
put on your red shoes and dance the blues


07-04-2013, 03:01 AM

The dry desert areas had their pros and cons, but that wouldn?t make the imp like them much more than he did the sea or the cold north. In the desert, there was no danger of water, or cold, but it instead flipped to the other extreme. Caesar did not enjoy the extremes. He was a decently finicky creature in some aspects, and liked a nice cool forest, with shade and a shallow stream. Just about any other sort of environment was not satisfying. He made sure to always escape the clutches of the heat before midday, and visit the desert only in the evening or morning. Evening was safer, and so it was as the sun set and cast the world in dimness that he found himself at the Palmetto Wash. Gaze was trained briefly to the curious stone at his feet, and he strutted about a few paces, listening to the clicks that his claws produced. Maybe the sun had baked the earth so much that it had turned to stone. It must not have been that hard though, for it was speckled with rigid and unadorned trees. They were rather impractical for the only trees out here, Caesar felt. Trees should have given shade, but these ones had only a small clump of leaves at their tops, like some pitiful and ugly wig. They certain would offer no shade during the day. He stood before one such tree, glancing upwards with mild interest.