but that didn't mean she was in the mood to put up with it. She weighed her options carefully but quickly.

Val rolled her shoulders and cracked her neck, loosening her muscles and shedding some tension. A smirk had wormed it's way onto her face and she couldn't seem to quell it. Instead she embraced it and mused out, "Sheltered?" Val looked up at the sky, coy as can be. "My, not much shelter here at all, sorry. I've seen some nice dens in my day though, let me tell you. In one land, covered in swamp, I met a pack that made their dens in the gnarled roots of mangrove trees. Another band had woven branches into a tangled downed tree to make their own nest. Dens behind water falls and in glaciers and hollowed ancient volcanoes, warrens and labyrinths alike. No, this hardly compares to those, sorry." She avoided this angry shewolf still. If Val was lucky, her rant would kill two birds with one stone, both irritating her companion and illustrating that she was indeed well traveled and well versed in the trials of the world, all while maintaining that happy-go-lucky purr as if she hadn't a care in the world.

Speech, Thoughts


07-14-2013, 02:15 PM

In this life that dwells before you, one must see the truth behind your existence here. What that truth may be it is never easy to spot, never easy to conquer, and mostly if you do find the truth for your existence it is to late to act upon it. One must live the best way they can, or just give up on everything. Because who said this would be easy, to live in this harsh world that consumes all it's victims. If you are not willing to fight to move on you might as well lie down and die. Because you will never get anywhere dwelling in your self pity, And this is one lesson that Tikaani must grow to learn. All those who crossed her path, never challenged her. They either ran from her appearance, or just tried to give her advise that means nothing.

But this dame that stood in front of her radiates off a challenge that Tikaani must over come. This female really dose intrigue Tikaani, and she listened to the female speak of shelter. How she seen many different types of shelter that this world has to offer. Well what Tikaani got out of her little speech is that this dame has seen, and been many places. Tikaani's tail swayed gently as the corners of her maw curled up in a smile. Tikaani saw that this dame's posture relaxed a bit and with that Tikaani relaxed a bit also. She walked closer to the female, intrigued by her. She did not get to close to the dame but close enough that she could feel her breath and that the dame could feel Tikaani's breath as well. The two year old looked at the stranger who did not run, submit, or attack her at site.

'Who is this female who challenges me, who dose not seem fazed by my large frame, my scars, my blinded eye. Who neither runs to kill me, or runs away from me. This female is surely someone I have never encountered the likes of before, but yet, here I am standing close enough to feel the breath of this stranger on my fur. Still she stands here looking at me as if I am nothing more than any other wolves around.' Tikaani thought to her self, her eye scanned the black dame and it was time for her to speak. Names seem useless at this point, so Tikaani feels no need to see the title of the one who stands before her. As she stood their looking at the dame their sizes match up almost perfectly.

She still had this smile upon her face as she spoke. Her voice was calm but still held the harshness of her life with in the depths of the sound. >"Shelter and being sheltered are two different things. One is something which another resides in for an escape from the elements. The other is of which someone never faced torment in their life, but from the likes of which you speak. You are far from being sheltered as which I first intended. You intrigue me as someone I have not seen the likes of before. You speak with such ease to your voice, but your eyes tell a story of a non so pleasant past, filled with long journeys across many different lands. Tell me, whom am I speaking with, whom is this creature that stands before me with a twisted image as to the true nature that dwells with in them."


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07-15-2013, 07:16 PM

Valkyrie eyed the marred shewolf with mild amusement. So formal... she mused to herself. She was beginning to see that this wolf put heavy emphasis on almost everything she did. Everything in her world seemed rigid and and harsh, as if every thought, word, and action was life or death, do or die. She was throwing off tension in waves that had Val constantly rolling her shoulders to try and shake it out. She's kind of harshing my mellow, not gonna lie. Valkyrie chuckled and asked, "Is that some really complicated way of asking my name?" Her tone still carried a teasing tone, unruffled and enjoying this strange wolf's company. "If so, it's Valkyrie Brynhildr, Bryn being my mother's name and Hildr being my fathers, or so I was told."

Shimm had never gathered much information about her parents before they passed, she had only seen a harried pair of wolves hastily hallowing out a shallow depression in the ground to try and birth in. Shimm, having taken pity on them, had taken them back to her den instead. Regardless of having never met her parents, she had a deep respect for them. Shimm said she carried her father's large frame and her mother's sleek coat and eyes, a mixture of both power and beauty. Luk, her adoptive brother, had never met his father either so she hadn't grown up feeling oh so different, which she guessed had helped shape her into the carefree wolf she was today. "And you, Straight-Talking-She-Wolf? What is your name? 'Whom' are you?" She out teased with an easy grin.

Speech, Thoughts


07-16-2013, 04:52 AM

This black she wolf, the one with the eyes of sorrow. This creature was standing before her a stranger in no doubt, but introductions was surely something that had not happened in much of conversations Tikaani holds. Her ears perked up as the other wolf asked if that was a complicated way to ask her name. Well this dame would learn quickly that Tikaani is not the one for, well, short simple ways to speak, and ask questions. The corners of her maw curled up in to a grimes smile as she spoke to the other. "Complication is in the beholder, well in a since. Everyone has a different complication level that they can process. In the shorter version, yes I suppose it was a advance way in asking your name."

Her green gem looked over the sandy land that they stood upon, many things that could go wrong might go wrong. Not only are we at the mercy of any other we come across upon, but also the mercy of mother earth and all her might. Well in a way if she wanted us gone she'd make it happen. Tikaani's ears swiveled on top of her head as she listened to the other dame speak her name, and give a lesson on the supposed origin of her last name. Frankly Tikaani was ok with that, after all everyone has their own meaning behind their name. It was a cool little reason behind it and all. Tikaani watched the other dame as she then turned to her and asked her name, in a complicated way also. Tikaani smiled, this dame this Valkyrie, is some one different. >"The title that my god forsaken bitch gave me is Tikaani. I hold no last name due to the fact that i see little point in it."She spoke with a slight shrug to her shoulders.


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