
Shooting Star


07-05-2013, 01:13 AM

His long legs had brought him to a most interesting place, black sand suddenly touched his paws. He smiled amusedly, black sand was something he had never encountered before. Its odd color was a pleasant surprise, and was incredibly warm. He couldn't help but to fell the pull of a good run. Kypsis wanted to move his limbs across the interesting beach. With an excited leap he decided to do just that.
He pushed his feet forward, grasping for the stride he knew he could achieve. He pushed himself across the sand, flying over the soft curve of the shore. He laughed excited as he reached the other end, his breathing slightly labored. The warmth of the sand was much too inviting after the excursion. It was time for a nap.
With a relaxed thud he fell to the sand, quickly dozing off.

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07-05-2013, 03:08 PM

The young russet girl was becoming more independent of her family. She was starting to wander out on her own more, to begin exploring the new lands that were her home now. She was a yearling after all; clearly old enough to be out on her own. She didn't know much about fighting really, but she was a quick study and she figured she would be alright. There was always the other option of running away. Either way, she didn't think she was too bad off by herself. She probably should've brought her brother Niko with her, but she didn't know where he'd gotten off to. Probably out exploring just like her, though where exactly she didn't have a clue. She would meet up with him later. No big deal.

Obsidian and russet paws carried the young woman towards a new area, nostrils flaring against the fresh spring air, tasting an unfamiliar scent on the breeze. It belonged to a male, a rogue apparently, someone who didn't belong to her pack or any pack for that matter. Curiosity peaked, Seraphiel trotted in the direction of the scent, sapphire gems coming across the figure of a large man lying across the beach, apparently asleep. The young woman was cautious in her approach, audits pricked forward with attention. Hello? She called out gently, stopping a few yards from him, curious sapphire gaze intent on his figure, wondering if she would be able to rouse him from his sleep.

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07-05-2013, 04:15 PM
His dreams were suddenly interrupted by the paw steps of another wolf, her sweet voice was quick to follow. He didn't startle awake, since she seemed quite non threatening. He swam slowly out of his torpid daze, opening his groggy eyes and blinking the sleep away. He was greeted by the face of a young wolfess, curiosity evident in her face. She had stopped a respectable distance away, he smiled over at her. "Hello."
His voice was heavy with sleep as he called a greeting, wondering why she had interrupted her nap. Waking a strange wolf was dangerous, "I don't mind, but you should be careful about waking strange wolves up. I coulda been dangerous." He showed his teeth in mock play, laughing a bit before continuing, "Good morning young she wolf, who are you?"

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07-05-2013, 04:38 PM

Haunches folded beneath the russet youth, onyx plume curling around her toes, sapphire gems intent on the man's resting figure. Why would someone sleep out in the middle of a beach? She hadn't had any bad experiences with the outside world yet, but instinct told her that being out in the open was bad, especially in such a vulnerable position like a nap. She would never sleep out in the open; it was too dangerous and rather uncomfortable. She would rather sleep in a den, or something close where she could have her back against something and be able to see whatever it was that tried to come at her. But hey, she wasn't one to judge. If this man liked taking naps out in the middle of a beach, where anyone could come and attack him, then that was his deal. It was his hide he was endangering after all.

Her quiet greeting roused the grey man from his sleep, eyes groggily opening to focus on her figure as she watched him, a smile curling his lips as he returned her greeting. Hello. I don't mind, but you should be careful about waking strange wolves up. I coulda been dangerous. She huffed, lifting her dark shoulders in a shrug. Hey there. You're probably right, but you didn't look very dangerous to me. But I'll keep that in mind next time I run into a sleeping wolf. Her tone was friendly, her features mirroring that, though she didn't return the smile, still unsure about the stranger before her but not feeling threatened by him at all as he questioned who she was. My name is Seraphiel. I'm from Glaciem. Who are you? You don't smell like you're from any pack. She questioned, curious as to who this man was.

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07-05-2013, 04:58 PM

He was glad to hear that she would not be going around waking strange wolves anymore. Not that she did it on the regular, he was sure finding an odd wolf washed up on the shore was an odd experience. He smiled as he listened to her introduction, she was from the fabled Glaciem as well. They had to have a camp set up somewhere close, having run into so many wolves from the pack. She seemed friendly enough so he just himself continue to enjoy the warmth of the sand.
His neck moved so he would be sitting up taller as he replied to her question, "I am called, Kypsis. And I'm not from a pack, I'm a rogue. I claim no one and no one claims me." He lived where ever he wanted.

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07-05-2013, 05:28 PM

It was pretty nice of him to give her some advice like that, but she was sure that she probably wouldn't need to use it later on. She hardly ever ran into sleeping wolves anyway, so his warning was probably useless, but she didn't let on. She didn't want to be rude; after all, he had pretty nice about her having woken him up. She wasn't sure she would be able to do the same if someone came and woke her up from her nap. She rather liked being able to wake up on her own. His voice broke her from her thoughts, sapphire gems refocusing on his dark figure. I am called, Kypsis. And I'm not from a pack, I'm a rogue. I claim no one and no one claims me. A rogue. She'd heard that term before, but had never actually met a rogue wolf before. Rogue's sounded pretty interesting, since they didn't have anywhere that they specifically lived and were able to travel where they wanted to go, but the young woman preferred to be a in a pack. She liked having a family to come home to. Do you like being a rogue Kypsis? She hoped that her asking questions wouldn't annoy him. Some adults didn't like when youngsters pestered them with questions.

