
Let's sing a song, and play along


07-05-2013, 12:16 AM

Spring, spring was here and there was only the dwindling signs of winter scattered across the plains. Morning dew scattered among the blades, and patches of snow here and there. There were a couple of pink flowers buds scattered about as well. Making the wolf want to jump with joy, spring meant more life, more food, and most of all there would be plenty of adventures for pups to have out in this area. He was blooming with happiness all over the place. Even though the male was usually like this, he could be practically glowing. His face was buried in a ferrets burrow trying to catch the delicious creature was a hassle. Natsu's tail wagged back and forth as he watched the morning sun just over the hills, filling the clear blue sky with light. The birds chirped that same tune they did every morning. He started singing a lullaby as he dug his paws deeper in, only to feel pain in his injured shoulder. He winced suddenly and pulled his left shoulder back licking the wound that he had reopened by trying to dig out this ferret. Blood was a strange taste, that was for sure. The male had an aching head and a clear shoulder wound a few inches deep with teeth marks of a small male. Where he had gotten them from his brother after visiting him with Tortuga being disbanded. He had a little scuffle but had managed to talk some sense into the little guy. Natsu raised his head and yawned, whining a little bit in the process. Mannnn did it burn, but it would heal with times pace. With no scars at that. It looked like Dragneel was holding back, since Natsu had seen what the small male could do to a simple bear. Natsu blinked as he saw a small white head poke out of the hole, he smiled and pounced happening to snag the ferrets snout only for it to scream and run deeper into the hole.
"Hey don't just hide again, Baka!" Natsu began to frantically dig again not caring about his shoulder, when he managed to reach the edge of the hole the little white creature was crouched into the hole. "Gotcha, you should have hid into your home, not some half assed den you know." He smiled with a chuckle, the slippery creature managed to escape Natsu's teeth and jump off his snout startling the heafty light colored male. He fell on his chin and watched as the white creature ran off in the grass. Natsu lifted his head and placed one paw under it. "Ehhhhhh, so you wanted to live that bad. Good for you little buddy." Natsu tilted his head and smiled. He got up and his shoulder locked making him fall onto his side. "Itaiiiii!" He hissed at himself, sighing at the sight of his shoulder bleeding. He started licking it again until it stopped, he stood up again and shook himself the blue eyes man looking about.
"I wonder whose out today?" Natsu wondered out loud as he looked around. These same plains that were his home, had claimed his heart just as quickly as many of the members he had already met. Epiphron, Resnera, might as well been his best friends. Even then everyone here was precious family to him, and Seracia as well. That was an adventure he had to say. He laughed lowering his head and jumping a bit. He would make his name known, no matter what he'd have a story. A brilliant warrior who saved everyone. Not some lost prince who was doomed to carry out a name of a kingdom that had been wiped out two generations ago. With his cousin here, that was enough. Natsu was overly happy, and wanted to make sure that no one else was unhappy. Life had a lot to offer and he wanted to grab at it with his teeth and claws as quickly as possible. He swung his black tipped tail back and forth spinning in circles before he lied down hidden in the grass to rest his tongue hanging out the side like some sort of puppy.



07-05-2013, 12:43 AM (This post was last modified: 07-05-2013, 01:25 AM by Gael.)

Spring was finally here, forcing winter to retreat with her icy grip, to allow the land to come back to life. Recent spring showers had already started the rebirthing of the land, breathing life back into the foliage in Alacritis, bringing out the blooming flowers all across the territory. The sun had peaked over the mountains some time ago, but the young Adravendi was barely waking up. The warm sunrays filtered through the entrance of his den, showering his body in golden rays, attacking his sleeping figure, rousing him from his sleep. Dark lids flickered, peeling back slowly, blinking rapidly as his eyes were forced to adjust to the sudden change in light. Jaws parted, a high-pitched whine slipping through his agape jaws as a yawn came through, moving the waking process along, a quick shake of his head chasing the dreariness away. Limbs unscrambled themselves from beneath the silver man, hoisting him up, spine arching in a feline manner, joints popping in satisfaction as the young man moved towards the entrance of his makeshift den, silver head poking out from the roof of the den into the brilliant sunlight, spots appearing before his eyes. It was several moments before he was able to see clearly, a round of furious blinking to thank for that. Ivory tipped paws carried the young man out from his den, cerulean gaze taking in the fresh spring morning. Valhalla was absolutely beautiful, regardless of the season. It was his home after all; how could he not love it.

Gael set out for the morning, satisfying his hunger and thirst on the to do list for the moment. He knew his home like the back of his paws, so it didn't take him long to hunt down a hare or two, chow down and find a nearby stream to drink from. And it had all happened in the span of around an hour or to. The young man didn't waste time when he went hunting. He was hungry and he wasn't about to waste time doing other things when he was trying to feed himself. After having gotten his full, the young man decided to go out roaming. He had nothing on the agenda today, since Meili wasn't around, so he decided to scour Valhalla, see who he could run into. It didn't take him long to catch the scent of a fellow Valhallan, another young man life himself. Powerful limbs propelled the young Adravendi through his home, towards the origin of the scent, cerulean gems coming across the figure of a russet colored man lying about the grass, panting like a pup. An easy smile broke across his lips in greeting as he approached the man, plume wagging in a friendly manner behind tawny haunches. Hello there. He called out to the stranger, curious to meet a fellow packmate.

Talk like this


07-05-2013, 02:35 AM

Honestly coming here had been a drag, after being accepted she was still alone. Yet to her luck she had been searching for her cousin, perhaps he could again give her some advice. Though she had found herself hiding in the bushes to watch the male digging for the ferret. He was injured? And why was he doing that anyway after all the ferret got away so it had been a waste of effort. Her eyes narrowed, what a stupid male, sometimes she honestly wondered about him to the best of her ability. It was until another male showed up that she considered walking out of her hiding place. He had greeted Natsu, maybe another Valhallan being there would lessen her temper? Either way Vahva's temper was all the same. She snorted a tiny bit and crawled out of her hiding place approaching Natsu. "What are you doing down there, BAKA!" She narrowed her eyes at him. Then her crimson orbs turned to Gael.
"Hello there!" She greeted and gave a smile, at least as best to her ability she gave one. After all, she wasn't entirely keen on being social just yet. Natsu was helping her get better, as did Killian. Her plan to create a pack was going smoothly, now all that was left was to bond with her birth family here, and hopefully an alliance would be in order when she left. Unless they would be hostile towards her for leaving. She certainly hoped that did not happen. The last thing she wanted was her new pack to be ripped apart as soon as it was banded.
