


07-04-2013, 11:13 AM

Spring had arrived, and taken hold of Alacritis. New plants were growing, and old ones blooming everywhere, and the green was finally returning breaking the white winter's grasp. Set apart against the green tufts that broke the melting snow, the ebony colored she-wolf loped easily across the ground. Her strides ate up the ground, and her ears were pricked forward, alert, just in case she happened to run into someone.

A placid smile lit up her jaws, an odd feature for the manipulative lupine. The slightly warmer air, that had escaped the winter's chill made her eyes shine in delight. She felt at home, and it was obvious when one looked at her. Juno had always been the under-dog, and always so serious, but in the early morning hours of the day, she felt care-free and relaxed. The sun's glow on her back was warm, and the day was bright with life around her. Slowing to a halt at the water's edge, she lowered her head, taking in a long drink. The water here was cold, but refreshing, and it put an edge back into the young wolf.

Juno had escaped her home, tired of being the pup in the shadows. She had ventured to Alacritis to make something of herself. Her eyes had been on powerful wolves since her arrival, wanting to get close to them- needing a taste of that power. In the current morning, her head wasn't filled with manipulations, rather she just was out stretching her legs, attempting to enjoy some of the cool air. Staring down at the water, she pondered her reflection- the blue-green eyes, each half taken from one of her parents, set her apart from others. Her personality, always so prim and proper, and always trying to get ahead, had never let her make friends. Studying herself, she wondered if she was happy? Was this really what she wanted?

A warm spring breeze picked up lazily, and carried on it the scent of another. Lifting her head, she turned, nostrils flaring, for the scent was of a wolf that she did not recognized. "Who is there?" She called, her voice light.