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07-07-2013, 12:23 AM
A yawn started working its way over his muzzle, slowly at first his jaws widened to their full potential and emitting a small squeak as he finished. He needed more of a nap. He put the smile back on and answered her innocent question, "It's not bad. You could say that I enjoy it." He thought about it, once before now and he certainly enjoyed doing what ever he wanted when ever he wanted. No pack responsibilities to worry about. He didn't have as many friends as he would have, but those he met on the road were company enough. "Do you like living in a pack, Seraphiel?" His eye brows slid up his forehead as he turned the question back to her.

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07-07-2013, 01:39 AM

For being the first rogue she'd ever met, he was being pretty nice, especially since she had gone and woken him up from his nap. She felt kind of bad about it, but he didn't let on that it bothered him. Though the fact that he was yawning made her wish that she hadn't come to bother him. There had really been no need, she had just been curious as to why someone who sleep out in the middle of the beach. It was too late now anyways. He was already awake and answering her questions. It's not bad. You could say that I enjoy it. Do you like living in a pack, Seraphiel? He liked being a rogue. Well that was certainly the first time she had ever heard that from anyone. Albeit the only other wolf she'd met had been Eren, and the sea-green eyed woman was in her pack, but she still had never heard that before. So he liked being alone? Did that mean that her presence was bothering him then?

Audits flattened against the youth's crown, russet brows furrowing over sapphire gems as he threw the question back at her, asking her if she liked living in a pack. You could say that I do. Being around others is better than being alone, in my opinion at least. Makes it easier to figure things out when you have others to refer to. Onyx dipped shoulders rose in a shrug, thinking that she sounded just like every other pack wolf out there.

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07-17-2013, 10:53 PM

The young she wolf seemed very sweet, he was glad she was kind enough to share her opinion with him, even though his sentiments were not exactly the same. He did not feel as strong of a tug to be with others of his kind. If they were around it was great and if no one was around, well that was pretty great too.
He nodded his head in agreement, she made some valid points. "That is certainly true. I don't dislike the company of others, but I can enjoy solitude as well." He smiled, "If the right opportunity arrived I would not be upset about joining a pack."

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07-18-2013, 01:52 AM

That is certainly true. I don't dislike the company of others, but I can enjoy solitude as well. If the right opportunity arrived I would not be upset about joining a pack. She could understand his point of view. Sometimes it could get rather overwhelming being around so many wolves a lot, so taking some time alone for oneself was something that could be encouraged. Though the yearling had spent enough time alone when she'd gotten separated from her mother and brother. She didn't really look back to fondly on that time. Then again, she had been much younger then, so of course the experience wasn't going to exactly be very pleasant, but regardless the russet youth wasn't one to deny that she rather liked being around others of kin. Including Kypsis.

Would you consider coming to take a look at my pack? I don't think there would be much of a problem for you to join, especially since a member is bringing you in. Although, if you would rather not that's fine too. It was just an idea. She returned his kind smile, sapphires glancing over her shoulder back at the way she came. She was sure there would be no problem with him coming to join. It would be nice to have a friend, if she could consider the man that.

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07-20-2013, 11:55 PM

She wanted him to join her pack. He felt incredibly humbled, this cute little pack wolf decided she was fond enough of him to ask him to come to her pack. He smiled surprisedly, as he thought about the offer, thinking about it he really didn't have anything else to do. Why wouldn't he join a pack. "You would really take me to your territory?" He said curiously, it was an incredible favor to have a member bring you to the pack borders.
"Are you sure it's a good idea? I wouldn't get you into trouble would I?" He pulled his ears back at the thought of causing her misfortune.

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07-21-2013, 12:06 AM

She'd only been around him scarce a few minutes, but she could already tell that she would like this man. He was being extremely polite to her, even under the circumstances with which they had met. He was rather handsome too, though perhaps far too old to be thinking of settling down with a yearling. Not that she had any stirring feelings for Kypsis, at least not any romantic. She could see herself becoming friends with him, perhaps even good ones if she was able to convince to come join Glaciem with him. Although she respected the fact that he seemed to prefer his solitude than being with others, she didn't think that it was very fair that such a nice man was by himself. He needed a pack and maybe a few friends. Then again maybe that was just what she thought. She could be wrong after all.

You would really take me to your territory? Are you sure it's a good idea? I wouldn't get you into trouble would I? He seemed almost in disbelief at the fact that she was offering him a home within her pack. Had he not been offered one before? Surely he must've run into a few pack wolves before? She nodded reassuring, a small smile curling her russet lips. Of course I'd take you. I'm not just asking to mess with you. And don't worry about me getting in trouble, I think my alpha would actually be pleased to see that I'm bringing in a new member. At least, that's what she hoped. Her queen Eos didn't look like she was a very spiteful or mean kind of woman, but then again she barely knew her new sovereign. Perhaps bringing Kypsis in would make Seraphiel look good in the queen's eyes. That was always a bonus.

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